Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/431007-Chapter-Four-The-First-Step
Rated: 18+ · Book · Fantasy · #1115131
A questing story that'll take you to straight to the depths of seven worlds and beyond
#431007 added June 5, 2006 at 1:14am
Restrictions: None
Chapter Four: The First Step
“Wake up, tough guy.” It was Gerulf. Lionel opened his eyes. Gerulf was standing over him barely concealing his smirk. Lionel sprung up and grabbed hold of Gerulf’s lapels.

“We can get it! We can get it!” Lionel flew out of bed and danced with his jacket happily.

“I was right! I was completely right! I don’t believe it! I was right all along! All that hard work! It finally paid off! I’m not a failure!” Success never tasted sweeter until Lionel waltzed himself right into Cassandra, who had materialized somewhere between “It finally paid off!” and “I’m not a failure!” She grunted in surprise. Lionel fell back, momentarily shocked, but he recovered quickly.

“We found it! We found it!” He said beaming, “We’ve got a Tabuletary! It works!”

“Okay, Brain, we get it. You figured out that stupid little code in that blank book Abner used to keep around as a dust collecting conversation piece.” Gerulf was more than miffed at Lionel’s good fortune and Cassandra, like usual, was neutral.

“You don’t understand, we hold the key to six new realms! Six new worlds at least! Perhaps with all sorts of inhabitants! It’s incredible! Science will never be the same! Who can foresee the possibilities?”

“I don’t care about your stupid thesis,” Gerulf began petulantly, “Abner wants to see all of us now. It’s a big meeting. I suggest you get ready. Pack you bags too.” He turned and stormed out. Lionel paused awkwardly as a pall fell across his fit of elation.

“Was it something I said?”

“Gerulf hates the feeling of being bested, whether you meant to compete with him or not. It is much too complicated to explain, but it’s not you. He’s just as touchy when I bother him,” Cassandra didn’t wait for an answer muttering under her breath something about, “the damn wolf.”


The Big Wig Dining hall was loud and clamorous in light of the huge discovery only a few hours old. Abner seemed terribly restrained in the midst of all the chaos, and as Gerulf entered followed by Lionel, he called all present to order.

“Now,” He began solemnly, “New travels very fast around here, and no wonder, since we’ve barely had anything exciting to talk about for the last twenty years.” A titter of laughter broke through the crowd, but it soon died away.

“However, as of a few hours earlier, we have made the discovery of a generation. The a legendary artifact has been found, and it will be a worthy tool for science in the hands of our new Master of Sciences, Mr. Lionel Puck.” There was a casual round of applause, Lionel blushed despite himself.

“That is, if Mr. Lionel is willing to join our ranks here at the 13th Guild.” Everyone fell silent.

“Yes. Yes I will.” Lionel said with a firm nod. Everyone cheered and clapped happily. Lionel eyed Cassandra lurking in the back towards the shadowy corners, she was neither smiling nor clapping. Her face bore a look of extreme discomfort, as if something had upset her stomach. She caught sight of him, and promptly vanished.

“Then it’s settled, Mr. Lionel will head the expedition to search for Meras. However, Mr. Lionel will not be able to go alone, and I wouldn’t allow it if he insisted. He must have at least one partner. One good partner. So, to make it fair I have assembled a lottery in which everyone’s name is placed. I will draw a name at random and he will be his partner.” Abner dipped his hand into a handily placed basket and drew out a slip of paper.

“The name is,” Lionel could feel everyone stop breathing, “Cassandra.” Everyone murmured in quiet reverence. Mr. Eliezer stood up angrily.

“Mr. Everett, pardon me for being frank, but are you sure she can be trusted with something this important, her past record of insubordination and the frequent transgressions against your implicit orders brings her qualification for this position into question.”

“The ballot will not be retaken.” Abner raised his hand and Eliezer sat back down shaking his head in disapproval.

“But in deference to the concerns of this Main Council, I’ll appoint another to go along and see that she obeys orders.” Abner compromised.

“Hah,” Gerulf snorted, “Who’d you think would want to do that?”

“Why, Mr. Leperou, I thought most assuredly, that it’d be you,” Abner said innocently.

“What!” Gerulf bellowed.

“Well if you’re frightened,” Abner began.

“I’m not frightened!” Gerulf insisted before realizing he’d just dug his own grave.

“Then it’s settled. Will the traveling party need more than two hours to prepare?” Abner finished with pleased smile. Gerulf stood paralyzed in shock still holding up his finger in mute protest.

“I don’t think so, if you can provide us with food rations for at least a few days.” Lionel replied. Gerulf stormed past him and out of the dining room giving him a hard shove.

“Pay him no mind,” Abner instructed warmly, “We reconvene in two hours, then. Until that time, gentlemen, please return to your normal duties.” The gathering disbanded and Lionel rushed quickly to his room. He hadn’t had a chance to actually sit and read bout the whole “traveling” process, which is something he had to be at least a little familiar with in only two hours.

“So little time,” He murmured as he turned the thick cover of the book open.

Welcome Lionel Puck, Vessel. The words slid across the front page casually.

“Vessel?” Lionel asked. The book didn’t reply.

I, Raphaeus, will be your guide to traveling to the other 6 worlds.

“Six?” Lionel blinked, “I thought there were eight total.”

One is the world within which you reside,
Two is the land of unbroken pride.
Three is the sea of endless shame.
Four is the Land of Books without a Name.
Five is a divided nation where the demons play.
Six is the land of plenty that wastes away
In Seven endless night may reign
but be ye a sleepless traveler all the same.

But Eight is the End of all these Seven,
The judgment among Hell, Cleansing River, and Heaven.
For no mortal man may enter the End,
Without Death’s Last Letter in Hand.

“You mean, one is closed off. You can’t take me there?” Lionel scrutinized the enigmatic poem for any other information about the forbidden eighth world.
I cannot. Time is not patient and to learn the routes, you must read my words carefully, if you do not, I cannot be held responsible for the consequences.

Lionel subjected himself to the strange book’s teaching and what seemed only a few minutes turned into a full two hours. A soft knock resounded against the door, chilly air blew in beneath the door frame, flooding the room with a peculiarly familiar cold.

Lionel turned and Cassandra was already standing there peering over his shoulder trying to look disinterested. He pulled the book away like a child with a toy he didn’t want a playmate to see.

“Do you always walk in on people? Or float in, or even poof in? Whatever you do to get around.” Lionel asked trying to sound a little irritated.

“Only when they’re late.” Cassandra replied and quietly exited the room. Lionel, scrambled for notebooks and pencils, shoving them into a small knapsack from home.

He was finally ready to go, finally ready to embark on a journey he’d only dreamed about in some distant memory of his nothingness life before yesterday. The usual jitters accompanied his excitement, but as soon as he stepped from his room out into the hall with Raphaeus tucked under his arm, they disappeared.

The group of three begins their quest
Towards light, truth, and happiness
Locking arms, Vessel made the sign.
To bring them into a different place and time.
Through the fairy gate they flew
Looking towards their future new
With unknown paths yet to be found
As the darkness closed around and around.
As the darkness closed around.
© Copyright 2006 Scarlett Quill (UN: drklydngrous89 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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