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This is about a young female student and her English Teacher who fall in love. |
Dazed she started to look around and saw her purse not far away almost with in reaching distance. Knowing that her cell phone her father had given her for emergencies was in there she started to move and screamed again. Looking down she saw that a thin branch had gone through her right shoulder, panic started to set in as she looked around. That's when she realized that a branch was sitting next to her on the ground and picked it up in her left hand used it to pull the purse towards her. Relief flooded through her when she reached into the purse and pulled out the phone and that it was fully charged. She dialed Anne's phone number first. "Hello?" "Anne, its Sam. Listen very carefully to me. I am sitting on the side of the road I just got into a car accident!" Sam spoke slowly. "Jesus are you okay?" Anne demanded. "I'm hurt but not too badly I am going to call an ambulance after I get off the phone with you but I need you to do me a favor." Sam stated calming as she talked and the fact that because of the cold she wasn't hurting all that badly yet. "You need to go to Randy's house and wait for him there and tell him what happened. I was leaving where I was with him; he has no idea what has happened." "What about your dad?" Anne demanded. "I will call my dad after I call for an ambulance. Just please do it Anne." Sam begged softly and then hung up on her. She then proceeded to call 911 and tell them what had happened and where she was as best as she could without moving too much to look around. Within 20 minutes she was being stabilized and loaded into the ambulance and police and tow truck where there to take care of the Jeep and make sure that nobody else hit the black ice that she'd hit. One of the paramedics made the mistake of trying to take her purse and cell phone from her. "Take it away from me and I'll get the hell out of here!" She hissed at him. The paramedic held up his hands in resignation and went back to adjusting the bandages on her shoulder where he'd cut away her shirt. Sam wasn't much of a religious person but actually started whispering prayers under her breathe as they drove to the hospital that everything would be okay. When she arrived in the emergence room and the paramedics took the gurney she was on out of the back she heard a girl cry out in terror. She managed to turn her head in the direction to see that Anne was coming towards her with Randy right behind her. Seeing the concern her face she closed her eyes knowing that she had really messed up, a tear slipped through her closed eye lids as she fought to not cry because she could have died. She then felt someone take her hand and opened her eyes and looked up into Randy's face, she wasn't sure but it looked like he might have been crying himself. Don't cry for me, I'm still here!" She whispered softly, he smiled slightly at that and walked beside her gurney as they wheeled her into the emergency room and a doctor came to look at her. When the doctor finished looking at her he smiled at her warmly. "Well your very lucky, it went through clean and didn't do too much damage. We'll have to put in a few stitches on the entrance and exit points so that it will close fully. And you'll need to stay the night, looks like you lost a little too much blood." He stated softly. "Thank you doctor!" She whispered softly she then realized that she hadn't called her father yet. And started to pull out her cell phone to call him. "I'm sorry no cell phones in the emergency room!" The doctor said. "I need to call my dad he doesn't know that I'm here. Or that I've been hurt." Sam stated frowning. "If you want I'll call him and tell him what happened." The doctor said cheerfully. "Is there any way you could bring me a phone and I could call him." Sam stated. "I think it would be better if he heard it from me." "Alright, I'll have nurse bring a phone to you!" He said before walking away. A few minutes later he came back with two nurses, one was carrying a phone and the other was carrying a tray of things. As the one handed Sam the phone and dialed for her the other nurse started prepping for the stitches. The phone started ringing and Sam waited for her dad to answer the phone. She was surprised when her very groggy father answered. "Hello!" He answered. "Daddy it's me Sam!" She stated quickly. "Honey do you realize it's almost midnight, what's going on?" He asked and that's exactly when the doctor without warning started stitching her up. And Sam almost screamed into the phone but managed to bite down on her tongue. "I'm at the hospital dad; I was in a car accident trying to drive home." She whispered between clenched teeth. "I'm in the middle of getting stitches right now but I wanted to call you before I fell asleep or something!" "How did this happen?" He demanded. "I hit a patch of black ice and skidded out of control, I was thrown from the Jeep and a branch went through my shoulder." Sam explained before he could interrupt her. "I'll be there as soon as I can, are you in the emergency room?" He asked. "Yeah, for now. The doctor said I'll have to stay the night because I lost a lot of blood." Sam answered. "I'll be right there!" He said and hung up. Sam taking breath as the doctor continued to stitch. She looked up at Randy who'd been quietly holding her hand the whole time. Anne had been standing near the door since the stitching started not liking the sight of blood. "Randy, you better go. My father will be here very quickly it won’t be a good idea that he find out about us this way!" She said and then let out a moan as the doctor tugged on the stitching thread to tie a knot. "I'll be back tomorrow to see how you are doing!" Randy said softly before lifting the hand he'd been holding and kissed it gently. Placing her hand on the gurney he turned to Anne. "Need a lift home?" "No, my car is outside I'll stay with her. Her dad won't question me being her. Go before he gets here. We don't need any more drama then necessary." She whispered so that Sam wouldn't hear all that she said. "Plus it will make sense that I'm here. She was according to her dad supposed to be at my house I'm assuming. He'll want to know what happened." "Thanks Anne. Call me before you leave and let me know how she's doing!" He stated and then walked out. The doctor looked up at Anne when he finished the stitching with a frown. "Dad doesn't like boyfriend?" He asked. "Dad doesn't know boyfriend exist, it's a long story. Please don't say anything it will only cause more problems then she needs!" Anne nodded towards Sam whose eyes were closed. "I'm still here and awake please don't talk about me like I'm not!" Sam whispered. "Sorry!" Anne muttered. Fifteen minutes later Sam was in her own private room when her father walked in. He was white as a sheet when he looked over at Sam on the bed and saw the bandages peeking out of her dressing gown on her shoulder. Anne was sitting on the far side of her bed facing Sam's dad. "What happened? Why were you driving?" He demanded. "It's my fault Mr. Town!" Anne suddenly spoke up softly. James looked at Anne in surprise and waited for her to explain. "We had a fight about a guy I have been seeing and Sam decided to leave. I didn't stop her from driving home even though earlier she had said she'd never driven in snow before." Sam was surprised that Anne had spoken up at all that at first she didn't say anything. "Dad, don't get mad at her. It was entirely my fault I should have called you to come and pick me up I wasn't thinking that's all." Sam spoke up before he could get mad at Anne. "Well it's over now and you are still alive. I called about your Jeep and it's only surprisingly has a few dents but other then that it's still drivable." "Somehow that was the last thing on my mind but thank you dad?" Sam said looking away from him for a moment. "Have you talked to the doctor yet? I'd like to know when I get to go home." "You can go home tomorrow afternoon he said. And he says that you'll need to stay home for the rest of the week as well. "James answered softly.”I'll arrange for your homework to be put together for you and I'll pick it up after I get off work tomorrow!" "If you want I can bring it over for her if you'd like Mr. Town!" Anne offered quickly, James looked at her in surprise and then nodded. "We had better go and let her get some rest!" James said finally, realizing that Sam hadn't looked back at either of them. He knew something was wrong but couldn't put his finger on it. Anne nodded and started heading out with Sam's dad when Sam's voice stopped her. "Can I talk to you a moment Anne?" Sam whispered. Anne looked over at James who only nodded before leaving. Anne walked back over to the bed and finally Sam looked over at her. "Thank you for everything, you didn't need to try and take blame for what I did. You weren't even there or anything!" "That's what friends are for, now get some rest and I'll see you tomorrow. Do you think your dad will be home when I bring over your homework?" Anne asked. "I can always send him out for something, why?" Sam asked softly. "You do that and I'll have a surprise for you then. Send him out for something that will take a good amount of time so that you have time to enjoy my surprise." Anne said with a smile before leaving the room. The next afternoon Sam sent her dad out with a list of things that he would need to get from the store and knew that he would have a hard time finding some of them because he didn’t know what some of the things were. Twenty minutes later the door bell rang and Sam got up from the couch and went to open the door. She stood looking at Randy in surprise for a moment, in one hand he had a dozen red roses and the other hand he had a stack of papers and all of her books that she'd left in her locker. "What are you doing here?" She asked when she recovered. "Anne, the little schemer thought it might be a good idea for me to drop off your homework and see you for a few minutes and she knew your dad wouldn't be here and it should be safe." Randy said with a smile. "Do you mind letting me in, these books are a little heavy." Sam stepped back and that's when Randy saw that her right arm was in a sling on both sides of her shoulder. He walked past her and saw that her things were spread over the coffee table in the living room and proceeded to deposit the stack of homework stuff with the rest. He then turned and held out the roses to her. Sam smiled and took them with her left hand, stopped for a moment to smell them. "Their beautiful, thank you!" She whispered. "This is from Andrew and Sarah!" Randy said and pulled a small package from his back pocket and held it out to her. "Let me get these flowers in some water first and then I'll open it." Sam said turning and leading the way to the kitchen. Randy followed at a distance and watched as she placed the roses on the counter and then started searching the cabinets for a vase. She then found one in the cabinet above the fridge and looked over at Randy pleadingly when she realized that with her arm in a sling she couldn't reach it. Smiling softly at her he stepped forward and pulled it down and as he started to hand it to her he leaned forward and kissed her. "Thank you!" She whispered softly and realized that it sounded like she had thanked him for the kiss. "I mean..." "I know what you meant!" He stated softly as he stepped away so that she could fill the vase with water and put the flowers in it. When she was finished she turned back and realized he was holding the present from Andrew and Sarah out to her. Taking it in her hand she started pulling the paper off with the other. Only to reveal a book on writing, she looked up at him in surprise. "They asked me what they should get for you, they both feel really bad that you snuck out last night because you felt uncomfortable and ended up getting hurt. I feel really bad because I let you walk out of there!" "Thank you, and tell them I said thank you as well!" Sam started turning over the book and looked at the back to read what it was all about. She then looked back up when she realized he had stepped closer to her. "I am sorry Sam!" He said softly and being careful of her hurt arm he leaned in and wrapped his arms around her for a hug. "If there is anything I can do to make up for this, please let me know and I'll do it." She looked up at him with a sweet smile when he pulled away. "Well there is one thing you could do for me!" She stated softly, his eyebrow lifted curiously. "Tell me you love me!" "I love you with all of my heart; I hope you never doubt it. Ever!" He whispered softly and then kissed her gently. "However much I hate to say this you might want to leave now. My dad's already been gone 45 minutes and at one point soon will have found all the weird stuff I sent him to the store for!" Sam stated trying not to giggle at the surprised look on his face. "Anne told me to send him out and make sure he'd be gone for a little while, but didn't tell me why other then she had a surprise for me." "So you'll be back on Monday, right?" He asked as he started to step back. "Yeah, the doctor said I needed to take it easy and that driving a stick shift Jeep wouldn't help so I have the week off from school. Plus this gives the auto body shop a week to fix all the dents in the Jeep. Thank god I had roll bars on my Jeep, didn't think I'd ever need them." Sam said shrugging her shoulders and then groaning in pain. "Did the doctor give you any pain medication?" "Yeah, pain killers go a long way. I have another hour or so before I can take it again. Mostly I am just sore." Sam’s said and then took his arm in her good arm and started leading him to the door. "Don't worry about me; I am going to be just fine. And I will call you every night so that you know exactly what is going on and you can tell me what's going on in school!" "I am going to hold you to that!" Randy said as they stopped at the door and he opened it and turned to her. "Can I have one more kiss before I go?" Laughingly she leaned into him for another kiss. "Now go before my father gets back and we get killed. I don't feel like going to the hospital again any time soon." Sam stated as she used her good arm to start pushing him out the door. "I'm beginning to think you don't want me around!" Randy said as he walked through the door and waved as he kept walking towards his car. Sam watched him leave with a little sadness but knew she'd see him again soon. The week went by too slowly for Sam the only thing that brightened each day were the two sets of red roses that showed up by delivery every day. One note always said simply, I'm sorry, the other always said, we're sorry. She knew they were from Randy, Andrew and Sarah. Anne showed up every day afternoon and stayed until Sam's dad came home from work so that Sam wasn't left alone for too long by herself. Surprisingly Sam's dad didn't question at first that the roses showed up every day until on Friday when he came home. "Where are all of these flowers coming from?" He asked when he saw the two new dozen roses. "My English/history classes. I made a lot of friends in those classes." Sam answered as she sat watching TV now that Anne was gone. "If I didn't know better I'd say you have an admirer!" James stated taking off his coat and hanging it in the closet and walked over and sat next to her on the couch. Sam looked over at him in surprise. "What would give you that idea, dad?" She asked before turning back to the TV. "The fact that before this happened you seemed to be out all the time and you hardly spend anytime at home it seems anymore. You have this glow about you lately that seems to grow brighter by the day. I just wish I knew if it was a guy or your new found freedom!" James said softly. "Freedom dad, it's all about the freedom!" Sam said with a smile. "Which I haven't had that much of lately. I am starting to get Closter phobic in here." "Call Anne have her come and pick you up, why don't you spend the night over at her house tonight. You arm should be able to handle that now that the stitches are starting to dissolve." James suggested softly. Sam's smiled broadened at the suggestion and she hugged him with her one good arm. "Thank you dad, I think that is exactly what I need!" Sam said standing up and heading for her room and the phone. Once the phone was in her hand she stopped and thought about it for a moment and smiled again as she dialed Anne's number. After several rings she picked it up and said hello. "Anne, I’ve been set free from isolation and I want to see both you and Randy, what do you think. Can you come and pick me up?" "You are terrible you know that. Are you going to be going home or staying at his house?" Anne asked knowing all to well what the answer would be. "His house, I just have to call him first and make sure that it can happen. If not I’m all yours for the night if you don't mind!" Sam answered. "I'll be over in about fifteen minutes." Anne answered before hanging up the phone. Sam then dialed Randy's number. "Hello?" Came Randy's voice. "What would you say to a couple of young ladies coming to visit you and maybe one of them spending the night?" Sam asked sweetly. "I would have to say that I am very excited and would want to know when this was happening?" Randy answered and Sam knew that he was smiling. "Ann's coming to pick me up in about fifteen minutes so we'll be over in a little bit. I can't wait to see you." Sam stated softly. "I'll see you two when you get here." He whispered and said bye before hanging up. Within half an hour Sam and Anne were at Randy's door knocking on it. When Randy answered the door it was with a grand smile on his face and flourish of opening the door. Sam and Anne walked in and Anne put Sam's bags on the floor near the door. And then handed Sam's medicine over to Randy with a smile. "I'll give you the lecture I got from her father since he thinks that it’s my house she's staying at. Make sure she takes her antibiotics 3 times a day and she can have the pain killers every four hours as needed for pain but only with food." "Hello, I am right here, and not a little kid. Thank you very much!" Sam said very exasperated as she looked at both of them. Randy tried not to laugh as he closed the front door and then took Sam's medicine into the kitchen. Both of them followed him and Sam was surprised when she saw that there were plates set on the table and turned to look at Randy. "What's with the dishes?" "Dinner! I figured you tow probably haven't eaten and neither have I. So I ordered pizza for us." Randy answered and turning and planting a kiss on her forehead before putting her medicine on the counter. Anne grabbed Sam's good hand and led her to the table and sat down with her. "Do you two want anything to drink?" Randy asked, both just nodded. He took three sodas out of the fridge and brought them to the table. "So what have you been doing this last week at home?" "Mostly homework and watching TV." Sam answered softly looking away from him for a moment. "And your arm?" He asked. "It's still sore but it isn't as bad as it was!" She answered softly, fingering the arm sling without realizing it. Randy watched her and couldn't figure out what was wrong now. Something was bothering her and she wasn't saying what it was. He then looked over at Anne not sure what to say. Anne just shrugged her shoulders in answer not sure what was wrong either. "Sam, what's wrong?" Randy asked, she looked up at him as he held out the soda to her. "I..." she stopped and that's when a single tear slipped down her cheek and she looked away again.”I almost died!" She whispered softly. "Another inch to my left and that branch would have punctured my lung!" Randy stepped forward and carefully wrapped his arms around her and held her as she started to cry softly. Anne sat there stunned not knowing what to do other then watch. "But it didn't and your still alive and here. And that is what matters to all of us and that is all that should matter to you!" Randy whispered softly to her. Anne suddenly stood and come forward and wrapped her arms around her as well. They both held her until the silent sobs subsided and when they pulled away and looked down at her she was actually smiling. "What would I do without you two?" She whispered, and then they all heard the door bell ring. "That would be our pizza!" Randy said straightening and pulling out his wallet from his back pocket and heading for the door. Sam looked over at Anne still smiling slightly. "I'm just glad your okay!" Anne whispered. "Me too!" Sam answered. They sat there quietly as they waited for Randy to bring the pizza back. When he came back he was carrying two pizzas, putting them on the table he opened the top box which had cheese pizza in it. They all started eating and talking about everything that had happened in the last week. * * * * * * * * In the months that followed Sam and Randy became closer with every day that went by and everything was good until the first week of April. When Sam realized that her period hadn't come yet. In a panic she ran into her room and called Anne. After several rings she picked up the phone. "Hello?" Anne spoke. "Anne, I have a problem and you can't say anything to anyone!" Sam said quickly. "What is it?" "I need you to go to the store and get me a pregnancy test!" Sam demanded. "Wait, say that again. I could have sworn you said you needed me to get you a pregnancy test!" Anne said shocked. "Don't worry about getting your hearing checked you heard me right the first time!" Sam stated. "Please just do it, and I'd be grateful." Sam said. "Alright I'll be over as soon as I can, just sit down and relax as much as possible." Anne said and then hung up without saying good bye. Twenty minutes later Anne was knocking on Sam's door, Sam almost sprinted to the door and threw it open pulling her inside. "Calm down Sam. Let's go to your bathroom and see what happens." Sam could only nod as Anne led the way to the bathroom. To keep her calm Anne read the directions as Sam did the test ad then as they waited the ten minutes it would take Anne handed Sam a magazine to read. When the timer they were using went off Sam jumped up from sitting on the toilet seat cover. "I want to be the one who sees the results first, please!" Sam said walking over and looking down at the test. She stood there staring at it for a full minute before looking over at Anne. The look of shock and confusion on her face told Anne what the answer was. Anne stepped forward and hugged her tightly. "You'll be okay Sam; we're talking about you and Randy. Not some asshole that's going to run in the other direction when you tell him. Randy's not like that, you'll figure this out I promise." Anne whispered softly. "What am I going to say, to him, to everyone?" Sam whispered. "My father?" "Take a deep breath and take it one at a time and tell Randy first. He deserved to know first since he's the father." Anne answered. "Then you are going to make an appointment to get checked out and find out exactly what's going on. When the baby is due and make all your decisions. Now grab your purse and get in your car and go tell him before you lose your nerve. I will be at home if you need anything." Anne said as she led Sam out of the bathroom. Sam grabbed her purse and keys before following her outside. Anne got in her car and before she started the car she looked over at Sam with a smile. "It's going to be okay!" She stated and then started the car, pulling out of the driveway and went home. Sam reluctantly got in her Jeep and started it. When she got to Randy's she sat there a moment contemplating what she was going to say to Randy headed for the door knowing that if she hesitated for a moment she would turn around and go home instead of telling him. She knocked on the door and waited a few moments before he came and opened the door, Randy's smile faltered when he saw her face. "What's wrong?" He asked opening the door the rest of the way to let her in. "I need to talk to you!" Sam whispered as she walked past him into the living room. She sat down on the couch and waited for him to join her before she said anything else. "I realized today that I'm late!" "Late for what?" He asked and as soon as he said it he saw her face and realized what she meant. "Are you sure." "I had Anne get me a pregnancy test and it came up positive!" She answered softly; she was surprised when he pulled her in his arms and hugged her excitedly. "You're not upset!" "Why would I be upset? Sure we are going to have to figure a few things out but I wouldn't be upset about being a dad." Randy answered with a smile. "In fact this seems the perfect time to give you something I was going to wait until the school year to give to you. But now seems to be a more appropriate time to do it." He got up and motioned for her to stay there and he headed up stairs. When he came back down stairs Sam was looking him over not sure what he had gone to get until he kneeled in front of her and pulled a ring box out of his pocket. As he opened the box to show her what was inside he finally spoke. "Marry me?" Sam stared at the ring taking it all in. It was a gold band the center stone was in a setting that made it look like a flower, and then on each side was two smaller diamonds. She sucked in a breath before looking up at him totally stunned for a moment. She suddenly threw her arms around him laughing. "Of course I will." And then gave him a kiss. When she pulled away Randy took the ring out of its box and placed it on her finger. "Why don't you call your father and tell him you're staying at Anne's house for the night and we'll figure out how to tell him and everyone else that needs to know and start making plans for the wedding." He whispered softly before kissing her deeply. Slowly pulling away Sam went into the kitchen and got the phone to call her dad. Randy waited in the living room and was surprised when Sam came back in the room crying a few minutes later. "What's wrong?" "My father found the pregnancy test in my bathroom and knows that I am pregnant. He wants me home now to talk to me. He's pretty pissed off at the moment, he was actually yelling at me and he has never done that before!" Sam said the tears still streaming down her cheeks. "I'll go with you; we'll talk to him together. And if he doesn't want to listen then you are packing up your stuff and coming back here with me until he's ready to listen." Randy stated standing up and heading for the kitchen where his keys and wallet were on the counter. "We'll take my car, either way you're going to probably have to stay here for the night. I don't thing he's going to be too happy with you or me at the moment." They drove over to her house in relative silence and when Randy pulled into her driveway he could see that Sam was ridged in the seat next to him. He grabbed her hand and started rubbing it between both of his. "Relax, we'll get through this, I swear. I'm not sure how, but we'll do it." Sam only nodded as she got out of the car. Randy followed her inside and they stopped right inside the door because her father was sitting there waiting for her when they walked in. James was surprised to see that Randy was there and at first didn't say anything. "Sam, I told you that I wanted to talk to you alone." He said harshly. "Dad, this is Randy Quake, he's the father." Sam answered softly, she watched as her dad stood and straightened to his full height of 6 feet even and she almost stepped back. James looked past his daughter to Randy who saw and understood the look in his eyes. He realized James was not only upset but hurt that his own didn't trust him enough to tell him about Randy and he was about to lash out because of it. "What are you going to do about this?" James demanded harshly. "I suppose you're just going to leave her to deal with this on her own?" "No, I've already purposed to her and she's accepted." Randy answered firmly not looking down from the tone in his voice. "What do you do for a living that you think you can take care of my daughter?" James demanded of him. Sam started to step forward to say something, but Randy stopped her with his hand on her shoulder and then stepped in front of her. He wasn't going to let her take the brunt of this one from her father when he told him that he was Sam's teacher. "I'm Sam's English Teacher!" Randy answered. Sam was trying to step around Randy not wanting to hide behind him and that is when she saw the look on her dad's face. The disappointment was evident in his face as well as shock and then the full understanding of why she hadn't told him about Randy. James looked at his daughter and almost said something then took a deep breathe and tried again. "Your teacher?" He whispered hoarsely. "Is this what you have been doing all these months? Lying to me running around with him. Is that how you got hurt a few months ago in the snow. You were coming back from his house, weren't you?" He demanded harshly, Sam didn't know what to say and could only in the end nod at his questions. "Dad?" Sam suddenly said taking a step towards him. But stopped when he held up a hand to ward her off, he stood there for a moment just shaking his head. "Just leave!" He whispered and started to walk away. "Don't do this to me, please?" Sam begged as she started to walk towards him but was stopped by Randy grabbing her by the arm. James looked at his daughter with such pain. "You lied to me, not once but many times." His eyes then flicked to Randy for a moment. "And don't think that I am happy with you either, you took the daughter I knew and changed her. Made her lie to me to protect you!" "Sam go get your things, what ever you need for the next few days. We'll send Anne over here for the rest." Randy said suddenly and out of the blue. Sam looked over at him in surprise and then understood and left the room. "Believe what ever you would like Mr. Town to make this not hurt so much, I will not fault you that at all. But don't push her away or lash out at her, she doesn't deserve all of it. The phone number you know of as Anne's is actually mine and here is Anne's. He said setting a piece of paper on the table next to him. "So that you can call her and let her know when an appropriate time to come and pick up the rest of Sam's stuff is." Randy then turned and headed for the way that Sam had gone to help her get her thing when he was stopped by her father's voice. "Do you love her?" Randy looked over his shoulder at James and gave him a sad smile. "So much that when she got hurt that day I would have traded places with her in a heart beat so that she wouldn't suffer because she left my house and got hurt." Randy answered softly; he started walking away and stopped again to look at him. "Don't wait too long to call her. We did wrong and I can't change that but we're trying to do right now and she's going to need you more then ever." Randy helped Sam pack up all of her clothes and some of her other things that she would need in the immediate future and helped to cart them out to the car. James had disappeared somewhere, Sam thought maybe to his room because he didn't want to watch her leave. When they were finished getting everything into his car Sam turned to Randy. "I need to do one more thing alone before we go!" She stated and walked back into the house, she made her way to her dad's bedroom and for the first time since she had started living with him his door was closed. Placing her hands on the door she took a deep breathe before she started to talk. "I hope one day soon you can forgive me for this dad. I would like you to walk me down the aisle at my wedding and be there when the baby is born. But if not I understand and I still love you and will tell my children what a wonderful person you are!" She said through the door loud enough for him to hear, she then put her head against the door for a moment. "I love you!" She whispered before turned and walked out of the house. James leaned against the door trying not to cry as he listened to her move away from the door and walk away. The next day at school Sam was quiet through out each class even Andrew noticed in Algebra and asked her what was wrong and she told him to ask Randy. He only nodded in understanding and went up front to start class. When she got to the first of her two periods with Randy, Anne was waiting expectantly at her desk for Sam to come in and tell her what had happened. When she saw Sam's face she knew to keep her mouth shut and wait for Sam to tell her what had happened. It didn't happen until their lunch period when they were sitting down to eat that Sam began to talk. "Anne I have to tell you something and it must never pass your lips ever. Is that clear?" Sam asked most seriously. "Yes of course!" Anne answered uncertainly. "Randy purposed to me after I told him I was pregnant, and I accepted." Sam said in a low whispered. "Are you serious, when is it?" Anne asked totally surprised. "At the end of the school year after I graduate." Sam answered. "My dad knows I'm pregnant and that it's Randy's baby. He also knows that we are getting married." "How did he take it?" "Not good, he actually kicked me out of the house; I am staying at Randy's permanently now." Sam said almost sadly. "But I am hoping things will not be so bad with some time." After that Sam sat back thinking for a while as Anne rambled on about who should be invited and where it should be held. Sam of course wasn't paying attention and was off in her own world of thought. Anne didn't mind at all she was too busy thinking about the wedding. That is until Sam saw the principle coming. She gave him a glare that just for a second when he saw Sam he stopped. He then came to her table and stood there. Finally Sam spoke and without holding back on her anger and hate for the man. "Hey Mr. Dodson, what do you want?" Sam said staring boldly into his eyes. "You're Samantha Town, right?" He asked what a small smile. "Yeah, so? You still haven't answered my question!" Sam stated firmly. "Sam?" Anne whispered knowing that for some unknown reason Sam was trying to provoke him. "Not right now, I'm trying to talk to the principle." Sam said not even looking at Anne's stunned expression; Mr. Dodson even looked at her in total surprise. "I would like to talk to you in my office privately." Mr. Dodson answered finally. Sam nodded; picking up her soda as she followed him. But stopped turning around to smile a most evil smile at Anne before catching up with Mr. Dodson. Anne knew from that smile that something was going to happen, with that she left for class. When she got to class Randy looked at her then passed her to the door looking to see if Sam was about to walk through it. When she didn't come in he looked at Anne who had sat at her desk and shrugged when she realized that he was looking at her. Randy announced that class was going to the Library to start their projects. When everyone got up and started to walk out towards the Library Randy asked Anne to hang back. Anne stopped at the door and waited for everyone to leave before looking at Randy. "Where is she?" "Mr. Dodson took her to his office a few minutes before lunch was over!" Anne answered with a grin. "I think for some reason he thought he could get Sam to admit something. Only go knows what that could be!" Randy looked at her in frustration, knowing that she was right. "Alright, go to the Library, I'll be there after Sam comes back to the class room! Thanks for the warning; I'm probably going to need it." Randy stated and watched her walk out the door. He looked down at the ring on his right hand and frowned. He loved her but some times she could push too many buttons on people for his liking. He couldn't blame her though she had been through a lot yesterday between finding out she was pregnant and getting purposed to and then kicked out her dad's house in a matter of hours. |