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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/423471-Mmm-mmm
Rated: 13+ · Book · Personal · #982524
Online journal capturing the moment and the memory of moments. A meadow meditation.
#423471 added May 5, 2006 at 6:44pm
Restrictions: None
Mmm mmm
SPRING: 7 Jamál (4 May)

*Balloon5* *Balloon5* *Balloon5*          *Star*           *Balloon5* *Balloon5* *Balloon5*

Weather where I am: 56º and rainy.

Weather in Petal, Mississippi where my cousin Barbara lives: 72º and on the way to 88º.

Weather in Rivera, Uruguay: 64º Autumn degrees and pleasant all week.

Health Inspections

AL had an entry about new health regs in Sweden "Invalid Entry. I commented that once-upon-a-time I was a health inspector. She replied that I should share some stories. I said:

You know ... I should. Problem is, it's only been 3 years and the trauma is too fresh. My grief surrounds job and home and loss of friends. The last is the worse.

But ... someday! I'll need to try to remember. I've spent years now trying to forget.

Like that day I got bit by a "Banana" (well that was the dog's name). Or the cockroaches on Laurel Street. Or twisting arms to get ma and pa operations to comply with the regs. ... I was pretty good at that. I didn't like the hard hammer approach some of my co-workers preferred.

But it's still a sore point. And the details that make stories interesting seem to escape me.

Hope your inspectors in Sweden don't find any dead flies in their soup! *Laugh*


Action: picking oak leaves.
Noticed: the variety of oaks in town.
Seen: thyme with pink blossoms; golden coreopsis; purple columbine; blue spiderwort;
a cardinal in a branch 2 feet above me; branching statice; waterdrops on iris.
Smelled: fragrant honeysuckle vine.

Today is Thursday, Onsdag, Jueves, Jeudi ... whatever. That means Tea @ 3 up on the hill. I did my 'brochure' (#26, a two sided folded sheet of lavender paper) and printed it already. So I get to sit at Robin's computer and play at blogging. Then I get to go up the hill. Boring ... I like it because I get to see my friends, but it can be just another routine stop in a boring life. I'm tired of it.

A couple short sketches from last night:

Mmm mmm

crumbled chesse
peanut butter
pickled peppers please
mouth moves makes moans
grabs some beer


May Day

bend new oak leaves,
gather on the iris.
As we stomp through muddy puddles,
we splash.


Tea Time

Well Richard League liked the poem I wrote for him yesterday. Saw him at tea. He gave me a new assignment, due next week (A whole week? *Shock*). "The Nuke You 'Lure' Option" based on Dubbya's comment, "We are keeping all of our options open". Now, truly, writing political satire is not my strength ... but I've already written a couple verses. Argh ... why me? Can't quit this writing bug; it's got a hold on me.

Saw Allyson and Ryan and Douglas of course. Shocked Allyson! Well ... y'see ... I cut my hair. Now, understand, it can reach 110º in the summer here and even though this week might, I say MIGHT, reach 70º one should be prepared. So I cut it. Myself. *Laugh* Anyone got a pair of shears to even off the trim *Cut*?

And I cut my beard too. Couldn't find my friend's trimmer to just shorten it, so off it came. Everyone but me seems to be in shock! Although, I must say it feels kinda oddly cool and light (gives a whole new meaning to light headed). Now no one will think Hubb and I are brothers *Rolleyes*.

Thursday's Angst Report

Mood: up and down *Smile* *Frown*
Energy level: low *Balloon5* *Balloon1*
Anxiety Alert Level: YELLOW
Depression level: medium (5)
Trauma level: okay (2)
Did I accomplish anything? Yes.
Writing: yes; Blog: yes; Journal: pg 963; Reading: no; Money: no; Home: no; Car: no; Career: no; Personal: yes; Food: yes; Clothing: yes.

© Copyright 2006 Kåre Enga in Montana (UN: enga at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
Kåre Enga in Montana has granted Writing.Com, its affiliates and its syndicates non-exclusive rights to display this work.
Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/423471-Mmm-mmm