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by Kitsa
Rated: ASR · Book · Romance/Love · #1063616
Little Romance Scenes for a few friends I've grown to cherish
#402671 added January 27, 2006 at 7:33pm
Restrictions: None
Clair and Vivi
--Clair & Vivi--

"Give that back!" Clair cried out, her light brown hair flowing with the chilly wind.
The ice of the frozen lake beneath her creaked and moaned ominously as she took a careful
step forward, her hands out stretched in an effort to reach the unreachable.

"What? What do you want oh Clair?" a little boy with dirt smeared over his cheeks teased her,
gliding on the ice smoothly and effortlessly. Another boy giggled beside him, tapping the ice
with his light thief shoes, making a crack he found much wider. The crack broke so far as
to stop just infront of Clair, her high priest dress fluttering dangerously in the rough winter
wind. The woods behind her howled with tremendous volume and shrieked in her ear.

"Is THIS what you're looking for?" The giggling boy produced a spatula from behind his back
and waved it infront of his face. Biting her lips Clair leaped forward but only fell as the
crack caught an edge of her dress. Tears welled up in her eyes, threatening to spill at any moment
as she gathered herself on the ice, hugging and embracing her knees in pain.

"Finders keepers," The dirt boy smirked and twirled mockingly.

"Losers, WEEPERS!" The giggling boy leaped in the air and landed with a frightening thud. The
crack in the ice groaned as it widened and split underneath Clair. The crevice opened in a huge
gap within seconds, swallowing Clair in one clean gulp. The two boys whooped loudly in victory,
gloating over the spatula as Clair sputtered and struggled to hang onto a rock to stay afloat.
It was a difficult task though, and very straining to her arms as her dress clung to her and
dragged her down. She felt heavy and tired...the cold was wrapping her...she felt her fingers slip.

"Gotcha." Came a triumphant voice as a confident hand brought Clair to the surface in one clean
sweep. There Clair shivered, held up by the arms of--oH!

"You're such a loser you can't get a SPATULA by yourself Clair~" The dirt boy mocked at her,
pulling an ugly face.

"Yea you have to get pretty boy Vivi to do the job for you!" The giggling boy added with a snort
in his voice, all the while twirling the spatula in his hand victoriously.

"I'll show you pretty face." Vivi placed Clair gently on the ice and took off his furry brown
vest lined with gold, baring a well-figured, and a handsomely-muscled chest. Wrapping her
gently in his vest, he stood up, his eyes glaring malignantly at the boys. "You," he pointed
to the dirt boy, "come here. I want to show you something."

"What, you afraid to fight a man's figh-UUGGGH!!" Droplets of blood flew everywhere as the dirt
boy tumbled backwards, clutching his face with both gloved hands.

"Hey man you okay?" The giggling boy started towards his friend when a screech broke the cold
misty air and the dirt boy collapsed onto the ground. Blood was everywhere, flying, trickling,
flowing through the gaps of the gloved hands.

"Let me finish you off." Vivi adjusted his bear hat with his index finger casually as he walked
step by step towards them.

"No man no! You can have the damn spatula, just get the fark away from me!!" The giggling boy
threw the spatula at Vivi, barely missing his cheek. A frown creased Vivi's forehead as he
resumed his pace.

"I didn't like that. Didn't like that at all." Vivi muttered, his brown clothing flying behind
him like a cape in the winter wind.

"Mercy man mercy!!"

"Asura Strike!" Weird figurines of sticks formed illegible words as some kind of a psychic wave
came forth from Vivi's well formed fist and swallowed the boy whole.


"Well, I believe this is yours?" Vivi picked up a spatula and handed it to Clair, who gave him
a smile and took it. He offered her his hand and again she took it, sheepishly. Clutching the
warm vest around her carefully she stood up. She was about to look up when suddenly, she felt
his warmth against her.

"You weren't hurt, were you?" A gentle voice spoke to her now and held her. Breathing out, she
couldn't help but smile as she leaned against his warmth trustingly.

"No....no..." She whispered, the redness on her cheek swelling to a bright cherry red. Vivi
chuckled quietly as he stroked her cheeks lightly...it was so soft...

"Vivi..?" She whispered again, raising her head to rest against his neck. It was so warm...
so comforting...

"Hmm...?" He whispered back, as if an unspoken promise not to break the solemn silence in the air
was between them.

"I...I um..." She stuttered, warmth burning in her throat...why?! "I...Thank you..." she managed
as she let her voice slip away.

"Any time..." He took in her eyes, unable to tear himself away...he found his finger lifting
her chin gently to his...Within seconds he was lost in her beautiful...rosy lips...
© Copyright 2006 Kitsa (UN: twilightmanner at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
Kitsa has granted Writing.Com, its affiliates and its syndicates non-exclusive rights to display this work.
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