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Fast paced action adventure set in the Cascade mountains of washington state. |
"Powers of the East. Brother Oak is properly prepared for initiation as Apprentice into our ancient craft." He was led further and stopped again at another point. "Powers of the South. Brother Oak is properly prepared for initiation as Apprentice into our ancient craft." This was repeated two more times, once at the West and once at the North. Then she led him back near the center of the circle where he felt the heat from the bon fire against the front of his body. "You are about to be recognized as an Apprentice of our clan and circle. As an Apprentice you are expected to gain the skills to survive on your own in the wilderness. You are expected to take care of your own belongings and eventually set up your own household. You are expected to solo for one month to prove your mastery of survival skills. Following that", she continued, "you are expected to train six others even as you will be trained. You must do these things before you are allowed to progress into the 2nd degree of our ancient and holy craft. Do you understand this? Do you agree to do these things to the best of your ability?" "I do", said Tobal. "In agreeing to these obligations you have passed the test required and may now take the Oath of our circle. Are you ready to continue?" "Yes, I am." "Will you always help, defend and protect brothers and sister of our clan from harm?" "I will." "Then repeat after me, I, Brother Oak, in the presence of the Lord and Lady, most solemnly swear I will keep the secrets of our clan. I will never refuse to share these secrets with a brother or sister if they have been initiated as I was. I further swear I will not loose control of my thoughts, words, or actions. I will not use my powers for evil purposes and I will proceed with firmness and courage to the conclusion of this initiation. I will let my inner conscience and higher self guide me in all ways. I further swear by my hopes of a future life, mindful that my measure will be taken. May my weapons be turned against me if I break this solemn oath. So help me, Lord and Lady and my own Higher Soul." "Now we are going to take your measure." Tobal felt the High Priestess and someone else stretch a cord from the top of his head to the ground and heard them cut it. Then the string was placed around his forehead and a knot tied as thet measure was taken. Next he was asked to raise his arms and the string was placed around his heart where another measurement was taken and another knot tied in the cord. Lastly he felt the cord around his hips and genital area where a final measuement was taken. The High Priestess wound up the string and placed it on an altar that stood near the fire. "Before you are sworn, are you willing to pass the ordeal?" "I am willing", Tobal answered. A drum began to sound and he could hear the outer circle come alive as members began to dance and move around the circle. They gently pushed and nudged Tobal as they passed turning him until he was giddy and completely disoriented. This seemed to go on forever as a feeling of stuffiness, energy and heat within the circle became overpowering until the cone of power was raised. Tobal felt like he was about to faint. Abruptly the High Priestess called a halt and turned Tobal back to face the bonfire. "If you seek the light, you shall find it!", she shouted snatching the blind fold from his eyes. He was momentarily blinded and couldn’t see. "This bonfire is the symbol of the triumph of truth and wisdom. The light it gives is symbolic of the greater spiritual light you now seek." Placing her hand on his head, she intoned, "In the name of the Lord and Lady, I transmit this blessing of love and light to stir your higher self and bring you into the light." A tingling and pouring of light and energy flowed through Tobal. It was so powerful he felt dizzy and happy at the same time. The High Priest came up next placing his hand on Tobal’s head. "In the name of the Lord and Lady, I transmit this blessing of love and light to stir your higher self and bring you into the light." Again Tobal felt the tingling as a wave of energy swept through him. It was a different type of energy but just as powerful as the first. They felt different but somehow they also felt like they belonged together. He felt himself being torn from his body and pulled into a vortex of energy that swirled him upward to be embraced in the arms of a man and woman of radiant light. This must be the Lord and Lady, he remembered thinking before he collapsed. Later, the High Priestess helped him to his feet and showed him a small bowl of oil and clay goblet of wine sitting on the altar. Moistening a finger in the oil she traced a symbol in the middle of his forehead where his third eye was located. "I mark you with the triple sign." "I consecrate you with oil." Dipping her finger in the wine, she again drew a symbol on his forehead. "I consecrate you with wine." "I consecrate you with my lips", she said lastly and softly kissed him on the lips. Then she handed Tobal a piece of paper. He recognized the Oath of the Apprentice written upon it. "Now you must sign the oath you have just taken." Tobal signed the paper as everyone cheered and applause erupted all around the circle. Looking around the circle for the first time, Tobal saw fifty or sixty people cheering and waving cups at him in celebration and congratulation. After the applause died down the High Priestess handed him a pair of gray woolen trousers. "The color gray symbolizes the imperfections that are within each of us. As we strive toward the spiritual life these imperfections become harmless and as we accept them they in turn nourish our souls like the seed is nourished by the dark rich soil of the earth. Our imperfections help us to grow stronger if we use them wisely and learn from our mistakes." She handed a sheathed knife and belt to him. "This is your true weapon. It symbolizes the mastery of thought and intent over the material world. As you learn the art of survival in the wilderness you will come to appreciate how important this simple tool can be. It will one day save your life. You will also use this tool in your dreams as your spirit grows stronger and is tested by your personal fears and demons." As he buckled the belt and knife around his waist the High Priestess gave him a decorated wine skin filled with mead. "This is the vessel of the Lady, the Holy Grail of immortality. From this we drink in friendship and in honor of them both. It is the emotional joys and pleasures of human companionship that make life deep and rewarding. It is in sharing our lives with others we find purpose and reward. Life is an eternal celebration and it must be celebrated with others lest we find ourselves alone and unloved." "These are the tools of the Apprentice. In the second degree you will learn other mysteries." Then taking her own knife in hand she said, "Brother Oak, to learn you must suffer and be purified. Are you willing to suffer in order to learn?" "Yes", Tobal answered. |