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Rated: 18+ · Book · Biographical · #1086405
This is a story of my life.
#415481 added March 26, 2006 at 9:05pm
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My Life Part 5
After I Graduated I met James Anthony Leight.
He was visiting his Dad who was living with my neighbor Beulah M. I fell in love with Tony and we make love in my Pinto and again I decided I hated sex. It was very painful and he was not educated in sex so he was awkward and hung like a horse. Tony went into the Marine Corps.

Cindy met and Married a guy named Randy Gabel. I was very sad Cindy got married and moved out and I hated living with Mom and Dad without Cindy there. Mom and I fought a lot.
I was still working at Leather Specialty when Tony wrote me and ask me to come to Paris Island to watch him Graduate from basic training. Mom, Dad & I went to his graduation.
Mom and Dad loved Tony. He asks me to marry him and I guess I thought this is the only guy that would ever love me but I really didn’t know Tony that well. We went to Barboursville, Mom, Tina, Donnie Ray and Jason, all went to Barboursville to be in our wedding. Dad was not there nor was Cindy, I was sad and we came back to Cincinnati to tell Dad and he knew we ran off to get married. Tony was only 17 so Grandpa Leight signed for him. I was 20. We moved right to Cherry Point, North Carolina the Marine Corp base. Again I could have gone to College it was less than 5 miles from our home and I could go for free being married to a Marine but no one encouraged me. All I did was clean house and watch T.V.
Tony didn’t want me to Work because the Marines all looked at me being thin and giggly was a good thing at the Marine Corps base. I did get a job at a waffle House and he was there every night. He did not trust me.
One night Tony was out in the field a friend of his a big black guy named William (but everyone called him Gus) came over and we got real drunk. He started feeling me up and kissing me all over and it was very romantic but I stopped him before we had sex. I felt so guilty I told Tony and he was upset but he believed me and all was forgiven (NOT). I don’t think he ever truly trusted me after that. I did read books about sex and became a better lover but it was still uncomfortable because he was so big. In 1980 we had a miscarriage and I became pregnant the same day they told him he had to go to Japan.
He went to Japan and I went to Cincinnati to have my baby.
I had a lot of guys come on to me the whole nine months I was pregnant and I didn’t get that. Dad went to child birth classes with me and we watched a movie about c-section I think he almost puked and Dad said if you have one of them you go solo. I had high blood pressure and toxemia.
Well, Sarah Marie Leight was C-Section on May 20, 1981 but Dad and Mom were with me the rest of my long journey. Tony didn’t see Sarah until she was 7 months old. Tony didn’t come home wanting to be married or have the responsibly of being a Dad. But He lived the lie for over a year. We moved back to N.C. only Jacksonville this time. Camp Lejune was crazy I hated it. Guys would hit on me right in front of Tony and I was fat after I had Sarah. I gained 60 pounds and I hated myself. Sex was the pits and Tony hated me. But I had a baby I loved and I devoted all my time to Sarah. He got out of the Marines and we moved back to Cincinnati, but our marriage fell apart and he rejoined the marines and walked away from his Daughter and Me. He even cheated on me and I felt like he put a bullet in my heart. I felt I’d never love another stupid ass man again. He told me he didn’t want to be married. We were Divorced I was given the divorce and he was found guilty of Adultery. Our Divorce was finalized on Sept. 13, 1983. Tony and I were divorced and he asks me to start calling him Jim. He married his second wife Cheryl before are divorce was final.
Dad came and moved all my stuff out and Sarah and I Moved into a dump in Reading. It had so many roaches it was a nightmare. I hate to think of those days and again I could have got a government Grant and went to college to get a great job and I was not encouraged by anyone. I WAS DIVORCED, and a SINGLE PARENT. I felt so depressed and I worked at one stupid job to the next. No matter what I did I was the best I could be. I always had jobs.
I met a guy named David A. (1985). David & I were like Oil and Vinegar we did not go well together. David was a dishwasher and I encouraged him until he got a good job but if David drank he was mean. I was working as a phone sells person selling diaper service, and I introduced David to a guy whose wife had a baby and he taught David a trait. Dave and I ended badly. He beat the hell out of me in front of Vonderhaars market. He was arrested.We broke up and I started dating again.

I got a job working at a gas station as a cashier and this is where I met Randy.
Cindy and Randy had a bad marriage too but Cindy was told by our Pastor to forgive Randy and work it out so she did. Cindy had Mike one year before I had Sarah. Michael Craig Gabel was born 5-31-1980. He was a sweet baby. Three Years later Cindy had a second Son Edward Randell Gabel 8-15-1984. Eddie was a rotten kid a lot like his Aunt Robby.
Randy Lee P. and I met at SuperAmerica in Evendale we worked different shifts. I still lived in this Dump in Reading.
Randy got into a fight with his brother-in-law and was living in his car and I ask him if he wanted to move in with me and Sarah in December 1986. Randy was 20 and I was 29 so I felt we’d never connect and I had a few boyfriends.
I was not having sex with anyone. I met a guy I liked a lot and we were going to have a romantic date and I was thinking I may have sex with Ed but it did not work out he stood me up. At this point I was thinking ok no more guys. My Grandma Hees-Gibsen died. Randy was with me at the funeral. I think this is why Aunt Ann and Uncle Larry liked Randy. It was Valentines Day and Randy got me a rose and we were sitting on the couch and we started kissing and touching and we made love it was very moving for me I felt a deep connection and I ask him if he loved me he said no. I was crushed and was really thinking about kicking him out then I thought after one time how can anyone be sure. We continued to make love and after about one month he told me he loved me. I can say I didn’t believe him until he stuck up for me in front of his Mom then I knew he truly loved me.
Dorothy and I crashed a few times because I was divorced but I fell in love with his Mom & Dad too. My Mom & Dad was not going to get to know or like anyone else I liked they were hurt so much by Tony.
And Randy was raised with a strong Hand he spanked Sarah with a stick and left bruises and that pissed Mom & Dad off.
We moved to a real nice Apt. in Hartwell but the older Women who owned the House didn’t like kids much. Cindy & Eddie, Sarah, Randy and I went Downtown and Judge Sundermann Married us on May 6, 1988. We had a good day.
We moved to a dump In Hartwell but it was all we could afford. It was right across the street from the nice apt.
Sarah was 5 years old when we got married. She went to Hartwell Elementary all the way to 8th grade.
Randy & I both worked. We had a lot of ups and downs but we loved each other.
We continued to live in Hartwell. I hated it but I was afraid to move and I’m not sure why. I did Daycare all day and worked a second job at night.
In my daycare I began watching a baby girl named Sydne. She was so sweet and I saw how Randy bonded with her. I think Kim was a little worried about Sydne with Randy and I told her he loved Sydne and would not hurt her but now with so much child abuse I guess I understand that now.
Randy and I were in Kentucky with his Mom and Dad and I think he ask his mom if she thought we should have kids. I’m not sure what Mom said but God answered her prayers and we had gotten pregnant that night Thanksgiving 1989.
I watched 8 kids from 6:30am to 4:30pm and was pregnant and worked part-time as a cashier at Wyoming Fruit Market. I gained 60 pounds with this baby too. I had judicial Sugar diabetics with this baby.
On a hot August 22, 1990 Ashley Nicole P. was born at Good Sam Hospital. I told Randy and Dad I was in labor and I need someone to take me to the hospital but no one believed me and I told Randy DON’T GO ANYWHERE ON LUNCH so what does my silly husband do he goes to Sears on his Lunch break. Not like it was a big deal I drove myself to the hospital at 10:00am and Ashley was born 9:57pm. Ashley was born sick with Salmonella Poisoning , she was in Good Sam for three weeks and Childrens Hospital for a month. So I had 1 baby C-section and 1 baby the normal way.
Sarah was 9 years old, so she was more of a Mommy to her baby sister than my sister was to me. We stayed in that dump for 6 more years of Ashley and Sarah’s Life’s, 10 years total we lived in that dump I still can’t believe I didn’t want a better place for my girls to live.
Randy always got better and better jobs every time he changed jobs. He started out a Cashier just like me. He worked at Bob Evans as a cook when Ashley was born. He became a manager at pizza places and switched to managing a Speedway.
I was working Full-time doing Daycare.
Sarah went all the way thru 8th grade in Hartwell Elementary. She did well in Cincinnati Public. She was A & B honor roll and Graduated from Hartwell. She was going to go to Hughes High school. She went one week and told me she wanted to quit School. So I found a person who Home schooled her for 9th grade. But wait this is my life. (LOL)
Anyway Jim Married Cheryl and she was very heavy and bossier than me did I get it. (No) Cheryl had a son, James Anthony Leight Jr. July 28, 1984.They were Divorced in 3 years. Jim married Nina in 1987,they lived in California.
1992 In July of 1992 Sarah went to California to visit her dad & in 1992 was a sad year for us. Randy’s Mom passed away at 57 of congressed heart failure due to sugar diabetics. Randy took his Mom’s death very hard because she ask Linda all night to call Randy and get him down there she wanted to see her son before she died. AGAIN they didn’t listen and Mom died before we saw her. The first thing that came out of his Aunt’s mouth was she cried for you all night long. I feel this hurt Randy deeply he was working at Bob Evan and they told him if he missed another Sunday they would fire him and I don’t know why I didn’t tell him f*@k Bob Evans lets go be with Mom we had been every weekend for four weeks in a roll but this weekend we didn’t go. I still don’t understand why Linda didn’t call. The Funeral was long and very tiresome. Ashley was 2 years old so she didn’t know her grandma.
I continued to do Daycare.

In 1993 all my daycare kids and Sarah and Ashley got chicken Pox. On Father’s day Dad and I went to Glenn’s house and we went fishing. Jill even cooked the fish. Dad and I didn’t have a great time we were fighting about the way he treated Mom. Mom and Dad were having troubles in there married due to Dad being sued for a heating and Air job and not paying all his taxes. They were having money problems and Dad was stressed out. Had Ashley a party she turned three.


In 1994 Debbie had Christopher on mom’s birthday 2-9. Also in Feb. Randy’s Grandma Somms passed away. I drove to Penn. to be in Candy Andrews wedding. It was a nice weekend but I hated the driving. I got lost.
I went thru a few jobs this year I worked at Sunoco twice and the last job that year was Frisches. Dad was not feeling well but he would not go to the Doctor.

This was the worse year of my life so far. In January and February we had normal days. We all went to Lockland Church of the Nazarene as a family, Mom and Dad, Cindy and boys and Randy & Me and girls. We went there for 14 years together. I loved the church and the church family. It snowed a lot in January and Feb. In March we had snowy days and cold weather. We went to church on Sunday March 12th that was the last time I saw my father. On March 14 I was mad at Randy and I called and I was talking to Mom and Dad.

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