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Jamie, the new Superboy, helps residents of a community that is stricken by a hurricane. |
Greg left the room, closing the door behind him. Wes just stood in the corner and surveyed the book shelves, speed reading several volumes as he waited patiently for Greg to with his little brother. Presently, Carrie awakened and looked up. She didn’t say anything to Wesley, who smiled at her. “Good morning, Carrie…” Wes said to her. Just then, Jamie and Greg walked through the door. Greg closed the door behind them, so that Wesley wouldn’t be seen by anybody else. “Hey bro…” Wes said, handing Jamie a white plastic trash bag. “Here’s your suit. Put it on but only show it when you’re outside, okay?” “Yeah… Thanks for bringing it down, Wes...” Jamie smiled, as he pulled the familiar blue-and-red costume out of the plastic bag. Carrie gasped when she recognized the suit. She stared at Jamie with her mouth wide open, as she continued to stare at the boy, who was holding the familiar blue-and-red suit in his hand. “The storm has made landfall, Jamie. The eye wall is passing over Pensacola Beach right now.” Wes continued. “Make sure that everyone in the shelter is alright, first. Then, make your way out of here. More than likely, there’ll be people out there who’ll need your help! If you need my help, just ring my cell phone. If you can’t get through, just call me with your voice. I’ll keep my ears peeled for your voice and I’ll hear you if you call out my name. You do that and I’ll come back as quick as I can make it down here.” “Okay! Thanks a million, Wes! I owe you one…” Jamie smiled. Jamie and Wesley embraced momentarily. “Be careful out there! The hurricane is over us, and it is nasty out there! The rain is really coming down and the wind gusts are very, very strong… Just be sure you know what you’re doing, when you get outside, okay?” “I will… Thanks, Wes…” Jamie answered back. He hadn’t needed any of Wesley’s “coaching.” He’d been a super boy much longer than Wes. But, he appreciated his older brother’s concern for him. Jamie adored his always protective older brother. Jamie turned around and stepped into a small storage room. Moments later, he emerged in his Superboy costume. Wesley stepped up to the window, opened it, flew out into the storm and disappeared into the overcast in seconds. “Holy cow! You look so different when you’re dressed up as Superboy!” Carrie exclaimed. Greg laughed. “Yeah, Carrie! Hard to believe ‘our Jamie’ is also the world famous ‘Superboy,’ huh?” The little girl just nodded her head, as she gawked at the super hero, standing right there in front of her. “Well, I need to get out of here…” Jamie said. “I need to find some other way of getting outside of the shelter, without being seen by other people…” “Why can’t we use the window, like Wes just did?” Greg asked him. “No… I need some sort of a secret exit out of the school building…” Jamie replied, as he wandered around the classroom. Greg and Carrie just followed him with their eyes. “Ahh… I know!” Jamie cheered, as he snapped his fingers. “The little storage room…” Jamie walked to the door and opened it. He switched on the ceiling light. There were a few shelves, a slip sink, four wall and no windows. The room was barely larger than a closet. It was used to store cleaning implements and supplies. Jamie surveyed the room. He knelt down and fixed his gaze on one of the walls, just above the floor. Greg saw Jamie’s irises change from blue to green. Right away, he knew that his best friend was using his x-ray vision. “I’m going to make a secret door through this wall, so I can get in and out of the building without being seen by anyone else but you guys…” Jamie announced. Jamie rested his hands against the wall for a moment. Then he took a step back. Red pencil beams of light fired from his eyes, converging on the wall. Jamie’s heat vision sliced through the wall, cutting the brick wall like a knife a hot knife through butter. “Oooh wow….” Carrie gasped. “That is so cool, seeing Superboy in action; and so close to us…” “Yeah, I know…” Greg chuckled in reply, to his little sister. Within no more than a dozen seconds, he had a clean outline about one meter square clear through the wall. With this palms, he slowly shoved the rectangular piece he’d cut free, out of his way, and he crept through the hole, followed by Greg. Carrie started to follow her brother, but Greg stopped her. “Stay inside, and don’t tell anyone where we are, okay?” Greg instructed her. “But, I want to come with you! I want to be with Superboy!” Carrie whined in reply. “Are you crazy? It’s way too dangerous! Stay inside!” Greg growled back in response. “What if mom and dad ask for you guys?” she wondered. “Tell them I’m with Jamie and that we went outside for just a few minutes.” Jamie and Greg emerged through the hole into the driving rainstorm. Greg was obliged to shield his eyes from the stinging rain. A strong wind gust suddenly came, knocking Greg off his feat! He fell on the ground, now completely drenched. Jamie rushed to help Greg back to his feet and held him steady with his powerful right arm. “Here,” Jamie said. He grinned as he drew small rings out of a pocket in his cape. “Put this on your right ring finger!” he shouted at Greg, as he handed him the ring. The wind was blowing so loud, that they could barely hear each other’s voices. Jamie slipped an identical ring on his finger as Greg did likewise with his. Greg grinned as a felt a substantial measure of Jamie’s power flowing into his body. “Wow… this is so sweet… I can feel your power!” Greg exclaimed, as he was now able to stand up against the rain and the hurricane force wind gusts. “Let’s head on back to the hurricane strike zone.” Jamie suggested. “Use your x-ray vision and super hearing to scan the buildings for any people who might be trapped or stranded. And Greggy, you need to stay in line of site with me. We’ve both got to keep that in mind as we work. You’d lose your power very quickly if we lost line of sight contact with each other, Greggy, okay?” “You got it, Supy….” Greg smiled in reply. Both boys leaped into the air, and they flew off, heading west, toward the Navarre and Gulf Breeze communities, where eye of the hurricane was passing right then. My website contains my works of science fiction and fantasy. Check out my website at http://www.superfantasystories.com |