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Jamie, the new Superboy, helps residents of a community that is stricken by a hurricane. |
Gregory and Jamie flew over the area close to where Grandma Esther lived, in Gulf Breeze. They stayed close together, carefully remaining within line of sight of one another. Ordinarily, this would have been almost impossible beyond a dozen meters or so, but with their super vision the boys easily maintained visual contact. The howling wind buffeted the two boys, but this did not bother Greg as much as it did Jamie. Greg was enthralled by the majesty and power of the storm, although imbued with Jamie’s power, in truth it was no match for his own! Within no more than a few minutes, Greg was flying like a veteran super boy. He had taken to his powers like a duck takes to water. Jamie smiled to himself, as a rush of pride in his friend washed over him. “Jamie! Look over there!” Greg shouted, pointing at a house on the ground. “The roof on that house looks like it’s about to go!” “Oh no! There are people in that house!” Jamie exclaimed, as he scanned the house with his x-ray vision. “We need to get them out of there as fast as possible and then we need to take them to the nearest shelter!” Suddenly, a tall oak tree, which in the back yard began to topple. “Greg! Get that tree!” Jamie shouted. Both boys swooped down and grabbed hold of the falling tree, deflecting its fall from the house. It would have smashed through the roof had the boys not shoved it aside. By then, part of the roof had been blown off the house. The boys flew through the gap into this house. They found a lady and her two children hunkered down in an interior hallway storage locker. “Hey! Are you three alright?” Jamie asked the lady and the kids. Her children were a boy and a girl about ten and eleven years old. “Yes… Thank you so much, Superboy…” the lady replied her voice quavering with fraught nerves. Jamie explained. “My friend and I have got to get you out of here, now. We’ll take you to a shelter…” Greg gave the lady a reassuring grin as he took her hand. Jamie took the hands of the two kids. They took off and flew to the school in Chipley, they were staying. They dropped them off at the front door to the school and took back to the skies. Jamie grinned at Greg. “Congratulations on our first rescue, Super Hero!” he shouted. Greg nodded. Then he said to Jamie, “Dude, we better get back to the shelter, before somebody notices we’re missing…” “Yeah… I don’t want Mister Jake to get too suspicious” Jamie agreed. The two boys flew to the back side of the school, where Jamie had cut a hole in the wall, with his heat vision. As soon as the boys had landed, they crawled through the small opening in the wall into the small storage room. Vibrating at super speed, Jamie quickly dried himself off before donning his sweatshirt and sweatpants over his costume. The boys stepped out of the storage locker and into the classroom, where Carrie was asleep on her cot. Jamie and Greg went out into the hallway where they ran right into Jake, the security guard! “You two!” Jake barked. “Where have you been?” “Uhh… we…” Jamie stuttered, not knowing for sure what to say. “How come both of you have wet hair?” Jake noted. “Have you two been outside?” “No… we…” Greg began to respond. “I’m keeping a close eye on the two of you!” Jake said angrily. “You two were outside! Are you crazy? Do you realize that there’s a major hurricane outside, just a few miles away from here?” “Yes, we know that! We didn’t go very far! We were just…” Jamie began to respond, before Jake cut him off. “You are NOT supposed to go outside! Is that clear?” Jake snapped at them. “If I see that you’ve left again, then I will notify your parents and then you’ll be in BIG trouble! Is that understood?” Both boys just remained quiet, as Jake slowly turned around and started to walk away. “I’m keeping an eye on you two…” he muttered. He said it just loud enough for the boys to hear him. “Rats! I can’t stay locked up in this shelter, where people are in danger outside!” Jamie said to Greg. “You’ve got to cover for me, Greggy! You have to help me out with this!” “What are you going to do? Are you going out again?” Greg whispered to him. “Yes! I have to!” “Jamie! If Jake sees that you’ve escaped from the shelter again, and then he’ll tell my parents and we’ll both be in trouble!” “I realize that!” Jamie responded. “But there are people out there who need my help! We’ll just have to take a chance, Greggy!” Greggy nodded gravely. “Alright, Jamie. Go! I’ll cover for you. But check back here and make an appearance between rescues. That ought to keep Mister Jake happy.” Jamie and Greg entered the classroom. Carrie had just awakened. “Close the door, Greg… So nobody sees me going into the storage closet!” Jamie said. Greg closed and locked the classroom door. Jamie doffed his sweatshirt and sweatpants, revealing his Superboy costume. He then pulled on his red boots, completing his costume. Yet again, before her very eyes, Carrie had witnessed Jamie’s transformation into the “Boy of Steel.” Carrie asked “Where are you going, Superboy?” she wondered, while she stood right in front of the caped, muscular boy. “I’m going out to help people who are caught in the hurricane…” he whispered back to her. “But, Ssshhhh….” He placed his index finger before his lips, indicating that she should keep quiet. “It’s a secret, just between us. Please don’t tell anybody, okay?” “I won’t tell anyone, Superboy!” she whispered back. Jamie turned around and walked to the storage room. Carrie quietly followed behind him. She had reached out her hand and took hold the edge of his long, red cape. When Jamie arrived at the hole in the wall, he turned around and warned the little girl to stay inside. To be continued My website contains my works of science fiction and fantasy. Check out my website at http://www.superfantasystories.com |