Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/419035
by X-Bug
Rated: 18+ · Book · Fantasy · #1093300
Raziel's life is somewhat mediocore and lonley, but can one tiny event change it?
#419035 added April 12, 2006 at 12:18pm
Restrictions: None
Chapter 5: Not Humane Nor Appropiate
Chapter Five: Not Humane Nor Appropiate

Raziel got out of the car with Chelsea and stared at the mansion that stood in place of the prison, it looked as if a giant was randomly placed on the block.

"Wow, you must really be rich." Raziel said in awe as he stared at the towering building. Chelsea nodded.

"Not really me, but my parents. Would you like to come in?" She asked. Raziel nodded and followed her inside the grand building. As soon as they walked in, the building was pitch black. Raziel struggled to see through the darkness.

"Let me just flip on a light switch and- Help!" Chelsea screamed as Raziel could hear heavy footsteps.

"Chelsea!" He yelled as he began to run through the room, not knowing what could of been in there. Suddenly, he felt himself run into a wall, or something like that, and he fell down. The lights flipped on, and Raziel noticed he was all by himself in a giant tile lobby.

"What the hell? Man, her parents have way too much time on their hands." Raziel said as he ran up a flight of stairs and saw three doors; one on the left, one to the right, and one right in front of him.

"Hmm... decisions, decisions..." Raziel mumbled to himself as he bolted through the one in front of him. No luck though, it just looked like a storage closet. Raziel then ran through the door on the right. He could hear Chelsea scream again, this only made him run faster through the huge room. As he kept running and running, a large statue greeted him. It was gigantic. Raziel was no bigger than the platform it stood on. Whatever it was, it wasn't going to help him.

Raziel ran up another flight of stairs and went through the only door he could. He found a bedroom in there. It looked strangley similar, it was too similar. Raziel could feel his spine tingle as he saw who was sitting down on the bed. It was his dad. Raziel just looked in shock.

"Hello, son." The figure said. Raziel just kept staring, he refused to believe his father was sitting down right in front of him.

"Father... this isn't you. It's a trick." Raziel insisted as he tried not to even look at him.

"Oh, it is a trick. But the trick," He said, grabbing a remote from his pocket, "is on you." He pressed a button and Raziel fell through a compartment that was underneath the carpet. Raziel struggled to grab for something, until he landed in a chair. As Raziel was about to stand up, the chair strapped him in with leather straps. The room was pitch black, until dim light came on. He looked across the room and saw Chelsea unconcious in a bed. Raziel sighed as he knew she was all right.

"Chelsea?" Raziel called out. There was no response.

"Chelsea?" Raziel yelled again, slightly louder. Once again, there was no response, Raziel began to worry. Suddenly, he heard those heavy footsteaps again. Raziel growled, he wanted to know who was behind this. The heavy footsteps belonged to a black amored knight. Raziel stared as the knight drew a sword.

"Who are you?" Raziel called out. The knight lifted the sword up high, right above Chelsea. Raziel tightened up, it looked as if the knight was going to kill her.

"No! Don't hurt her!" Raziel screamed. The knight, once again, refused to listen as it began to bring it's sword down. Raziel could almost feel tears shoot out of his eyes. "Don't do it you bastard!" Raziel screamed again. Raziel began to shake violently, and he could feel power running through him. Everything looked blurry until he saw the knight had already killed Chelsea. Raziel nearly lost it when he saw the sword that was plunged in her stomach. Raziel grabbed the knights helmet and stabbed it inside the man's head. Raziel punched the side of the mans head, causing a loud snap to become present.

Raziel punched him in the chest so hard it caused the armor to penetrate the knights chest, Raziel, with god-like speed, rushed to where he had seen the statue. The statue was of the same knight, holding his sword up high. Raziel ripped the stone sword it was holding off and went back the room where the knight lay covered in blood. But Raziel couldn't control himself, he had no idea what was going on as he plunged the sword into the knight. Blood spilled every where and the man's face split in half unevenly, causing flesh to hang off one end of the face.

Raziel breathed heavily as he fell to the ground, bleeding and crying. The lights went out again, but Raziel paid no attention to it, he only paid attention to one thing: Chelsea. He buried his face in his blood covered hands.

"Do you see what your boyfriend really is, sweetheart? You deserve more than this psycho." Mr. Richardson spoke to Chelsea, they were both watching this through a helicopter, since the ceiling was a one way window.

"You're... you're... inhuman." She said emotionless, as she stared at Raziel who was pounding against the ground. "Why did you do this to him... you... you devil?!" Chelsea yelled.

"I did it all for you, princess. That little prick knows he doesn't deserve you, he's crying over the fact what an idiot he is." Mr. Richardson smirked in sucsess.

"You drugged him, you filthy bastard. He's been through so much, so much you can't even begin to comprehend it!" Chelsea yelled.

"It doesn't matter what I comprehend, or how I do it, because no matter what, Daddy is calling the shots." Mr. Richardson smirked as the helicopter begin to fly away from the scene.

"No!" Chelsea yelled. Chelsea began to fight violenty to get off the wall which she was tied to, but it seemed hopeless as the mansion looked smaller and smaller.

Raziel stood up and looked into the blade that punctured Chelsea, the blade acted as a mirror to him, letting him see his blood-shot eyes. He had never cried this much, not even when his dad had died. Raziel felt entirley dead on the inside, as if he someone had hollowed the enjoyment in his life.

"No, even Hell is better than this..." Raziel muttered as he pulled the blade from Chelsea's abdomen, and rested it on his neck. His voice was dying from how much crying he had done. He took the blade and ran it across his arm, causing blood to spill on his jeans and on the ground. Raziel's arm was numb, and he let his tears fall into the wound, stinging it even more. This was the wrong way to express his sorrow, Raziel knew this, but everything seemed priceless in his life now.

Raziel cut himself across the back of his leg, causing him not to be able to move it. He was going to die, he could feel his vision flickering on and off, each and every cut made his life seem more pointless. He moved the blade back up to his neck as he was going to finish himself, but he passed out due to extreme blood loss.

Chelsea felt a tear roll down her cheak, she knew Raziel was probably dead. Just thinking of him made the pain worse. She sobbed over and over and felt as if control was slipping away from her.

"Shut up!" Called Mr. Richardson who was on the other side of the helicopter. Chelsea didn't even hear her dad over her crying. Her dad walked in the room with a knife in his hand.

"I said shut up!" He screamed. Chelsea sniffled.

"Go ahead... just kill me. I'm sure he's already dead, its only fair if you send us together." Chelsea said with no expression. Mr. Richardson grit his teeth.

"I should you bitch." Mr. Richardson said slapping her in the face. Chelsea didn't even feel it since she had been crying so long. She wanted to die, she just couldn't contain her great feelings of depression any long without some way of expressing them.

"I told you to stop." Mr. Richardson said with agitation. Chelsea just cried harder, she felt as if her insides were being tied into a knot.

"You're not doing anything about it though. I don't care if you kill me, and if your not going to do it, just hand me the knife." Chelsea said as more tears streamed down her face.

"Shut up!" He yelled as he cut her across the cheek with the knife. Small amounts of blood dripped off her chin and dwelled there, until her tears washed it away.

Corey ran through the huge mansion, sensing something was wrong. He ran through the door, following loud sobs. It had to be Raziel, and something wasn't right. He ran through the room with the statue, ignoring the fact it was destroyed. He saw Raziel in a pool of blood, he also saw that the sword was in Raziel's hands.

"Oh my God..." Corey muttered. He had no idea what couldn't of driven Raziel to this, but he had one idea. Raziel suddenly began to twitch, speaking nearly inaudiable words.

"Follow... sky... look. Kill..." Raziel said, as if he were afraid to even talk. Corey didn't understand what that meant exactly, but had something to do with following something in the sky... and killing it.

Corey ran outside and looked into the sky. He saw a helicopter, but it was way up in the sky. Luckily, he was a shape shifter. Corey turned into a bird and began to fly towards the helicopter.

Mr. Richardson saw a bird flying behind them, the bird was entirley black, "What the... hell?" Mr. Richardson saw the incredibly distinct bird in the mirror. Corey slammed through the window and transformed back into his human form. He looked up and saw Chelsea.

"Aren't you Raziel's friend?" Chelsea asked with shock. Just saying Raziel's name made her depression sterengthen.

"Yes, who did this to you?" Corey asked as he saw the cut on her face and her blood-shot eyes. Suddenly, Corey felt a bullet hit his shoulder, he grabbed it and looked to where the bullet was fired from. Mr. Richardson stood there.

"Well well, if it's not the freak." Mr. Richardson laughed as held the pistol in his erected arm.

"Your the freak. What kind of father goes cutting his daughter across the cheek and leaves her boyfriend to die in a building?" Corey growled, noticing the cut across Chelsea's cheek and assuming it was from Mr. Richardson.

"The maniacal ones, and besides, let's say I didn't approve of him very well..." Mr. Richardson snickered as Corey punched him in the forhead.

"He was my friend too, you asshole!" Corey screamed as he kicked Mr. Richardson in the face and then in the kneecaps. Corey opened the helicopter door and hung Mr. Richardson out of it.

Mr. Richardson screamed, as if he was finally scared. "Please, don't!" He screamed.

"Why should I spare you? After all, you left my friend to die! Your a worthless piece of shit!" He screamed as he dropped Mr. Richardson. Corey stared down and looked at Mr. Richardson fall through the sky. He began to ponder on what the boy had said to him in the alley.

"I'm not a bully... I'm just a protector."

Raziel awoke in a bed. His vision was blurry at first, but then he awoke. Raziel saw Chelsea alive in front of him. Raziel hugged her and held her tightly.

"Your so lucky to be alive." A voice spoke that was unfamaliar to Raziel. A nurse walked in and sat down on a chair. "You've been in a coma for three months."

"Chelsea..." Raziel muttered. "I thought you were dead... when I thought this. I... I almost killed myself. I'm stupid, so stupid. I could've saved you from this... but all I did was fuck around. I don't deserve you. Your bastard of a father was right."

"My father isn't right on anything. There's nothing you could of done, I tried to kill myself as well. I wanted to be with you so badly..." Chelsea muttered as some tears escaped her eyes.

"Where is your father now? Locked up?" Raziel asked.

"No, Corey dropped him out of a helicopter. He's assumed dead." Chelsea replied.

"Damn, Corey did that?" Raziel asked as he stood up, wobbling a little bit.

"Anger can do many things to a person." Chelsea said, helping Raziel keep his balance.

"It can, like turn Corey into a beast." Raziel smiled, and this made Chelsea laugh. The two began to walk out a hospital, and right outside was Corey, who was waiting. He hugged Raziel.

"Dude, don't ever do that again!" Corey said. Raziel returned the hug.

"I won't." Raziel said firmly as he broke the hug. Corey looked at the two, they were holding hands. Corey knew it would be right to leave them alone, even though Raziel did just get out of his coma.

"Well, I should leave you two alone." Corey said as he raced off.

"Wow, he gets out quick doesn't he?" Raziel laughed as he crossed the street with Chelsea. They entered inside a hotel lobby and got a room, renting it for only one day.

Raziel laid her down on the bed and climbed on top of her. He pressed his lips against hers and pressed his hips against hers. Raziel kissed her mouth and then stuck his hands up her shirt. He felt her breasts and rubbed her nipples in a circular motion. She could see her erected tits through her shirt. Raziel took off Chelsea's shirt and began to suck on her right breast through her bra.

Chelsea moaned, "Raziel... I think... we should stop.." The final words interuppted Raziel as he looked up.

"Why?" He asked.

"Well... I don't think we should go all they way, maybe you could... get me off?" Chelsea asked nervously.

"Okay." Raziel replied as he began finger her through her skirt.

Corey was busy playing his guitar, he loved the sound when he stroked the instrument's strings. "Ah," He said to himself, "This is awesome." Corey put the guitar down as he heard a car screech outside of his alley. The alley where he had secertly hidden his guitar, which was in a secret compartment hollowed out in the couch. Two police cars were standing outside of the alley.

"Not again..." Corey mumbled as he ran out of the alley.

"Hands in the air!" A cop shouted, with a gun pointed at Corey. Corey just looked at him.

"What did I do?" Corey asked with a puzzled look resting on his face.

"Your under arrest for the murder of Jeff Lynon Richardson!" The cop yelled. Corey just laughed.

"Your seriously going to arrest me for doing the world a favor? That bastard cut his daughter with a knife. You really expect me to get in that car with you?" Corey chuckled lightly.

"A wise-guy, huh?" The cop said.

"You could put it that way," Corey scoffed, "Besides, how did you know I killed?" The cop smacked his head.

"His daughter! Jeez." The cop said. Corey's eyes shot open. Chelsea? But how could she do that? No, it had to be an imposter, this couldn't be the truth.

"That's impossible, I know Chelsea Richardson, your dealing with someone with proof of her whereabouts when and after he was killed!" Corey protested.

"I'd really like to see you hold up in court, sir." The cop said, putting his gun away.

"And I'd like to see you lose a few pounds, don't you have to be physically fit to be a cop?" Corey grinned.

"Whatever wise-guy, see you in court next Saturday." The cops drove off and Corey just laughed. He had wasted 10 minutes on those idiots. Corey then began to walk to the hotel Raziel and Chelsea were at.

"Excuse me," He asked the man at the desk, "Did you happen to rent a room to a young man and woman?" The man looked up from his papers.

"Yes, yes I did. Raziel Sallatine and Chelsea Richardson?" The man said.

"That's them. Do you think you could tell me what room their in? It's rather important, I need to tell them." Corey said.

"Okay, I guess so. Their room number is 245, on the left." The man pointed and Corey thanked him as he walked off. He counted them off. 240, 241, 242, 243, 244, and ha! 245! He thought to himself as he just opened the door. Corey covered his eyes and nearly fainted when he saw the site.

"Close the goddamn door!" He could hear Raziel yelled. Corey slammed the door and heard Raziel sigh loudly.

"What?" Raziel asked as he opened the door. Corey laughed nervously.

"Sorry 'bout that... but I think we're going to court." Corey said. Raziel looked at him strangely.

"What did we do now?" Raziel asked, slightly annoyed.

"Well, let me correct you: what haven't we done is the question, and the reason were going there is that a cop claimed that Chelsea reported her father being killed by me." Corey said. Raziel's eyes popped open a bit.

"That's impossible." He said.

"Well, we're going to have to prove that in court." Corey sighed. Raziel was joined by Chelsea and filled her in on what was going on. Chelsea's reaction was the same blank look that Raziel had given Corey.
© Copyright 2006 X-Bug (UN: davey21 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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