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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/422894-Chapter-9-Heading-Out
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Rated: 13+ · Book · Action/Adventure · #1083500
Fast paced action adventure set in the Cascade mountains of washington state.
#422894 added May 1, 2006 at 7:23pm
Restrictions: None
Chapter 9-Heading Out

Tobal thrilled at being called ‘brother’ but a chill feeling of dread swirled around his tailbone. What had he gotten himself into, he wondered. The events of last night’s party were hazy and he didn’t remember much. He did remember the initiation though and how powerful it had been. He said as much to Rafe.

"You’ll have plenty of opportunities to participate in other initiations and experience them more completely." "In fact", he grinned, "you can have an active part in every circle and initiation from now on if you choose. It is an important part of your spiritual training. That’s how we do it out here."

As they walked toward the center of the camp Tobal was surprised at how big it was and how many permanent log buildings had been built. This was his first real opportunity to see the camp in daylight. There were permanent structures like the sweat lodge nestled near a clear pool of mountain stream water. Others seemed to be just empty sleeping quarters. The larger log building where they were headed was the galley and stood out from the others.

Teepees were being taken down and put away. It seemed some of the empty buildings were used for storage. The teepee seemed to be the favorite for those desiring a little more privacy. They were built with long poles lashed together at the top and spread out in a conical shape at the bottom. They were covered with the gray woolen material that seemed to be used for just about everything out here. Many were insulated with heavy furs fastened over the woolen material and tied into place. Tobal wondered in an amused way how many trips through the sanctuary building had been made to get that many of the gray blankets.

They were not the only ones getting ready to leave. Many others were already leaving or saying their final goodbyes. Tobal was trying to remember the names of people he had met and failing miserably. He felt good though and found himself looking forward to next month when he would see them again. In the galley they had a final breakfast of cooked venison, wild onions and sweet potatoes. With bellies stuffed, packs and canteens full, they picked up their walking sticks and headed out of the camp.

They didn’t go back up the cliff but went down further through the valley and into the foothills. Rafe explained that nobody stayed near Heliopolis. His camp was about 40 miles away from sanctuary and there were other camps even further out. Most people stayed no further than thirty to sixty miles from the gathering spot though. Everyone was expected to find plenty of food and game in individual areas that were not over hunted and fairly private. It was mainly a nomadic existence, especially during the training phase. So you followed the food.

At various times of the year animals would migrate and move out of one area entirely and into others. Winters were hard and people set up permanent camps with stored food caches to help survive when fresh food was hard to find. This time of year the weather was mild and the days were warm and beautiful. The snow was rapidly thawing and new shoots of green vegetation ensured they wouldn’t have to worry about adequate food in a few more weeks. There were small animals and new plant life everywhere they looked although it was still too early for any insects.

Shortly after leaving the gathering spot Rafe said, "Give me your map."

Tobal handed Rafe his map and Rafe marked an "X" on it. "This is my main camp", he said. "We will be heading there first. That’s where I will show you how I make things and what a permanent camp looks like, especially in the winter. We’ll stay there a week or two while I teach you the basics you will need to know. Then for the last two weeks we will go out and find you some new territory to solo in. Ok?"

Tobal fought a knot of icy fear and managed to nod in agreement. He wasn’t quite certain about how easy this was going to be. Two weeks didn’t seem like very much time at all.

"Ok, then", said Rafe. "You know where my camp is now so you lead the way!"

Tobal was momentarily confused. Then he understood and took his map back. He studied the spot Rafe had marked and compared it to where the mark for the gathering spot was. He knew they were about ½ mile north of the gathering spot and tried to orient himself on the map. The map showed Rafe’s camp lay about 50 miles in a northeast direction. Damn, he thought, Rafe certainly isn’t one that likes living close to the gathering spot. It would take a hard two days getting to his camp, maybe even longer if the terrain was really rough.

He noticed something else. Rafe was making certain his map had sanctuary, the gathering spot and Rafe’s own permanent camp on it. He felt a warmth of gratitude toward Rafe for that. If anything went wrong he would be able to find help if he needed it.

Tobal sat down with the map trying to puzzle out the best way to get to Rafe’s camp. He noticed that it was in some very rough country which meant it would be at least three days and not two.

"I don’t know if we can get to your place by going in a straight line."

Rafe grinned evilly, "It looks like 50 miles in a straight line but it’s more like 100 the way we’ve got to go. It’s going to take us almost four days to get there."

Four days! Tobal suddenly felt very vulnerable and unprotected. How in the world was he supposed to survive in this God forsaken place. He fought a rising panic and looked at the map again more carefully. Four days meant they were going to need water. He noticed a small stream 25 miles away and decided to make that their first camp. It was a little out of the way but he felt it was a good idea to stay close to water.

He studied the map some more and decided the second day they could head straight north and set up a dry camp. The third day would be another dry camp and they would reach Rafe’s camp sometime on the fourth day. They would also reach water on the fourth day before reaching the camp. He explained his plan to Rafe and showed him the map. Rafe studied the map thoughtfully.

"Ya, We can try that", he said. "You did a good job thinking about what you were going to do and made a plan. You also remembered we need water and that’s very important out here. It looks like a good plan and I’m willing to try it with you. Lead the way", he said.

© Copyright 2006 anarchistbanjo (UN: anarchistbanjo at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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