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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/405829-Multitasking-Friday
Rated: 18+ · Book · Women's · #562186
Each snowflake, like each human being is unique.
#405829 added February 10, 2006 at 10:13am
Restrictions: None
Multitasking Friday
This is multitasking Friday, that is I’m attempting to do several things at once. First, I’m drinking coffee from a mug that shows a secretary at her desk on the outside of the cup. The caption on the outside of the cup say -
“What’s a nice person like me
doing in a place like this?”

while the caption on the inside lip of the cup, shows a telephone receiver with a caption balloon that says -

In addition to drinking coffee I’m listening to the news. I say listening because the T.V. is on but I’m setting at the computer typing this entry while reading and answering e-mails and responding to posts from the yahoo groups I’m a member of (did I drop something again in this sentence; it just doesn’t sound right). Anyway as I was saying this is Multitasking Friday (my own words) and I’m attempting to do more than one thing at the same time. I like the idea of Multitasking Friday, it makes a person sound like they are really busy. I’m busy alright, but how busy I am right now is a matter of interpretation.

On the news so far this morning the phrases that have come through are “Waiting for the other skate to drop.” and “The bone is in my brief case.” Which both sound like good prompts to me, but the bone phrases is a quote from the meteorologist on Channel 3. The meteorologist takes his dog Jordan to work with him and this morning one of the restaurants sent a bone to the dog. Jordan knows the bone is there so he is waiting for his human to give it to him. The dog, Jordan, has his own website and every year there is a calendar, which the meteorologist sells and gives the money to a pet charity.

One of the post on the Las Vegas Posts group is from Untamed tongues. It’s an advertisement for an upcoming event. The ad is for
“Soul City
Sundays after dark, SOUL comes out to play”

I’m looking forward to hear more about this because it sounds interesting. Don’t know what it’s about right now, but I will attend at least once when the event comes.

I just looked outside and the sun is up. It is beginning its slow crawl down my wall and across the bookcase. This time of year the rising sun highlights shelves on my bookcase as it rises. The window it is coming through is a picture window that looks out on to the my drive way and the street on the south side of the house. It looks like it’s going to be a good day, the wind isn’t blowing very much, but there is a slight breeze.

Yahoo seems to be giving me some trouble this morning. Earlier I had problems with the phone connection and now yahoo is giving me trouble. It won’t go into the 3-mail I click on and when I leave the site it won’t open again. Eventually this will clear up, but it is annoying. OK, maybe it isn’t yahoo because I can’t seem to access a couple of other websites either. It could be something else also, I’m still connected to my internet provider so it’s not that. I’m using FireFox, but I think I’ll change to Internet Explorer and see what happens. I just got into Explorer and it couldn’t find my home page so maybe the problem is either the phone connection or my internet provide. I guessing the phone connection because I had trouble with it earlier today. Sometimes this happens, I just have to redial the connection to the internet provider; it’s irritating if it gets too irritating I’ll change from phone connection to dsl or cable latter this year. The problem seems to be the phone connection, so I guess it doesn’t matter which browser I’m using. Oh well, I don’t like to stay on line for more than an hour at a time after 8 a.m. anyway.
(4 Mulk 162 B.E.)

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