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This is about a young female student and her English Teacher who fall in love. |
The next day Sam had to serve detention with Anne because they had both ditched a class earlier in the w2eek to go home. So they were surprised when they realized that they were the only ones that were there. They both were working on their homework when Jason came walking in to check on them since it was become so much of a habit when he it had been just Anne. "Hello ladies, how are you doing today?" He asked politely. "Enjoying your detentions?" "Hey, whatever gets my homework done so I don't have to worry about it," Sam answered with a soft smile before going back to her moth homework. "Anne, can I talk to you privately" Jason asked softly. Anne looked up from her history book and stared at him with surprise. "No, I'm busy!" Anne answered and went back to what she was doing. Sam looked over at her in surprise, and then looked over at Jason who seemed a little hurt by how briskly she had shot him down. He only nodded and turned to leave without another word. When he was gone Sam turned on Anne with surprising speed. "What the hell was that?" Sam demanded, Anne looked up at Sam with a frown. "I really don't want to talk about it." Anne answered and went back to what she had been doing. Suddenly Sam stood up and ran out of the door without another word; Anne looked after her a little confused. 20 minutes later Sam came back and sat down looking a little green. "Are you okay?" "Just a little morning sickness is all." Sam answered. "I slept with him!" Anne suddenly whispered not looking at Sam. Who sat there staring at her totally stunned until Anne finally looked up at her. "Why?" Sam asked not sure if she wanted to hear the answer. "You saved me! How else was I going to repay you for what you had done for me" Anne answered softly looking down at her hands now ashamed at what she'd done. "Oh, I wish you hadn't done it, thank you. But I still wish you hadn't done it still!" Sam whispered softly. The bell rang for detention to be over and both stood and headed for Sam's car so that she could get Anne home before heading over to Randy's house. As she pulled out, Jason crossed the street in front of her. As soon as he was across she pulled up next to him. "Hey Jason!" Sam called out to him; his head snapped up in surprise and looked at her unsure. "She told you didn't she?" He asked. "Yeah, she told me!" Sam answered. "What now Jason?" "Nothing, there's nothing left." He answered and turned to walk away. "Come on, I want to go home," Anne finally spoke. "Fine," Sam said then hit the gas and they flew forward. After dropping off Anne, Sam went straight over to Randy's house. She walked in and found Randy in the kitchen working on grades. "Hey honey, you're late!" Randy commented looking from his paper work at the table. "Remember I had promised I would take Anne home today. Her aunt wouldn't let her have the car today. Guess what?" Sam asked. "I have no idea, what?" Randy said looking up again. "Anne did the most outrageous thing in the world yesterday," Sam exclaimed. "Well... what did she do?" Randy asked. "She did it with Jason in his office," Sam dropped the bomb. "She did what?" Randy asked, totally stunned. "She had sex with the principle, so he would leave us alone." She restated. "Now that is going a little too far," Randy exclaimed. "Maybe so, but she still did it," She spoke firmly. "You look pale, what did she do go into detail?" Randy demanded. "No, in detention I got sick again," She explained. "By the way where is my mom?" "She went to get enough chairs for the ceremony," Randy answered trying to go back to his work. "I'll let you go back to work," Sam said lightly. "Oh, thank you," Randy said with a rye smile right before Sam sat down in his lap. "What?" "Kiss me first," She answered. He leaned forward and gave her a long passionate kiss to remember. "What do you think will happen with Jason, now that this has happened? You don't think he'll try and harass us still with this hanging over his head?" Sam asked. "I have no real idea what he will do, if he's smart he’ll back of and not pay any more attention to us," Randy said wrapping his arms around her waist. "Have you known Jason to be smart about something besides the school rulers and who has broken them?" Sam stated softly. "Let me get back to my work and I happen to know you have homework as well?" Randy said changing the subject as he started the subject as he started to pull his hands away but stopped with one hand on Sam's stomach with a small smile. "Feels like he's getting bigger already!" He whispered. "Yeah, thanks for reminding me I'm gaining weight already. God knows how since I can't seem to keep anything down most of the time!" Sam said trying to pull out of his arms. "Are you okay, do you want me to make you something to eat or maybe run you a bath before you start your homework?" He said not letting go but pulling her closer too him and hugging her. She rested her head in the crook of his neck and inhaled deeply and nodded. "Which one would you like first, food or bath?" He whispered. "Bath!" She whispered back, he barely heard her but only nodded and he stood holding her in his arms and carried her upstairs and into the bathroom. Setting her on the counter he filled the tub and added bubble bath for her. Standing he helped her down off the counter and helped her undress. When she was in the tub and the water was turned off he kissed her forehead and told her he would be back in a little while to check on her. Going back downstairs he finished his work and put it back into his bag and started pulling things out to make dinner. After about 45 minutes he went back upstairs and when he opened the door to the bathroom he found her putting on a pair of his sweat pant and a large shirt. "Feel a little bit better?" "Yeah, thank you!" She said, brushing out her wet hair quickly. They then made their way downstairs and started on dinner. "After dinner I need to go over to Andre's house for a little while and do some work with him about the next school board meeting at the end of the month. Are you going to be okay here with just your mom?" Randy asked as they started pulling things out for dinner. "Yeah, I should be fine. Plus you haven’t' been spending that much time with Andy lately you need some time I think." Sam said as she pulled out some milk and a glass. Randy came over and gave her a hug from behind. "I knew there was a reason I loved you so." Randy whispered in her ear. After dinner Randy put on his shoes and grabbed his car keys. Sam came out of the kitchen with a smile on her face. "Tell Andy and Sarah I said hi." She said before giving him a kiss on the cheek. "I will, call if you need anything." Randy said giving her a kiss on the forehead before walking out the door. When he got over to Andy's house he was surprised when Sarah opened the door as he pulled into the driveway. He got out and smiled at her warmly. "Where is that way ward husband of yours at?" "He's in the kitchen waiting for you. How is Samantha doing?" Sarah asked as he came closer. "Still getting morning sickness?" "Unfortunately she is. Hopefully later on it won't be so bad." Randy answered. "She also told me to say hi to you for her." "I am glad, wasn't sure if she was still having problems feeling comfortable around us after what happened when she was over here last." Sarah said looking away from him. "You don't worry about that at all, she doesn’t even think about what happened. She hasn't said anything about that in months." Randy said giving her a hug really quickly. "Thanks Randy you don't know how much that means for me to hear that right now. You better go in before Andy things you’re not coming." Sarah said moving out of the way for him to come in. Randy made his way to the kitchen and found Andy sitting at the table with some papers from school in front of him. "So how is life treating you?" Randy asked sitting down across from him. "Better then I thinks it is treating you. How is everything at home with Sam and her mom there with you?" He asked finally looking up from the paper he'd been grading. "Sam's doing well, I think her mother is driving her more up the wall then me personally but who am I to judge right!" Randy said half joking. "So I've heard Jason Dodson has been harder on you lately. Sam too for that matter been following her around to her classes he was at my door a few times asking about you two. Of course I'm not sure why he'd ask me even if we are friends." Andy said laughingly. "How's that going over on you two?" "Well, that's the thing Sam's friend Anne did an incredible thing just yesterday. But first I should tell you Jason's been doing more then just pestering us. He has pictures that I haven't seen yet of Sam coming and going from my house. Threatened me with them yesterday wanting an explanation before he went forward with them." Randy stated. "Jesus, what did you do?" Andy asked knowing that his friend was now in way over his head more so then he had been before. "It's not what I did, I simply had told Jason she was coming to my house for tutoring and that was it. But it was what Anne did that mode those pictures null and void for Jason to use against us." Randy stated and looked away from his friend not knowing if he should tell him even though he knew he would. "Tell me what happened." Andy demanded. "She slept with Jason in his office during school hours. And is holding it over his head so that he won't come any where near me or Sam. She's blackmailing him to keep us safe." Randy said looking over at Andy finally. "Tell me she felt compelled to do this and no one put her up to this. My god Randy how did this get so blown out of proportion like this." Andy said almost yelling it out as he stood up and started pacing the room. "NO one put Anne up to this one; she thought she was doing it to repay Sam for helping her out of her parent’s house at the beginning of the school year. We didn't even know about it until today and by then it had already happened." Randy explained trying to calm him down. Sarah came in at the raised voices. "What are you two talking about?" Sarah asked quickly. Andy quickly explained the situation to Sarah so she'd know what was going on as well. After Andy finished Sarah turned to Randy in astonishment. "You let this happen, how could you!" Sarah said quickly. "Now don't go blaming me for this I had nothing to do with what Anne did, she decided to do this all on her own. I already told Andy that I knew nothing about this until after the fact and couldn't do anything about it. So please don't blame me." Randy said holding up his hands in defense. Sara just looked at him for a moment like she wanted to smack him or hurt him in some way but wasn't sure how. "You need to have a talk with Anne she obviously has some issues that need dealing with if this is what she things she has to do to be friends with Samantha. And talk to Samantha as well." "And say what, you can't do stuff like that to save us from being all kicked out of the school because this isn't what friends do for each other. Give me a break, you damn well know if the situating was reversed one of your friends would have done the same for you just like I would and you know that. And correct me if I'm wrong but I've save your asses a few times in just as weird of times as well. So don't even say that." Randy said standing up to leave. "Randy, wait!" Andy called after him, who was already at the door ready to walk out when he stopped and looked at both of them. "I saved your butt ten years ago when we just kids Andy. I've never asked for much of anything in repayment for hat happened back then that almost got us killed. Now I'm asking, and I think I'm not being too ridiculous in my request for a little understanding and having my in this!" Randy almost yelled at him. "Listen to me for Christ's sake. I am not saying I’m not here for you if you need it. I am trying too understand everything that is going on with you and Sam. But you have to realize what you are getting yourself and Sam into here. And not just her but Anne and us." Andy countered back at him. Randy looked at him and then at Sarah for a moment before answering the statement. "I know exactly what I am getting myself and Sam and the rest of us into." He whispered so softly they almost didn't hear him at first. "It's called love, the fight for love and everything that goes with it. And you two of all people I thought would understand that!" He opened the door and proceeded to leave without another word. Andrew turned to look at his wife who was looking at him with tears in her eyes. "He really does lover her, doesn't he?" She whispered to him. "Yes, I just hope it doesn't destroy his career and everything else so that they can have it. I hope she loves him as much too." Andy answered. "I think she does, she's still with him through everything that has happened this year to both of them she’s still there right beside him. And Anne sounds like a fabulous friend to have." Sarah said softly, she then cleared her throat before talking again. "Now what is this about him saving your ass and you two almost getting killed when you were younger?" "If this doesn't blow up in his face I'm going to kill him for bringing that up in front of you." Andrew stated softly. "I was in a gang when I was younger and couldn't get out of it. He staged a way for me to get out of it, making the gang think I got killed so that they wouldn't come after me for leaving." "But you have no tattoos or anything like that!" Sarah said. "Had them removed when I turned eighteen so that I could put it in the past. Anyway the gang I was in found out about it and did a drive by of the house we were at and Randy got shot in the chest barely missing all of his major organs. He jumped in front of me so that I wouldn't get hit. If not for him I'd be dead right now." Andrew said softly. "Afterwards the police became involved and I testified and had most of the member put in jail for a long time." |