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Rated: 13+ · Book · Fantasy · #1126572
A fantasy novel, read inside for more details.
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#437830 added July 3, 2006 at 5:19pm
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Chapter 1
         Tael grunted as he swung the heavy axe, splintering the log on the ground into three smaller pieces. He was sweating profusly, having been outside cutting wood for almost two hours. It was a daily chore needed for cooking and heating the house. Unfortunately for Tael he was the only one able to do it; his brother was too young to lift the axe and his dad was to busy with the farm. Alas he didn't complain much, the labour helped him relieve some pent up stress.

         There wasn't much in terms of beauty. Tael was in the middle of his father's work area. It was filled with wood, tools, a shed, and pieces of furniture that had yet to be finished. All along the ground was saw dust and wood chips which helped keep vegetation from growing in. Along the edge of the clearing there was a thick wall of pine trees, with no apparent exit except a small path leading back up to the house. Only a few yards to the west was a small pond where he would go swimming. That was where Tael saw the beauty of the land. Tall trees all around, and not just pine trees but maples, walnut, and even a lone beach tree resting out over the water on the north end. If you looked across the water it was so clear it seemed to be a continuation of the air around you. All kinds of animals would nest around here yearly, and one could learn alot by just observing from the shore. It was a haven for a fifteen year old boy.

         As he reached ninety-six pieces cut he decided he was done for the day. Seeing that it was early in the afternoon he figured a swim would be nice. Tael swiftly made his way to the pond, removing all his clothing and putting it in a small pile on shore. He had a few pine needles from the trees nearby, but he brushed them off. Quickly he waded in, not worrying about the temperature because the pond was never cold. It was the sun, a small body of water in a clear area was always warm. Before he knew it he was up to his neck and swimming. There was no point in the pond Tael couldn't touch because of his astonishing 6'2 height. He quietly swam over to a planted raft in the middle of the pond and crawled on top. Resting atop he looked at the sky, smiling and thinking to himself. He built the raft himself three years before for exact times like this; it provided a perfect view of everything around him. Before he knew it he was drifting off, unaware of the screams that occured while he was asleep.


         He awoke with a start, his shoulder length auburn hair plastered to his face from the swim earlier on. Tael noticed from the sky it was now very late in the day, almost dusk actually. For a moment he was captivated by the red moon setting on the horizon, but quickly swam back to shore because of how late he was for dinner. As he scrambled to get his trousers on while running he hit a root and fell, landing hard on the ground and grunting in pain. Tael quickly got up and limped slowly the last few yards up his house, not noticing all the lights were out.

         As soon as he opened the door he knew something was wrong; the lights were out, it was quiet, and there was a stale smell in the air. He finished dressing and moved through all the rooms, at last stopping at his parents bedroom. As he stood before the door he felt a sense of foreboding and dread. Slowly the wind opened the door for him, revealing a gruesome scene. His father lay dead and torn; a look of desperation on his face, and a short sword gripped white knuckled in his right hand. He was sprawled on the bed, blood covering and staining the previously white sheets. His mother lay a few feet away, laying on the ground facing away from him, but also clutching something in her hand.

         Tael moved into the room like a man made of stone. As he moved he paid no heed to the three dead men in black that lay close to the entrance of the room. He bent down and took the sword from his father's hand, and took the amulet from his mother. She was so beautiful, even in death; Tael had never thought his parents were capable of dying. He moved out of the house, all the while his bright green eyes looking straight ahead. He never thought about where his brother was or what was going to happen to him, he couldn't think at all. As he reached the front door he stumbled and fell. All the energy seemed to leave him again at that point as he lay on the ground, and passed out.


         I awoke quite suddenly to the jostling of a carriage. Strangely enough I was in it, on a padded bed of some sort. It was white all inside with no one else that I could see. There must have been someone though because they had to drive the carriage. There were a few windows in the carriage, revealing the trees on both side moving swiftly by. Was I dead?

         It was then that all the memories flooded back. I felt myself choke up almost instantly, but I couldn't cry. I swooned and fell out of the bed, realizing I was only in my undergarments. A rush hit me and I panicked, quickly scrambling around looking for my clothes. I had to get out, for some reason I had to run and get away.

         All the comotion I caused must have alerted someone for the carriage stopped and there was a knock on the side door. It was accompanied by a voice "Tael, Tael are you awake? I'm afraid I need to talk with you". How did he know my name? I've never heard this man before in my life. He had a deep voice, a very deep voice. I could see him being a very big man too accompany the voice appropriately.

         "Umm, yes, I...I'm awake but please don't come in. I'm not dressed" I was scared, I didn't know what to do. Should I let him in now? I quickly found my clothes off to the side and dressed, moving to the door to make sure it was locked. I felt unclean and dirty, having worn my clothes for what seemed days straight. "I'm done, I'll come out, b...but promise your not going to kill me" I didn't know why I said that, it must still be the shock and sorrow I felt.

          I heard the man sigh "I know what your feeling right now Tael. I knew your parents and it is safe, I am safe. Please come out, we have to talk." I was still very hesitant. I mean, who was this man? How did he find me? We never got visitors at the house. Before realizing it I had opened the door and he stood a few steps below on the ground beneath the carriage. I had guessed right, he was a big man. He had a girth the size of a whale, but it looked small in comparison to his height, he was at least five inches my senior. He was also older and sported a large grey mustache, accompanying braided locks of grey hair and a braided beard. I'd have guessed late forties but could be wrong... Alas he seemed friendly enough so carefully I stepped down, touching the ground and looking up at him hesitantly. Only the trees looked familiar, I would have guessed we were north of my home.

         "Ah, Tael, its good to see you. I can't see you remembering me though. We actually just arrived at our destination, the rest of the way is on foot." I could see him smirk and he walked up a small path just before the carriage. I followed after him quickly.

         "What's going on here? Where am I and who are you?" My head was spinning from the recent occurences. I realized now why the carriage couldn't follow us; the entire path was made up of boulders and impassable red woods. I realized it was much farther north than I originally thought.

         "Well, I guess you could call me your uncle, and I guess you could say I've officially adopted you. I was really close To Alysandra and Ralak, your parents. What's troubling me is I found no sign of your brother" I knew it was a question more than a statement. I realized now I didn't see Svente's body anywhere, maybe he'd survived. Maybe he was back at the house, maybe... my mind was spinning again and I stumbled. "Woah there, watch your step, we'll talk when we reach my castle" ...Castle? I had barely heard it, who was this man? I didn't speak again though, I felt I needed to sit down to hear what was about to be shared with me.

          As we walked I could tell the land was rugged, massive boulders and trees all around. It was almost as if the forest around my house was just enlarged. I smiled at the thought of what animals would live around here. Perhaps I would be able to take a look around later.

         Slowly we approached what seemed to be a giant wall with a large door wide open in the centre. As we went through the feel of the land seemed to change. I went from vast wilderness to a small town, a small village almost. It was a courtyard, a courtyard to a very large castle standing right before me. We walked through another large door and my environment changed once again.

         "So, I... assume this is the castle you spoke of" My voice was weak from the shock. I couldn't help but smile; I thought he was joking about having a castle. No one related to me should have a castle.

         "Yes it is, and she's all mine. Now come with me and I'll show you to your new chambers where we can talk" I saw him inflate with pride when he mentioned his castle. Quickly I followed after him, through halls with massive ceilings, pieces of armour and paintings. Up stairwells that seemed to climb to the heavens, until we reached a small oak door. "These are your chambers, they were the closest I could get to my own. Oh, and by the way, this little keep is nothing; can't even call it a real castle. Wait until you see the capital" and with that he walked through the door, beckoning me to follow.

         "Ah, I've always liked these chambers, a little small for my taste but comfortable none the less." He moved around the room slowly. I followed closely behind, afraid to get too far and still staring wide eyed at the portraits and pieces of stone work all around me. He came to stop and sat in a large chair from across the biggest bed I've ever seen, and beckoned me to sit. I did slowly, afraid to ruffle and disrupt the perfectly aligned sheets. He laughed, I can just imagine how foolish I would look; almost like a kid the first time he climbs a tree.

         "Hmmm, where to start. First off my name is Christoph Huebon, and you may have guessed that I'm not really your uncle. I was very close friends with your parents and took upon me the duties of guardian should anything happen to them. Seeing that something has...that is why you are here now." I could see the pain on his face. If what he said was true then he would feel almost as bad as I would. "You will be staying here for quite a while. I hope you will make yourself at home quickly though because we need you to catch up on things." I didn't know what he meant by catch up on things, so I was curious.
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