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This is about a young female student and her English Teacher who fall in love. |
The weekend passed by too quickly for Sam, who had spent it with Anne. Anne planned on going back to her parents that afternoon and talk about moving in with her aunt for the rest of the school year. Which Sam was happy about because she knew that Anne needed a better environment then she had with her parents. When she got to her first class, her teacher was surprised when she handed in all of her homework that he had requested be done. "Well that was a lot faster then I thought it would be. What is the hurry?" He asked. "You're not the only teacher who gave me one week to do two weeks worth of homework. It was easier to do it over the weekend and get it all done. Otherwise I'd really get behind and than wouldn't get caught up." Sam answered. "You're a smart kid. Last time I gave a kid one week to get caught up he took three." He said with a laugh. "Well it might take a little while to get these all graded. I unfortunately had other things to do over the weekend and couldn't work on grading. So hopefully I'll have this for you by Friday." He said and then waved his hand for her to go sit down. When she got to Biology class it was the same thing, she handed her homework to the teacher, he was also surprised by how quickly she had come back with her completed homework. "Well, I am very impressed Sam. Not many students even in their senior year would show such dedication to staying on top of things." "Have to; otherwise I wouldn’t graduate with the grades I want!" Sam answered before going and sitting down. She sat through Biology class and actually got bored with it. When the bell rang she put her books for her first two classes away in her locker and picked up her homework for her English class. When she entered the class not everyone was there yet because the bell hadn't rang. But Anne was there and she was smiling. "What are you smiling about?" Anne pointed to her desk, where a book sat on it. Sam came over and saw that it was a book on writing. She looked at the title, 'Becoming a Writer' by Dorthea Brande, Foreword by John Gardner. She picked up the book and opened the cover. Inside was a hand written note. You have to start somewhere, so start here! Randy Sam looked up to Randy's desk to see him working on something; suddenly he looked up at her and smiled. She came over to his desk the book still in her hand. "This is from you?" "You don't like it?" Randy asked. "No, that's not it. I love it; I just wanted to ask why?" Sam asked. "Because everyone has a dream, and it should be encouraged by someone." Randy said with a smile. "Thank you Randy!" Sam said as she turned to head back to her desk. Anne was sitting there waiting patiently for her to sit down. When Sam did, Anne turned to her expectantly. "Well?" "Well, what?" Sam demanded but couldn't hold back the smile. Anne just looked at her with a look of come on just say it. "He gave me the book, so that I could start my writing career." Sam said looking back at Randy who had gone back to his paper work in front of him. "I think he likes you, a lot." Anne said softly. "What if he does, it's not like he could ask me out on a date or anything. He's my teacher for Christ sakes." Sam whispered back, and just as she said that the bell rang for class to begin and several people slipped in the door and headed for their seats. Randy stood from his desk and walked to stand in front of the chalk board. "Now that you're all sitting down, let's start class," He looked around to see that everyone was at least looking in his general direction. "Okay, who has read the book, 'Pride and Prejudice." He looked around and suddenly realized that Sam was the only one who had her hand up. "Sam what did you think of it?" "It was about a time in which we don't live. Now days we don't marry just to marry well like they did back then. Most people at least in America try to marry for love. And this book was about two people who married for love and position in the world." Sam answered. "So did you thing they would get together?" Randy asked. "No I didn't; it was definitely a surprise!" Sam answered. The class went on like that for the rest of the session and then when the bell rang for lunch everyone rushed out to go get something to eat. Sam hadn't run out as fast, she had lingered and told Anne shoe would meet her out there. She looked over at Randy who had sat down to do some work he looked up when he felt her looking at him. "Is there something wrong?" Sam walked to stand in front of his desk. "Why did you really give me the book?" "You deserve every opportunity there is in the world to do what it is in your heart to do!" Randy stated with a smile. "What if writing isn't the only thing in my heart to do?" Sam asked, she looked at him, feeling as if she had said too much. More then she should have said. Randy was a little startled by the question and looked her over seeing in her eyes what her question hadn't said. "Some times in life I've learned that for every thing one wants there are prices to pay. And it is whether or not you want to pay those or not. Some things are best not even though about because wanting them will only hurt you!" Randy said softly. "Only if the think you want doesn't want you back!" Sam said turning to walk out of the class room. "Do you know what you’re asking?" Randy said from behind her, she looked over her shoulder and saw that he'd stood and come around the desk. "Ever heard the old saying if what I want is wrong then I don't ever want to be right!?" Sam asked, Randy nodded with a small smile. "And yes I know what I am asking. Just can't believe that I'm still asking." "Well, maybe we should wait and see. You've just moved here, I thin you should get settled into life here before anything new is introduced into it. Then ask again." Randy said, he saw the look on her face. She looked down at her hands almost as if she knew that she was being told no. "I better go to lunch, Anne's waiting for me!" Sam said and turned to the open door and started walking through. "I'm not saying no, I'm saying in a few weeks." Randy said to her back but she'd already walked out the door and he wasn't sure if she'd heard him. He shook his head in frustration and looked around the room as if he had just done something wrong. When Sam got to the lunch area she found Anne who was talking with a couple of girls from their class. She stopped a few feet away from them when she heard her name mentioned. "I think Sam's a little snobbish myself, I tried to say hi to her earlier and she completely ignored me. Didn’t even look at me she was totally into that book she had at her desk." The one blonde girl said. "Are you sure that she even heard you, I honestly think she wouldn't have ignored you on purpose." Anne said defensively, suddenly the blond girl looked over Ann’s shoulder to see that Sam was standing there looking at them. She realized Sam had heard them talking about her. "Sam!" The girl said but Sam had already turned and was walking away. "Good going Alice. She doesn't need people here totally going off about her behind her back. She saved me this weekend when none of you guys would even pick up your phones!" Anne said and walked away after Sam. Sam had walked back towards the class room in hopes of hiding in the bathroom for a little while. She was looking down at her feet not really looking where she was going when someone in front of her called her name. She looked up only to suddenly slam right into Randy and fall back on her ass. She looked up at him from where she sat on the ground and Randy realized she looked like she was ready to cry. "Are you okay?" "Yeah, just fucking fabulous." Sam said as she took his outstretched hand and let him pull her to her feet again. She pulled her hand out of his and started to brush her pants off. "Thanks." She looked up again and saw the look of concern on his face. "No, this," She motioned to her face, "is not because of you!" "What happened?" "Had a little run in with one of the girls from class is all. She was going off to Anne about me behind my back." Sam said, she gave him a crooked smile. "Just making good impressions on everyone today apparently!" "Have you eaten yet?" Randy asked, Sam shook her head no. "Come on I'll get you something I was going to eat myself." "I've kind of lost my apatite." Sam answered finally, as she started to walk around him. He grabbed her arm; she looked down at his hand then up at his face. "Please?" "Alright, but only because you asked nicely." They started walking back to the lunch area when Anne came around the corner. "I've been looking for you everywhere. Are you okay?" She asked Sam. "Yeah, we were just going to get some food." Sam answered; Anne smiled at Randy then looked back at Sam. "Alice says she's sorry, she didn't know that you didn't hear her when she said hi to you earlier." Anne said as they all headed out for some food. "Whatever, if she has issues with me she better get in line with everyone and take a number because I don't care right now." Sam answered. "Who else has issues with you?" Anne asked confused then looked up at Randy who just shrugged and looked back at Sam. "Never mind, it was more rhetorical statement then anything!" They ate in mostly quiet and then went back to class and finished out the day. When Sam got home that afternoon she went into the kitchen and looked at the answering machine and realized there was a message on the machine. She it the play button and waited. "Hi Sam this is mom. I was just calling to see how your first days of school went." A pause in the message where Sam looked down at it. "Anyway, if you want you can call me back later. I was also wondering if you were going to come back this way either of your holiday breaks. Call and let me know. Love you and talk to you later. Bye." Sam heard the click of her hanging up and just shook her head. She walked into her room and dropped off her back pack and then went to get herself a snack. * * * * * * * * * Randy got home later then usual after meeting with the principle. He pulled up into his driveway and stopped and looked at his house. It was a large two story house with a large front yard that he kept well maintained on the weekends. He got out and grabbed his bag before heading up the walkway to his front door. When he walked into his house he looked around with a frown on how quiet it was. He grabbed a soda from the fridge and walked through the sliding glass door and in the kitchen to the patio in his backyard. Where he spread out his work to be graded. After about an hour worth of work he realized that he wasn't concentrating at all but kept thinking about Sam and what she had actually been asking him earlier in the day. He grabbed his attendance book and grad book from his bag and looked over it. He suddenly realized he was looking at the phone numbers for all of his students. Shaking his head in frustration he put the books back into his bag and went back to grading papers. After about another half an hour he grabbed the book out and took it inside to get the phone. Before he lost the nerve he dialed her phone number and waited while it rang. "Hello, Towns residence." Sam spoke into the phone. "Hi Sam, its Randy!" He said into the phone in a rush. "Is something wrong? Sam asked quickly, not sure why he called. "No, I was doing some thinking about what we talked about earlier today during lunch!" Randy said softly, not sure now that it was a good idea that he called. "Oh," was all Sam could bring herself to say. "I was wondering if you wanted to come over here for dinner and maybe we could talk some more about it!" Randy said in a hurry before he could change his mind. Sam sat there for a moment stunned that he had called and asked her this. She was thinking that it had already been over before it started during lunch earlier. "I guess, where do you live?" "113 King Court. Do you need directions?" He asked. "No, that's not far from where I live, I'll be over in an hour is that okay. I have some things to finish up over here first." Sam answered. "Oh, what's your phone number?" Randy gave it to her really quick and then they said goodbye. Sam sat there for a moment before she wrote her dad a note. Saying that she was going to Anne's for the night and wasn't sure if she would stay the night there or not and left Randy's phone number as Anne's before changing into a pair of jeans and a different shirt. She went outside and put her backpack into the Jeep. She looked around and wondered why she had told him an hour, because she’d already finished her homework a while ago. But then again she didn't want him to think she was overexcited about meeting him at his house. She went into the bathroom and cleaned up a little and washed her face before heading into the kitchen to put her dishes from earlier in the dishwasher. She then made her way out to her Jeep and started over to his house. When she pulled into the driveway she sat there a moment wondering if she should really go in or just turn around and go back home. She looked around at the manicured lawn and then at the front door, when suddenly it opened and he was standing there looking at her with a smile on his face. She got out of the Jeep and closing the door slowly not wanting to rush anything. Then started for the door, when she was standing in front of him she smiled. "Am I the only one who's trying not to make this seem more then it is?" She asked. "Come inside, and I'll answer your question." Randy said softly, as he moved out of the way so she could walk past him. When she stood inside he closed the door and taking her hand lead her into the kitchen from the hallway. "And the answer is no." He whispered softly as he led her to the table in the dinning room off the kitchen. There on the table were two place setting and several dishes of food. "What did you make for dinner?" Sam asked looking around at the food. "Actually its meatloaf, mashed potatoes, French bread, and corn. Hope that's okay?" Randy asked pulling out a seat for to sit down at. Sam sat a little uncertain of what to do next as she watched him sit down next to her. "That sounds great." Sam answered as he filled first her plate and then his. When that was done she looked up at him. "So what exactly did you want to talk about?" "About you and me." Randy said with a small smile before taking a bite of food. "Maybe something about us seeing each other." "I thought you didn't want that because of the whole teacher student thing!" Sam said after a moments pause. "Or did I misunderstand you?" "No you didn't but I thought about it some more and realized that it shouldn't be an issue unless we make it an issue. Your 18 now so it's not like you're a minor!" Randy said and then he stopped for a moment. "This is not coming out right; I want to see more of you be with you if you want." Suddenly Sam stood up and leaned over him and kissed him. When she pulled away he looked up at her in surprise and she was smiling. He laughed a moment and then grabbed her face and pulled her back for another kiss. When the kiss ended she was leaning fully into him was breathing hard. And before either of them could say another word she slid her hands under his shirt as she kissed him again feeling the light brush of hair under his shirt. Instinctively his arms wrapped around her pulling her closer to him. "Are you sure about this Sam?" He asked when he pulled his lips away from hers. "I've never felt more sure before," She whispered, "but first I have to do something, where's your phone?" "My phone?" Randy asked totally confused. "Yes I have to make a phone call." Sam said softly, Randy only nodded and pointed to the phone on the wall near the fridge. Sam went and picked it up and dialed Ann’s phone number. After several rings she picked up. "Hello?" Anne said. "Anne, its Sam, are you okay?" She asked. "Yeah, what's up?" Anne asked. "I need you to kind of cover for me!" Sam said softly. "Sure, what's up?" "I told my dad that I was staying at your house so you can't call my house looking for me okay!" Sam stated quickly. "Do I get to know what's going on, no wait don't tell me. You're with him right now aren't you?" Anne asked getting excited all of a suddenly. "Your doing it aren't you?" "Yes! Now just remember don't call there looking for me okay!" Sam answered softly. "Oh, alright but you owe me details okay, and do I get to give him a hard time?" Anne asked. "Yes, to the details but if you say anything I will personally give you a bikini wax in your sleep next time you stay at my house." Sam stated trying not to laugh at the way Anne was reacting to the situation. "Yes, ma'am. What about pictures, can I see pictures?" Anne whispered giggling a little as she said it. "You are sick, no you can't see pictures. Good bye and see you tomorrow when I pick you up." Sam said and when Anne said good-bye she hung up. She then turned back around and smiled at Randy. "Now where were we?" She asked as she came back to him. "What was that all about?" Randy asked skeptically, eyeing her as if she'd done something wrong. "Just making sure I don't get in trouble with my dad!" Sam answered, as she leaned over and kissed him, his hands wrapped around her waist and that is when he pulled her into his lap. "Should I be worried that you seem to be a professional at lying to your parents?" Randy asked as he stood up with her in his arms. "Lying to parents is requirement of being a teenager." Sam answered as she leaned in and kissed his neck and then licked his earlobe. She felt him shudder at what she'd just done and smiled. "Keep that up and we won't make it to the bed." He whispered in her ear, his voice turned husky. The breath on her neck and ear sent a shiver down her back; he felt it and smiled with satisfaction. He then stood with her still in his arms and started walking out of the kitchen. As he made it into the living room and started up the stairs he paused and put her down on the steps feet first. He kicked of f his shoes and took his socks and shoes first and when he looked up she was at the top of the steps smiling at him. He realized her tank top was missing along with her shoes and socks. As he walked the rest of the way up he unbuttoned his shirt and left it on the banister. When he got to where she stood he wrapped his arms around her and kissed her mouth, then her jaw line and then her earlobe, and trailed kisses down her neck. Sam suddenly realized that while he'd been doing that he'd managed to remove her bra and lay it on the top of the banister. Taking her hand he led her into his bedroom at the end of the hall. When he opened the door Sam saw the large California King four post bed in the middle of the room and smiled. He picked her up again and carried her to the bed were he laid her down gently and proceeded to unbutton her pants and place a kiss on the exposed skin. And continued to do that as he unzipped her pants, then as he lifted her butt off the bed he slowly pulled off her pants and underwear at the same time. Sam suddenly felt warmth spread over her as he put his hands on her outer thighs and spread them apart and started kissing and licking her clit. "Oh, god." She whispered in an almost gasp. After a few moments of that he made his way back up to her face and kissed her long and deeply. She suddenly pulled away and looked up at him; he could see the need burning in her eyes. "Your pants." She said in a whispered. He sat up and she did as well and her hands went to the button and undid it her hands a little unsteady. She unzipped his pants and with his help got him out of them and his boxers. Her hand went to his cock and wrapped around it and he gasped. She felt it twitch in her hand. She then leaned down and licked the tip and heard him suck in a breath when she did it. She then took it in her mouth and started sucking. After a brief moment of that he stopped her. "If you continue with that I won't be able to do anything else." He stated softly, she pulled way and he pushed her back on the bed and got above her. He got between her legs and slowly pushed in, only to hear her gasp in pain and realized she'd been a virgin. "Don't stop, please." She whispered in his ear. He continued slowly and carefully building up on a rhythm. She then wrapped her legs around his waist and he pushed in deeper and he could feel that she was building up to her climax. He started pushing harder and faster and within minutes they both climaxed and he heard her call out his name. As he rolled off of her onto his side he brought her with him and held her. "Honey, why didn't you tell me?" He asked softly. "Are you mad at me for not?" Sam asked, she had her head buried in the crook of his neck. "No, I just could have made it less painful if I'd known." Randy said in her ear. After a few moments of laying there holding each other Randy suddenly heard his front door open. "Randy, I know your here!" A man called from the front door. Sam suddenly looked up at Randy in surprise. "Was that Mr. Wade?" She asked, Randy shot out of bed and pulled on his jeans. "You better get dressed." Randy said in a rush as he went to the closet and pulled out a t-shirt and put it on. "My shirt and bra are at the top of the stairs." She said in panic, Randy pulled out one of his button up shirts and handed it to her. "This will have to do for now." Randy said as he headed for the bedroom door and just as he opened it she slipped on the shirt, only to find Mr. Wade standing at the door. Sam was thankful that she had pulled the covers over the lower half of her. "Hi Andrew, nice timing." Andrew looked passed Randy to see Sam in the bed and smiled at her. "I see that your busy, that's probably why you forgot that I was coming over about the school board meeting coming up next month," Andrew said softly, "Hi Sam!" He said with a smile again for her. "Hello, Mr. Wade!" Sam said sheepishly. "Nonsense, we're not in school, it's Andrew!" He said and turned back to Randy with a laughing smile. "Let's let the poor lady get dressed while we go downstairs and talk!" He said and turned to walk back down stairs. Randy looked back at Sam who was looking at him confused. He came to the bed and leaned over and kissed her on the lips. "Why don't you get dressed and come down stairs, neither of us have actually had anything to eat. You should eat, there's no point in hiding he already knows." Randy said softly, before turning to go downstairs. When he left she got out of bed and grabbed her underwear and jeans and headed for the bathroom to clean up. She decided there was no point trying to go get her clothes from out in the hall. She was really hungry and wanted to go down and eat. She headed down and when she got to the kitchen Randy and Andrew were already at the table helping themselves to food and talking. "The board is going to purpose more budge cuts on some of the essential things we need like new books and computers next month." Andrew was saying and suddenly he looked up and saw Sam standing in the entryway. "Come on and sit down, I swear I don't bite." Andrew said with a smile, she was looking at him skeptically before walking forward and sitting down next to Randy. As they continued to talk Randy made up a plate of food and put it down in front of Sam. Andrew noticed this with a small smile but didn't say anything about it. After a little while of Sam just sitting back and listening to them talk as she ate she realized most of what Randy had been going to board about was the unnecessary spending the principle had been doing on things on things that weren't needed that badly. "I just wish they'd listen to us about this." Randy said in frustration and hadn't realized he'd put his hand on Sam's until Andrew looked down at their hands and then backup at him. "So, what's with you tow anyway? Been dying to ask but didn't want to get anyone upset." Andrew asked softly. Sam looked up at Randy not sure what to say. "That's what tonight was kind of about, we were getting together," Randy answered, he was about to explain when the phone rang. He went over the phone and picked it up. "Hello?" "Yes, she's here hold on a moment!" He turned to Sam in confused. "Sam, it's your father." He said holding out the phone to her. She got up and took the phone from him. "You gave him my phone number?" "He thinks it's Ann's number." She whispered, she then place the phone to her ear. "Hello dad, what's up?" "I was wondering how Anne's doing?" Her dad asked. "She's talking her parents into letting her live with her aunt instead for the rest of the school year. Looking good!" Sam answered. "Good to hear, oh and you might want to call your mother. She left this long message about the holidays on the machine." He said softly. "I already told you, I am not speaking to my mother. I am not going down there for the holidays, not when I know she won't actually take any time off to spend with me and I'll be bored because all of my friends out there will be spending that time with their families. If she wants to see me, she can drag her ass out her." Sam hissed into the phone. "Sam..." James said into the phone but stopped. "Let's not have this conversation over the phone okay." "Sorry dad, your right. I'll talk to you about it tomorrow after you get home from work. I've got to go okay." Sam said frustrated with the whole thing. "Good bye, and if there's any problem just call me and you can bring Anne over here." He said and then hung up. Sam hung up the phone and turned back to Randy and Andrew who were looking at her surprised. "Well, that was a loaded conversation." Andrew stated, Sam looked at him a little wearily. "So what's wrong with your friend Anne?" "Her parents beat the crap out of her on Friday. She stayed the weekend at my house to get away from them." Sam answered. "Why didn't anyone call CPS?" Randy asked. "She's 18 years old and CPS can't really do anything. Anne was just staying with them until she graduated from high school." Sam answered as she sat down again to finish her food. "Well, it sounds like she has a good friend in you." Randy spoke up. "She's a good friend too." Sam answered, she looked up at Andrew. "You're not going to talk about us?" "You mean you and Randy?" Andrew asked, kind of surprised by the jump in subject. "No, he's my friend has been for years. Plus I owe him anyway!" Sam looked to Randy puzzled at what Andrew said. "It's a long story maybe I’ll tell you some time!" Randy said with a smirk. "Well, I think it's time for me to leave. My wife is probably wondering where I am anyway." Andrew said as he stood up and grabbed his car keys from the table and was heading for the door when he stopped. He looked back at the two of them and spoke softly. "You two be careful!" When he was gone, Randy turned to Sam. "So when is it time for you to leave?" He asked. "Trying to get rid of me already?" Sam asked a little hurt by the question. "No, actually I was wondering how much time I had left to spend with you before you needed to go back home." Randy answered realizing that the question had hit a nerve with her. "Actually you have me all night if you want me." Sam answered and she was smiling at him with a suggestive glint in her eyes. She stood up abruptly and ran for the stairs, and Randy could hear her giggling all the way. He stood up and headed up after her. When he got to his bedroom it was to find the clothes she had been wearing piled in front of the door that was partially closed. As he pushed opened the door with his foot he was taking his pants off. When he could see the bed it was too see her laying on it barely covered by his sheet. As he approached the bed she was smiling up at him, she was lying on her side and her hand was slowly moving over the sheet and her body up to her breast where it stopped suggestively. "Do you have any idea what you're doing to me?" He growled. "A little!" She whispered to him as she looked him up and down. He reached over and pulled the sheet off of her and then climbed onto the bed with her. He was kissing her as his hands were fondling her breasts when she suddenly pulled away and spoke softly in his ear. "I want it doggy style." He groaned as she got on her hands and knees in front of him. He got behind her and slowly slid his cock into her from behind. "Oh," she moaned and as he started pulling out and pushing back in. When they both climaxed he pulled her over onto her side and lay behind her just holding her. "No wonder everyone can't help but have sex!" Sam whispered before yawning. "Why's that?" Randy asked trying not to laugh. "It's so fun and feels so good." Sam answered as she snuggled into his arms some more. Randy wrapped his arms around her a little more tightly and smiled down at her. Then after a few moments he felt her body relax in his arms. He sat up a little and looked down at her face to realize she was sleeping. He lay down next to her and relaxed and closed his eyes. |