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This is about a young female student and her English Teacher who fall in love. |
"Why do you insist on such adolescent defiance towards me?" He asked as she sat in the chair opposite his desk still holding the unopened can of soda. She didn't want him to find out anything about her and Randy. So she decided to wait and see what he was going to say to her first. "Is that what you think I am doing?" She asked him innocently and smiled. She couldn't help but wonder what pushed him to look for the worst in Randy and anyone else who stepped in his way. "I have to know if you and Randy Quake are in any way involved with each other." He stated ignoring her question. Sam just looked at him confusion and then anger. "How could you think such a thing? He's my teacher! Besides, I am sure he has got to be married." She started to stand up; Mr. Dodson stood quickly holding out a hand to her as if to grab her. She backed up knocking over the chair not wanting him any where near her. "Keep away from me, I've already told you keeping your hands off of me. You only ask such an impossible thing because you want it instead of letting Randy have it if he does." "Do you know what you are suggesting?" Mr. Dodson demanded coming around the desk towards her. "Do you know what you're suggesting about me and Randy?" She asked eyeing him wearily as he makes his way closer. What he didn't see was her slowly shaking up the soda in her hand. When he got within a few feet of her she held up her empty hand to him and he stopped. "You have no idea what you're doing Mr. Dodson and I suggest you just step back!" He stepped forward a few more steps and that's when she opened the soda and dumped it on him. Throwing the soda on the floor she turned for the door. "Leave now and I will suspend you for a week." He almost yelled at her, she looked over her shoulder at him. "Your threats are weak, and we both know it. You say anything to anyone and I will make sure that everyone knows that you closed me in your office with you while your secretary was gone and that you made explicit advances towards me and outrageous accusations against a fellow faculty member. Who everyone knows you’re trying to get fired." Sam flung the door open and stalked out of the office past a few students who were staring at her in amazement. When Sam got to the class room she saw that Randy was sitting on the top of his desk and that nobody was there. She could see that he was upset, so she entered slowly. But was unprepared for what happened next. "Sam how could you do that?" Randy asked a low almost sad voice. Sam looked around again before looking back at Randy confused. "What?" Sam asked, not realizing that he already knew some of what happened between her and Mr. Dodson. "Sam, Jason called on the phone in the back and told me what you did," Randy said, his eyes showing like misty emeralds. "Randy, did he tell you why I did that to him? He was making accusations and that wasn't all. He was advancing on me, threatening me, and if I hadn't acted he probably done more to me." She whispered, he could see the tears in her eyes. "And if I hadn't acted he probably done more to me." Randy stood and walked forward and wrapped his arms around her hugging her tightly to him fighting the urge to go to the office and beat the crap out of Mr. Dodson for doing anything to her to upset her so. "Is that all you did, dump it on him. He made it sound like you gave him a soda shower." Randy said trying to hold down his laughter as he looked down at her. "You realize he is going to at least give you detention or worse for that. He could call it assault." "I don't give a damn, let him try. By the way where is everyone?" Sam asked looking slowly around the empty room pulling out of his embrace. "I sent everyone to the library to start on that project I was talking about last period," Randy said with a broad smile, she looked him over and knew what he was thinking. "You always seem to get me alone with you, don't you," Sam said eyeing him with a little smirk that could mean so many things but Randy new what it meant. "I try my best," Randy said his voice growing husky with sudden need. "Well, well, well, look what I found!" Sam and Randy turned at the sound of Mr. Dodson's voice. Who was standing at the door to the classroom looking at them with his yes lit up with the joy of knowledge. "Oh, shit!" Sam whispered only loud enough for Randy to hear. As soon as she said it he burst into laughter. "What the hell are you laughing about Randy?" Mr. Dodson demanded. "When you said Sam had dumped the soda on you I didn't expect it to look like she had showered you with it." Sam had to cover her mouth with her hand to keep from laughing out loud. Mr. Dodson was truly amazed at her amusement and the statement but slowly regained his composure. "If it is true that you two are dating each other in anyway I will find out. And when I do you are gone Randy, you'll never teach again. Nobody will want you around their children," Mr. Dodson hissed out as he stood as tall as he could. "And you Ms. Town will leave here with no diploma, I promise that!" He turned to leave but Sam's voice stopped him as he was about to round the corner. "I am sure that people would love to find out that the principle of this school is luring students into his office and making advances, threatening them with detention, suspension or worse for not cooperating with him." She stood away from Randy her feet planted looking defiant when Mr. Dodson turned back to her. "You have no proof, nothing to take to someone who would listen." He almost yelled at her. "I am sure if a few of my friends found out what you had said and done to me in your office they would suddenly remember something similar happening to them in your office." She lashed out at him with her words and saw every word strike a cord in him. "You're a bitch!" He lashed out. "At least my mother taught me something worth doing well." Sam stated as he disappeared. "We are skating on thin ice with him, no thanks to you." Randy said when he was sure Mr. Dodson was gone. "You have got to have the biggest mouth in the world." He said coming around to face her and grabbing her chin. "Well I guess I'll have to take that as a complement," Sam responded as her features slowly soften with his last statement, knowing he wasn't mad. She leaned forward and planted a kiss on his lips. "Nobody likes a smart ass, but in your case I think I can get use to it." Randy smiled at her warmly. "We better get to the library before the class begins to wonder about us!" Sam grabbed her bag and followed him out, when they got there Anne was looking at her warily but Sam didn't want to tell her what happened not sure what kind of response she would get. She managed to get a lot done considering how much Anne badgered her about what had happened. Finally before the end of the period Sam turned on Anne. "Anne do realize how annoying you can be with your persistence? I covered the principle with soda and threatened him for making advances on me. I am looking at maybe a detention or even suspension for it if not more and really don't want to talk about it. Are you happy now? Leave me alone!" "You did what, to who?" Anne said totally amazed. "He actually confronted me about the relationship between me and Randy. I had to come up with something that would say that it was a lie and that I was totally offended. I turned the tabled on him and made it seem like he was making a move on me." Sam answered looking away from Anne not sure if she wanted to tell all of this to her. "I then shook up the soda I had and dumped it on him." "What the hell were you thinking; he's going to go after you two even more now that you did that." She exclaimed a little too loud. "Will you shut the hell up about this? I really wouldn't enjoy everybody in school knowing about this." Sam hissed out furious because she also saw Randy coming towards them. It was obvious that he had heard them fighting from across the Library. "What is going on you two? I can hear you from over there!" Randy said waving his hand to the other side of the room. "Or do I even want to guess what it's about?" "She..." Anne indicated Sam. "Is irresponsible, rude and plain incompetent." "Some friend you are!" Sam's face and eyes showed the hurt she had been hiding moments before. Sam was ready to bolt but didn't want to cause anymore of a scene. "Damn you two are incorrigible, now handle this quietly." Randy asked looking at Sam then at Anne. "Yes," Sam whispered. Anne just nodded her head in agreement, not looking at either of them. "Thank you very much, I have to go now. I'll see you tonight Sam, and you tomorrow Anne." Randy whispered, and then walked away as the bell rang. "I'm sorry Anne, I was being really insensitive." Sam said not really looking at her. "I'm sorry too; I wasn't being nice either." Anne said looking her up and down. "Friends?" Sam nodded holding out her hand and shook Anne's, she then grabbed her stuff to leave. "Friends, listen I have to go to class, we'll talk tomorrow about this some more okay." Sam smiled and then was off. Anne knew that the minute Sam turned around that she was in her own little world of thought. Sam of course was thinking of what Mr. Dodson might do to her if he were to find out the truth. She knew that she could be kicked out of school and that Randy would be fired. She was thinking so much about it that it was a miracle that she managed to finish her work in computer class before the bell rang. She made her way to her Jeep and got in, and suddenly sagged against the seat for a moment now that the first day was over of pretending everything was okay. She then sat up and put her seatbelt on and turned on the Jeep and headed for Randy's house. When she let herself in to his house she was surprised to hear the phone ringing and went to listen to what ever message might be left. When she got into the kitchen she was surprised to hear her father's voice on the machine. "...Sam I don't know if you're going to even listen to this or delete it as soon as you know it's me. Maybe I over reacted a little and we can sit down and talk about this!" There was a pause and Sam almost went over and picked up the phone to talk to him but hesitated too long and he started talking again. "I heard what you said at my bedroom door last night. And ... I love you too!" And then she heard the click of him hanging up the phone. She stood there for a moment letting the silent tears make trials down her cheeks before she went and cleaned up. Knowing that right at this moment she couldn't call him back and talk to him. |