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This is about a young female student and her English Teacher who fall in love. |
All of them went out for lunch later and talked about the wedding and who would be invited. Sam told them how she wanted her dress to look. And since neither had preference of religion they were going to be married in Randy's backyard by a judge. Sam was happy and overwhelmed by how much they had already decided. After lunch everyone went window shopping at the main street mall. That's when Sam saw the baby store and asked Randy what they were going to do about the baby. "We'll put him in the room next ours!" Randy said calmly, as he looked at a stuffed football. "Him. Did you say him?" Sam said gruffly. "Yes I did!" Randy said without pause or looking at Sam. "You are a brave man to say such a thing to her," Jack said right before Sam slapped him lightly on the arm. "Damn, you hit me!" Randy said trying not to laugh since it didn’t hurt. "You should know better then to suggest that it might be a boy unless the person carrying the baby says so. In this case Sam has always wanted a little girl," Steve cut in. "This baby is going to be a girl," Sam stated matter of factly. "Something tells me I'm not going to win this argument," Randy said exasperated. He then went into the store and came out five minutes later with a porcelain doll in hand. He handed it to Sam and smiled broadly. "Well at least he knows when to give up and say he's sorry," Alex commented loudly enough so that all of them could hear. "Thank you, Randy," Sam said, as Randy took her hand in his and smiled down at her. "Your welcome!" Randy said with another warm smile. They continued on at a slow pace down the hall, that is until Sam saw Mr. Dodson sitting on a bench in the plaza area of the mall, he was just staring at them. Sam stopped abruptly at the sight of him and paled an almost sickly color of white. Everyone quickly took notice of her stopping and just staring at her. "What time is it?" Sam croaked. "2:30, why?" Steve answered after looking at his watch. "Schools out, no wonder!" Sam said with much venom. "What's wrong Sam?" Randy asked coming to stand in front of her. "Promise you won't over react if I tell you?" Sam asked quietly. "Yes, what is it?" Randy persisted. "Mr. Dodson is over there on one of the benches just watching us." She spoke slowly so it could sink in. Randy looked over his shoulder in the general direction she indicated and spotted him immediately. "Damn it, I knew something like this would happen," Randy proclaimed, his anger spiking. "I have an idea," Alex said. "Randy you just took the day off for no reason and went to the mall. Sam, you took off to visit with us and we just happened to bump into each other. Good enough?" Alex asked. "I guess it's going to have to be," Sam said with a sad smile. Then Sam decided to see what would happen if they walked up to him. Without saying anything to anybody she started walking over. "What are you doing?" Jack asked. "Let's go say hi!" Sam said quickly. "What?" Randy asked stunned. But she was still headed straight for where Mr. Dodson was sitting watching them. His face registered surprise and amazement at her advancement. This of course pleased Sam thoroughly. She also felt that her brothers, sister and Randy were following behind when she saw Mr. Dodson's face change to one akin to fear. Sam stopped abruptly to confront Mr. Dodson, and she felt Randy stop right next to her. Everyone else made a small half circle behind them. "Why Mr. Dodson, what a surprise to run into you. My family and I seem to keep running into faculty members. What brings you to the mall? "Sam asked curtly. They were all surprised by what Sam said, but only Mr. Dodson showed it. Then it turned into a broad smile; he then stood up from the bench forcing Sam to side step into Randy. "I was just looking for a few things. I noticed that you and Randy both failed to show up for school today," He answered very happy. "Are you looking for something pertaining to me?" Sam asked mildly. "Yes, I was wondering what you were doing with your teacher?" Mr. Dodson asked harshly. "I already told you the answer to that. Is going to the mall and running into a teacher a crime?" Sam asked. "Sam let's go okay. There is no point in talking to him; he obviously doesn't care in the truth." Jack said grabbing her hand to lead her away. "Hold on right there, who do you think you are to accuse me of not wanting the truth?" Mr. Dodson said getting defensive. "Her brother, she told me that you harass her at school. Just because she came from Los Angeles doesn't mean she's a gang banger or bad person. And it's quite obvious that you are bayous." Jack said, again trying to walk away with Sam in tow. Sam brushed Jack's arm off and turned to Mr. Dodson. "Mr. Dodson, I realized that you are the principle and have some measure of control of me at school but this isn't school." Sam spoke and then turned to walk away. The rest of them turned and followed after Sam, who stopped after a few feet and looked over her shoulder at Mr. Dodson. "See you at school tomorrow!" She smiled and walked away with everyone. Leaving Mr. Dodson to stare after them, the group walking away without a backward glance to him. He felt like he missed something very important by the way they had acted. He made his way home hoping that there would be another opportunity to find evidence of what he knew was going on between the two. |