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This is about a young female student and her English Teacher who fall in love. |
The Friday that Sam's mom came reluctantly, Randy and Sam went to school as usual and Mr. Dodson over the last week and half had become more obnoxious with every day. He would make it seem like he was every where at once. Sam would be eating lunch with Anne and a few other friends in the cafeteria and Sam would look up to see him across the room watching her. Every class she went to he would be there at the door to greet her. He seemed to stay at Randy's door extra long just watching her associate with her friends. Finally on that day when she got to the door of Randy's room for fifth period history to see Mr. Dodson standing there, she decided to confront him face to face. "Well, Mr. Dodson. You have made it quite clear to the school that you have been watching me closely. Please enlighten me as to why?" Sam asked looking at him squarely in the eyes. "You intrigue me Samantha that is all. You hide what you want nobody to know very well. You've managed to hide a great secret from many. I know what it is, it's only a matter of time before I prove it to the Board of Education," Mr. Dodson answered happily. "What exactly is it that you know?" Sam asked in a cold calmness. "Why, that you and Randy Quake are dating secretly," He answered wryly. "Well, you can believe that for however long you like. Because I know that it is not true at all!" Sam added defiantly. Knowing that it was a technicality that they were actually engaged to be married. "Then you are denying that you're dating your teacher?" Jason asked suspiciously. "Quite right, now if you'll excuse me I have to go to class." Sam said as she brushed by him. But his voice stopped her short at the door with her hand on the doorknob. "I will not excuse you so that you may seek out your lover." He said from right behind her. She turned around, forcing him to step back. She seemed to rise to a height that was greater then her original height as she confronted him. "You are despicable. Just for that I'll see you rot in hell!" Sam added, and then left him slack jawed and staring after her. She went into the room, heading straight for her desk when again she was brought up short by his voice. "I'll write you up for that!" Mr. Dodson said at the door. All of the students looked from him to Sam not understanding. Randy had stood up upon Mr. Dodson's dramatic entrance and stared at Sam. Sam turned; Jason could see green flames leap from her eyes. He could see that malice and hatred shaking her body. Then finally she spoke with calmness in her voice that surprised everybody. "Write me up until your hand cramps in pain for all I care. For I did nothing wrong!" "You told me you'd see me in hell!" Jason answered mockingly. "I was wrong; hell is too good for your black heart!" Sam spat viciously. So surprised by her actions and words he back up. "Mark my words, if you so much as bring this subject up to me again and you'll regret the day you were born!" Sam turned and sat in her chair and said nothing. She wasn’t surprised to hear the door open and close a moment later; there was no doubt in her mind that it was Jason. Here eyes closed she could feel Randy coming around his desk and stop in front of her desk. She opened her eyes to see him looking at her. "I think we need to talk about this privately." Randy spoke firmly, yet in a whispered voice for only Sam to hear. Sam only nodded before standing and following him into his office in the back. When the door was partially closed, Randy turned to face Sam with concern on his face. "He confronted you about us didn't he?" "You could say that and would be right, I'm sorry Randy." Sam said looking down at her hands. "I just couldn't take it anymore. He's been following me around for over a week now. Meeting me at all of my classes, I didn't mention it because I thought he'd give up after a few days." "Damn, I thought he would do this kind of stuff with me not you. I was sure that was only between me and him." Randy said pulling her into his arms for a hug. I'm sure he's going to either write you up for detention or even worse suspend you for a week." "Isn't there anything we can do to get him to back off? Report him for harassing me or something?" Sam asked, pulling away enough to look up at him. "If we did that then the board would not only investigate the harassment, but when they found out why it started it would spur an investigation into us being together and that would be even worse because you know they'll find something." Randy answered softly; she leaned back into him and sighed heavily. "There's got to be something we could do to get him to lay off of us." Sam said more to herself then to Randy. They were both startled when there was a knock on the door and Anne pushed it open holding out a note. "Your late," Randy said and then took the note from her. "Had to stay late in my last class!" Anne answered softly, looking at them both she could tell something was wrong. "Did I miss something?" "I got into it with the principle in front of the whole class!" Sam answered. "And I am pretty sure that I am getting detention or suspension for it." "Were you every like this at your last school?" Anne asked jokingly. "If you mean, did I ever cuss out a teacher or principle before, I would have to say no," Sam answered. "Well, it's nice to know that this little town high school has such a wonderful effect on a big city girl." Anne commented dryly. "And here I thought it was just me!" Sam said sarcastically. "Well, I'm disappointed that I missed the action though," Anne said with a small sigh. "Something tells me that there will be more to come," Sam said as Randy led them back into the class room to start class. They sat and listened as Randy lectured on William Shakespeare. But Sam became quite tired and just happened to nod off at her desk. Nobody really took any notice until she began to snore somewhat loudly. Finally after quieting the laughter, Randy squatted in front of her desk. "Sam, wake up!" He shook her lightly, and she moaned a little and looked up at him sleepily. "Tired?" "Yeah, a little!" Sam answered. "Go lay down in the office on the couch for awhile," Randy said in a low voice, she just nodded and got up and went into the office. "Why did you let her go in the office to sleep?" Natasha, the student next to Anne, asked. "I have a class to teach, and I can't guarantee that I can keep her awake and not snoring." Randy answered. Sam slept away the rest of the period. Nobody seemed to notice, that is but Randy and Anne. When the bell rang, Anne got up and made it to the office door before Randy. When she opened the door it was to see that Sam was puking in the trash can. They both rushed to her side. "Are you okay?" Anne asked. "I'm fine; it's just morning sickness. It started this morning, it's really mild, and I've only had to throw up a few times." Sam tried to smile but failed too miserably. "That's a few too many!" Randy stated. "Oh, like I can stop and start it when ever I feel like." Sam said sarcastically. "Anne, can you help me up?" Sam got up and went to the nurse for some crackers before heading to her computer class. When she got home she made an appointment with her doctor, for that coming up Monday. Then she left for the airport to get her mom hoping this would be a better reunion then the departure they had almost a year ago when she left to live with her dad. |