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NO more humor... just more tragic, sad, sick, twisted goings ons - Sorry |
Texas arresting people in bars for being drunk Undercover agents pursue inebriates in a pre-emptive strategy http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/11965237/ I am just a little conflicted over this report that in Texas the police are using undercover agents to go to bars to arrest people for being drunk in public - duh ![]() Define Drunk? Are the police using the same standard as is used to determine if a driver is drunk - the blood alcohol test? I'd be interested to know which bars the police are sending their undercover agents into, and how they determine if someone is drunk? Are the police sitting in the bar counting the number of drinks a person is consuming? Are the police determining someone is drunk only on watching an individual's behavior? So, is public drunkeness, without a person causing any kinds of problems, or someone else making a specific complaint about an individual's behavior really a crime? I wonder... http://www.funnies.com/imnotdrunk.htm I've always heard that it is illegal for a bartender to continue serving a customer who is drunk. So, if the undercover drunk police arrest a bar patron for being drunk, shouldn't the police then arrest the bartender? So in Texas, even if you have a designated driver, you will no longer be able to go to a bar and have more than one drink per hour or you're are legally drunk - and subject to arrest? I really want to know whose bright idea it is to have undercover police going into to bars to arrest people for public drunkeness? Who?????????? And once I know who, I will need to know WHY? So, if you're in a bar in Texas, and you stumble as you're walking up to the bar to order another drink, or over to another table to talk to the pretty girl or the handsome fellow - WILL YOU BE ARRESTED BY some undercover cop who figures you're drunk because you stumbled? How does a citizen prove their not drunk when an undercover officer says you are? People let's think about this... Don't the cops have really serious crimes to investigate than the possibility that someone in a bar may be drunk and might commit a crime or hurt someone if their NOT ARRESTED before they commit the crime? Let's see... Bush is from Texas, and he has now sent thousands of soldiers to their deaths in a War that he started in order to protect all Americans from Weapons of Mass Destruction that didn't exist. Hummmmmmmmmmmm... kinda sounds like the same type of thinking to me. In my town, I can show the cops where all the drug people hang out, and use, sell, and buy their drugs. The cops know too, but are the cops arresting all of these people? NO, their not. I don't know why either. Alcohol is a legal drug. It's taxed. Now, if the cops get away with this in Texas you don't think other cops in other states are not going to follow their lead? Evidently, their following Bush's lead when it comes to Pre-Emptive Strikes... I just don't know... I don't drink, because I chose not to, but honestly folks this makes me think that I NEED a drink. What do you think? |