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#413554 added March 17, 2006 at 12:49pm
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A New Day, a New Plan- Step 1
First I'd like to say that I thank God for this new day!! It opens up the window for new opportunities, and a chance to make corrections in our lives. And I will begin this process Today!!
I need to focus on different aspects in my life: spiritual, career, health, financial, and family. First, I must begin working on my spirit. I do not believe that you can be successful in all areas of life without having a peaceful spirit. Like I've heard so many people say, I need to read the Bible more often. Currently, I read about twice a week. I need to up that to 4-5 times and eventually everyday. As a busy wife and mother, I often complain that I do not have enough time. But, when I really think about it..I do. I need to cut the tv off for at least 30 minutes a day to pray and hear a word from God. How hard is that? I rarely watch tv anyway and the shows that I do watch I can just tivo them to watch later.
And speaking of the things that I watch, I need to be more cautious of that. For example, I have restarted watching the "Young and the Restless" after a four-year absence. And, I am hooked. And I know that it is wrong to allow anything that is not of God to have a hold on me. But, sometimes I think that I am a good person overall. I do not drink, curse, smoke, party anymore. So I need something to enjoy, right? Oh boy, it's gonna take a whole bunch of prayer; especially for some movies that I love. It is hard to get away from movies with profanity and mild sexual scenes. There are some really good movies that my husband and I enjoyed, but there was too much cursing. Although it hasn't affected our behavior, I know that we must steer from it because of our small children. Our daughter is 3 and I know at times it seems like she is saying the "f" word. But I can't really tell. So to be on the safe side, we need not watch those type of movies around the kids.
And, another big thing to do regarding my spirit is to gradually disconnect myself from my current church. This is the hardest thing. And I'll tell you why. My father-in-law is the pastor and my husband is the head musician, and the rest of the small congregation is his family. Truly I love them all as family, but this church does not fit me. The pastor is very controlling at church and in some personal lives. He tried to be overly involved in our marriage, but we nipped that before it got outta hand. He wants everything to be done his way, no questions asked. And this is different for me because the churches I belonged to in the past always allowed the members to play an Active role in the decision-making process. And, he never has a clear, focused meassage. He just talks about whatever he wants to, even family members. I recently told him at a church meeting that I did not trust him. (And, trust is very important to me). I said this because he talked about his son's marriage in church. He told us about their private argument. I felt this was totally immoral. I have never confided in a pastor and to have him talk about me in church in front of everyone. Ministers are to talk about issues, not people!! He later asked me to give him a try and trust him. However, he never apologized for what he did. He said that anything he does, God approves. And I still can't accept that. My husband refuses to leave. He wants to support his father's ministry. And this is weighing me down in the spirit. I have a wonderful marriage, except for this issue. So, I am going to give it another try there, but I also plan to attend another church in the area that I really liked. The latter has an early service. That way, I believe I'd get my spiritual food and then go enjoy listening to my husband sing and play his instrument. Who knows what God can do? I'll have to give you the update. Pray for me and I'll pray for you.

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