Things I find myself only able to express in words and in this journal - welcome! |
I've been thinking lately... and we all know this could be a dangerous thing. But, I've been thinking about getting a new blog. I love this one, there's so much of me in here... but upon reflection, the person I was and who I am now seem so far and distant from one another. They're similar, of course, but not the same. I love some of the entries I've made. But, they're of a time and person that no longer exists. My friends have changed greatly... I still have several of the same ones... but the relations have all changed. This journal was started in love and it'll end in it. Love that has taught me to be someone who I didn't think I ever could be. Today is 6 months for Manda and I... It feels like it hasn't been that long, but at the same time, it feels like it's been longer. It's the simple things that happen between us that I like... that makes it feel like it's been longer... the comfort that's there. She came into the bathroom to check on me when I'd been in there a while... it didn't matter what was wrong with me, she was concerned. Most people, I don't think, would do that for the person they're dating. And it's other things, the fact that I still feel sane for being with her. I still have my logic and rationality. However, for numerous reasons... I want her to be able to share who I am now... these thoughts that I have that I might not ever tell her, but the things that I would write. I think she's earned that. I still need a place to put my thoughts... of course. I have Xanga... but I also feel like perhaps it's not the same person that I was. I've considered LJ, but, I'm not sure. Or perhaps... I'll just start another one on here considering I like the layout here really well. There's myspace as well, but I definitely don't feel I have the privacy I want on there. Any suggestions on a place to get a blog? |