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This is my journal which I have kept for the past 14 years. |
June 1, 1992 Dear Maui: I am extremely frustrated. My script for chorus is giving me trouble. [Name] and [Name] shouldn't have picked me to do it. I am naturally a fast speaker because I am a fast writer and reader. They want me to read very slowly. I can't do that. I have tried, but even what I consider very slow is too fast for them. Tonight is the concert, so I will probably make a double entry but I'm screwed when it comes to my script. I've got good news as to if I'm graduating [junior high school]. I am. Even if I fail the entire fourth marking period (which won't happen). June 10, 1992 Dear Maui: I got my period today. I could kill [Name]! She told everyone in the lunch room that I had PMS! I'm going to get her back! I'm going to tell [Name] and [Name] that she loves [Name]. I got my hair permed. It looks good. There are 9 days of school left. I never did write you back about the concert. I was terrific! The first night I tripped over two words and the second night [Name] said something to me while I was reading and screwed me up but my reading itself was fine! The birds died. The ones from May 31st. They got into a fight and killed each other. Too bad! We are opening our own store. "The Pet's Palace." Sounds great, huh? We're starting by selling food and supplies and doing pet grooming. Then, we'll start selling live animals when we get set financially. I'm going to work there for $6.00 a hour. I'm going to make them get snakes and lizards. June 11, 1992 Dear Maui: My life is definitly going to hell. You always hear about the homeless, but the reality doesnt really hit when youre 15 and have a house, money and food. Suddenly, homelessness has really hit home. My parents want to throw Michele out of the house. "I want to throw you out of this damn house, I dont care if you live in a car, I dont care if you live in a sewer, I just want you out." Quote/unquote what my mother just said. The reason why is because she sits on her a$$ all day - doesn't have a job, wants my parents to buy her a new car, pay for college, and let her run our new pet store. What does she do in return? She answers the phone, "Bitches, Inc. How can I help you?" [Name] the guy mom works with, was on the phone. Mom and Dad have finally calmed down a little, they're not screaming anymore. I hope Michele gets a job, and quick. June 14, 1992 Dear Maui: Yesterday was the Mayor's Fleamarket and the st. Aloysius Fleamarket. I bought a lot of books and I also got flippers for the pool. My parents have reached the ultimate in stupidity. They're going to put Michele in charge of The Pet's Palace. I'm getting a snake, but he has to stay at the store. Knowing my imagination, I'll probably call him "Hiss." Sun comes to the snow, And it turns all golden And this reminds me of The days I have beholden Sun comes to the cliffs And they teem with life All without worry All without strife Sun comes to the hills And life begins to grow All of this reminds me of The land I used to know Sun comes to the fields And it finds them stricken The life here is fled As the land begins to sicken Sun comes to the home And finds the people dead For it is the day after And death is in life's stead. Sun comes to the city And there is such sound For the people here, you see They were underground The sun has seen it all In years of countless light And never in its years was there A world in such a plight This world, it had such power And used it on itself Oh why couldn't they leave this power To sit upon a vaulted shelf? This power breeded On dissention Now it is gone Never more give it mention. June 27, 1992 Dear Maui: I know I haven't written lately, but so much has happened that I haven't had the time to write you. I bought myself a new pen. It writes in different colors. Yesterday [Name] came over. It was a shock to see him. He looked nothing like what I remember him to look like. Mom and Dad approve of [Name]. That's good. I was kind of hoping maybe we could go out. He's really nice, not like [Name]. Speaking of - I'm breaking up with him. I don't know how yet, but I'll do it somehow. He's really hung up on me [Name]. He's kind of cute, but he's 18, joining the army, and mentally sex-starved. So I don't want to encourage him. He's coming over tomorrow. I can't wait. Even though I've'n't written about him, we've been going back and forth over the phone for nearly a month now. Month and a half, really. I'm going to call him now. Bye! (Later) I'm on the phone with him now. The score is currently 8-5, in my favor. 20 wins. He's bringing pictures form the stone age tomorrow. (1974) He has a sick mind that centers on sex a lot. He's constantly making references and inferences about it. (I wouldn't mind.) (9-5) He's 6'1", has a wide face, 173lbs. (9-6) [Edit] (10-6) my favor. June 28, 1992 Dear Maui: We just dropped [Name] off from here. I put things straight with him concerning getting involved. He's 18, I'm almost 15, this doesn't work. I explained how my parents wouldn't approve and how I was uncomfortable with the thought of physical touch and he seemed to understand. I hope he doesn't try to kiss me. I would not be a happy camper if he did. What is it with guys and tickling me? [Name] tickles me constantly and [Name], when we were at the store, was also tickling me. People did that in school too. I sort of wish they would stop. I never wrote about my graduation [from junior high], did I? It was June 18, and it was the stupidest thing I have ever been a part of. After, I went to the prom. [Name] was supposed to be my escort, but he got thrown out of the prom because he was smoking under the bleachers. I wanted to kill him. I wound up getting [Name]'s star though, that made my night worthwhile. June 29, 1992 Dear Maui: We're not going to Virginia this year. I'm so broken up about that. I was looking forward to my first Virginia vacation without my sister coming along. Did I tell you? [Name] has a cruise booked for the same week of the same month on the same cruise line and going to the same places as us. We have a 50/50 chance of being on the same boat. [Note: he was on the Ecstacy, we were on the Fantasy, Carnival Line.] The store's name has been changed. It's now the "Animal House." We might buy Sam, a parrot that talks, and put him in the store. He costs $900.00, though, so I don't know if Mom and Dad want to pay that much money. ** to be continued in the next chapter ** |