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This is about a young female student and her English Teacher who fall in love. |
Sam woke up at 6:30 in the morning and sat up in bed she looked over to see that Randy was still asleep next to her. Suddenly the phone started to ring next to her side of the bed. Sam looked over at Randy who cracked an eye open and saw her awake. "Will you answer that please?" He whispered. She smiled and picked up the phone. "Hello?" She answered. "Who is this?" A woman's voice came over the receiver. "Why?" Sam said confused by this woman's demands. "Is Randy there?" The woman demanded. "He's sleeping can I ask whose calling?" Sam asked. "Tell him it's his girlfriend." The woman said harshly. Sam immediately dropped the phone on the bed and looked at Randy who was snoozing. She got out of bed and grabbed her clothes. Randy rolled over and looked at Sam. "Who is on the phone?" Randy asked yawning. Sam looked up at him as she was putting her clothes on. She didn't answer until she had her clothes on and her shoes on. Grabbing her back pack she turned to him. "Better pick up the phone the woman says she's your girlfriend." Sam said and walked out of the bedroom. She made it downstairs and outside before Randy caught up with her. He was wearing only a pair of jeans. "Sam, wait!" Randy called after her. She had just thrown her backpack into the back of her Jeep and was climbing in. Once in she looked at Randy with a frown. "Why Randy? It's all too clear that this was a mistake." Sam said starting the Jeep and putting it in reverse. "Don't leave Sam, I love you!" He called as she pulled out of the driveway. Randy watched until he couldn't see her Jeep anymore and went inside to hear the phone ringing again. He picked it up, "Hello!" "Why did you hang up on me Randy?" Came the woman's voice. "Stacey, call here again and I'll have a restraining order placed against you. We haven't been together for over a year now." Randy said and hung up the phone. He went upstairs and got ready for the day knowing that he had a lot of explaining to do and he hadn't done anything wrong. When Sam pulled up in front of Anne's house she was ready to start throwing things but didn't have anything that she could throw. Anne got into the car smiling but stopped when she saw Sam's face. "What's wrong with you?" Anne asked. Sam looked over at her and just wanted to cry. "He's got a girlfriend!" Sam whispered. "What?" Anne asked totally surprised. "She called this morning to talk to him. When I asked her who was calling she told me to tell him it was his girlfriend." Sam whispered she looked down at her hands in her lap. Anne put her hand on Sam's shoulder. "Are you going to be okay?" She asked. "No, damn it. I actually really liked him." Sam looked back up at Anne. "Why do guys have to be like this? I know there had to be something about this relationship. He was just too damn nice for me." "Well, let's get to school and we'll figure out what to do from there okay." Anne suggested, Sam only nodded and started to drive. Once there Sam seemed to go on auto pilot finding a place to park. She only nodded goodbye to Anne before heading to her first class. When she got there Andrew was waiting at the door for her. "Sam, I need to go over some things with you before class starts can we go into my office." He led the way into his small office. When he held the door open that's when Sam saw Randy standing in the corner waiting for her. She stopped in mid step and just stared at him. "Are you going to come in and listen to what I have to say?" Randy asked so softly, she was startled. She started shaking her head and backing up at the same time and then ran into one of the empty desks. "Sam, don't leave at least listen to him." Andrew said. Suddenly her face snapped over to look at him and then back at Randy. Her eyes narrowed on both of them. "Both of you stay away from me. I knew nothing good could ever come of this!" She turned around and walked right out of the class room. Andrew turned to look at Randy sadly. "She really believes that this would end sooner or later and that sooner has apparently come." Andy said softly. "So, you really tried to tell her you love her?" "Yeah, but I'm not sure if she heard me or not. I'm thinking not!" Randy answered, turning he grabbed his bag from the floor. He then started walking out when he called over his shoulder to Andrew. "Thanks anyway for the help." "Let me know if there is anything else I can do." Andrew called back. * * * * * * * * When Sam came to the door of Randy's class she stopped a few feet away not knowing if she could go in there. She stood there staring at the door when she suddenly saw Randy step through the door, he stopped right over the threshold and looked over at her. "Please, come in!" He said softly. "Why?" She demanded. "Because there has been a misunderstanding." He answered; he stepped aside so that she could walk through. Sam put her hand on the strap of her back pack and was turning to walk away when he was suddenly standing next to her. "Please don't walk away again." "Give me one reason!" She said looking up at him. "Alright, I can do that!" He said with a smile for the first time all morning. "Don't walk away because I love you!" "But... your girlfriend?" Sam asked totally confused. "Who I broke up with more then a year ago!" Randy answered softly. "She calls me every so often trying to get back together with me." Sam looked him up and down before walking past him into the classroom not knowing if she could trust herself not to break down and cry or run away. Randy followed her into the classroom knowing that this was a start at least to getting the relationship back on track. When he entered it was to see that she had sat down at her desk and was talking to Anne. Who turned and looked at him uncertainly before turning to Sam. Randy didn't blame her one bit as he made his way to the front of his class to start class. When the bell signaled lunch came it was none too soon for Randy who looked over at Sam expectantly. He felt his chest tighten with uncertainty while he stood by his desk waiting to see if she would stay. While he watched most of his student's almost vaulted out of the classroom in their hurry to be away from the classroom for what was only 45 minutes. Anne took one last look at Sam as she stood and started to walk away. "It's okay Anne; I'll see you when class starts again." Sam said she watched her only nod before walking the rest of the way out of the room. "So you're at least going to talk to me?" Randy asked when the last of his students had left for lunch. Sam stood and came around her desk looking at him uncertainly. "Why didn't you tell me about her?" Sam demanded she was searching his features for any lies that may be there in his expression. "Honestly, the thought hadn't crossed my mind! She hasn't called me in almost four months; I figured she'd gotten the clue that I wasn't interested in her!" Randy answered her softly; he slowly started walking forward closing the gap between them when suddenly three was a cough from the door. Both turned to see the Principle, Mr. Dodson standing there. "Yes, Jason?" Randy asked looking at him with such loathing that the principle almost took a step back. "Well, I had come to see you about next month's meeting but now I see there is another problem that has come to my attention." He answered stepping into the room, eyeing both of them. "And that problem would be what?" Randy demanded of him. Neither had noticed Sam as she grabbed her backpack and got ready to leave the classroom. When she tried to move around the principle he grabbed her arm to stop her. "Where are you going young lady?" He demanded of her. Sam looked down at his hand on her arm and then at his face. "Out for lunch." Sam answered pulling her arm out of his grip. "Put your hands on me again and I'll press charges." She started to walk away but stopped at the door. "Since it looks like you won't be able to leave to get something Mr. Quake. Did you want me to bring you something back to eat?" "Thanks Sam that would be great." Randy answered with a nod. When she was gone he looked back at Jason. "Careful with that one, she'll eat you up alive before you even have a chance to say sorry." "Now about that problem, you two are together aren't you?" Jason demanded. "Is this one of your new theories so that you can get me out of here?" Randy demanded of him. "Cause if it is, it's not going to work. Because it's not true." "I've heard rumors from some of the other teachers that you have been hanging around your new student more then the rest. That you actually followed her out to her car one time!" Jason said stepping closer with each statement. "Well, I had too; I was helping her take books to her Jeep. I didn't realize that as a crime. Is there anything else?" He said as he was turning away from him and heading for his desk. "Why do I have this feeling like your hiding something from me?" Jason demanded. "I am sure that if I am you'll figure it out. You're a smart man Jason." Randy said as he started going through things on his desk. In frustration Jason almost stomped out of the classroom slamming the door behind him. Ten minutes later Sam cracked the door back open and looked in. Randy was sitting at his desk going over some paper work. "Is it safe?" She asked opening the door more; he looked up and nodded with a small grin on his face. Walking into the room he saw two sandwiches and two sodas in her hands. Setting the stuff on his desk she then pulled a chair up to his desk. Setting the stuff on his desk she then pulled a chair up to his desk. "So, what else do I need to know?" "What else do you want to know?" He said grossing his arms over his chest waiting to see what she would ask. "Any more hidden want-a-be-girlfriends I need to know about?" Sam asked, eyeing him to see if he would flinch. He simply shook his head no. "What about children, any of those hidden anywhere?" "No, no kids anywhere!" Randy asked, almost laughing at the question. "Anymore questions." "Just one more," She whispered coming around his desk so she stood right in front of him. He looked up at her curiously. "Did you really mean it?" "If your talking about the kids...” but she waved her hand to stop him. "You said you loved me!" She whispered, and that's when he saw the tears in her eyes ready to spill over any moment. He slowly stood pushing his chair back so that he didn't crowd her. Slowly he lifted his hand and cupped her cheek holding her face up to look at him. "With all my heart!" He whispered before kissing her softly. When the kiss ended she looked up at him. "I lied!" She said suddenly, he looked at her confused. "One more question." "Anything!" "Why?" "There is no easy answer to that; I just know that I do. Your smile warms me, when you laugh I want to laugh. And when I saw you about to cry I wanted to wipe away your tears and make it all better." He answered softly. "This is going to take me some time, I hope you don't mind." Sam said as she sat down to eat her food. "Just don't shut me out okay. If you feel there is a problem, tell me. I don't care if you yell and scream at me. Just tell me." Randy said as he sat as well and started to eat. They sat quietly eating for a while when Anne came in with her food and looked around a little uneasy. "I take it the principle is gone." She said softly, both Randy and Sam just nodded as Anne walked the rest of the way into the room. She sat down next to Sam and began to eat as well. They were all quiet for the most part as they ate and Randy went through his paper work and grade book. When the bell rang Sam looked up at the clock and then at Randy with a sad kind of smile like it all had ended too quickly. As class resumed Sam drifted in her attention to the class. She kept thinking of what he had said to her earlier about loving her. She looked at him every once in a while wondering what was going to happen between them. When class ended everyone headed out for their next class except for Sam who hung back to talk to Randy. He saw her waiting and came up to her with a small smile. "Is something wrong?" "I'm not sure, I mean not really. I've been thinking and was just wondering what was going to happen next?" Sam asked. "What do you want to happen?" Randy asked. "This sounds really lame but I don't know at all." Sam answered; she started shuffling her feet not looking up at him. "How about we take it slow and see what happens next. It's almost the end of October, and we still have 7 months before school ends. There is so much that could happen with the principle and we'll have to be careful." Randy answered slowly. Sam looked up at him finally with a small grin on her face. "What ever did I do to deserve someone being nice to me?" Sam asked. "You ran into me that first day and smiled at me like an angel. And I knew that I would have to get to know you better!" Randy answered as he caressed her cheek softly. "Go to your next class before you're late." "Alright, I am going." She said softly before grabbing her backpack and heading for the door. "Hate to see you go, love to watch you leave." Randy whispered softly to himself as he watched her leave. He turned to the chalk board and started to erase everything that had been written there earlier in the day. Totally in his own world as he did this he wasn't paying any attention to the students milling in for class or that Jason had come in a sat at the back of the class. When Randy turned around to address the class as the bell rang he saw Jason sitting in the back corner and tried to ignore him sitting there watching as if he was just another student in the room. When the bell rang for the ten minutes all students were given to get to each class all the students got to stretch for that time until they had come back and all though another period in the same class. That is when Jason came to the front of the class, for all of the students had gotten out of the classroom as fast as they could sense the tension between the principle and teacher. "To what do I owe the honor of this visit Jason?" Randy asked sarcastically. "I came here to ask a favor of you?" Jason stated simply, Randy cocked his head to one side confused. "A favor, what favor?" Randy hissed out. "Leave here and go to another school?" Jason demanded, "Make both of our lives easier." "Jason, the only person's life that that will make easier is yours. I won't be here to put the spot light on the way you run things here. Don't think I don't remember the way things were run when I went to school here seven years ago. Nothings changed and the only reason I got an education was because I really wanted it." Randy stated as he started to pull papers out of his bag to return to his students. "Everything changes, whether you or the rest of the faculty likes it or not things will change around here." "Why do you have to push things around here?" "Are you that dense or do you just not want to see. Wait don't answer that I already know the answer. You don't want to change things because you have to reins and like the way your doing thins around here." Randy almost yelled at him, as he tossed the papers he was holding on his desk. "This conversation is over Jason you can leave now!" Jason pulled himself to his full height in an attempt to look more ominous but it failed in the eyes of the only teacher who had no respect for him. "Fine, for now it's over but soon we will talk again." He said as he started walking out of the room. Past several students who had dared to stay by the door out of sight to see what was going to happen. Randy saw them standing there and motioned for them to go ahead and come in. "Come in, I swear I won't bite you!" He said softly, the students slowly started to filter back in not sure if they should say anything or not. One of the girl students walked up to him. "Does this mean you're going to get fired?" She whispered. "Not if I can help it." |