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“What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun.” Ecclesiastes 1:9 One of the hardest tasks a writer faces is to write something unique, or to look at an old situation in a unique way. Pick any subject, sometime, somewhere, someone has written about it. How do I, a mere mortal, and one who knows so very little write on an old subject, only differently enough I can call it my own, and at the same time have others be interested and say, “I never thought of it that way?” Burdened on my heart is the prevalence of “Universalism” where regardless of a person’s belief, we will all get to Heaven, eventually. The basic belief is that because Jesus died for all our sins, we automatically earn entrance into heaven. Add to that “Moral Relativism,” the belief that what’s right and true for you is not necessarily true and right for me. All beliefs and truths held by individuals, regardless of how they differ, are ALL true and valid. Common sense dictates that can’t be right. For instance, if I say the sun does not shine, that it’s a figment of my imagination, and therefore can’t exist, all of you will shake your head at the foolishness of it. I started by writing in a notebook my thoughts in the hope I could eventually turn it into an article. As usual, it came out with no discernable direction or coherence aside from my frustrations. So I decided to conduct research on the two beliefs noted above to gain insight and clarity of thought. The first website listed was http://www.carm.org CARM stands for Christian Apologetics and Research Ministry. I have no need to write my article, because this website has them all, and with far better knowledge about the subjects and writing ability I can’t match. I’m at once relieved and disappointed. Part of me wanted to write on those subjects, to not only have others read it, but with the fervent prayer they would understand. Hence part of the disappointment. But I was also relieved, because these are subjects everyone has an opinion on, and they differ as widely as people's opinions on religion in general and politics. I was relieved I didn’t have to write it, because then I would ruffle no feathers. That’s the other reason I’m disappointed. In reading Acts and the boldness of the first believers is something I lack, and yet need, desperately need. And I don’t live in the atmosphere the early church did. They were persecuted, imprisoned, flogged, crucified, stoned, all for their faith. They were happy that they could be persecuted, and in many incidences die for the One who died for them. So why am I afraid to do the same when I don’t have to fear torture and death as many even today do in countries such as China and Afghanistan? If I am to be a witness for Christ, I have to, if not be afraid, do as I’m supposed to do in spite of it. Really, what do I have to lose? Certainly not my life. |