Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/441013-Chapter-20---Trust-1st-Pass
by ryc
Rated: 18+ · Book · Action/Adventure · #1028234
Action, adventure, a little romance and a twist. What more could you want? R&R Please!
#441013 added September 27, 2006 at 2:16pm
Restrictions: None
Chapter 20 - Trust (1st Pass)

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“The Summit?” Nina asked incredulously.

“It makes sense,” Mia said nodding her head. “Simple too. Bare with me for a moment.”

John watched her ease into her robe and started pacing in front of them.

“Let’s say Lady Tyrn learned that there was a traitor amongst all the nations but doesn’t have proof. The Head Mistress tries to take her out. Her plan is to ghost all the nation’s leaders except the traitor, claiming the demon’s had done it. Win-win situation. Head Mistress gets the support and commitment of all the nations to hunt down all the demons while the traitor makes out to be some hero--if he plays his cards right. Hells bells, he could even gain the support of all the nations, uniting them to one cause. Destroying us.”

John thought back on his previous conversation with Tyrn and tried looking at it from the new angle. It fits… In a way, but not perfect.

Nina sheathed the two weapons she had pulled out on the Hunters and looked at John expectantly.

Why am I the one with all the answers?

Rubbing his head in thought, John said, “Can you get the rest of your team here?”

Mia closed her eyes for a few heartbeats and then opened them. “They are coming now.”

Not wanting to know how she knew, John took her word for it. Absently he scratched his four day old beard. He itched for a shave.

“Let’s say you are right. My question is why. Why would the Head Mistress do this if she already has the mages in her pocket and a cash cow operation? She kills a rebel here and there and collects millions of gold crowns. She has kept the charade for this long, why the sudden change of mind? If she does manage to kill every known rebel, she looses in the long run. No one to cash in on.”

Weryn shook his head. “You said so yourself. The only thing that’s keeping Tekal from conquering everyone is us.”

John had said so to Lady Tyrn under closed doors. The man had been there when John had been attacked. That angered John and for a silly reason. He hadn’t known.

Don’t beat yourself up there. He is bloody invisible. How could you have known?


Don’t mention it.

I’m going crazy.


John suppressed his laughter to a chuckle. His companions looked at him worriedly. Ignoring them, he said, “Six of us, twenty or more of them. And let’s not forget the fact that they have credibility on their side.”

“So you are just going to let this happen?” Mia demanded.

Holding up his hands, John shook his head. “Never said that. We just have a tough nut to crack, that’s all. Nina, get our group in here. We will need every hand we can use. Mia. If you could get General Briar here, we might stop this war from happening if we get Lady Tyrn’s support.

The wall of energy around John’s apartment suddenly wavered and all eyes turned to the waiting room’s door. Moments later, two Caprians--a man and a woman--hesitantly walked into the room.

Correction: a boy and a girl. They look like they just got off their dad's farm for Gods’ sake.

The girl hesitated at the doorway but the boy walked forward, confident. With one look at the two, John summed them up. Ahh, to be young and ignorant.

He gave Weryn a look and the man, of all things, returned him with an apologetic frown.

Mia pointed to the boy, “Will and his sister Akara. I believe you two have already met John.”

Will, who must have not been a moon older than sixteen, gave John a cocky smile. “What’s this Mia?”

Weryn snapped, “You will address your Captain with proper respect, do I make myself clear?”

Akara grabbed the boy’s arm as if to warn him but Will only rolled his eyes, giving Weryn a mock salute. “Aye, Lieutenant.”

“Nina,” John said simply. She looked up at him with a start and then nodded before heading for the door. Unlike the two Caprian’s entrance, a neat hole formed in front of the Ghourdian before she crossed the threshold--only to immediately close back up when she passed it.

Mia looked at the two young ones disapprovingly before following Nina.

“What is going on?” Akara asked, openly worried.

“Change of plans,” Weryn said with a sigh.

John saw both tiredness and the hardness in Weryn. He knew how the man felt. He’d been in the man’s shoes more than once.

“I don’t understand. Why is he here? And alive?” Will pressed.

“Silence,” Weryn snapped, rubbing his head as if he had a headache. “Your yappering is enough for three greens. Do as you are told and leave the thinking to us.”

“That’s promising,” the boy snorted sarcastically.

“I thought Slayers didn’t mature until their mid to late twenties.” John said as the two kids made their way to his balcony.

“Hunters are different. It takes a mage to unlock our ability or a very… unique person.” The soldier looked at him curiously.

“Don’t worry, I think a mage unlocked me--as you put it. I remember one hovering over me while I was out.”

Weryn frowned. “No mage came to you, I’d know. I’m assigned to you.”

John blinked. “You sure?”

“Yea--” He stopped when the wall of energy wavered again, only to be followed by the entrance of Cedrick, Waylon, Dylon, Nina, Mia, and General Briar.

“What in the seven hells is going on?” Dylon demanded with a yawn. “Its not even bloody noon yet and your pulling me out of bed? I’m a Devotee now damnit. I shouldn’t be taking this crap.”

“Stop your whining,” Cedrick said cheerfully.

General Briar looked from Dylon to Cedrick, smiling. As he turned to John and Weryn, however, his smile faltered. “What marks this occasion?”

John had been ignoring him and Tyrn, and the general knew it.

Weryn made a warning sound but with one look from Mia, he stopped. Will and Akara joined the gathering crowd in his bedroom and all eyes turned to John.

Trying to think of the best way to start, he said, “How many of you would die for me?”

Okay, not the best plan.

General Briar’s eyebrows rose as did everyone else. Dylon was the first to speak.

“I’d prefer not to die John. But if you need help…”

Cedrick and Waylon both nodded in agreement. John turned to Briar expectantly but the man hesitated. “What is this about?”

John had debated on telling his old friend the moment he had heard Mia’s story. He knew that the time would come; he just hadn’t thought it would have been right that second. For all he knew, the general would play along until something else happened. The 'something else' worried John the most.

“Well… The short version of the story is that demon’s aren’t real, they are actually Slayers and Hunters--I won’t start with the later. Just know that the Head Mistress is planning on killing everyone but one person at the Summit.”

It was more than a little uncomfortable being the center of attention and having everyone staring at you, let alone gaping.

Nina cleared her throat after a long span of silence. “Not the best way about it, John, but I’d vouch that he is telling the truth.”

Cedrick slowly turned to Nina and then nodded. Waylon almost mimicked him exactly while Dylon and Briar just--stood there.

Briar scratched his beard and then shook his head. “You sure you didn’t hit your head too hard there son?”

“Aye,” John said with a smile. “I don’t think I could make something like that up even if I tried.”

“No I suppose not,” Briar said, he too held a smile. “Hell’s bells, why not. I’ve heard crazier things before that came out to be true.”

Dylon looked around the room, hesitating. When John looked at him expectantly, the man said, “Umm, what exactly is the Summit?”


Dylon was the only person in the room who hadn’t overheard or had known before what the Summit was. Nina answered for him, “It’s an annual meeting held in secret by all four of the land’s leaders.”

“Oh. Well then, let’s stop them.”

“Easier said then done,” John said. “The Head Mistress has at least twenty Slayers who are in league with her. There is at least one person who is in the Summit who is helping her and only the people in this room are against her plan.”

“Wait, there is someone in the Summit who is encouraging this?” General Briar demanded.

“We have a traitor amongst us,” John confirmed.

“So kill the Head Mistress and inform the guards at the Summit that there might be an attack,” Dylon said with a shrug.

Cedrick shook his head. “Assuming we can kill her, the people who are guarding the Summit is Tekal. And Tekal is the Head Mistress. I’d bet a thousand crowns that the guards there are in the Triangle.”

Nina looked doe eyed at Cedrick. He hadn’t told her he had known. John pitied him.

Dylon opened his mouth to say something else but closed it. Briar started pacing the room before he muttered, “Head or tail.”

“Aye,” John said.

Will looked between the two men and then blurted, “What?”

“Who’s the rooster?” Dylon asked, just realizing there was more than the average crowd in John’s room.

“Look whose talking?” Will retorted.

Silencing them both with a glare, John said, “He means that if we kill the Head Mistress, she could be the head of the lizard or the tail. Either the whole organization could fall or someone would just take her place. I’d think the later more the former. Nicolas is in on it and he seems like a smart enough guy to pull it off.”

“So ghost them both,” Will said with the same carelessness as Dylon had.

“If I can get to the Vanguards, we can prepare for it,” Briar said.

“No,” Both John and Mia said at once. Everyone looked at Mia and really noticed her for the first time. Not wanting to explain everything, John said, “Slayers are too powerful for your typical army.”

Closing his eyes, John thought furiously.

“What if I contacted my father?” Nina suggested. “Make it known that there is a possible threat to everyone there. That Tekal is unstable and everyone should be on their guard?”

“I could talk to my father as well,” Dylon jumped in.

John looked at Briar who had turned to him as well. It all came down to the numbers game.

Five Hunters, four Slayers, the Vanguard and every ally nation’s Brigade against twenty or so Slayers...and possibly a Brigade of enemies. We have knowledge of the trap and surprise on our side--if we play it right. Three days, John. Three days. You need to act now.

Briar nodded and John sighed, already regretting the discussion.

Turning to the crowd, Briar said, “We have three days before the Summit. Our priority is getting to every leader of that Summit with word of a possible betrayal by Tekal. That means Dylon and Nina will need to get to the Ghourdians and the Caprians. That should give us three nations on the ready after I talk with Tyrn.”

Cedrick and Waylon looked from Briar to John anxiously.

“What about the High Mistress?” Cedrick asked.

“I’ll take care of her,” John said. “You two just make sure Nina and Dylon get out safely.”

“And us?” Mia asked. Her three companions came forward from behind her. Aside from Weryn, John thought they looked like an eager group of farmers with pitch forks. Well, no. Mia looks like she could handle herself in a fight but she won’t be fighting if I have any say in it. Not a raindrop chance in hell.

“You have a way of communicating without words or signals?” John asked.

Weryn eyed Mia and a few seconds passed in silence. She looked at him as if they were arguing. Three heart beats later, Weryn backed down.

“The mages that help us made them. They are called Mindlinks and they have built in Dampeners.”

“A wha a wha?” Dylon asked comically.

“Minklinks allow us to communicate with each other either one-on-one or broadcasted to a group. Dampeners hide our spirit from other Hunters and mages.”

It made sense. Especially since John couldn’t sense their spirit levels. “That other necklace,” John said, pointing to the only other piece of jewelry she wore at all times.

Pulling it out, she showed them the small crystal that hung from a black leather thong. “Yes. Like the sa’dka, spirit isn’t needed to use it.”

“Amazing,” Briar gasped in wonder. Equipping a whole army with those would eliminate the delay in communication--making one hell of an army.

“Happen to have any spares?” John asked hopefully.

Mia nodded. “Only three.” She walked to John’s clock and pulled back the case to expose a cutout in the back. Reaching inside, she pulled out a sa’dka and three Mindlinks. Weryn just shook his head, muttering something about blasphemy as she handed John the three crystal necklaces while strapping on the sa'dka under her robe.

John handed Nina and General Briar one, holding on to the last one. Putting it on, John tucked the necklace away. He’d have to get the crash course later.

“We don’t have much time.”

Briar nodded and, as if mentally preparing himself for something, the general said, “You know what has to be done.”

John was at first confused until it hit him. Of course. If the Head Mistress dies and Tyrn suddenly vanishes in the middle of the night--and if they fail…The political nightmare that would follow would be just as bad as killing every one at the Summit. Briar will have to warn her and I won’t have much time. Which left…

Cedrick must have gotten part of it figured out for he said, “You will need a distraction and I might have an idea.”

“And if you are going to be using the portals, I’m going to have to go with you if you are going to get out of Tekal alive,” Nina said.

John immediately shook his head. “Too risky. I’ll find a way out. Lady Tyrn can leave with the Tekal embassy to the Summit. That only leaves Mia and her group that needs a Slayer--that is you can’t activate the portals, right?” John said, turning to Mia.

“We can,” She said with a smile.

“That’s it then,” Briar said grimly. “Nina and Mia’s group head to the stables and wait for John’s return. Waylon, take my Mindlink and follow Cedrick. Once John gives you the word, you make that little distraction and then pick up Dylon to take to his father. You," he pointed to Akara, "come with me so I can tell John when I tell the Lady. She should be kept out of this until we reach the Summit. We all meet up in three days here.” Briar pulled out a map of Ghourd where a dot marked Ghidean, the town that the Summit was being held.

“On the west side there is an old barn with plenty of cover. You could fit a small army in there. Mia, can you get some of your people there in three days time?”

“A few, but only a handful. Maybe three more?”

“Better than nothing. Ready John?”

John sighed and nodded. Everyone turned to the two Ce’lians curiously,

If it is going to be realistic…

John pulled back his arm and punched his commanding officer in the eye--hard.

"Chapter 21 - Betrayal (1st Pass)
© Copyright 2006 ryc (UN: evolvedsaint at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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