Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/418463
Rated: 18+ · Book · Erotica · #1092362
Vampire Erotica
#418463 added April 9, 2006 at 10:35pm
Restrictions: None
Chapter 5: The Battle Is Over
Chapter 5: The battle is over

Entering the cave curiously I peeked around the corner to everybody. Hades had left Heren and his fighters for the obvious reason. They were equal to the demons almost. The demons were different, had a different idea of a party. Liked blood a lot, no mistakes. I made a mental note that I should try dancing with one of them tonight. Going without alcohol during a party was a first experience but wasn't near as bad as it sounded. A man with bright pink and black hair and a black wardrobe approached without hesitation. I remembered him. His name was Greg. He grinned and said, “I've heard about you. Your Queen Tesela. And a mighty fine dancer too.”
I returned his grin and put my lips to his, dancing with him moments later.
We danced for about a half hour before I took my leave telling him I may be seeing him all too soon in a more empty room. He quivered with excitement, squealed a bit, and ran off in the other direction. I watched him go, laughing. I didn't know if he was a demon or a vampire but he was sexually unique like Heren. Next, I lived up my guarantee. Finding a definite demon, I lured him to me by asking him if he'd seen a nonexistent man named George. He said no and offered his own service.
I accepted and was amazed at how he did it. We still danced like normal with very little distance but soon he held me to him. I was standing in front of him at the time, wondering curiously, what was he doing? He admired my body with his hands and played under my shirt, drinking the blood from the left side of my neck lightly. I relaxed against him, giggling and feeling his hands as he went to his work.
“Aren't we having fun,” a smiling voice came from behind us.
The man was not fazed by this and only increased his efforts.
I replied in a tone of full ecstasy, “Fun has long passed my vocabulary.”
The man was going at it hard. I was flat against him now, breathing a little faster.
“What about being original? Has that passed yet?”
“Apparently not, but I'll be back soon. Maybe.”
I deffered the man into my bedchamber with deep intentions.
Returning an hour later, I was relieved of my height and back to normal. Kissing the man goodbye, forever I walked off looking for someone else to dance with. But more than I was looking for this I was looking for the voice. That voice that belonged so much to Evan it wasn't funny. I assumed he had walked off somewhere in the crowd so I flew above it. Sure enough, he was still walking around looking for somebody to accept him. I flew down and greeted him.
“Hi Evan. You wanted me for something?”
“No, not really. Just looking around. You have really got some issues with blood don't you?”
“I have no problem whatsoever. I just like the way it happens is all. The look and feel. Doesn't mean I have a problem, does it?”
“Means you got big problems if that's how you spend your time. Playing with blood. Blood is meant to drink! Not use as foreplay! Drink!”
“And drinking it is what I do.”
He was stuck there so decided it would be best to change the subject. “Have you seen Vladmer or his brother?”
“I saw Lewis a few times. Only saw Vladmer once tipping whiskey down his throat with a girl. Seems he's fit to score.”
“Oh really? Well I better get on if I'm going to beat his number.”
He glided away looking even harder for a good-looking woman. I looked through the crowd and saw Vladmer deffering back into the room his clothes askew. I narrowed my eyes and deffered over to him. He was half drunk right now. I hopped onto his back and whispered, “I'm always better.” Like I did before.
He panicked at first and stood still. I kissed his cheek and deffered in front of him. “Hello my love. What do you need?” he fumbled with his words.
“A dance?”
He had no chance to reply because I had already said, “Ah listen. I've danced to this song all too much. To the war!” and took a deep swig of his bottle. He stared at me. “You sure your okay?” he asked.
“Better than I'll ever be.”
But that wasn't the truth. I was jealous for no apparent reason and a nervous wreck for the war. He sensed something was wrong by the way I acted. Drinking a brand I had never liked and forcing a dance that was already mine out of him. He said nothing about it as I handed it back to him. He drank from it.
He told me he had seen me earlier with that man, thought it was something only evil could perform. I didn't understand this until he told me what he meant. “Sure I'm a bit drunk but I'm still here enough to tell you that what you did, what he did to you, that was an act that only evil lovers perform. Only the deepest of love was meant for that.”
“Deep is the word for it though. Maybe that's why he did it. Because he knew it was deep. If I were you, I would have called it whoring. That’s all I’m good for,” I grinned.
“You know what I mean. He was a demon, wasn't he?”
“Ah, the bloodiest of them all. I had to eat after him. Oh god Vladmer, no words could
“Okay, I get it. Why do you like bloody?”
“It was like Heren. I'm convinced Heren is a one sided Goth. He'd take me. He'd take me every day. That would be good. Like a boyfriend thing I suppose. Wait, what? I thought you said you liked bloody!”
“I do. I love bloody. Bummer there's no female demons. But I have a reason.”
“I like blood because I was born in it. How's that one?”
“Mmmmmm, tempting—”
“Are you guys gonna do it and get it over with?” a guy asked. “I was kinda chasing her.”
“Do Vladmer? Are you nuts? I only wanted to play with him a bit! Are you a demon? Oh! Greg! Sorry Vladmer, can't resist this one.”
He stood there and watched me kiss the man testily, deffering to my bedchamber with his common look of someone too high to remember anything.
“Er, later then!” he called as I left.
I treated Greg to some of the best positions I knew. He fell in love with me the second I fucked him. I came back with him forty-five minutes later. He would tell me how much he'd fantasized about me, what he would do. He was a very thrilled man who knew what was best for him. When he did leave me it was only after he had given me a cross representing himself. I would always wear it around my neck beside G.D's old necklace.
It was made of his own pit and it had a metallic crystal in the middle. I loved the way it glistened and sat between my breasts. It could control his life. If I smashed it he would die, if I blessed it he would be enhanced. He was still kissing me when I deffered back into the cave. It was a little less crowded now since people were either sleeping or engaging, but there were still about one thousand left. Vladmer and Evan were both gone but Lewis was dancing with a woman rather closely.
I waved at him and he winked back, pointing at the woman and putting his hands together and looking down in thanks to Satan. I gave him a thumbs up and waited out until I saw Evan walk into the cave again alone. I deffered to him and said, “What's your number?”
“12. What's yours?” he asked excitedly.
“2. But you guys have to beat my record before I care.”
“That record is unbeatable, though!”
“Obviously not.”
“This chick is checking me out so I'm gone.”
“And I'm waiting to further my attack on the almighty Vladmer.”
He shook his head at me and went after his victim. I thought of a good limit tonight for me and Vladmer and decided anything out of this room was too much. Easy to follow, I agreed with myself. But how would I approach him? It was obvious that by this time he was pissed at me for leaving him and I knew he had something for me. I could surprise him, deffer before him and go for it. Or I could make him want me. He'd figure that one out too soon and get even more irritated. But would he let me? I finally decided I'd do a bit of both.
He came a few minutes later and looked around naturally. I deffered as I had planned and he snuck up behind me. I jumped a little when he touched my shoulder.
“Hi Vladmer,” I said.
“What's this?” he asked pointing to my neck at the second string around it.
I opened my shirt so he could see. At first he was a little awkward about putting himself anywhere so close to my breasts but I gestured for him to. It was obvious he was interested in whatever it was. Hesitantly he picked it up from between my breasts and ran his thumb over it.
“Whose is it?” he asked.
“Greg's. He's the guy with the pink hair I took off with. By the way, I'm sorry about that. Half of it was because I had made a note to myself and even told him I'd be back. The bigger half of it was the man himself. Better than the other one. What's your number?”
“19. What's yours?”
“2. Evan asked me the same question. I'm not going for a record until one of you breaks 106 or I feel like it. But right now, before the war, men are the only things stopping me from drug abuse. I used to do drugs, a long time ago. When I was eight I started inhaling things. It was heaven and I could do it anywhere. My parents wanted me to sniff meth with them but my nose was always broken so I couldn't. I would have. Evan is the only one who knows about it. He stopped me when I was 15. That's when he found me unconscious in the middle of his room with a paper bag and his air freshener. But you can't say anything, it'll only make me do it again.”
“Your parents wanted you to get on meth with them?”
“Yeah, they had a meth lab. But I only liked the stuff they put in the meth so that's where I learned it. But honestly, secrets I tell you are only meant for you. What I was getting at was two. I've only did two men, both of them better than needles.”
“I'm not 12 Tess, not as if I'm going to run over to Lewis as fast as I can and scream it out. Besides, I've had problems too if you really want to know.”
He looked awkward about saying anything so I said, “No, you don't have to say anything. I'm cool.”
“Is Evan above me?”
“No, he's only got 13 now.”
“Sweet. I don't think six more ladies will be conscious to play around. At the most four.”
He threw his bottle across the room, hitting a woman unconscious. We laughed at his joke until I made eye contact with him.
“What?” he smiled.
“My counterintelligence brought about two witches today. Do you think there is any more?”
“Evil cannot defeat evil, nor can it kill it if that's what you said. Why not check what's here?”
“God your smart. Alright. Well is that me or you?”
“That's me.”
Putting one hand level to his head, he opened his palm and exposed a tiny ball of solid red light. Staring into it hard it expanded to take over the entire cave making a red glow everywhere. He waited a few seconds before putting it back into his fist and pushing it through his skin.
“Shouldn't be anyone else around anymore,” he said.
I sighed in relief.
“You better get on it because Evan just finished 14. Don't want to lose again eh?”
“Hey, I didn't lose! Oh no, he's on 15 now. You're right, see you later.”
He deffered to the other side of the crowd where I lost sight of him. I walked around for a little longer before deciding that I wanted somebody I had had before. There were only three men that I had ever really enjoyed, the best being the one I just had. Second came Heren and last came the first man I was taken by. Looking around for one of them I found the third runner dancing with somebody so I dropped him and moved on. Heren was scratching his head absently and looking around through half-closed eyes. I deffered over to him.
“You don't look so sober.”
“Who are you to speak?” he said, still trying to find his thoughts.
“Is that a bad thing?”
He looked at me instead of the crowd and smiled.
“Is this a savage attempt to engage with me?”
“In fact, it is.”
“Then its everything but a bad thing.”
I wasn't looking to dance and I got the feeling he didn't care so I skipped to the point and deffered into my bedchamber with him. He looked around and realized he'd been here before. My excitement rose as he whispered, “Ah, Tesela. Now I remember,” and slid one arm around my waist and the other around my neck smoothly, kissing up my neck to my lips. He listened to my excitement, watching my mind so as to not get it wrong. I begged him to take me like the last man did. He knew what I meant. More was what I wanted. More everything. I had a feeling he was a demon too, or maybe he had just learned this from the demons. But whatever it was, it worked for me. I think they were hesitant because they probably used it for rape.
“Oh god Heren, please,” I pleaded.
He was naked on top of me, rubbing his penis against my clit. I was wet already. I thought I was going to come.
“I want you to come. Come on,” he moaned, circling his tongue around my nipple.
It stood to attention.
I came. He bit my breast. I gasped, moaned, and begged at the same time.
“Please. I did it. Fuck me,” I whined.
He let the blood drip down my body. I guided his hips down into me but he hesitated again. I was almost crying.
“Turn around,” he said decisively.
“I don’t want anal. I want you to—” I started.
“I didn’t ask you,” he smiled friendlily.
I had lost my patience with him. I flipped him and made him enter me, with me on top. He tried to flip me back over, laughing, but I held his wrists above his head playfully. I knew he could overpower me if he wanted to. He knew how bad I wanted him. I moaned, close to screaming when he came.
“Oh god Tess, shut up,” he moaned.
“Why?” I asked.
“You’ve got your stalker at the window again.”
I looked to the window but there was nothing.
I penetrated myself with him harder, plunging him deeper into me with each turn. I did not shut up. He kept coming, I kept moaning.
“I love you,” I said.
He laughed. I stopped, humiliated. That wasn’t supposed to happen. I wasn’t supposed to tell him that. I was supposed to keep that to myself. And he was laughing. I laughed too, but only with disbelief. “That wasn’t supposed to come out. Everything but that,” I mumbled.
“Sweetie, I thought I was alone in this for a while. I was convinced you liked Vladmer more than me. It’s a turn on, baby. You’ve helped yourself for too long, it’s my turn,” he smiled.

He was burdened with the thought of leaving again but had no problem after I had made a small promise to him. He wanted me to tell him if he was better than Greg. I thought he was of the same excellence and told him so, but beating each other was impossible. He liked this all the same and asked me if I was planning on anything for the war. I told him of Vladmer and mine’s plan, to use the lights for most and let the army at the rest. Telling by the look on his face he thought this a splendid way to have it done and agreed with me before asking one more thing.
“Were you looking for something in me?” he pondered.
“Yeah. But I've got it now,” I played.
He grinned and stood up.
“I'll be off now.”
I stood up with him and touched his arm. He looked at me curiously. Intimately I kissed him for a few seconds, exchanging blood together heatedly. I pulled off, smiling, and let him go.
When he left I stretched out, declaring an ultimate interest. Sure, he was no Romeo, but that was what I wanted. A man so like me he was imperfect in everyone else’s view. I respected such a man even though he had exposed quite a few terrifying secrets with his experiences. I glanced through my window to the rising sun. The party was over. Any moment now Evan would come nosing through the wall and Vladmer would be deffering with Lewis. I pulled my shirt back over my head, hearing Vladmer whistle obnoxiously.
“Honey, that is a fine piece right there,” he said.
I finished putting on my shirt and said, “You think that's good? You should see Heren under his shirt. Not to mention down his—”
“Men get very jealous very quickly Tess, never forget,” Lewis reminded me.
“Ah, almost forgot. Sorry.”
“What is that?” Evan asked from behind me.
“That? That would be...blood!”
I dived on the blood-covered bed and stretched across it lovingly.
“Ewww, I would have thought you'd choose a graveyard to shed so much of…that.”
“I'll clean it! But later, when I'm out of it. Your just jealous because you don't have anyone to come back to.”
All three men protested now.
“That isn't true!” Evan cried.
“We could have any woman we've had before!” Vladmer agreed.
“And who says woman control that?” Lewis added.
“Because almost all men are filthy pigs and women, most, are only trying to play at it equally. I bet that if some hot girl stumbled across this particular room and mistaked you for the King of Egypt you'd do her in a second.” I laughed and crawled off the bed.
They went silent at this.
“Exactly. Almost every man though. There are a limited few who would keep their pants at their waists should any random woman come and demand the removal. Hell, I bet they'd eat her should it come to that!”
“What, Heren? You aren't still rambling about him are you?” Vladmer asked.
“Of course I am! He's a god!”
“No, he's a vampire,” Lewis corrected.
“No, he's an honorable fighter. The one who I bet will come to me and give me something before the war. I bet you anything he'll come and make out with me or something.”
“Oh, how nice. He's not even overwhelmingly attractive!” Evan proved.
“There's where you’re wrong. He is very attractive. Especially on the inside, hint hint. Just because you can get to most girls with your face doesn't mean you’re nice to feel. Not even Marco can be hotter than Heren when he wants to be.”
“You must have done it yourself and given him credit for it then.”
“I didn't do many things, just enough to please myself. He does more than you do, no doubt.”
“You guys have done it?” Vladmer yelled.
“No we haven't Tess! Shut up, you don't know that...”
“Hahaha, revealing silence. My point is, he's inhuman. When he knew I had came back for more he left with me still kissing him. So see how that works!”
“I see how it works. Probably better than you.”
“Men. So confusing. But he said something I need you to translate. What does ‘am I better’ mean?”
“Means he wants to be better,” Vladmer blurted out, “When did he say it?”
“Before, I had told him about Greg and how good he was. Told him I thought he was just as good. Honestly, I don't think it can get any better and if it can it’s artificial.”
“Oh, then yeah. Definitely means he wants to be better. What did he think about equivalence?” he questioned further.
“He loved it. Went like, two more rounds on it.”
“Oh, I thought he'd smile and go for something better.”
“That's why I don't force it out of you. I have bad feelings you may not respond so hot.”
“That makes me feel so cheesy inside, to hear that. Every day's beginning.”
“Sorry to hear that.”
“I got 21!” Vladmer cried.
“I got 19,” Evan mumbled.
We all looked at the wickedly grinning Lewis.
“26 you losers. Can't find sex when you want it can you?” he teased.

We argued playfully for a little while, me feeling a pair of eyes on me again. Who was this mystery person who kept observing me from such a distance? We got a little more serious though, and I forgot again. Under a certain agreement, Blackeye and I had said that he should not report back to me until the war was over, at which point their mission would, too, be concluded. Thinking of this made me a little uneasy. What if they came and actually did take us by surprise? Evan was soon bored with our talk of this so he left with contempt.
“Fine then, leave. But if you drop dead don't expect me to care,” I said.
“Fat chance of that happening.”
He walked out of the room.
“Vladmer, I have an idea. Have you ever been in a war?”
“What about you Lewis?”
“You don't know what your saying.”
“Yeah, I figured. Don't think me obsessed, but coincidence is that so has Heren. I have a great idea, hold up.”
Standing up I called for Heren and he deffered to me a couple of seconds later, sober again.
“Hello,” he smiled oddly.
I heard Vladmer snort at me impatiently as I kissed him.
“Shove a sock in it, Vladmer. I'll have my fun. Hi Heren. Um, want to join us for a bit?” I asked.
“Yeah, got nothing else to do,” he responded.
I sat down on a couch with him and started in on it eagerly.
I started, “I know I'm going to have to get everyone awake and whatnot but I wanted some insight from people that have been in wars. I know you have, the biggest war superstition has seen so far. But this may expand your worth, you never know. And I wanted to ask you if you had any ideas.”
“Only a few. Assuming from your minds appearance you have no clue when the enemy will come so I suggest maybe a sentry. And, I notice you have taken some of my men as counterintelligence. How are they doing?” he asked
“Oh yeah, sorry. I was going to tell you—”
“It's not that I care, I want to know if they are holding back from anything.”
“Well they’re doing more than I asked. I only said standby for any information that we could use but a while ago they started messing with things. Like potions, they switched things out and stuff. All of them are alive. Blackeye stands beside the greater good now. Very valuable.”
“Really? Hmmm...”
“I did a kind of trade for their services. That might be why.”
“I can't imagine them taking anything of yours. What did you name it under?”
“Er, sex.”
“Sex? That would do it I guess...”
He smiled to himself in a smug sort of way. I didn't understand why.
“Yeah, but are you going to do it?” Vladmer cut in.
“I don't know. I'm trying to abide your laws but they get in the way with my ruling—”
“I don't really care anymore Tess. I was into you a few weeks ago, its different now.”
We went into a kind of a silence. Heren broke it and said, “I could understand seeing it from an ignorant point of view, not wanting somebody else to get more than life was worth. I wouldn't be able to live with it, but I could see it.”
“I'm not ignorant! If anything I'm decent compared to you!” Vladmer said coolly.
“Do you even know what it means?” Lewis asked.
My jaw dropped as I thought about what he had just said. That meant that both of them thought Vladmer was ignorant. I watched in excitement as Vladmer iced over.
“Ignorant? You think I don't know what ignorant means? You didn't even know what shoe meant before I told you and apparently you still can't figure it out!”
He pointed to Lewis's shoes, which were mismatch and tattered.
“Define it.”
“Means I'm rude.”
“No. Means you lack knowledge, and from this point of view I'd say you do. Heren wasn't insulting you, he was presenting information about himself as well as you. And he most certainly didn't say it to insult you.”
“He said that he wouldn't be able to stand being me or having my views. How is that friendly?”
“I was saying that you shouldn't restrict people before their boundaries. She should screw someone if she wants to. It's just nice to know she isn't uptight about things like that,” Heren replied.
“Whatever,” Vladmer said.
Heren looked at Vladmer curiously, thinking to himself 'How can he be so close to her yet so...touchy?’. Laughing when I sensed this I said, “So we'll put up sentries, prepare everyone, and go over our plan, right?”
“Wondersome,” Vladmer sighed.
“Everything is at its best as long as you believe it is. Hard to imagine, yet literally true,” Heren said.
“It sounds nice,” Lewis added.
“So lets get on it!” I cheered, getting up.
“Wow, wow, wow Tess. Give them a chance to wake up,” Heren said.
“Yeah, your probably right. We'll wrestle with them in about an hour. Meanwhile, Vladmer has two seconds to straighten up or I swear to god I'll put my blade right back in his head where it belongs.”
Vladmer immediately sat up and put on a believable smile. Sitting back down slowly I forced a smile on my face and changed the subject. We talked on for a little while, learning more about Heren as we went along. Eventually an hour and a half rolled by and we got up to go summon everyone outside. They were outside ten minutes later with me at the front. Though all of them looked tired and sleepy, they listened and responded, completely focused on what I was saying.
“A few other things before we plunge into this. Now don't mistake my temper for easiness, I'm about as nervous as I'll ever be. First, we need four people to do some work. Rewards of any type distributed for it after the war. It's sentry duty. Anyone interested?” I yelled.
Ten people flew up to me eagerly.
I picked out four men.
“Now what is it that you want?” I asked them.
“More parties,” one said.
I nodded my head and he flew off happily.
“Oh, that was mine. How about you throw one big 10-day party?” another one asked.
I smiled in approval.
“I just want one small kiss, right now. No, one now and one after,” a man requested hopefully.
I kissed him ‘meaningfully’ and let him off seconds after.
“Oooo, and me!” the last man said.
I did him the same and watched him buzz off in contentment.
“Okay, now,” I began again, “I want you all to really start waking your bodies up. You can't fight in less than 24 hours on cold muscles. No way you can win anyways, and winning is what you want to do right? Good. Now I suggest fighting civilians in the city cause your going to want to eat too. Wait! One more thing. All of you must spread out. Don't go to the same town, it would be stupid. Can you imagine 5,000 people just popping up in one city?”
They made noises of agreement and took off for their order. Frowning in distaste I yelled, “Meet back in an hour!” at them. They all heard, so no mistakes were expected. I deffered to grab a quick eat and returned. Taking a look around the palace, I fixed some cracks and missing stones and rehearsed my plans mentally. There was no telling when the enemy would arrive. It was almost impossible to relax. I decided to take the sentry until everyone got back, standing atop the palace.
On the inside I was angry but a little hesitant in showing so, especially since I was presently alone. In the distance I saw a little shadow against the rising sun, but there was no certainty of what it was. I estimated it being five miles away, gaining not too fast. Seeing this made me just a bit uneasy so I called Vladmer to me. He came and looked around to see what I was pointing at with such paleness.
“So they will show. Give everyone a little time, they'll be done by then. Five minutes, that's all we need,” he almost whispered in amazement.
The crowd ahead was of awesome mass. They would be here in at most in an hour.
Vladmer stayed with me to ease my nerves. A bit later we called everyone and told them to go get anyone else in the city. Shifting around, I looked out at the vampires that stood before me minutes later. They all knew by now that the enemy was not far off. Merely a half an hour’s distance from us. I saw the look of hate written across every one of my men’s faces and took my dignity back and pumped them for what was next.
“These stupid Good doers think they can march up to our palace and beat us at our own game! They think that vampires, of all creatures, would so willingly stand in line to burn in white embers! How do we prove them wrong?” I screamed.
“Torture them all in front of each other!”
“Use the deadly lights!”
“Run them through with cursed blades!”
I smiled.
“Only the best of barbarians could think of those magnificent solutions to the enemy's mental problems. I admire your bloodlust. And look, here they are. Approaching in about ten minutes. Hurry now, find your insanity and share the wealth.”
They screamed so loud that I could almost guarantee the witches heard it. Though I was still a bit jumpy, it was no longer with fear. Mostly pent up anger from all the stories Vladmer and others had told me about them. What they liked to do to evil, for no reason really. They started it all, a long time ago. But that's a whole new story. I could hear the angry yells and threats from my loved ones, the distant roar of retaliation from the enemy. The sight of the final battle of good and evil unraveling before me...or so I thought.
The taste of revenge for love of my kind was swallowed down into the pit of black nothingness. Vladmer touched my arm, sensing my rage. I looked at him through cold eyes. He removed his arm and said, “Relax, it's only a little war...”
“Relax? I have a feeling I'm not going to be using my lights. Look at them. They really think they’re going to beat us.”
“Your going to get yourself hurt—”
“No I'm not. Pain can't suppress me anymore. All the pretty ones leave you to die, you know that.”
“They love you. They don't love your brother, they don't love anyone besides the greatest. We're not good enough...me or Heren...”
The eyes had come back to me. I felt four people watching me this time but they were hidden. I looked around in the cloudy sky and spread my arms wide.
“What are you talking about?” Vladmer asked.
He jumped backward in fright. I noticed he looked a little hurt. Stupid man. He would never understand. I didn't know what it meant either until Heren told me. Once again, to be explained in a later time. The witches were getting closer as I flew around and checked everyone. Vladmer stayed behind me.
Finally I heard the loud rumble of tens of thousands of feet come to a stop. Sighing out all my breath and avoiding the watchful eyes of my kin, I took Vladmer's strong arm and slowly glided up to the top of the wall. Heren deffered to me quickly and shoved something in my hand whispering, “You should like this little killer.”
He left before I could say anything. I flipped the sword around in my hands and chuckled. How could he get this? It was everything. A life redeemer, a life extinguisher, a mind relaxer, a nice thing to look at. The sheath was of black leather and the hilt was a cross containing a woman. He had made this himself, I could tell, because I had told him I didn't like females at all. Not that they ever did anything to me or that I was jealous. I just didn't like the way they acted. Because I, at one time in my life, had been a girl, I knew how to think like them. Interested in going shopping and staring at the same piece for hours. It just wasn't me. The woman on the cross was only clothed around her personal places, made of smooth steel. The blade itself was of the same medal, a double-edged beauty. Perfectly balanced and fairly heavy but easy to swing with.
I kissed it and put it back into its sheath. Reaching the top of the wall, I spit on the crowd below, getting somebody on the head. I laughed loudly and teased them with Vladmer.
“What the Hell do you losers want?” I asked.
“To kill you, monster!” the man below yelled back angrily.
I looked at Vladmer and took his arm again, stepping off of the ledge.
Landing on my feet firmly, very close to the man, I whispered dangerously, “But we're already dead. Can't you see?”
“All I want to see is you on a big wooden—”
“Have you come to engage me in a battle?” I interrupted impatiently.
He answered my question by throwing a big vial at me. It did nothing of course, by the look on Blackeye's face. He was smiling at me through his eyes happily.
“Is that all you've accomplished?” I said looking down at my wet clothes, “Because that was really wasting your time. I am very offended.”
Vladmer nudged me a little and held out his palm. I sighed and said, “I only want 64,000 gone.” I stuck my palm out and summoned the shadow of Evil. Vladmer summoned the light of Evil. This sounds stupid, but it would lead us to victory. Shadows and lights don't go together in the first place, shadows and lights performing the same basic would become violent and bloody. Do things that no human would want done to them. Furthermore, Evil against Evil would always destroy the victim slowly and painfully. I could see the fear in the witch’s eyes as they saw the wicked grin on our faces.
The light and the shadow were both very easily identified because the light had the eye of a dragon in the middle and the shadow had a fiery orange ball in the middle of the thick blackness that soaked it. The fascination was of a great purpose. Some of the trolls ventured to where the last parts of the shade were to see the commotion. I waved them back and whispered to anyone who could hear, “Witches will never dominate me. I will tread upon every one of your skulls and dance on your so badly decomposed bodies. And after I do that I'm going to shut the doors and do some things so disgusting you would pass out if I cared to tell you.”
Vladmer's smile turned into a gentle kind of understanding as to what I meant, but to people who couldn't figure it out it looked like he was grinning at the fact that we were about to kill 64,000 being together in a few seconds. I saw my army rising above the wall to watch our powers unite in our hands. At first we were at strain to put the two together. Like two magnets they fought against each other, but eventually they touched and became one, fast. Holding our hands under it we forced it to spread to a half a miles range, watching the final looks of terror and betrayal when the leading man found out that Blackeye was with me. The people that weren't caught in the mix screamed with fright and anger.
Even before we pulled back the army dove upon the rest of the charging witches. Blackeye chuckled and joined us, ridding himself of a potion, a book, and a blue cloak. I drew my sword and swung it testily. The comprehension of what had happened didn’t bother me. I only laughed at it. The dead bodies deteriorated into sand, as it was meant to be.
“Swing to kill,” Vladmer said.
He deffered to the witches after. I laughed again, but stayed where I was. They would come to me no doubt, for I was probably their biggest target.
I was right too. Witches ran as fast as they could trying to escape my army. I spread my arms wide to them, attracting attention from both Sides. Stepping out of my cloak I dodged somebody's dagger and swung at their knees. The woman screamed and fell to the ground, dead. I stood on her chest and jumped up and down several times, beheading another woman and forcing another to obtain the light of Confusion. She walked off muttering to herself and looking around.
I turned around to see a man looking very proud, expecting me to fall to the ground. I pulled his swords’ hilt through me and flipped it around to stabbed him back, cruelly thrusting it deep into him. Not only was he cringing in pain, he was marveling in amazement. Cheerily I jumped on his head and jumped off into solid ground. I faced the life-giving battle and slowly walked into it. It was impossible to stay unwounded. Though the witches had a great disadvantage they still gave a powerful defense. The pills they used were very effective as well as the blades that a very limited few used.
I swung my blade constantly to avoid being stuck with needles containing the pills effects or the pill itself. I knew that I really could die here if I didn't fight my way out of it. It was even more thrilling to know this. I think everyone else agreed. Putting my blade away, I tested the waters and fought with my fists. Harder to do for me since I was the main target. Impossible actually. I wouldn't have been able to stand up after so many drugs being stuck into me if somebody hadn't pulled me above the crowd in the sky and gave me something to drink. I couldn't see straight so I didn't know who it was, but the man said I knew him so I must have. I drank the blood he had given me obediently and saw things come into focus. It was Greg, the pink haired man.
“Thanks,” I said dopily.
“No problem your highness,” he said.
A man was swinging at our feet, unable to reach them. I kicked him to the ground and asked Greg something.
“I'll be seeing you pretty soon right?”
He shook his head in compliance and flew off in the other direction. I rose in the air to check up on everything. I'd only lost about 900 people by the looks of it. The witches had about 8,000 left. I would have been pretty heated if I found out I'd gone from 75,000 to 8,000 in only an hour. The enemy would not surrender, so foolish as they were. My guess was that we would be forced to conclude our revenge in twenty minutes or so.
The men around me, no matter what side, were soaked in blood. Screams of terror from both sides echoed through the normally silent atmosphere. I looked at the gigantic palace, the top of it's big blackened silver cross visible from where I stood. If I was still human, if I weren't as mindless as I had become, I would be terrified. Weapons flashed in the sunlight, gunfire’s rang out, sounds of death were everywhere. It was vampire paradise, human hellhole. I still fought on with my fists. It made no difference to me whether I was high or not.
Using a newly obtained 12-inch switchblade and a magnum, I went around watching people's head blow in through the side and guts spill from frames. I felt somebody was watching me. I looked to where I felt it but nobody was there. The ghosts that were outside were getting intolerant to the sun so had to return to the palace. Somebody was still close so I pulled out my sword and swung at anyone near, despite their Side. The watcher still persisted. The watcher turned out to be Evan, who finally revealed himself by coming up behind me and whispering, “What color is your blood?”
He wasn’t the recurring eye that had been watching me on several occasions, he was just the one I’d noticed at the time.
“Red. And why are you stalking me?”
“You’re boiled over dear. Look, your shaking. Your ring is bright red, the man's stone is orange. The sword is purple. I love it when you’re angry. You look so much better.”
“Get used to it. These goddamn witches will...be tortured...in the worst way...possible!” I aimed my switchblade for the side of a woman's head and kicked a nearing friend of hers savagely as Evan watched me.
“Is that a gun?” he asked interestedly.
I aimed it for a man right behind him and blew his head off. “Sure is.”
His eyes widened in surprise.
“Did you really think I was gonna shoot you?” I asked him, slaying another woman absently.
“Yeah, at first. But you can't blame me.”
“Your right, I can't. But I can say that you should take a swing at the woman beside you.”
He did so willingly as I ran a man through with my switchblade. Boy was this a good way to vent some anger!
“I've got a number here so unbeatable you'll be killing instead of screwing for the next couple of days,” I teased.
“Oh yeah? Hit me.”
“What? I only have 80. And I thought I was brutal. Jeez, no wonder...”
“Hahahaha! 80. You’re terrible.”
“I think not.”
I shot a woman in her stomach and watched her fall to the ground bleeding. Aiming my last shot for another woman’s brain I pulled the trigger and watched her fall.
I fought on side by side with Evan, making random jokes about how our victims died. The battle was nearing its end because the witches were becoming harder to find. It got rather annoying to only know a witch was around when you were injected with something. My veins were sore. I could feel them. I couldn't stand up straight but I still had proper common sense.
“Get up in the air and kill any witch still on the ground, beauties!” I yelled. They rose to the sky. Only two hundred remained. I grabbed one before anyone could get her and pulled her around by her hair in the air, listening to her scream. I swung her around and laughed loudly. Everybody finished their pray and watched the final witch be put to her death.
“Have any of you ever seen a witch burn from her insides out?” I asked.
Some said yes, some said no.
“What about being scared to death?”
Nobody said anything. I smiled. This would be a fairly easy trick.
Bringing her to my face I open-mouth kissed her, forcing her to stay still. I held her head only and wrapped my legs around her waist. Blood ran down our faces and to our clothes. I stopped and rolled my eyes back in sick pleasure for all to see. She went limp with fright and moreover causing her death, the light I had put through her. I dropped her and let my limbs absorb the life. My mind was relieved so I dropped the empty gun from my belt and stabbed the switchblade into the dead witch as a kind of victory signal. Throwing my hands in the air I started a tremendous cry and flew up in the air. Though the four men I chose as sentries didn't do anything I still called them to the front.
“We'll say you spotted them. Go for it,” I said.
Two of the men flew off.
“Hey, hey, hey! I didn't say I was going to give you two the same favor!” I cried.
They shrugged and raced off for the cave. When the music started and the remaining of the army heard it, they flew off to it excitedly. Only Vladmer and Evan came to see me.
“Vladmer got 267!” Evan said.
“Huhuhu, I got 683. Loser,” I said.
“Maybe that's why you look like the Devils replica,” Vladmer smiled.
“Did you see her ring yet? She was on fire earlier!” Evan broadcasted.
“Well not literally, really. Her eyes were glowing, her blade was purple, her ring was red, and that Greg guys stone was on fire.”
“She must have been pretty pissed then. What do you say to a new record Tess?”
“In another world!” I retorted and deffered to the cave.

An hour later I was in my bedchamber with Heren just talking. I liked talking to him. Not as much as I liked being on him, but he was a man that kept his words to himself too much. He made great points too. We were two seconds from taking another plunge into love, describing the ill feelings we expressed towards humanity. I had to admit to him that I fancied him again. He told me he loved me too. I shuddered.
He made me feel good about saying it instead of telling Vladmer. I could tell Vladmer a million times but he would merely drown himself in sorrow as I would. Heren and I, we both had had the same experiences. We knew the same things and if we didn't we were soon to find out. We had both been upheld by the same, scrutinizing reputation of being an abnormal freak.
Both stronger than humans would have ever understood. Many vampires still didn't understand us. He knew how to put me at ease because he had the same exact feeling. And not only had I blurted out that I liked him, I told him that I loved him. I didn't want to admit it to myself but I actually believe that I do. I, Tesela Smith, may have fallen in love with a great vampire.
© Copyright 2006 SittingOnTheCeiling (UN: tesela at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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