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Superboy joins Batman and Robin in the case against a madman who is trying to rob a city. |
====================================================== The Sleuth's Apprentice - Part 14 of 17 Superboy, Superman, Batman and Robin are Copyrighted and owned by DC Comics. ====================================================== That afternoon, all the boys, who were around Jamie's age, were to meet at the soccer field, which was behind the large gym. One of the counselors had gone through all the barracks, and had asked who wanted to play soccer. Jamie and Jason volunteered, and they were both give special blue-and-red uniforms to wear during the game. Unfortunately, Steve was assigned as the team captain, and he wasn't about to let Jamie start the game. Once everyone was at the field, Steve picked the players who were to start on the field. He picked Jason over Jamie, and he told Jamie that he was going to do this because Jason had played before, and Jamie was new. Jamie just shrugged and sat on the bench, observing the game from the sidelines. During the first quarter, the score remained at 0-0, with neither team scoring a goal. This trend had continued during the second quarter, until one of the players on the opposing team scored, and the score was now 1-0. Jamie's team, called the Cougars, was losing from the Tigers. When it was halftime, Jason ran up to Steve, to inquire about Jamie. 'Why don't you put Alex in the game?' he asked Steve. 'Look' I'm the captain around here, and I'll decide who gets to play, and who doesn't; is that clear?' Steve said angrily. 'I'll put Alex in the game, if and when I decide that he can play!' During the third quarter, the Cougars scored their first goal, and the score was now tied at 1-1. The Tigers were playing very well defensively, and it seemed extremely difficult to score. With time running out in the third quarter, Jason once again ran to the sidelines, where Steve was watching the game. 'Come on! Let Alex play!' Jason pleaded with Steve. 'We need him in there! We're getting tired, time is running out, and the score is tied. We need him in here so we can win!' 'I'll wait till the very last minute before I put him in, and that is final!' Steve sneered at him. 'You're hurting the team, just because you're jealous of Alex!' 'If you don't shut up and get back on the field and play, then I'll take you out of the game and make you join Alex on the bench!' Steve shouted back. 'Now, get out of here, before I change my mind about you!' Jason was furious, but he decided that it was better to be quiet and to do what Steve said. He turned around and ran back on the field, hoping that Steve would put Jamie in the game very soon. When there were only three minutes left to play in the fourth quarter, and the score remaining tied at 1-1, Steve turned to Jamie, who was quietly sitting on the bench. Jamie wore a light blue jersey with red shorts and a red collar on his blue shirt. He wore red cleats and socks over his shin guards. Ironically, the soccer uniform had the exact same colors as his Superboy uniform! His number was printed in yellow letters on his jersey, and he felt excited about being a part of the Cougars soccer team. 'Alex, you're in!' Steve said to Jamie. Jamie immediately got up and ran on to the field, where Jason was patiently waiting for him. Jason was already feeling tired and sweaty, and he was relieved that Jamie was finally allowed to play. 'Listen, Alex'' Jason said to him, as he pulled Jamie towards him. 'Let's work together and work on our plan of attack. We'll approach the goal while passing the ball between us. When you're close enough to the goal, try to make a shot on goal and make it as fast as you can! I'll fake it, before I make a sudden pass to you, and you just smash it in the goal. Do you think you can do that?' 'Sure!' Jamie shrugged with a smile on his face. He decided to allow Jason to call the play, and he would just follow his lead. Jason passed the ball to Jamie, as the two made their way towards the Tigers' goal. They were going right down the middle of the field, starting from just before the center line. Jamie dribbled the ball using his feet, passing it back to Jason just when one of the Tigers was about to come right before him. Jason kept on pushing closer to the goal, swerving to avoid several players, who were trying to steal the ball from him. One of the players almost succeeded, but Jason kicked the ball back to Jamie, right on time. While Jamie was slowly approaching the goal, one of the players on the Tigers' team ran up to him and tried to steal the ball. Jamie was too fast for him, and he kicked the ball between the player's legs. He then ran in front of the player at super speed, retrieving the ball from his last kick. He continued to push towards the goal, before he passed the ball back to Jason. 'Holy smoke! He's fast!' one of the players exclaimed. 'Did you see that? How did he do that?' another one of the players on the Tigers team said. Jason came close to the goal and he was about to kick the ball into the goal. Unfortunately, the goalie had sensed the attack was coming, and he had moved ready to block the kick. Jason faked the shot on goal, and he kicked the ball back down the field so that the ball rolled just a few yards in front of Jamie, where he was running. Jamie came running towards the goal and caught the ball, which came from Jason. Faster than any of the kids could see, he immediately kicked the ball hard into the net behind the goalie, placing the ball in the top, left corner of the back net! All the players gasped at first, and the goalie was stunned. The shot was so fast, that he didn't even have time to react! 'He made it! We're leading! 2-1' We're winning!' Jason cheered, as he ran towards Jamie and embraced him. Shortly afterwards, all the other players on the Cougars team celebrated and came running right at Jamie, mobbing him right in front of the Tigers' goal! Steve stood up and looked on in amazement, while other the other players on the bench and in the sidelines were cheering! 'Holy cow'' was all he could say, since he couldn't believe how fast Jamie had scored, barely a minute since he was placed on the field. Jamie was the big hero on the field, and all the other players were cheering him on. Since there was barely a minute left to play, the Cougars knew they had won the match! After the match was over, all the players had gone to the locker room in order to change into more casual clothing. Jamie and Jason had walked back to the barracks, where they were waiting for the dinner bell, when Jason started asking him questions. 'I can't believe what you did on the field just now'' Jason exclaimed. 'I've never seen anything like it! How did you do that?' 'I'm very strong and I'm very fast'' Jamie just smiled, as he removed the cap from a plastic bottle of cold, distilled water. 'I was born that way' That's all!' Jason wasn't buying Jamie's casual answer. He knew that there was something that Jamie wasn't telling him. 'Come on! You got a secret! I told you mine last night, so now it's time for you to tell me your secret! What is it?' Jamie sighed deeply. He took a drink from the water bottle, before he stood up and walked to Jason. 'Have you ever heard of Superboy?' he asked Jason. 'Sure! My brother met him when he and Robin had protected him from the thugs who were following him home after work. Why?' 'I met your brother when I was investigating the case of the disappearing teens from the grocery store. I was doing some interviews with Robin, and we interviewed your brother as well'' 'What are you talking about? Jonathan was interviewed by Robin and Superboy'' 'Exactly!' Jamie shrugged. Jason then walked to his bed, and picked up a magazine, which was in his backpack. In the magazine, there was an article about Superboy. He stood up and walked over to where Jamie was standing, while he was studying the face of the super kid in the picture. 'You don't look like Superboy' Well, your face does' A little'' Jason wondered, as he was staring at the picture and then glanced at Jamie. 'Do you see that candle over there?' Jamie said, pointing at the candle which was placed on a small saucer, on the desk in the corner. 'Yeah'.' 'Well, watch this'' Suddenly, two rays of red light came from Jamie's pupils, converging and striking the small tip of the candle, immediately lighting it without even touching a match! 'Holy smoke!' Jason exclaimed, as he looked on. 'I'm Superboy'' Jamie said softly. 'Oh' Y-Y-You' Oh my G-G-God' It's you!' Jason stuttered, as he took a step back. 'Y-Y-You're S-S-Superboy!' Jamie just stood there, and looked at him with a smile on his face. 'B-B-But' W-W-What are you doing here?' Jason stuttered again. 'Why are you here?' 'I've come to find out where the stolen money and the jewels are located. This place is paid for with stolen money, like I told you yesterday. Now, do you believe me?' Jamie asked him. Jason just nodded in reply, since he was still in a bit of a shock. 'I can't believe this' Not only is Superboy my roommate, but I just finished playing soccer with you as well! That explains everything! Now wonder you're so good at sports! You're Superboy!' Jason exclaimed. 'Yes'' 'That explains why you're so fast and so strong! Gosh, I bet nothing can stop you, huh?' 'Well, there are some things that can stop me or hurt me, but those are very hard to find'' Jamie replied in all honesty. 'Oh yeah? Like what?' Jason wondered. 'Well there is a metal called Zyrtonium. To everybody else, it's just like red rock, but to me, it can knock me out'' Jamie explained. 'Zyrtonium? Hmm'' Jason pondered. At that moment, the dinner bell rang, and the boys left the barracks in order to meet at the cafeteria for dinner. Later on that night, after all the boys had gone to the cafeteria for dinner, Jason met with Steve in the conference room, in the other building. 'So, what have you found out?' Steve asked Jason. 'We're in deep trouble! Alex isn't just some kid who walked off the street!' 'I knew there was something unusual about him' Steve replied. 'So, who is he?' 'You won't believe this, Steve' Jason explained. 'But Alex is really Superboy, the Boy of Steel!' 'What?' 'He's Superboy! That explains why he's so fast and so strong! He has super powers! He's not some normal kid at all! He's a super hero'' Steve stared at him with a look of anger on his face. 'If the boss finds out that Superboy is here, he'll go nuts! We must get rid of him, before he turns us in! What does he want from us?' 'He wants to know where the jewels and the stolen money are kept'' 'Oh really?' Steve replied sarcastically. 'Then we'll give him what he wants and we'll show him the storage room, where everything is kept'' 'Huh?' Jason exclaimed. 'We'll tell him where to go look for his stolen jewels and cash, and then we'll pay him a visit. There have a nice little red rock in the chemical lab, called Zyrtonium. I'll have them send the rock to our own lab, and then we'll lay a trap for him tomorrow night. Tell Superboy that we'll show him the stolen goods by tomorrow'' 'But' what are you going to do? You're not going to hurt him, are you?' Jason wondered, while feeling deeply concerned. 'We'll hurt him if he doesn't cooperate, and we'll kill him if the boss tells us to! So, don't become friends with him, because he might be dead by tomorrow night, do you understand? He's a spy, and we need to get rid of him, before we all end up in jail!' 'I don't like what I'm hearing'' Jason whispered. Steve walked up to Jason and grabbed him by the collar of his shirt. 'You will shut up and do exactly what I say, is that understood? Otherwise, we'll have two dead kids here, instead of just one. And, I don't need any Zyrtonium to kill you!' Jason gasped as he stared at Steve. He was overcome with fear, and he realized that he had better stay quiet. The following morning, Jason got up and he quietly walked to the assembly, without saying a word to Jamie. Jamie had actually fallen asleep that night, and he was left alone in the barracks when he woke up. Jamie got up and took a shower, before he got dressed and walked over to the cafeteria. The boys had been asked to dress up in green jumpsuits that day, so that they could attend classes and then go to a special class on weaponry. There was a class on how to handle a gun and a rifle, and all the boys were required to take it. Unfortunately, Jamie never made it to that class. When Jamie arrived at the cafeteria, Jason spotted him walking in the door and he immediately walked up to him. 'Hey, Alex' I-I-I need to show you something' You have to follow me'' Jason said to him. Jamie had an odd feeling that something was wrong, because Jason seemed a little nervous. 'Is there anything wrong?' he asked his roommate. 'No' I just need to show you something, that you had asked me about last night'' Jason said, as he led Jamie out the door and into the main administration building. The two boys strolled through the long narrow halls of the building, until they came to a room where the large letters 'PRIVATE' were printed on the steel door. There was a key pad attached to the door, and Jason keyed in a special four-digit code, which sounded a buzzer and made the large, steel door swing open automatically. As soon as the door was completely open, Jason stepped inside the dark room. When he had stepped just a foot in the room, the lights automatically went on. The large room was like the inside of a bank vault, with a large book case that was standing against the entire length of the wall. In the middle of the room there were large, glass cabinets, which contained many numerous fine pieces of jewelry. 'Holy smoke! This place is like the inside of a bank!' Jamie exclaimed when he saw the things in the room. Then he walked over to the bookcase, which had smaller boxed neatly stacked on top of each other. He reached down and slowly pulled open one of the boxes, revealing a neat stack of Dollar bills. 'The money! This is where all the stolen cash is being kept!' Jamie said to Jason. Jamie walked around and glanced at the many boxes that were in the bookcase. Using his x-ray vision, he was able to scan through the rest of the shelves, and he noticed that the entire bookcase was filled with stacks of Dollars, which were stolen from the multitude of banks. 'All this money probably came from the banks in Carnaville and Valery!' Jamie then turned to the glass display cases, which were in the middle of the room. He stared at the many necklaces, earrings, rings, and other objects of metal and jewelry that were located in the glass shelves. 'Wow! This place is packed with gold and silver! All this stuff is stolen!' Jamie said. Suddenly, Steve walked in the room, holding an object in his hand. The object was covered by a small cloth. 'Yes' We have cash, gold, silver, and' Zyrtonium!' Steve said, as he removed the cloth from his hand, revealing the small, red rock of Zyrtonium! 'Uhhh'.' Jamie moaned, as his powers started to leave him. 'So, Superboy' I guess you thought you could come here and spy on us, huh?' Steve sneered, as he walked closer to Jamie, while holding out the Zyrtonium before him. Jamie's legs buckled, and he immediately sank to the floor, while Jason looked on from the other side of where Steve was standing. 'This stuff' is stolen' you'll all go' to jail'' Jamie struggled, as he now lay on the floor, straining to remain conscious. 'Oh no'' Jason said when he realized what was happening to Jamie. Jamie stared at Jason. 'Why?' Jamie whispered to Jason. 'Why' are you' doing' this?' 'Say your prayers, Superboy' I'm going to kill you!' Steve laughed sarcastically. Just at that moment, Jamie passed out. 'No' NO!' Jason shouted. 'SUPERBOY! NO!' Jason ran towards Steve, knocking the Zyrtonium out of his hands. Unfortunately, the rock fell on the floor, and rolled right up to where Jamie was laying! Jason and Steve struggled, with Steve pushing Jason to the floor because he was stronger and taller. Jason fell to the floor, momentarily in a daze, before he stood up and ran up to where Jamie was, kicking the Zyrtonium rock away from him. Unfortunately, one of the guards walked in, and Steve shouted his orders to him. 'Grab him, and lock him up! He's a traitor!' 'No! You won't get away with this!' Steve walked up to Jason, who was now being restrained by the guard. 'I already have. The boy on the floor is a spy. I'll call Master Wancho, and find out what I ought to do with him. As for the traitor'' Steve walked closer to Jason, and he spit in his face. 'Lock him up! He is to be terminated as soon as possible!' Steve shouted at the guard. 'You can't kill anyone without Wancho's permission!' Jason shouted at him. 'Then I will get his permission. In the meantime, I'm going to have you put in a jail cell, until Wancho tells me when I can shoot you!' Another two guards walked in the door. One of them hauled Jason to a holding cell, in the same building, while the other two guards wheeled in a stretcher. They pushed the stretcher to the place where Jamie was lying on the floor, and they lifted him by the arms and the legs. When they realized that Jamie was very heavy, all four of them had to grab Jamie by the arms and the legs, in order to lift his body up high enough, that he could be placed on the stretcher. 'My goodness' This kid is as heavy as a ton of bricks! Who is this kid, anyway?' Steve just stared at the guard with a smirk on his face. 'The kid is Superboy' And he will soon be Master Wancho's greatest prize!' They pushed Jamie out of the room, while Steve pressed the button on the intercom, so he could send a message to his superiors. 'We got him. We have captured Superboy. Please alert Master Wancho and ask him what he wants us to do with him.' Steve said over the intercom. After a few minutes came a reply. 'Superboy's body must be delivered to the lab in the chemical plant outside of Valery, where Master Wancho and Professor Brian, the scientist, are present right now!' Jamie's body was loaded up in a truck, with the Zyrtonium rock beside him. One guard stayed with his body the whole time, while he was being flown back to Valery. In the meantime, Jason sat in the corner of his cell. He only had a sink, a toilet, and a small bed. He could only sit on the floor with his head bowed between his legs. 'What have I done? What have I done?' he cried softly to himself. 'How could I have been so stupid?' He was convinced that he was going to be killed soon. The thought of never seeing his mother and brother again, made him feel even more upset. With Superboy out of commission, who was going to save him? Things seemed hopeless. Jason could only hope that nothing would happen to Alex, the boy who had trusted him with his secret identity. When Jason realized that he had betrayed the boy who was Superboy, all he could think of, was just that he wanted to die of shame' |