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Announcements pertaining to Writing.Com! |
Greetings Members! As we all know, spam is a massive problem on the internet. It's especially tough for sites like Writing.Com who provide free email service to all members. Spam companies spend huge amounts of time and money to be sure that their spam messages get through spam filters and into user email accounts. They work tirelessly, day and night, to defeat spam filters and the other counter measures that stop their messages from getting through. From their prespective, if Spam companies can't form email messages that are able to beat spam filters, they're out of a job. Spam is a very high stakes business for them. Over the last 12 months, the problem of spam has become nearly unbareable for many users who's email addresses have been used in the wrong places online. Getting your address listed in a spammer's databases can mean dozens, if not hundreds of spam emails each week. Talking about Spam alone doesn't even consider the wave after wave of new computer viruses. Viruses open email address books of the computers they infect and automatically forward hundreds or thousands of their virus ridden messages all over the globe in mere minutes. Fortunately, there may be a turning of the tide! ![]() Writing.Com has teamed up with IronPort Systems ( http://www.ironport.com/ ) to implement and test the latest spam and virus fighting technology. We began working on this partnership over 6 months ago and just yesterday, we deployed a C-Series Messaging Gateway Appliance with advanced email security capabilities including Anti-Spam and Anti-Virus. This is a separate server housed within our network who's sole purpose is to parse and filter spam before it gets anywhere near your Writing.Com inbox! Unfortunately, it will never be possible to eliminate all spam. However, as our implementation ramps up over the coming weeks, we hope to see a reduction of up to 80%... or more! Please stay tuned for more information as our implementation progresses! ~~SM