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NO more humor... just more tragic, sad, sick, twisted goings ons - Sorry |
You want to know what vindicates my opinion about Bush, Bush's war on terror, and politics: What much smarter, and in-the-know people say about Bush, Bush's war on terror, and politics. When I read the following Newsweek article, I can't help but wonder why the people who know, who really know... the people who are writing and telling us all very publicly about the ins & outs of the goings on in Iraq, in the United Nations, in Iran, and in Russia... I wonder why nothing changes. It's like, "okay... so you know...", but you can't do a damn thing about it. "Too bad, so sad..." I am ashamed of President George W. Bush... and the entire American Government. I am ashamed that these men and women have lost site of what "of the people, by the people, and for the people" actually means. The process by which a Democratic Government functions no longger seems to be working. Why? Bush proudly stomps around like a King. It's shameful. Bush has clearly and repeatedly said he is a leader, and it is "hard work". What happens when a leader no longer cares, and is not subject to what the people he is leading thinks, feels, or care about? What happens when a President holds himself to be above the law, about the Constitution, and is no longer subject to the checks and balances our forefathers set forth? Here's an eloquently quote from the article I'm asking everyone to read: " If the United States is ever going to get out of Iraq with any semblance of honor, it’s going to have to have a relationship of equal respect with the people running the government there. It can no longer treat them as servants. It can no longer pretend it’s running a “protectorate” for incompetents—especially since it was our own incompetence at the highest levels that got us into this mess." In the above quote, the bolded emphasis is MINE! I'm as tired as anyone of the war in Iraq, but though tired - I can't allow myself to use that as an excuse to turn a blind eye to what Bush is doing in Iraq, and here in America. Please read: The Rule of Order 17 An American agreement puts a motley array of foreigners above the law in Iraq. It’s time to take away their license to kill—and to stop treating Maliki’s new government as a servant. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/13621382/site/newsweek/ |