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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/432731-One-of-Those-Typically-Lousy-Days
Rated: 18+ · Book · Biographical · #1030039
This will show our fight with Fibromyalgia, so others can learn that it's real.
#432731 added June 11, 2006 at 7:19pm
Restrictions: None
One of Those Typically Lousy Days
         Yes, you read it right. Today has been one of the days that's "lousy" from start to finish.
         It really started yesterday (Saturday) afternoon. The weather this entire weekend has been cloudy, chilly and damp with periodic showers or storms. Weather like that will almost always set off the pains of Fibro in some form, at least in most fellow patients Kenzie and I have talked to. And it does it for us every single time. The only question is the form it will take when it strikes. My daughter Tiffany was here for the weekend. She decided she wanted to go bowling, and would wait a while to see the movie "Cars". Problem was, Kenzie had no energy, and not only couldn't go with us, she'd been asleep about 1/2 hour when Tiffany made the choice of what she wanted to do.
         It'd been 2 years since Tiffany had been bowling, and at least ten years for me. I went downstairs, got my bowling bag with my grandfather's ball and shoes, and we headed up to King Pin lanes.
         Yes, I've used my grandfather's ball and shoes from the start year ago when bowling with my dad. The shoes fit like a glove, and I didn't even have to have the holes in the ball moved and redrilled. I used the ball as it had been for him, too. I rather like that idea - talk about family heredity *Smile*. I just wish I could have followed in my grandfather's steps with my knack for the game - the very first time he picked up a bowling ball in his life, in his 70s, he bowled a strike. I still love that thought, today.
         Tiffany and I both started off absolutely lousy at it, of course, but were having a ball. By the time we stopped however, TWELVE GAMES later (lol), we were both doing much better. Tiff's highest score was about 60, mine was almost my old average. My highest score was 142. We decided to do it again, most, but not all of the weekends she's here. That's how much we both enjoyed it. And it's great exercise for me, considering the diabetes.
         We got home 3 hours after we'd left. Kenzie was up, and she said she'd figured out where we went because if it had been the movie we would have been home sooner, and she'd awakaned about an hour and a half before we got back. lol. She apologized to Tiffany for not having the energy to go with us. Hopefully she will next time. Tiff openly said she'd love that.
         The problem continued this morning. Kenzie didn't have the energy to get up for church. And when THAT happens, you know something's serious. Kenzie is very devoted in her faith and hates to miss a single Sunday. And I admire her for that. But today was not to be. And it was particularly disappointing to both she and I as our church started an 8-week series on both sides of the controversy surrounding The DaVinci Code. One that we both have been looking forward to. So I knew she was still worn out.
         Me? I almost had problems getting up this morning too, but I knew one of us had to be there. To keep us both up to date on the series, yes, but to get our T-shirts ordered for when we participate in outside activities as part of the church, like our township's 4th of July parade. Today was the last day to order the shirts.
         As I sit here now (6:30 P.M.), I'm starting to slow down again myself, so we'll see how long I last tonight.

         Last night, I couldn't tell how much pain was from fibro, and how much was from bowling for the first time in 10 years or more. LOL I hurt all over. Legs, back, and arms. Mainly the back, though. But for once it was worth it. Some real one-on-one father-daughter time. Always worth it. She and I hadn't been able to come up with an activity to give us that, then it came to her mind right out of the blue last night about 6:00. I have to believe God had a hand in that idea coming to her mind. It was a great time, worth the pain I felt later last night.
         We'll see what a new week brings. Right now, it's jsut my legs as has been the usual lately, regardless of weather. But I AM slowing down early. So we will see. Later, all!

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