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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/445038-My-liturgical-blue-blog
Rated: 13+ · Book · Personal · #982524
Online journal capturing the moment and the memory of moments. A meadow meditation.
#445038 added August 2, 2006 at 7:41pm
Restrictions: None
My liturgical blue blog

         L'aura del campo           

SUMMER: 2 Kamal (2 August)

'é a lua,  é a lua,  na quintana dos mortos'
♣    Federico García Lorca    ♣

My Liturgical Blue Blog

When I was growing up there was a Lutheran Church on one corner and a Catholic Church on the other. Both were very German and hated each other's guts. Both were liturgical.

Now, liturgy is like an outline of the order of service, throughout the year, mass or no mass. The choice of hymns, readings, sitting, kneeling ... Well, it is a form of ritual.

Its strength lies in its ability to organize and get everyone on the same page with no internal arguments as to who gets to eat the wafer first. Well ... most arguments, that is.

So, I am going to try to create an order for this blog. A template, lets call it. See if it helps me organize my chaotic thoughts. *Smile* Hopefully it will also allow me to throw in a surpize or two upon occasion.

████████ Sizzling? Think cool *Cool*! *Snow1* *Snow2* *Snow3*
████████ Weather where I am: 95º, and storms to the west.
████████ Weather where I used to live: 99º in Moodys, OK.
████████ Weather down under: 28º in Great Wall, Antartica.


In the garden:

Bugs; sweat clinging to me, dripping off me; the reluctant weed; the carrot slipping out of its earthen purse; one good squash, one moldy one; making mudpies to anchor down the sweet potato shoots; one dried pepper; tomatoes half red, half pale green; pumpkin blossoms; watermelon struggling through the squash.


My therapist, Susan, is back from vacation. We agreed that my goal this week should be 'to do what I want to do, as long as it isn't criminal' *Laugh*. I know too many people in constant trouble because they forget that second part!

Nothing to report on last night. Went out but I was fading before the bar got cranking, so I left early ... before 11 p.m.

Did get to hear about someone who claims he bonded with an oppossum who bit his nipple. Unfortunately, this is a real story that I didn't make up. My friend Steve had to deal with Animal Control the other night and the police too. Animals rule in this town. Animal cop-dude got there within minutes. Possum was gone and he didn't do bodies in the alley, so he left. But ... to get the 'real' cops to get someone out of the alley took much longer. Gerald was nearly run over by a red truck that Steve got to stop about 10 feet from him. Because he was so distraught and the cops so 'busy' it took them over 3 hours to come back and resolve the issue. People do NOT rule in this town, or should I say ... POOR people don't count for nuthing ...

Did manage to sleep on the narrow blue cot without bruising myself too much last night. I even came up with this:



Coccooned in its coverlet
on the narrow blue coffin,
cradled chrysalis of a spirit being,
caged in its human stage,
tosses and turns through the
dream-lost night, mere morph myths
for the nymph within that seeks change.
Tonight it will sprout wings.
Tomorrow the breeze will know it.


I have whittled the day away reading blogs again. Nasty habit. Anyone know a cure?


Does anyone know about the physical effects of salt? I'm sure schipperke would love to know! Go to "Invalid Entry and leave a comment. On the other hand if you have opinions as to why someone who doesn't have time for children would have them, read "Invalid Entry.

History is important. No, not the dates but the stories of our lives and how we got here. Read "Invalid Entry and leave a comment at this well written essay written by PlannerDan .

And then there is racism. Something very close to my jugular vein. spidey writes about her experience growing up in Philly in "Invalid Entry.

If you must know about 'range tipping' or wonder what a 'laundro-bar' may be, visit partyof5dj in his entry "Invalid Entry.

Of course Party's real name is Sneezy Chickendunkin! Yep. That can be confirmed by peeking in on jspinelli's light entry: "Invalid Entry. Gypsy4evermore is a.k.a. Fluffy Frickenfanny by-the-way!

And then there are people who can paint with their *****, well, if you must know the rest of the story, go to "Invalid Entry and leave a comment for Rainbowapple .

Dialogue is NOT my strength! But dear Wren is yakking up a storm in her recent entries to her blog "Ten-Finger Exercises. I think no one should take her on or the Wars around here could become even more interesting. CC, Tor, Party, Nada, beware!


Friend, if you possess some good, let us be friends, let us be partners for doing good, and let us ignore each other's flaws.

from Excellence in Sikhism

© Copyright 2006 Kåre Enga in Montana (UN: enga at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
Kåre Enga in Montana has granted Writing.Com, its affiliates and its syndicates non-exclusive rights to display this work.
Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/445038-My-liturgical-blue-blog