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My first ever Writing.com journal. |
mama grape gives me the everloving creeps. sunday night, when i was watching this for the first time with my roommate (who, despite being exactly my height, is over one hundred fifteen pounds heavier than i am), she started on this whole thing about how in the south they prefer "voluptuous" women (a fact she calls to my attention five or six times a day), and how, in her town, i'd be considered so freakishly thin as to fall into a category with mama grape. she's leaving on friday, which is good, and long overdue. i just really don't have the emotional energy to deal with her. i do not have it. what i do have is one best friend who is making me feel sort of like a prostitute, and another best friend who isn't speaking to me because of something completely ridiculous, and two summer jobs that i can neither perform at the same time nor decide between, and an eight-page paper due tomorrow at three, none of which is written, and a room so messy i can't find my thirty-pound backpack, in it. and cuts on my feet from stepping on the iron plug. and she and i are having the same argument every day, now, about how because her tv is a magnavox the sound doesn't carry as efficiently, and so therefore i'm supposed to put up with her trillion-decibel recorded church sermons, and keep my panasonic tv down at a volume that doesn't interfere. it's the same argument, every day, and it's completely asinine. but, it all is. before today i was feeling like it was sort of time to give up. these classes, impending finals, it's all kicking my ass, downright literally. when i get into bed at night, or technically in the morning, the feeling is a lot like how it feels to pee after holding it for an hour in the car. and it wasn't paying off, because grades have all taken a turn for the mediocre, and i'm on duck-and-cover relationships with all but two of my professors (i.e., if i spot one in the hallway or out on the sidewalk, i duck and cover before they try to rope me into conversation). today, though, there was this wild grade turnaround thing--the bowling coach randomly forgot that i didn't do the extra credit, and i finished this paper that i thought was going to take me through the end of the week, and i found out the strange assignment that i "blew off" (her words, not mine) is actually worth a lot less of the final grade than i thought. so, i'll be okay. originally i was just going to watch five or ten minutes of this movie and then go to sleep. i did not intend to rewatch it in its depressing entirety, but, i just did. the evening officially ends on a low note. ** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only ** |