Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/419028
by X-Bug
Rated: 18+ · Book · Fantasy · #1093300
Raziel's life is somewhat mediocore and lonley, but can one tiny event change it?
#419028 added April 12, 2006 at 12:10pm
Restrictions: None
Chapter 10: Severed Outlet
Chapter Ten: Severed Outlet

“Wake up.” Said a voice. Corey rubbed his eyes, he was in a bed. Everyone was gathered around him. What happened?

“Corey, are you okay?” Asked Raziel. Corey recognized him, all though he was still a little dazed.

“I’m okay...” He mumbled, immediately sitting up. “How long have I been... here?” He asked. Raziel smiled.

”Your home. We found you on shore a few hours after we woke up. We we’re worried sick man.” Raziel said. Chelsea wasn’t there. Corey didn’t feel like asking where she was.

”What day is it?” Corey asked.

”Sunday. You were out for about a day and a half. What happened to you?” Raziel asked. Whatever happened, Corey knew he most of gotten his ass kicked. He was sore everywhere and his eyes were heavy. Corey stood up and walked out of the alley. The sun dimly shined and it was a beautiful spring day. The breeze was excellent, just enough amount of heat. This day itself was perfect.

I feel incomplete. After what happened, Corey thought, vaguely remembering, I think I need to be alone. He began to walk off, until someone put their hand on his shoulder; it was Raziel.

“What?” Corey asked.

“Your just going off?” Raziel said.

“Yeah, what’s wrong?” Corey said, wondering what was the problem.

”Your not going to go kill yourself, right?” Raziel asked seriously.

“No, of course not, why would you suspect that?” Corey asked.

“Because dude; you tried once. It scared me.” Raziel said. Corey’s expression fell.

“I know, I just need to be alone. I have to think.” He said.

“But...” Raziel paused and stared at the ground. “I’m just worried.

”I know,” Corey said in a little bit of a sharp tone, “I just need to be alone. Okay?”

“Okay, okay. God, no need to get moody.” Raziel said a little angrily.

”Shut up, I let you be alone.” Corey said.

“Since when? I’ve never had an incident around you.” Raziel glared.

“Shut it, I’m going to be alone, rather you like it or not. I’ll be fine... what’s wrong with you today?” Corey said, walking off. Raziel stood there blank, it had no idea what just happened. What’s wrong with me? Raziel thought. Man, I just pissed him off...

Corey sighed in frustration. The day had gone terribly wrong. Why did he have that stupid nightmare anyway? Raziel treated him like a child, no trust at all. Stupid Corey... he thought to himself as he walked with his head down along the sidewalk. What to do? He literately had the whole day to himself since he blew Raziel off. A meal might be nice...

Corey stopped by a fast food diner. It’s bright, colorful, neon light wasn’t shining, just a dull outline of what it might be. It was day time, so there was no reason for it to be lit up. The restaurant was called “Hungry Burger.” Corey laughed at the pathetic name. It sounded like something a 12 year old would’ve came up with. However, as he walked in, his mind was changed instantly. It smelled of rose and perfume, a lovely scent. It had candles burning and beautiful carpeting. Exotic lights hung from the ceiling, casting dull shadows of everything in the restaurant. He took a seat on the order booth in the front.

“Hey, you guys are really fancy for a fast food diner.” Corey said. The person behind the booth looked rather startled and then turned around. “Oh, hello.”

“Yeah... so what’s with the entire fancy theme, hmm?” Corey asked. The clerk laughed heartily.

“Eh, I call it a bunch of cheap stuff from a department store.” He chuckled. Corey smiled. The clerk handed him a menu.

“Here bud,” He said, “On the house.” Corey shook his head.

“No, that’s okay, I have money, I’ll pay.” Corey said. The clerk didn’t agree.

“Ah, that’s okay. We got a lot more people than it looks like, we’re not very busy on Sundays.” He said. After much coaxing, Corey finally agreed to let the clerk pay for it.

“Oh, all right.” Corey said, opening the menu.

“So, do you run this place?”

The clerk put down a glass he was polishing. “Yeah, I made it. Actually a really good deal, this used to be a ran-down gas station. By the way, my name is Steven, but you can call me Hawk. It’s kind of my nickname.” Corey nodded, looking through the menu.

“So, what’s a spiffy young teen like you doing here?” Hawk asked. Corey put the menu down and propped his feet on the other chair, since the place was empty. All though he felt welcome, the place had an odd, eerie feel which kind of creeped him out. If not for Hawk being there, he might of left.

“Eh, I don’t know if you’d call 16 young...” Corey laughed lightly, “but I guess I’m here because I’m hungry and I’ve got nothing else to do.” Hawk nodded, and put his hand on Corey’s menu.

“You know what you want yet?” He asked. Corey nodded. “Yeah, I’ll have that double grilled fish with the Swiss cheese.” Hawk nodded and disappeared into a back room. After a few minutes, he came back with a platter. It had unskinned fish, two of them, slightly steaming. Strips of melted Swiss cheese were laid across them and mash potatoes on the side. That looks great, thought Corey.

“Here you go.” Hawk said, sitting the platter down. Corey thanked him. Corey grabbed a fork and chopped up the fish.

“Hey, how about we hit the town tonight, after your done with your meal?” Hawk asked. Corey shook his head.

“I’d love to, but I’m afraid I can’t.” Corey responded.

“Why not? You young kids ain’t gone nothing else to do.” Hawk said. Corey lightened up.

“Well, your right but... where would be going?” Corey asked.

“Y’know... the age of consent here is 16.” Hawk grinned. Corey groaned.

“Oh c’mon...” Corey said, “Do you know how humiliating it would be to go there?” Corey asked. Hawk exited from the desk and sat next to him.

“Ever been to one?” He asked. Corey shook his head.

“No, and I actually don’t want to.”

Hawk just laughed. “’Kay then, I’ll let you go.” Corey sat there. Company... or Raziel? Hmm, their’s no way in frigging hell I’m going to that strip club... but who knows? It couldn’t be as bad as a think... wait. Yes it could.

Corey was there for a while, until he finally gave in. “Okay... when do you want to go to this place, filthy old man?” Corey laughed. Hawk eyed his watch.

“Maybe around... 6-ish. Not a problem, right?” Hawk asked. Corey nodded, and turned around to leave.

Chelsea eyed the T.V. with a look of utter boredom. Raziel didn’t look very amused either. Chelsea opened her mouth to say something, but was stopped when Raziel sighed.

“Don’t even say it...” He said lightly. Chelsea kept her mouth open.

“I’m bo-” Raziel cut her off.

“No... no you are not.” Chelsea stood up.

“Where are you going?” He asked.

“Away from here.” She said.

”Why?” Raziel asked. Chelsea scoffed.

“Why not?” She laughed. Raziel kept up behind her. Just being with her... is good.

It was around one or two, so the day was actually just beginning. Raziel wasn’t paying attention, until he saw the bright, pink disaster in front of him.

“Oh... my.. God.” He said. “Not here.”

“Well, your the one who followed me!” Chelsea said, pulling Raziel into the store.

“Why?!” He said dramatically.

“It’s not that bad Raziel... at least we’re holding hands.” She smiled. They were in the middle of a clothing store. Raziel hated any stores dealing with clothes. In fact, he sometimes has dreams about burning them.

Chelsea went into a dressing room with a handful of dresses and clothes, while Raziel waited outside.

“Don’t peek, okay?” Chelsea asked.

“Why would I want too?” Raziel snickered.

Chelsea kicked him through the space under the door.

“Ouch!” He said. After a few moments had passed, Chelsea came out wearing a pair of tight fitting jeans and a loose t-shirt. He examined her.

“Like the jeans...” He said, “But I feel a little self-conscious if you were to walk around in those... in public.” Chelsea smiled and leaned against him.

“I bet you wouldn’t mind them right now...” She said.

“Uhh... save them for later?” He said. Chelsea laughed.

“Yeah... I think I will.” She went back into the dressing room and handed the jeans to Raziel.

“Their your clothes... why must I carry them?”

“Want me to wear those jeans out of the store?” Chelsea said. Raziel groaned.

”Ugh... guess not.”

Chelsea came out wearing a short pink mini-skirt, and a tight gray shirt.

“Hell no.” Raziel said.

Chelsea chuckled, “Why did I go with you again?”

“Because I’m irresistible?” Raziel guessed.

“I said ‘why’, not because.” Chelsea said evilly. Raziel smiled as she disappeared back into the dressing room again. He whistled silently as Chelsea scuffled with a shirt button.

“Aggh!” She grunted in frustration. Raziel laughed at her state of displeasure as she came out.

“Shut up! Listen, can you help me with this button?” Chelsea asked. Raziel looked at the button. It was located right in the middle of her breasts, and Raziel chuckled nervously.

“Umm... no offense babe?” Raziel said. Chelsea nodded, prepared for what the possible worse could be. Raziel let go of the button.

“I think your boobs are too big.” Raziel tried not to laugh, but when Chelsea exploded it was hard not to. She just so cute when she was angry.

“Oh you pervert!” Chelsea yelled at him. Raziel just sniggered, enjoying torturing her. Chelsea collected the clothes she wanted to keep and threw them at Raziel. Of course, Raziel wasn’t expecting this, so they all dropped to the floor.

“Why’d you drop ‘em?” Chelsea said with a sly smile crossing her lips. Raziel knelt down and picked them up.

“You know damn well...” He laughed as he grabbed her hand and walked to the check-out line. The line was short; Raziel and Chelsea were second in line behind a “happy” couple.

“Shut up, Vennessa!” Yelled a very tan man at the check-out counter. Chelsea frowned.

“Listen Marty, we have to stop fighting like this! When I got engaged to you, I thought you were going to love me! Not treat me like-- a pile of compost on the floor!” She yelled. Marty just glared her in the eye. There was a tense silence until a sharp skin-on-skin noise broke the quietness of the air. Marty had slapped Vennessa.

Raziel grimaced. Chelsea whistled lightly, as if trying to push Raziel forward to confront the man. The clerk, who was scared stiff, dared not to move as the man looked at his befallen wife, who had a red, stinging hand print on her face.

“Is that necessary?” Raziel asked, clenching his fists. Marty spit on the floor, having no consent for the area or people around him. His wife was still on the floor, shaking.

“Listen punk, don’t dab your hands in where they aren’t needing. If you want to go, fine, be my guests, but save those hands for squeezing your-” Raziel lunged forward and shoved him into a shopping cart. He was angry now. Marty just threw his head back and laughed.

“Look here, hot stuff... you don’t control me. No one is my boss, got that?” He threw his jacket off. “But apparently you got a problem with that! Let’s go, bitch!”

All though picking a fight with people older or bigger with him was very Raziel-esque, Chelsea had a bad feeling. Considering the fact that they were in a convenience store, it changed many things. One, they could be caught on security camera and get put on TV. Or, even worse, Raziel could’ve just happened to pick the fight with the wrong guy.

Vennessa was on the floor, crying a little. Chelsea helped her up and patted her back. “It’s okay,” Chelsea mumbled to her, “It’s okay...” Raziel kicked at Marty, but Marty avoided it and saw Chelsea trying to comfort Vennessa. He grabbed a cheap looking toy and threw it at Vennessa’s face. It hit her right in the eye.

Chelsea growled. Marty was strictly despicable. No one treated their partner like that. It was simply unacceptable. Vennessa didn’t even acknowledge the fact that something had struck her. She just hung her head and felt the hate within her.

“It’ll be okay...” Chelsea tried to say to her, but Vennessa tuned it out.

“Shut up!” Vennessa spontaneously outbursted. “I’ve heard that so many times, it was never true! Everything I’ve tried to live is a lie! You don’t know the feeling of that! You don’t!” Chelsea just stood there, looking a little hurt. Chelsea, on the very deep inside, wanted to cry. She had never heard that harsh of an insult come from anybody.

“I do. You don’t know, Vennessa. I had to grow up with some of the most awful parents ever.” She muttered, a little frightened to speak after Vennessa’s outburst. Vennessa sighed, a sigh of apology.

“Forgive me, please...” She said silently. “I didn’t know, I acted only upon hurt.” Her long brown hair was a little ruffled and her eyes were a little sore from crying and the thing that had hit here in the face. Vennessa looked something similar to a fallen angel, who had tumbled down Heaven’s stairs and harshly down poured back to Earth.

The fight waged on, each refusing to give up. Sweat dripped down their exhausted faces and even continued down to their chest. Raziel breathed heavily, thoroughly wishing to end it. Damn it! Anything I do, he does just as well. Every attack I counter, he avoids and attacks again! No matter what, he can perfectly interpret my style and predict my next action! How is this possible? Raziel said, feeling uncomfortable as sweat was all over him. He felt kind of like a lubricated key.

Marty was loosing interest, it wasn’t often he’d fight this long over something that wasn’t important to him. He glanced out the window. No sign of the cops, and the clerks we’re just scared stiff. The people got used to them fighting, and carried on doing their normal shopping activities, with of course a small amount of awareness that there was a dangerous man in the building, fighting with a “hero.” Hmm... I don’t really want to loose Vennessa, considering she deserves to pay for the stunt she’s pulled here! Pitting me up against some punk... I’ll rape her so much she won’t want to live... Marty’s thoughts were ended by a swift kick of Raziel’s. Raziel laughed, looking down at Marty.

“Better spend less time thinking and more time fighting.” Raziel said. Marty grinded his teeth. He was screwed. He now had no choice but to run for it. Marty glanced out the window which gave a good view of the parking lot. The tension in the scene couldn’t of rise more, until Marty scuffled to his feet.

“It’s been fun, but I really gotta beat it. See you, sucker!” Marty sprinted from the store and ran as fast as he could from the parking lot and across the street. Surprisingly, Raziel didn’t chase after him. He just stood there, watching him make his escape. Chelsea walked over to him and stood beside him.

“Aren’t you going to chase after him?” She asked in a monotone. Raziel shook his head.

“No, its not worth it. He has bigger plans, and they don’t involve us, so let’s not try to get mixed with other people’s situations, all right?” Raziel spoke but Chelsea didn’t hear “Raziel” she heard “mature person.” Raziel had never spoke like that before, usually, he would try to get the supposed bad guy and destroy him at all costs; but instead, Raziel laid low and decided to ignore it for a while, as if someone had not completely removed a thorn from your side, but just loosened it. However, this thorn wasn’t only in Raziel. It ached in Vennessa, bringing harsh memories and nightmares to her.

After that, it was just still. Vennessa, Raziel, and Chelsea just stood there, until the coward clerk finally said something. “Are you still getting this?” Chelsea thought for a moment. It defiantly wouldn’t hurt, so what was the problem? They might as well buy something they took time and thought on doing.

”Yeah, why not?” Chelsea said walking over to the counter, and slapping a 100 dollar bill on the counter.

“Ma’am, this is only 48.63!” The clerk said astonished at the amount of money Chelsea had put forth. Chelsea was on her way of walking out of the store, when she heard his disgruntled comment.

“Eh,” She said, “Keep the change.” The clerk sighed and put the bill in the register, as the things taken place in the shop continued at a more normal, not as irregular pace.

As Raziel walked outside, it felt great to have the nice, refreshing smooth air hit his face. The breeze was so replenishing to him, it made him realize how much of a competition he really put up against Marty. It was around 4:00 PM, or early evening.

“So, are we going home?” Raziel asked Chelsea.

“I think so, but what about?” Chelsea’s tone of voice dropped as she very lightly jabbed Raziel in the ribs, “Vennessa?” Raziel thought for a second, and then reached a solution.

“Simple, can’t she stay with us?” Raziel asked. Chelsea knew that what it was going to be, but they had so many people with them already. Drake and Corey were enough alone, but now Vennessa? Maybe she could stay in Chelsea’s house, that would be nice, and surely a lot easier on Raziel.

“How about this...” Schemed Chelsea. “She stays at my house, and the guys stay at your hou-... er, alley. Deal?”

“Deal.” Raziel grinned.

Vennessa walked loosely, not caring that much anymore. Her head was aimed towards the ground, and pieces of a broken spirit cut her insides. Raziel looked at her. Poor thing, he thought, sympathizing.

Corey lounged on the couch lazily and flipped through the channels. There was nothing on. There was nothing to do. Corey could think, but what was there to think about? Ah yes, the trip to the strip club with Hawk, that was certainly going to keep him entertained. As Corey let out a loud sigh, Raziel, Chelsea, and Vennessa walked in.

“Oh, hey Raziel.” He said, not even noticing Vennessa. Chelsea had a little bit of concern regarding that Corey had not saw Vennessa. Raziel sat down next to Corey and Vennessa sat down on the bed. Chelsea just watched the thing play out, as if it was a movie.

“And so, the sick bastard was killed! Isn’t that exciting?” Asked a teenage boy on television.

“Ha ha, man! That was sweet!” Replied a friend of his, also giving a high five.

“Yo man, let’s go smoke some weed and light up a doobie!” Said another teen.

“What... the... hell?” Raziel said, his face was blank. Television was so pointless today. Wait, it was always pointless. Corey clicked off the TV and looked at Vennessa.

“Who is she?” Corey asked.

“That’s Vennessa.” Raziel replied.

“Uh... why’s she here?” Corey said.

“Long story, but I’ll make it short: Chelsea and I were out shopping and we were in the checkout line. So we saw her and her so-called husband in front of his. Her husband slapped her so I scuffed him up a bit. However, the little ingrate ran.” Raziel explained. Corey looked at Vennessa. She had long brown her, she was a little pale, and she had a bright blue button-up vest on. Vennessa was also wearing dark blue jeans. Corey then turned his head away and looked back at the blank TV.

Well, if there’s one thing he is doing, it’s not making her feel welcome. Raziel thought. Corey was usually passionate and nice, why was he acting like this? Corey stood up.

“I’m gonna go.” He said, beginning to walk away. Once he was out of earshot, Vennessa said something.

“He doesn’t like me -- does he?” Raziel stared at Chelsea.

“No, he does... he’s just... I don’t know.” Raziel said, wishing he had a reason why Corey was like this.

Meanwhile, in that same unknown realm...

Nobias smiled at the workers putting up signs and refreshing the arena. They painted it, chiseled it, and even entirely redid certain parts. The banner waved lightly in the gentle wind, flickering with the letters “Mirror Tournament XXVII.” Nobias went back into his chamber and sat down in his chair. He examined the Mirror Log. Only the top 50 in power, intelligence, and aura could come. Raziel was 4th on the list, thus already securing a place in the tournament. However, at number 21, a boy named Corey was in the log.

“Who is Corey? I don’t remember logging him. Hmm, he probably is going to be a surprise in the tournament, so what the hell, he can come as well.” Nobias muttered as he saved the current top 50 in the Mirror Log’s magic encoding and went to watch the workers again.

“Ah, life is easy.” Said Nobias as he watched the workers. A worker came up to him and spat.

“It’s easy for you old man! All you gotta do is watch us, bitch!”

Nobias frowned. He then lifted his hand and the man began to glow. Nobias clenched his hand into a fist and a loud, unpleasant cracking noise could be heard. The man was rolled up in a ball. The workers gaped at this until a glare by Nobias made them get back to work.

Nobias began to think about how to plan the tournament. Maybe I should let 100 come, but eliminate them down to 50 in qualifying rounds, to see who truly belongs there so I don’t have to waste my time watching pathetic fights. Or would that take too long? Yeah, it would, so 50 it is!

It was 5:50, and Corey was getting ready for the night out. He straightened out his clothes and did a little something with his hair.

“Where are you going?” Asked Raziel.

“To a... well, preferably, I’d rather not say.” Corey said, a little embarrassed.

“What, man? You don’t have to be ashamed.” Raziel replied.

“A strip club, you nagging bastard.” Corey said.

“Oh...” Raziel said, letting the “o” sound trail in his voice.

“Why did you act so cruel in front of... you know, Vennessa?” Raziel asked.

“The strip club. I didn’t want to plunge into a relationship if I was going to a strip club.” Corey said.

“I suppose that’s an adequate reason but... how important is the strip club to you? On a scale of 1 to 10, with 10 being the highest amount of importance.” Raziel inquired.

“Hmm,” Corey thought for a moment, “Maybe about a 3 or 4.”

Raziel nudged him very lightly. “Well, I’ll keep that between you and me, but I think you should spend some time with Vennessa afterward. She looked really shut-out.”

Corey nodded. “’Gotcha.”

Hawk pulled up in front of the alley.

“Hey, you ready?” Hawk called, rolling down the window of his black Buick.

Corey got in the car and sat down. It was a little small, but it was comfortable and cozy.

“So... what do you want to do to pass the time?” Hawk asked.

“Eh, I guess we’d just talk.” Corey replied blandly. Hawk stopped at an intersection. The sunset was fading as the moon began to become visible in the dark, kind of purple like sky. The stars, which only a few were able to be seen, glistened brightly even though they were very small.

The car began to move again and conversation once again fired up. “Man, this is boring... oh, I got a question.” Hawk said. “What is your dream when you get older?”

Corey thought about it. He never had really ever thought about it; he never had time. But, he knew, in the back of his mind he had always liked being kind of big and well known.

“I want to start a business.” Said Corey, without even registering the words in his mind.

“Really?” Hawk asked, kind of surprised. “What kind, kid?”

“I’ve always wanted to be top-guy, you know, the guy that everyone knows,” Corey rambled, “I also really like dogs.”

“Maybe a pet shop?” Hawk suggested. Corey shook his head.

“No, no, I mean something dealing with like a dog sport or something.” Corey corrected him.

“Oh, I get what your saying,” Hawk nodded. “So, where’d your fascination with dogs start?”

“It all began when I was little, about 11 or 12. I know sometimes I’d go in the alleys exploring and find stray dogs. They never had collars, and never looked like they had been cared for. I’d always want to take one home, but never got the chance.” Corey explained.

Hawk nodded, absorbing the information.

“What was your dream?” Corey asked.

Hawk thought for a moment. He had never really had a dream but to be able to sustain himself.

“Well...” Hawk began, taking a left turn into a parking lot.

Drake looked left and right frantically, making sure the cops wouldn’t see him. He was recently being interrogated, but he stayed solid and didn’t let answers through. After a tough night of questioning, the cop finally fell asleep on the desk. Now, Drake was making the best of the sleeping guard by escaping. He had done this numerous times before, and this time was no different. Drake began to crawl as he approached the door, so in case anyone else was awake on the other side, they wouldn’t hear.

He reached for the door knob and gently turned it and propped the door open with his head. As he crawled through the door and realized he was in the main lobby, he stood up and made his way towards the exit of the prison. “Well... this is it. See ‘ya, suckers.” Drake whispered and opened the door.

“Oh crap...” Raziel muttered to himself, speeding down the sidewalk. “Football try-outs are today! I knew I was gonna be late... I always am.” He scolded himself, and then returned to sprinting as fast as he could.

It was six o’ clock, and he only had an hour to show the coaches what he could do, since the try-outs ended at seven. As he ran harder and harder, Raziel suddenly bumped into something and he staggered slightly, but had managed from falling on the ground. He turned around and became face to face with the barrel of a gun.

“You gotta be shittin’ me...” Raziel grimaced. It’s her again.

“Don’t worry... I’m definitely not ‘shittin’ you....” The being cackled.

© Copyright 2006 X-Bug (UN: davey21 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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