Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/419042
by X-Bug
Rated: 18+ · Book · Fantasy · #1093300
Raziel's life is somewhat mediocore and lonley, but can one tiny event change it?
#419042 added April 12, 2006 at 12:22pm
Restrictions: None
Chapter 1: Dark Secrets Lurk In Even Darker Places
Chapter One: Dark Secrets Lurk In Even Darker Places

It was a lovley spring day, all were out playing and cheering, some were raking their yards, others sweeping their porch, no matter where you'd look on this day, there'd be not a single soul wasting this oppurtunity to go outside and enjoy the fresh air. And if you'd believe someone like me, you should be shot. Everyone knows that among bustling, busy people, there lurk the boring, dull, and lazy people. One of those boring, dull, and lazy people happened to of been sleeping in. However, you may not be the only one who finds a problem with sleeping in towards daylight, the time, at this very moment, is 2:17. There is something wrong with that, right? Raziel, a fourteen year old boy, happened to of been sleeping at this time. And, if you haven't figured it out by now, he is our boring, dull, and lazy person.

Raziel awoke with a jolt as he looked around his room. His cat, Whiskers, was cuddled up on a pillow on the floor sleeping. He turned his head to look some more, but he came across one of the most dreadful sites you would ever lay your eyes on in your entire life. It was the flood of sunsight seeping through his windows, Raziel immediatly covered his eyes and groaned.

"I love spring vacation... but I hate the sun." Raziel said as he got out of his bed. He walked down the hallway and into the bathroom, where he looked into the mirror. His dark blonde hair with brown streaks through it was all frizzy and standing up, this may of indicated how well he slept, which must not of been very good. Raziel also noticed his eye color had changed. His original eye color was a dark green, while they now had a bluish tent, which to him was noticable.

"What the heck...? My eyes changed color. No, that's impossible, your eyes never change. Maybe I'm having a morning mirage... or something." Raziel said to himself. Raziel never thought much of superstitous belifs, he thought only liberals and nuts saw them. He was neiter a liberal or a nut, just a normal kid. Right? Well, he's close to normal. For one, he only lives with his mom, since his dad had died in an accident seven years ago. He still remembers the pain he felt a year after that, and it burdened him to even think of it. He took a deep sigh, as if he split the clouds in his head and looked toward today.

A knock came at his door and this immediatly sent him a ticket to his favorite, yet least favorite emotion, anger. Now, if you are as lazy as Raziel, the most common tasks are troublosome. Like, taking a shower, microwaving something, or, as in this scenario, answering the door. He grumbled as he walked to the door and opened it. "What?"

A young lady was standing there. She had a brown package in her hands. But Raziel wasn't looking at the package, but more the girl herself. He eyed her bright yellow eyes, her dark brown hair, her huge brea- Wait a minute, yellow eyes? Raziel thought to himself, as he couldn't help to find it strange that the girl had yellow eyes. "Umm.... package for a Raz...yelli?" She stumbled on his name.

"Thank you, and by the way, it's Raziel." He said as he grabbed the package from her and threw it on the couch, and he wished he never would of as the entire couch bursted into flames. "Oh crap!" He yelled as he slammed the door behind him and sprinted to the kitchen, opened the fridge, and grabbed a gallon of milk. He ran back to the flames and began to pour the milk on it. To his relief, a large portion of the fire went out but some was left.

"Eh, I'm too lazy to go to the toilet..." He grinned as he began to urinate on the flames, which put them out. "Hehe, urination, satisfaction, and saving my life all in one pee." He zipped his jeans back up and began to head to his room but then began to remember something. That weird lady! Raziel immediatly rushed to the door and jerked it open, the strange lady was he her van, buckling up, with a triumphant grin on her face.

"Lady or not... that smirk is going down." Raziel said angrily as he rushed out the door and to her white van. He jumped off the porch and began to see the lady take off. He smirked as he planted his feet on the sidewalk and hastily jumped on top of the van. "Stop the car, psycho!" Raziel screamed. There was a pause as she speeded up, but Raziel crouched down to avoid falling off. Suddenly, he heard a firm clicking noise.

"Please don't tell me that's a-" He was too late as the rush of bullets sped through to roof of the van, and narrowly missed Raziel's foot. Raziel stood back up in a hunched like state as he jumped onto her tail gate, and then crashed through the rear windows. He landed in the back of the van. He saw the lady point the gun at him and he immediatly dove down behind the seats. The back of her van was a mess, their were beer cans, tires, screws, papers, and coffee mugs. The lady swerved out of the way of a car and flashed through the middle of an intersection, causing two cars to get hit in a head on collision. Raziel frowned in unhappineis for the passengers in those two cars, when the thought of his life on the line shook him. Raziel quickly grabbed a coffee mug and threw it at the lady. He heard a loud clunk and then a scream from the lady. A smile crept across his lips.

"I'm sorry, I thought you wanted two clumps of sugar!" He yelled as he threw another one, which smacked her right in the mouth. She dropped the gun and Raziel grabbed it and ducked behind the van's backseat. He pointed it at her.

"Do it and I.." She stepped on the gas pedal and Raziel noticed they were about to drive into a river, Raziel tightened his grip on the trigger of the automatic assualt rifle. Raziel opened fire, shattering the front window, as they drove off the very high dock and they were headed towards the river. Raziel leaped through the broken glass of the front window and landed on the front of the car and swiftly turned around. He planted his foot on the top of the car grapped on to the edge of the dock. He looked at the van heading towards its dark death. Raziel climbed back on the dock and let out a deep breath. Then, he saw two figures rush at him. "Don't move, your under arrest!" One yelled, and Raziel immediatly knew this was going to be a long day.

The man grabbed him and began to force him towards his car. Raziel yelled, "What the hell?! Let go of me!" Raziel squirmed, wiggled, kicked, and screamed, but it was useless as the men shoved him into their car. He grumpily sat down as the cop started the car. Raziel crossed his arms and showed a nasty scowl to the officer in the front seat, as he bit down on his lip. The officer stared and laughed. "You bit down so hard your bleeding, how foolish.." Raziel growled and realized the cop was right. How can that be? My teeth aren't that sharp, I barley bit down at all. None the less, Raziel wiped the blood from his chin and wiped it on the officer's seats. He smiled, if he was going to prison, the cops were going to pay. The cops looked back at their blood-stained seat. "You little.."

The cop in the passengers seat reached back and hit Raziel a few times with his nightstick. Raziel just sat still, as if it didn't bother him. After a couple of whacks, Raziel noticed the cop was using a patteren, so Raziel grabbed it and grinned. "Hey, can you hit my shoulders with that? It feels good, and my shoulders are really tense right now." The cop jerked the nightstick from Raziel's hands and then swatted in between his legs, causing Raziel to lean over in pain. "Asshole..." He managed to growl. Raziel realized the cops had control of this, not him, so he decided to be a "good boy" on his trip until one of the cops turned on the radio. The loud country music began to fill the car.

"Take me back to the old place..." One of the cops sung along. Raziel grit his teeth as the country song continued on. Raziel, trying to keep cool, asked a question.

"Can you turn the radio off? I have a headache.." He tried to say as nicely as he could. The cops simpily ignored him and turned the volume up louder. Well, this shit really was starting to give him a headache, so Raziel reached into his shoe and dug out a large pebbel, which had been bothering him ever since he got his shoes on. He threw it at the radio switch, causing it to turn off. The cops gave him a glare but suddenly the came to what seemed like an abrupt stop. The two cops got out, and Raziel did like-wise. He got out of the car and looked at the sign hanging above the old looking building. "Local Jail" Raziel spat and couldn't believe his luck. Was it even legal to lock a 14-year old up? Raziel felt as if he should question the own officer's authority. But then, the biggest piece of the puzzle Raziel finally noticed was what did he do to get arrested, anyhow? The two officers and Raziel entered the prison, as Raziel swallowed hard.
© Copyright 2006 X-Bug (UN: davey21 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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