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This is about a young female student and her English Teacher who fall in love. |
The next day around noon Sam was down in the kitchen when her dad came back over and they started planning more for the wedding again. They were at the table talking when Randy came downstairs and sat down at the table with a smile to Sam before asking what they were talking about. Sam smiled back and brought him up to date on what they were planning for the wedding. Since they had decided to have it at Randy's house, Sam told him her ideas about where to put everything for the reception after wards. Sam then stood and went to the frig for a soda. After closing it, she stood there just sipping and thinking, Randy watched her with a frown. James on the other hand didn't notice any of this. He just went on about some of the problems they had to still work out. As he rambled on, Randy got up and came up behind Sam, who was still deep in thought. She hadn't noticed really any movement and he slipped his arms around her waist. "A penny for your thoughts?" He whispered in her ear as she cuddled closer to him feeling more relaxed against him. "I was thinking about the baby and what the name should be," Sam said with a sigh. "I have an idea, how about we both come up with a name for a girl and a boy, and then before the baby's born we decide which we like better." "Sounds good to me!" Sam answered lightly, then looked up at him and smiled. Randy could see she was distracted with something else and that she looked tired. Slowly she peeled away his hands and walked over to her father who had been watching quietly. "You look tired Sam, maybe you should go take a nap," James suggested. "Yeah, right and have mother Superior on my tail all the way to the room. No thank you!" She responded tightly. "Come on, I'll take you up there," Randy spoke up. "Alright, I suppose," Sam nodded. "What did I do? I suggest it and you turn me down. He suggests it and you say okay," James said like a hurt puppy. "That's not it at all. He said he would take me up there," Sam said mildly. Randy then grasped her hand then led her upstairs. They walked by Linda's room quietly trying not to draw attention from the cracked open door. Finally they slipped through his door and he closed it. "Come, sit down I'll take your shoes and socks off." Randy said as he walked over to the bed. He pulled her over and sat her down on the bed and proceeded to take them off for her. "You're spoiling me," Sam remarked. "But it's fun!" Randy said with a devilish smile that spoke his love for her. She then lay down on the bed as she watched him look at her. He then pulled the quilt up to cover her. Sam smiled at his playful mood and Randy sat down on the bed next to her. "You know, I might expect this more often!" Sam said mischievously. "Then, I'll just have to dissuade you of that notion." Randy bent over her and slowly kissed her passionately and it suddenly became harder and more persistent. Just then Linda burst into the room. "Damn it, does anybody in this family know how to knock!" Randy groaned very loudly as he sat up. Linda became so surprised she stepped back and fell on her ass. James came running at the raised voice. "Who was that yelling?" James asked breathlessly. Then he looked down at Linda who was still on the floor, but now as white as a sheet. "Randy is just upset because she didn't knock before coming in," Sam said, now sitting up in bed. Randy on the other hand was standing next to the bed, arms crossed with a look that said clearly that he was ready to kill someone. "Linda, you really know how to piss people off," James said trying not to laugh. "And here I thought it was just me you did that too." "I ... I didn't know... I didn't mean to," Linda stammered as she tried to get up. Finally Randy came forward and offered his hand. There was a great hesitation before she took his outstretched hand. With a good tug he pulled her up and almost sent her flying into him. "Now, what was so important that you just had to come barging in here?" Randy gritted out. Linda flinched at the harshness in his voice. "I saw you two go by my room a little quickly and I thought something was wrong with Sam," Linda responded, still taken aback. "There's nothing wrong with her that I am sure a nap won't cure!" Randy stated. "Which was what she was about to do." He turned his back on Sam's parents who got the clue and started to leave. They all heard Linda murmur that she was sorry as she closed the door. Sam was sitting on the bed looking at Randy trying not to laugh. Randy came forward and bent down and kissed her softly yet passionately. He lightly pushed her down the rest of the way to the bed. Her hands began to roam up underneath his shirt in response. Randy moaned quite loudly as he unbuttoned her shirt. Then he felt her unzip his pants and unbutton it as well. "What about your parents?" Randy asked between kisses. "What about them?" She asked as she pulled off his pants. He chuckled as he took off his own shirt. That was when a knock came at the door. "Who ever it is go away, we're busy!" Randy called out then kissed Sam. "If you're busy with what I think you're busy with, then I'll kill you Randy," James threatened through the door. Randy still in his boxers got up and went to the door. Before opening the door he looked at Sam to see if she was decent, then threw open the door. "For your information, we were, so go ahead and kill me. But you're going to have one upset daughter on your hands." Randy said, taking James by surprise. "Damn, I didn't actually expect you two to be doing anything other then talking." James stammered out not knowing what else to say. "Oh, well... what do you need?" Randy asked. "I just came to ask what you wanted for dinner." James stated. "Cheese pizza!" Sam spoke up from the bed. James looked from Sam to Randy. "Cheese pizza!" Randy said then closed the door. He walked back to the bed and sat down. "Your family is really good at breaking the mood." "Don't take it to heart," Sam said as she kissed him. "Make love to me!" She whispered. He moaned as they finished undressing. He kissed her softly, as his hands glided over her body. They made slow sweet love; afterwards Sam fell asleep in exhausted. He laid there for a while just holding her before he got up and slipped on his jeans and pulled on his shirt and didn't button it up all the way before he went down stairs. To his surprise James and Linda were both sitting at the table eating cheese pizza. James looked up to see Randy in the doorway, and then looked away again. "So I get the silent treatment, no comments, no nothing?" Randy asked as he came to the table. "We were in the house, you couldn't hold off until later?" James hissed out as he stood to face Randy. Who stood there looking James straight in his eyes. James took a step forward trying to make Randy back down but Randy didn't move an inch. "Is that all you're mad about or is there something more you're not mentioning?" Randy asked, looking over James. "Everything, but she seems happy so what can I say!" James whispered so that Linda wouldn't hear him admit it. "Everything?" Randy demanded. "You took advantage of her, got her pregnant and now your marrying her." James stated. "Back up, first of all I didn't take advantage of her; we are both willing partners in this all the way. I asked her to marry me and she said yes. So it's not like I am making her marry me. The pregnancy is just as much me as it was her." Randy stated flatly. "If you're fishing for something to hate me for find something else." James suddenly pushed him against the wall, holding him by the neck where he growled at him. "Understand this; under other circumstances I probably wouldn’t have a problem with you and my daughter. But you're her teacher, that is one reason to hate you right there. You got my daughter to lie to me and the rest of the family, strike two for you. The rest is simply icing on the cake right now." James said not letting go of him the whole time he talked. Slowly Randy pushed away from the wall with no real problem forcing James to take several steps back. "So you're waiting for strike three right?" Randy whispered in a harsh tone. James only nodded. "Keep waiting, because it's not going to be coming anytime soon!" "She's our daughter and you are taking her away from us!" Linda said harshly. "Wrong, I am not trying to take her away from you. If I wanted to do that I would have tried a lot harder and we wouldn't be here right now having this conversation," Randy said as he started to turn away. "And for your information, you pushed her away." "Where is she now?" James asked, Randy turned back to face him. "Upstairs sleeping!" Randy answered. James nodded and sat down then continued to eat; Randy did the same as well. After two hours Sam came down to find James in the living room, Randy in the kitchen and Linda in her room. Unaware that any argument took place, Sam was like sunshine herself, she was so happy. Sam watched quietly as he moved around the kitchen going through his cupboards looking at what food he had. Not knowing that she was behind him watching. She took her time coming up behind him, and then slowly wrapped her arms around him. He didn't bother to turn around just put his hands over hers. "You know what? I'm a little hungry!" Sam commented off-handedly. Randy turned around with a smile that could have melted butter. "Not that kind of hungry. I was talking about food, not sex!" "Oh," He said disappointed. He grabbed the pizza box from behind him and opened it for her to take a slice. She gladly took the biggest slice there was and began to eat it. When she finished he looked at him sheepishly. "A little hungry?" "Don't forget I'm eating for two now," Sam retorted. "I didn't and I don't think I could even if I wanted to," Randy promised putting his hand on her stomach and caressing it gently. "Suck up," James said coming in from the living room. "You think so, I've been practicing," Randy countered. "You guys are too much!" Sam said laughing. Randy smiled at Sam before turning back to what he had been doing. But not before Sam noticed the bruises on his neck. Sam came up on his left side and fingered them gently before turning to her dad. "How could you?" "I was upset, I couldn't help it," James answered, looking to Randy for help. Randy could only shrug his shoulders helplessly. "I can't believe you, dad," Sam said quite upset. "I'm sorry, Sammy. Really I am," James said seeing the hurt in her eyes. He gave her one long last look before walking out of the kitchen. "I may not be happy with what he did, but don't let him leave!" Randy whispered in her ear. Sam sighed heavily as she went to find her dad. Who at that very moment was about to walk out the door without as much as a word in good bye! "Don't leave!" James turned at those words. Not knowing that he would ever be so happy to hear those words spoken by anyone. He looked in his daughter's eyes to see no real hurt but regret. She held out her hands and waited. Slowly he came forward and hugged her. "It's been so hard for me, I just lost myself. Please don't be upset with me." James said in a pleading voice, as he pulled away. * * * * * * * * * As the weeks rolled by and it came closer to the wedding and graduation, Linda really got to work. She managed to get out invitations to all 55 of the people who would be attending. Along with getting a caterer and making out the menu as well. Linda also went to a fabulous bakery and ordered the cake two weeks in advance. As she worked with James, Randy and Samantha, they also managed to keep Jason Dodson at bay for awhile longer. But what they hadn't realized that Jason had been following Sam around outside of school and knew that she was now living at Randy's house. And that he was waiting for the right moment to spring it on them. The Friday, two weeks before the wedding, Sam and Linda went to a dress shop where Sam's dress awaited her. She came out of the dressing room in an all-silk white dress. The sleeves were tight all except for the poof of material at the shoulders. The neckline was a deep V showing off just enough of her breast. The waist was a low and V shaped as well, all tight showing off the figure she still had. While the skirt flowed out around her. The veil was a simple crown, which dipped at the front of her forehead with one pearl dangling at the tip. She looked the bride she would soon be. Her mom smiled at the end product that would soon walk down the isle to marry. "You look simply beautiful, Sammy," Linda said, looking her over. "How long is the train?" "Two feet, why?" Sam asked, looking in the mirror at the gown. "Just curious is all, that is a great length for it," Linda exclaimed softly. "Wrap it carefully!" She instructed the shop keeper as Sam turned to the dressing room to change. Showing off the back, the back neckline went all the way to a few inches above her ass. |