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Jamie, the new Superboy, helps residents of a community that is stricken by a hurricane. |
“Yes. A hurricane usually brings lots of rain and very hard wind gusts…” “Uh oh…” Jamie said. “Don’t worry, Jamie!” Greg assured his best friend. “We won’t get a hurricane! Don’t worry! You worry too much!” “Yeah, well… Doesn’t a hurricane bring a lot of wind?” Jamie wondered out loud. “We’re not getting a hurricane!” Greg assured him firmly. “No storm is going to ruin our vacation!” Jamie rolled his eyes and laughed. “How do you know? The hurricane might come right over Gulf Breeze!” Jamie laughed. Greg stared at him with an exasperated look on his face. “Don’t say that!” he hissed. “It might actually happen! If a hurricane comes here, then it will all be your fault!” “Oh sure… Just blame it all on me!” “Yeah! Your fault!” Jamie just laughed at Greg’s silliness. “If a hurricane comes… Then Superboy would to fly over it and blow it away!” Carrie asserted confidently. “Superboy can’t stop a hurricane!” Jamie answered. “I bet he could.” Carrie interjected. I bet Superman or Superboy either one could stop a hurricane if they tried. “Carrie… Nobody is strong enough to stop a hurricane!” Jamie explained to the girl. “Not even Superboy or Superman!” “How do you know?” the little girl challenged. “Has Superboy ever even tried?” “No. At least not that I KNOW of…” Jamie answered a little uncertainly. “Well, I bet Superboy could blow away a hurricane using his super breath!” she announced. “I’ve seen him put out fires on TV just by blowing on them with his super breath!” “I hope so, Carrie…” Jamie murmured. “I really hope so…” Herb parked the SUV in front of a small convenience store; Greg, Jamie and Carrie immediately opened the door and jumped out. “Ahhh! I really needed to stretch my legs,” Greg sighed, as he strolled around the parking lot. Jamie quietly walked behind, laughing at his best friend’s silliness. “Aren’t you feeling stiff from sitting in the car for hours and hours?” “Uhh… No, not really…” Jamie answered. “So dad, why did we stop here?” Greg asked his father, pointing to the small convenience store. The front was glassed in and there were two large glass double doors leading inside. Herb answered. “We’re here to say hi to grandma!” Greg looked at him with a puzzled expression on his face. “Here? Why here?” “Grandma owns the store, Greg!” Herb explained. “You haven’t seen your grandma since you were two so you wouldn’t remember! Oh! There she is now. That’s her, right behind the counter.” An older, short lady stood behind the counter. Her gray hair was cut short. He specs were suspended from her neck by a silver chain and she wore a string of pearls around her neck. She was shorter than either Greg or Jamie, but she had a friendly face and big, blue eyes. She wore a white button down shirt with the logo of her store embroidered on the right pocket. The store was called “Shop at Sea”. “Hi momma!” Herb cheered, as he pushed the glass door open. “Herb! Oh you finally made it!” his mother answered, as she quickly walked past the end of the wooden counter, so she could greet her relatives in the middle of the small store. “Momma, you look great!” Herb grinned, as he embraced her. Herb was over a foot taller than his mother, so he completely covered the little woman with his large body. “Look, momma, here are the kids…” Carrie and Gregory came forward. This was the first time they’d seen their grandmother since right after Carrie was born. “Oh my, what a handsome young man you’ve become!” grandma grinned at Greg. “Last time I saw you, you were just a toddler!” Greg embraced his grandmother. “I’m so happy to see you, grandma!” Carrie greeted her grandmother as she let go of Greg. “Hi, grandma!” she said in a soft voice. Her grandmother had seen her right after she was born, but of course Carrie had no memory of that... “Come here, Carrie. Come say hi to your grandma!” she grinned. “My, you’re such a cute young lady! You look just like your mother!” The two embraced briefly. When they pulled away, grandma had tears in her eyes. Amy came up to her and hugged her as well. “It’s good to see you, Esther. You look great,” Amy said. Esther and Amy talked for a moment. Then grandma looked up and saw Jamie. “Oh my! I didn’t realize you had another son!” Esther said to Herb. “No, mom! This is Jamie. He’s a friend of Greg’s from school!” Herb smiled, as Jamie approached the short, elderly woman. Jamie noticed right away that Esther was just a few inches shorter than he! That was unusual for him, since he most often found himself the shortest in the group. “Hi, Miss Esther!” he said, as he shook her hand. Esther just stared at him for a moment with a very serious look on her face. Then, her face lit up with joy, as if she sensed something unusual about him. “It is very nice to meet you, Jamie!” she said to him. “Thank you! You’ll be such a big help to us all!” Herb, Greg and Jamie stared at her with confusion. What was she talking about? Suddenly, Amy called out for Herb, and asked him to help with a gift for grandma out of the van. This left Jamie, Carrie and Gregory alone with grandma. “I sense great strength and power in you…” Esther said to the boy. Jamie looked at her in shock. What was she talking about? To be continued My website contains my works of science fiction and fantasy. Check out my website at http://www.superfantasystories.com |