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Rated: ASR · Book · Religious · #1098004
The Armor of God has become a tangable object; what will be come of Earth.
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#422843 added September 7, 2006 at 6:56pm
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Chapter 3: Things Old and Forgotten
Chapter Three: Things Old and Forgotten.

“Let me see it." Almost sounding excited.
I pulled the helmet out of my book bag slowly. Treating it like an ancient artifact or a Da Vinci work of art. I looked at it somberly then looked directly at the strange man. Then he began speaking, seeming to know what I was going to say.
“The helmet you are holding is the Helmet of Salvation.” He began to explain. “It is said in scripture that it is only a figurative armor that God instills every loving soul, to protect them from temptation. But now, it has manifested into an object. An actual armor to be worn by the chosen.
“How convenient.” I thought to myself.
“There are several more pieces to the armor,” He explained. “You would like to know more…yes, I can see it in your eyes.”
He was right; I did want to know more. What was it for; did God really give it to me? So many questions running through my head, and I didn’t know where to start, but there was one question that I did need answered now.
“Who are you?!?” I belted out.
He gave me a grin as he began to speak, “Now, now young Alex, so full of pride and anger. I like that about you, it’s two of your better traits.”
The statement he made better traits? My interest peaked even more. Who did he work for, why did he say pride and anger?
“You said there are more pieces other than the helmet?” Putting my self in defense mode.
“Yes, you are quit correct. The helmet itself is just the beginning. You must understand my student, as you develop you faith, much more will be given to you.”
He became noticeable more excited. His eyes widened, now I could see that he did not have human eyes. They were pitch black, no visible pupil or iris. They looked dark and demonic. As I started to pay more attention to his attire, I noticed a cross, but he wore it upside down, why.
“What is it young Alex, you look fearful.” As he glanced down at my shoes. “Do not be afraid, just put the helmet into your satchel my student. Allow me to take it to my home, so that I may study it, understand it fully… for the both of us.”
He was very persuasive, a great speaker, and his eyes were spellbinding. Why did I feel like I was getting lulled into giving him the helmet? He seemed to know a lot about the helmet, maybe I should of read up a little more about it myself, but there was no time for that now. I had to get my focus back, I was in control, or was God. Never the less, he was not getting this helmet with out a fight!
Why did he want to take the helmet with him, he was too anxious. He tried to cover it up by using calming words like young, faith, and student. Why student, he did say he wanted to teach me, or did he want to teach his self?
“Let’s do it together.” I spoke in the most confident tone I could muster up.
Then he began to smile again. “Young Alex, my pupil. You could not phantom the immense power held in that helmet. I would just lose my soul, if something was to happen to you if I could not control the power.”
His eyes widened even more, and his face grew a gruesome cold, then he laughed almost uncontrollably. It was not the laughter of joy, but more like deception… a trick, something was not right. More and more I felt something, someone pulling my away, why? The rain, now that I started to pay it attention again, was coming down harder than before, I was soaked. Were these the tears of God coming down?
“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your path straight.” Proverbs 3:5-6.
“Here, catch!!!” I yelled out, as I threw the helmet into his hands.
“AAAHHHH, damn you boy!!!” Where the words of pain he screamed out as he tried to grip the helmet in his palms.
He couldn’t hold it, the smell of siring flesh flowed though the air as he quickly dropped the helmet to the ground. I grabbed the helmet off the wet pavement as quickly as I could while the strange man was occupied with his hands. The helmet was hot as coals, but yet it did not burn me.
As I ran faster and faster down the concrete sidewalk, all I could here were muffled screams of pain, and how he would find me.

Is it eleven forty fiveor is it twelve in the morning? I hadn't noticed that my watch stopped working around ten thirty, just as I met up with that peculiar gentleman.
As I was walking down the rain covered road, soaking wet and scared, my mind was running one hundred miles an hour; peddle to the metal kinda thoughts. Why would anyone want me to have this power? Why would God want me to be a saint? I'm a sinner, I do wrong, heck I didn't even attend class half the time.
"And do this, knowing the time, that now is high time to awake out of sleep; for now our salvation is nearer than when we first believed. The night is far spent, the day is at hand. Therefore let us cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the Armor of light. Let us walk properly, as in the day not in revelry and drunkenness, not in lewdness and lust, not in strife and envy. But put on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make no provisions for the flesh, to fulfill its lust." Romans 13:11-14
As I turned to look back, to see if the awkward gentleman was still pursuing me, a flash of white light! What just happen? In an instance, I was enveloped by a radiant white light. The rain had stopped, as I was being engulfed by this magnificent white aura. I must have been going crazy! It was beautiful; it was the most amazing thing I had ever seen. It was warm, I wasn't wet any more, and my mind was at ease, it was wonderful!
© Copyright 2006 JWill* needs a chance* (UN: jwill at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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