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Rated: E · Book · Horror/Scary · #1121251
My quick collection of gruesome spinetingling setupers...
#434995 added June 20, 2006 at 7:18pm
Restrictions: None
My First Story About One of My Prompts
"On a cold night you hears noises then you look out the window to find a dead body on the lawn..."

It was a cold Montana night, A breeze blew that freeze your spit as soon as it left your mouth. Kelly was sitting on her couch watching the final installment of the Friday the 13th series. While she sat there eating popcorn, scared to her wits end she heard a noise coming from the kitchen. She paused the movie, got up and walked over towards the unidentified noise.
As she got to the kitchen she realized she had left the shutters open and thats what the noise had been was them hitting the side of the house. She went back over to the couch, hoping the noise hadn't woken up her little sister April, and hit play on the movie.
She cringed as blood flew all over. People getting hacked and bloodied.
"Man that Jason must be having one bad hair day." She said quietly to herself.
Her astounding blue-green eyes reflected the terrible images on the screen.
She paused the movie to go check on her little sister, whom had gone up to her room about an hour ago.
As she rounded the top stair she saw that April's door was open and so was the window. She walked into the room and started looking around for her nine year old sister.
"April" she said queitly when she couldn't find her little sister.
"APRIL!" She screamed once she realized April wasn't in her room. she ran through the house in a frenzied rage, looking for the nine year old girl. When she did not find her she went outside, hoping April's sleepwalking problem hadn't led her right out the back door. No, Kelly thought to herself, I would have heard her go out.
As she ran back in to the house, She saw now that her sister's door was closed. She walked up to it slowly hoping that Jason or Freddy Krueger wasn't behind it, hoping she would see her little sisters luminescent smile glowing back at her.
She gathered all her guts and opened the door. Her sister sat on the bed staring back at her.
"Where were you?" Kelly asked as the panic left her body.
"I had to go to the bathroom" Her little sister answered, her slightly cherubic face staring into Kelly's amazing eyes.
Kelly stared back but she didn't see her sister she saw innocence.
"Ok go to bed now, you start the fourth grade in the morning." Kelly said happily, knowing that she now was done with her schooling having graduated high school. As she closed the bedroom door, She turned and walked down the hallway then down the stairs. She slumped down on to the plush leather couch her mother had purchased a few weeks ago. And pressed play on the remote control.
As the movie finished Kelly got up and walked over to the kitchen to wash out her bowl which was occupied with popcorn at the beginning of the movie. She thought to herself, man if only mom was here then she'd be taking care of all this stuff.Her mother had left on a three day vacation, stating that now that Kelly had graduated she could help take care of her sister.
As Kelly was placing her dish on the drying rack, She looked out the window. She saw something weird a man laying in the middle of her yard.
"Hmmmmm, thats odd" she whispered.
She thought to herself it's probably just my imagination, or maybe it's some drunk that got lost on his way home.
She opened the back door to go check. As she approached him she realized he had been out here for awhile judging on the fact that he had ice all over him. The she saw blood. Blood everywhere.
"What the" Kelly said,"sir, sir are you alright."
She shook him trying to wake him up to find out what had happened. As she shook him his rigor mortis stricken cadaver flipped over.
Kelly staggered back, she couldn't talk as if someone had hit the mute button on her. Out of his head stuck an enourmous machete. A matter of fact she remembered from the movie she had just finished, she realized it resembled Jason's Machete.
As she turned to run into the house she realized someone looking out the window she had seen the body through. She couldn't see who it was due to the ice on the window. All of a sudden the door slammed shut and locked. A habd then plummeted through the window. Shattering glass flying everywhere. A man wearing a hockey mask and blue coveralls jumped through the window.
"WHAT DO YOU WANT??" She yelled to the man whom appeared in better vision now. As she looked at him she realized, this was Jason. She thought to herself no it's impossible. She started to run as fast and as hard as she could. Trees flew by her as she ran through the forest trying to either reach city or reach civilization in general. She often asked herself why her mother chose to live here where there are no neighbors for miles. She heard feet not running but walking in back of her. She turned around a tree and kept running. Smack! Right into him. She layed on the floor realizing this couldn't be happening, this couldn't be happening.
"Kelly, Kelly, Kelly." He said
Wait, Kelly thought to herself, Jason doesn't talk.
"If your Not Jason, Who are you?" She said as the man in blue coveralls and a hockey mask started to mutate into something ten times as worse, burn't face, red and green sweater, and last but not least.... A hand of knifes. Freddy Krueger
"Freddy Krueger, but I'm not asleep."
"Didn't mommy ever tell you not to watch horror movies before you go to sleep, YOU'LL HAVE NIGHTMARES!!
Kelly woke up on the couch she jolted up the stairs to her little sisters room to make sure she was ok. She walked in to find her little sister lying peacefully in her bed. Kelly walked out of the room and closed the door. When she turned around she wasn't in her house, she was in their old house.. on Elm Street.

© Copyright 2006 Dylholio (UN: dylanier at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
Dylholio has granted Writing.Com, its affiliates and its syndicates non-exclusive rights to display this work.
Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/434995-My-First-Story-About-One-of-My-Prompts