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This is about a young female student and her English Teacher who fall in love. |
Randy watched as Sam rolled over in her sleep and draped her arm over his chest and her leg over his thigh. Her head rested under his chin, she cuddled closer. He smiled realizing he was happy, thinking now that she belonged to him forever. The then began to trace her side with his finger, only to hear a soft giggle. He did it again only to hear another giggle. He brought his hand to her chin and lifted her head so he could see her. Only to see her wide green eyes looking at him full of laughter. He also saw that she was fighting not laughing out loud. "How long have you been awake?" Randy asked curiously. "About 5 minutes!" Sam answered blissfully. She brought herself up and kissed him tightly on the lips, Randy, not wanting her to stop pulling her closely. Sam willingly let him and made the kiss last. "Wife of mine, what should we do for the first day of our honeymoon?" Randy asked grandly and smiled. "I thought we were doing it?" Sam answered as she cuddled closer. But looked to the door at the sound of a persistent knock. Sam quickly pulled the sheet to cover up to above her breasts. Randy grabbed his boxers off the floor and slipped them on as another knock sounded. He cleared the space between the bed and the door in four long strides and swung the door open. Standing there was all of Sam's family. Alex and Jack in the front each holding a tray, with food. Randy groaned inward. "Its 8 o'clock what are you still doing in here?" Steve asked. "Trying to enjoy our honeymoon!" Sam answered from the bed. They all looked to Sam in surprise, that all she was wearing was a sheet. "I told you all that they would be busy," Linda said from next to Steve and James who were both trying not to laugh. "You know we saw a trail of clothes on the way up here!" "Yeah, well, I can still remember our honeymoon Linda," James whispered to Linda who gave him a dirty look. "What do you guys want?" Randy asked. "Just to give a small present." Alex said holding out the tray of food. Randy nodded and moved out of the way to let them by. Alex smiled and moved past him towards Sam on the bed. Jack and everybody else followed suit. Randy then went to his closet to get a robe for Sam and quickly gave it to her. Sam smiled and made quick of putting it on. She looked to her family with a frown, but quickly replaced it with a smile. She looked at the two trays to see her and Randy's favorite on them. She picked up a fork and began to eat as everybody started talking about the wedding. Randy sat on the opposite side of the bed and watched the scene. HE then got another robe from the closet and shrugged it on not bothering to tie it closed before going down to the kitchen for some coffee. Nobody seemed to notice his disappearance. As he entered the kitchen he was surprised to see Anne and Jason sitting at the table talking. They looked up to see him heading for the coffee machine. They watched him skeptically as he moved through the kitchen. Finally Randy turned to them with a cup of coffee and deep frown. "In-law problems?" Jason inquired; Randy gave him a dirty look. "Go to hell, Jason!" Randy said as he sat down at the far end of the table away from the couple, sipping his coffee. Anne and Jason glanced at each other before looking back at Randy. "Don't stare Damn it, it's rude!" "Did you wake up on the wrong side of the bed?" Anne asked sarcastically. "No, I woke up to my in laws!" Randy answered harshly, not looking up even when the started to laugh. He looked up at the suddenly halt in their laughter to see Sam standing in the door way looking at him. He could see her family in the shadows behind her. He then turned back to his coffee without a word. Sam waved Anne and Jason out of the room as she came up to Randy. Who didn't need to look up to know that she was standing there. He felt her hand glide down his cheek then stop at his chin and lifted it so he was looking at her. "What's wrong?" Sam whispered. "I don't know! I just don't seem to like to wake up to my in laws at my bedroom door the day after I get married!" Randy answered. "They came to say good-bye!" Sam reasoned, she sat down on his lap and watched him carefully. He smiled at her then leaned over for a brief kiss. "I'll try to get rid of them okay." Randy nodded as she got up and headed for the hall. Suddenly Jason appeared in front of him and sat down in the nearest chair without a word. "What do you want?" Randy asked, Jason's head snapped up in surprise. "I came to ask you something!" Jason stated slowly, Randy just waited for him to continue. "What did you do when Samantha told you she was pregnant?" Jason asked looking away. "First I went into shock, and then I proposed to her!" Randy answered skeptically. "Why?" "Just curiosity, that's all!" Jason explained standing up; he nodded at Randy and went to the hallway to leave. Randy watched him walk into the hall before he too stood and went to find Sam. Who was at that moment saying good bye to Anne and Jason. Jason looked over at him with a small smile. "So what are you going to do now that you're out of school Sam?" Randy asked from behind her. "I'm going to write a book!" Sam stated turning around. "About what?" Randy asked. "About us!" Sam answered; he arched an eyebrow in interest. "In fact I already started it." "Have a title?" Randy asked. "Not yet!" Sam answered with a smile; he nodded and kissed her softly. * * * * * * * * * As the months passed Sam put together her book, with help from Anne who wrote out the parts that had to do wit her. After the summer Randy had to go back to work at the high school. Sam finished the book by the time she was 7 months pregnant. By then she had already consulted with her doctor and found out that she was having twins. All without Randy knowing, and found out that she was having twin girls. Randy came home from school to find Sam in the living room getting ready to send off her book to a publisher. She then looked up at Randy and smiled. "Your home early." "We had a bomb threat!" Randy explained. "Oh, guess what, I got my names for the baby!" "I have an idea, how about we set ourselves a little wager on whether it will be a boy or a girl!" Sam said softly grinning. "Ah, okay how much?" "25 dollars! Me for a girl you for a boy!" Sam finished. "Whoever wins gets to name the baby." "Sounds like easy money!" Randy stated. "Don't be so sure!" Sam said, he then looked at her skeptically. "Oh, by the way I've started to decorate the bedroom nearest to ours for a nursery. I spend most of the day getting stuff. Anne put most of it together before going to school!" "How's she doing with the community college?" Randy asked. "She actually enjoying it, hasn't decided what she's going to major in yet but is doing the general stuff first." Sam answered. "Wait, what did you do with the stuff that was in the bedroom?" Randy asked. "In the basement!" Sam answered. "But I didn't have a key for that lock, how'd you get in?" Randy asked surprised. "Locksmiths are very handy people!" She commented with a smile. "Had it done in about an hour, there's a new lock and key on it!" "You've been busy today haven't you?" Randy commented. "Yes I have, and you can't go into the nursery yet it's not finished yet!" Sam stated softly, putting a hand on her very bulging stomach. "It's a surprise for you and this little one!" "So what did your doctor have to say?" Randy asked coming up and putting his hands on her stomach gently. "My weight is good and the baby is doing great, very healthy!" Sam said putting her hands on top of his. Suddenly he felt one of the baby's kick and he looked at Sam smiled in amazement. He got down on one knee and put his ear to her stomach and one of the babies kicked again. "God what a miracle." He whispered standing up again and gave her a hug. She then pulled away and turned to put her manuscript in the envelope she had been addressing when he came in. "You're sending it out today?" Randy asked pointing to the manuscript. "Yeah, should hear back in about a month and half!" Sam answered and was surprised when Randy started messaging her back. "That feels wonderful my back has been killing me all morning?" "You should take a break, doing all this stuff isn't good for you! Or the baby!" Randy said and started messaging farther up her back to her neck. |