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Rated: 18+ · Book · Personal · #988356
2 Aries butting heads...some much needed perspective
#441474 added July 18, 2006 at 1:51pm
Restrictions: None
Get A Grip!!
So its been between 99 and 100 for the past couple of days. I mean its been blazing HOT!!! Over the weekend Dave mentioned a trip to Dorney park which is like Magic Mountain. I've never been to this one and it sounded good mainly due to the waterpark they have and its being discounted to $20. So I said cool. This was all set up through one of his line brothers (he's a Kappa) who works downtown. We didn't get the money in on time so he told Dave since he and I both work downtown we could meet up and I could give it it him then.

Not a problem....

So I roll out of bed this morning, waking up thinking the same exact thing (basically) that I think every morning - What the hell am I going to wear today? I need some new clothes? etc etc. I'm wracking my brain going through my clothes mentally trying to put an outfit together. I'm coming up blank.

As I'm brushing my teeth and washing my face I think about this black dress my aunt gave me from her closet that's a bit retro because of how the bottom is constructed -which is too hard for me to explain, but its cute. I always feel its a little plain but whenever I wear it I get a lot of compliments but also many people think I'm dressed up.

So I was considering the fact that I don't want to look too dressy (though I don't think the dress is dressy) and which shoes should I wear with it. At this point I'd basically made this my decision since I was running out of time and didn't have time to think of something else to wear which seems to take me forever. Everty time I tell myself to lay something out the night before boy do I get lazy! Its unbelievable esepcially since the rare times I have done that its saved me so much time.

So anyway, I grab these shoes that I know are going to eventually hurt so I grab some black slides to put into my bag as well. Oh and I grab the dress and slip it on. I walk into the bedroom thinking about what jewelry I should pair it with and check myself out in the full length mirror.

Dave immediately says "that's a sexy dress" or something like that with the word sexy and I reply that I need new clothes and I haven't worn a dress (since I haven't bought all the dresses I'd like yet for the summer) and this was the only one I really had. He then replied that I was biting off his head for giving me a compliment. So I relaxed a little though I thought he was being smart and I apologized. So we both continue getting ready for work and he leaves before me and I'm still grabbing last minute stuff for the gym, I haven't put on my earrings, I'm thinking about taking my lunch but realize I don't have time to get it ready ...its 8:06 and my train comes at 8:20. SO all of this is going through my head and the house phone rings and I know it must be Dave because its early and maybe he forgot something.

He says, I forgot to give you the check to give to Kenny (his line brother I'm meeting to give the money to) and I'm like no problem I'll take care of it....THEN...

I know you're going to get mad but it just dawned on my why you got defensive about the dress, you haven't worn a dress all summer and suddenly you're wearing a sexy dress today...and then I remembered you're going to meet Kenny and I knew....

I put the phone down. ARE U SERIOUS???!!! Is he crazy!!! Let me tell you I can hardly remember his line brothers names let alone their damn faces. I'm not really sure which one is Kenny to be honest, but attracted to. Unbelieveable. This man's insecurities are sooooo beyond me.

So he finishes saying whatever because I stopped listening and then I said I had to go (its 8:13) and he's like well okay love you bye....I hung up.

Love you, yeah okay that's love some insane jealousy that comes out of left field.

He's called all day and I've erased every message without listening to it and if he wants to go to Dorney Park he can met Kenny himself and they can have a love fest together since one of us seems to be thinking an awful lot about Kenny - and clearly it isn't me!

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