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Jamie, the new Superboy, helps residents of a community that is stricken by a hurricane. |
“The category numbers come from a special scale that measures the wind strength of the hurricane. The scale is called the ‘Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Scale’, and it uses the numbers from 1 to 5 to express the intensity of the hurricane” Herb began to explain to the three kids. “So, what does it mean, if the storm that’s coming here is a ‘Category Two’ hurricane?” Jamie asked Herb. “Any tropical weather system with sustained winds over seventy-four miles per hour is categorized as a hurricane. Storms with weaker winds are considered tropical storms.” Herb continued. “A category one hurricane has winds between 74 and 95 miles per hour. A hurricane like this can cause minimal damage to structures, but it can cause trees and power lines to fall down.” “If ‘category one’ means that the hurricane is the weakest, then what number is given to the strongest?” Greg asked his dad. “The strongest storm is a category five hurricane, which can have winds of 155 miles per hour, or more! This is the most destructive type of storm. The winds are so strong, that it may cause significant damage to roofs of homes or buildings. Doors and windows can be blown out. And complete structures can even collapse due to the powerful winds!” Herb replied calmly. And any hurricane can also spawn tornados. “So, what happens now? What are we going to do, if a hurricane comes here?” Jamie asked Herb. “We’ll need to move to a shelter, which may be several miles away from here, and further from the coast. A hurricane is usually at its strongest over the ocean, because it is fueled by warm water. Once the eye of the storm makes landfall, it can cause a lot of damage! We’ll need to get out of here…” “A shelter?” Carrie cried. “I don’t want to go to a shelter!” “We can’t stay here, if a hurricane comes!” Greg explained his little sister. “We could get killed if we tried to stay here!” “The Red Cross will open up shelters. They’ll be using sports arenas, schools, or other large buildings. We may need to go to a shelter. I’ll know for sure by this afternoon. It all depends on whether or not the hurricane will come here …” Herb said to them. Greg quietly turned to look at Jamie. “Do you hear that?” he whispered to his buddy. “You gotta do something, Supy!” “Like what?” Jamie asked. “What do you expect me to do to a hurricane? Blow it away? Not a chance!” “Can’t you fly through it? Maybe you can break it up or something?” “Are you nuts? Do you know how big a hurricane is? I flew through the hurricane this morning, and the winds were really strong! And it was just a category one storm. It’s a lot stronger now!” Jamie replied. “There’s gotta be something you can do!” Greg said in frustration. “Greg! If a hurricane came here, I’d try my best to save as many people as I could. But that’s all I could do! Even I couldn’t stop a hurricane.” Jamie whispered back. “I want you boys to stay around here. Amy and I are going to help grandma to board up her store. We’re going to get canned food, bottled drinking water, batteries, and some other things, just in case.” Herb explained to the boys. Afterwards, Herb and Amy took Carrie and they went to help out grandma, while Jamie and Greg stayed around the beach by the motel. “This is going to pose a problem, if we’re going to be stuck in some shelter! How are you going to help the people who are in need, if we’re inside of a shelter?” Greg asked Jamie. “Greggy… I’m going to need your help! You’re going to have to cover for me. I brought my super-rings along, so you’ll be able to give me a hand. Other than that, we’re just going to have to wait and see what happens!” Jamie said in a serious tone. The boys spent the rest of the morning walking along the beach, swimming and collecting sea shells. They strolled out onto the pier, overlooking the Gulf. They had decided to make the best of the time they had left before their vacation could be cut short by the oncoming hurricane… * * * That evening, while the boys were in their motel room, playing video games, Jamie was startled when he suddenly heard a familiar voice, ringing inside his mind! “Jamie… Meet me on the roof of the hotel… I need to talk to you…” the voice said. Jamie immediately recognized the “voice” as Wesley’s. He told Greg that he had to go outside for a few moments. He got up and walked out the door, leapt into the air and ascended to the roof. There he found his brother Wesley waiting for him. “Hey, bro… You do know a hurricane is headed this way, don’t you?” Wes asked his little brother, who had just landed in front of him. “Yeah, we heard the news. We’re probably going to leave here early tomorrow morning!” “Jamie! This is serious! A hurricane is extremely dangerous! You need to stay with Greggy and his family, and you need to protect them!” Wes told him. Jamie sighed deeply. “I know. I’m just feeling a bit nervous about this whole thing. I’m actually feeling a little scared! I was flying through the hurricane this morning, when it was over the Florida Keys, and it was nasty!” Jamie told him. “Part of me just kinda wants to go home…” “Jamie!” Wes said. “You can’t come home now. You are Superboy and these people need you!” “I know…” he sighed. “I didn’t say I WOULD go home. Of course I wouldn’t. But what should I do about this hurricane, Wes?” “What you should do is jut stick it out and do what you can. All you can do is all you can do. Just do your best and try to take care of Greggy and his family.” “Well… Can you bring me my costume and cape?” Jamie asked him. “Look, Jamie… I’ll come back tomorrow. If you’re not here, then I’ll find you. I’ll bring your costume, but I don’t think you’ll need it…” Wes replied. “For one thing, if you have to stay in a shelter, you surely can’t change into Superboy in there!” “But, how can I help the people then?” Jamie asked, spreading out his arms. “I just can’t sit back and watch while a hurricane rips this place apart! People might get killed!” “I know that, Jamie!” Wes said. “I’m not saying you should just sit back. If you see people in need, then go and help them!” “How can I help them if I don’t have my cape?” Jamie asked him. “Jamie…” Wesley replied calmly, as he took a step closer to his little brother. He noticed that his brother was clearly feeling upset. “Help whoever you can, okay? Just because you’re not wearing your costume, that doesn’t mean you can’t help people who are in danger.” Jamie let out a deep sigh, as he bowed his head and stared at the ground. To be continued My website contains my works of science fiction and fantasy. Check out my website at http://www.superfantasystories.com |