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Superboy joins Batman and Robin in the case against a madman who is trying to rob a city. |
====================================================== The Sleuth's Apprentice - Part 3 of 17 Superboy, Superman, Batman and Robin are Copyrighted and owned by DC Comics. ====================================================== The following day, Jamie went to school, anticipating his first meeting ever with Batman and Robin. He had heard of the Dynamic Duo, but he had never had the opportunity to work with either of them before. He was feeling excited and nervous at the same time. He knew that the two heroes were the best detectives in the world, and he understood that it was for his own good, to be able to spend a few days helping out Robin, while he was trying to solve this big case, which had been reported all over the news by now. As soon as the last class was over, he slipped into Mr. Bonesworth's secret office, where he could change into his Superboy persona, without being seen by any of the other classmates in school. As soon as he had changed, he put away his backpack and he flew out the door so he could meet his father at the Daily Planet building. Clark had been putting the finishing touches on a special article for the Daily Planet newspaper, when he heard a soft tapping on the window. When he looked up, he could only smile when he noticed the younger Superboy, who was hovering just outside his office window. Clark then closed all the doors and windows to his office, before he changed into his own Superman suit. He then opened the window, flew outside, and gently closed it using a handle, which he had soldered on to the outside of the window using his own heat vision. 'Alright, son' Are you ready to go on your first mission?' Superman said to his younger son. 'Absolutely, dad! I'm as ready as I'll ever be!' Superboy cheered. 'Let's go! You lead the way, dad!' The two blue-and-red figures streaked across the sky, soaring at a high altitude towards Gotham City, where they were to rendezvous with the Dynamic Duo, near the entrance to the secret Batcave, which was securely hidden behind the Wayne Manor and was located outside of the city limits. Within minutes, the two men in red-and-blue suits landed besides a brush, just outside of the city. Jamie just followed his father's lead, since he had never been here before, so he obviously had no idea to where to go. Superman placed his hand on a rock, which had an odd, black color. Jamie then gasped, when he realized that it wasn't a rock at all, but a scanner! It scanned his father's fingerprints, before a large rock began to come into motion, sliding to the right so that a secret passageway became visible to the two young super men. Superman carefully strolled down the secret, dark corridor, followed by Superboy, who was studying every inch of the area. Within moments, they came to a large, sliding door, which had the Batman bat-logo engraved on it. When Superman was standing close enough, the door slid up, revealing the side-entrance to the secret Batcave. 'Wow! This place is really well hidden'' Jamie uttered out of amazement. 'Oh yes! Nobody else knows about this place but me and Bruce!' Superman chuckled. 'Now, you're the next person to find out the secret entrance to the Batcave!' 'Will I be staying here for awhile?' Jamie asked his father. 'I don't know. That all depends on what Bruce and Dick have to say'' The two figures were finally standing before a control panel, inside of the Batcave. A dark figure came walking out of another room. When the figured approached them and came into the light, the two super men were able to make out the figure of the one and only Batman, who was the greatest detective in the world! 'Greetings, Superman' and I must assume that you are the new Superboy!' the Caped Crusader noted, as he stared at Jamie. 'Uh' Hi' I'm Superboy' But I guess you can also call me Jamie!' the Superboy smiled, as he shook Batman's right hand. 'Well, you look a lot like your father. I wouldn't have noticed that you were adopted had I not known that! For all I could see, you look like you could've easily passed as Clark's real son!' Batman replied. Jamie blushed a little, when Batman complimented him. Batman turned around and shouted out to his companion. 'Robin! Come here! They're here already! There's somebody here, who I'd like for you to meet'' Suddenly, a caped boy wearing a red suit, green trunks and green shoes came running down the hall, with his yellow cape billowing behind him. 'Holy double Superman, Batman! There are two of them! A little Superman and a big one!' the Boy Wonder exclaimed, when he took note of Jamie for the very first time. 'Superboy, meet Robin, the Boy Wonder!' Superman said with a smile. For the moment, both teens just stared at one another in complete amazement. Jamie had heard of Robin, but he had never met him in person before. And Robin had definitely heard of this Zyrtonian super boy, who Superman had adopted and given the persona of the newer, younger Superboy. But, this was the first time that the two had the chance to meet in person. The funny thing was that one was the hero of the other! 'Wow' I feel so honored to finally get to meet the real Robin in person!' Superboy said, as he examined the Boy Wonder from head to toe. 'I'm pleased to meet the new Superboy!' Robin chuckled. He definitely was looking forward to getting to know the little Superboy better. 'Let's all go to the lounge area, where we can sit down and talk about what it is that we want the two of you to do during the next few days, alright?' Batman suggested, as he turned around to lead the other three men to a section of the Batcave which was reserved for meetings and conferences. The four of them sat down on the two couches, facing each other. 'Jamie, you will begin your detective training right now. I'm going to assign you to Robin, so that the two of you can start investigating the robberies and the disappearances in Carnaville as soon as possible.' Batman explained. 'You'll do whatever Robin asks of you, and you will stay with him and help him to gather and analyze clues, and solve crimes using different clues, just like a real detective would. Do you understand?' Jamie nodded in reply. 'I want you to stay with Robin until the case is solved. You'll learn how to analyze and reason like a detective. This is a complicated case, and I'm happy you're here to help out. Having super powers will also prove helpful to Robin. But, you must learn how to reason like a detective and the only way to learn how to do that is by following someone who has already been trained to do so.' 'Great! I can't wait!' Jamie responded excitedly. 'I'll show you your room, while you're here at the house. We'll probably end up doing some traveling, while we're working on this case.' Robin said to Superboy. 'Well, I guess you two are ready to get started. Good luck to both of you!' Superman said, as he stood up. 'Alright, dad!' Superboy said to his father, as he gave him a quick hug. 'I'll let you know how things are going over here'' Batman walked beside Superman to the exit to the Batcave, where they talked for a moment, while Robin took Superboy to his bedroom. 'I really appreciate what you're doing, by sending Jamie to help Robin' I hope you realize that this could be a dangerous mission'' Batman said to Superman. 'There are risks involved'' 'Yes, I know that'' the Man of Steel replied softly. 'I would never have sent an ordinary kid to help you, either. Jamie is a very strong and powerful kid. He has some powers that I don't even have! He has no idea what he's capable of doing, and I think that teaming up Jamie with someone like Robin will benefit both of them.' 'Of course! Robin could use him as a sidekick with super powers! On the other hand, this would be the best opportunity for Jamie to do some detective work, while he is out and in the field. I think it's the beginning of a great friendship'' 'He'll do fine. Don't worry' Jamie has plenty of tricks up his sleeve!' 'I'm just worried that he doesn't get hurt'' Batman responded. 'Bruce' 'Superman said, as he rested his hands on his companion's shoulders. 'Would you believe me, if I told you that this boy is actually much stronger than me?' 'You're kidding!' 'No'' the Man of Steel shook his head. 'He is over twice as strong as I am!' 'Wow'' Batman said in reply. 'He seems kind of quiet, though'' 'He may come across as being a bit shy at first' Don't worry, once he gets to know Robin, he'll open up' You can read Jamie like an open book!' 'Thank you, Clark' Thanks for allowing me to take Jamie under my wing for awhile' I need him right now' I got a lot going on in Gotham City, and Robin needs a sidekick to help him' I couldn't have asked for a better person than your own adopted son' Thank you so much'' Batman replied quietly. 'Keep him as long as you need' Don't worry about his schoolwork: He'll catch up as soon as he gets back to Metropolis. What he'll learn with Robin is very valuable! He'll learn these skills from you and from Robin' He'll gain skills which he could use for the rest of his crime-fighting, super-hero life!' Meanwhile, Robin was showing Superboy his new room, where he would be sleeping while he stayed at Wayne Manor. Robin was honored to have Superboy under his wing. He looked on at the young super lad, who casually strolled around the room. At first, it seemed like the colorful, blue-and-red costume was the only indicator that this boy really was a super hero. 'So' I heard some things about you'' Robin chuckled, while he stood besides his dresser in the bedroom. Superboy was looking at the glass display case, which was positioned in the corner of the large bedroom. He was admiring all the trophies, which Dick Grayson had earned for gymnastics and other athletic competitions that he had participated in while he was in school. 'If you heard bad things about me, then don't believe them!' Superboy replied. 'I didn't do it!' 'Don't be so insecure! I heard mostly good things, Superboy!' Robin replied. Robin continued to lean against the dresser, with his hands folded before his chest, as he watched how the little super boy wandered around the bedroom. 'Tell me, Superboy'. How strong are you, anyway?' Superboy picked up one of the large trophies, with the figure of a gymnast on it, which was completely painted in gold. 'This is so cool'' he whispered to himself, before he turned to face the Boy Wonder. 'I'm a little stronger than most ordinary kids, I guess'' he replied. Robin just grinned at Jamie's shyness. 'Oh come on' You mean to tell me that you're just a little stronger than most ordinary kids?' he replied sarcastically. 'You're just a little stronger? That's not what I heard about you!' Superboy set the trophy down, back on the shelf where it was standing, before he walked over to the photo of Batman and Robin, which was hanging from the wall. 'What have you heard about me?' Jamie asked curiously. 'That you are at least twice as strong as Superman, your adopted father!' Jamie continued to stare at the large, color photo, while acting like he ignored Robin's remark. 'Well, is it true?' Robin wondered, as he walked up to the shorter Superboy. Robin was at least eight inches taller than the Boy of Steel. 'Do you really think that I could possibly be stronger than Superman?' Jamie asked in reply. 'Superman is the strongest man on earth!' 'Well, I did some research, and that's what I found out!' 'You shouldn't believe everything you read'' Superboy chuckled. 'Well, I've also read that you're from a planet called Zyrton'' 'Yeah'' 'And' You're a Prince?' 'Who told you that?' Superboy asked him, as he stared at him with a surprised look on his face. He didn't expect to hear that from Robin! 'How did you know that?' 'I have my sources! I'm a detective, remember?' Robin grinned. 'Wow' You know a lot about me already! You're pretty good!' Superboy exclaimed. 'Well' we both grew up with clowns, so I guess we have one thing in common'' Robin chuckled. 'Clowns? Were you a clown?' 'Well, I heard that Jamie Kent was quite a clown in school' That is a very clever way to hide your secret identity, Superboy!' 'Oh, yeah'' Superboy said, while he blushed a little. 'The Grayson family was a family of circus acrobats' Robin explained. 'I was in the circus, before my parents died in an accident' That's when Bruce adopted me!' 'Oh' I'm sorry to hear that'' Jamie said sadly. Robin sat down at the edge of his bed, while Superboy continued to stroll around the room. Finally, he walked up to Robin and stood before him. 'I really like your room, Robin!' the younger of the two heroes exclaimed. 'So, what else do you want to know about me?' 'Well' Tell me, Supes' What powers do you have?' 'Well, I can fly; I can run fast; I can see through doors and walls; I can pick up sounds from miles away; I can start fires by using my eyes; and I'm super strong'' 'So, basically, you're saying that you can do everything that Superman can?' 'Yes, I can'' 'Do you have any other abilities, besides those super powers?' 'Yes, I do'' 'Really? Like what?' 'Well' Umm' Stand up, and I'll show you'' Superboy instructed, as he stared at Robin with a wide grin on his face. Robin stood up, while standing directly before the Boy of Steel. 'Give me your hand'' As soon as Superboy held Robin's hand, the two boys began to float a few inches above the ground! They were now flying! 'Hey! How' How did you do that?' Robin asked him, while he was hovering a few feet above the ground, in the middle of his bedroom. 'I can share my super powers with you, as long as I'm in direct contact with you. So, now you can use some of my powers as well. In other words, you'll also have my strength, speed, heat vision, and x-ray vision, along with my super hearing!' Superboy replied cheerfully. Robin focused at the wall, and gasped when he suddenly found himself staring at the other bedroom, when his borrowed x-ray vision made the walls disappear. 'Oh my goodness' You're right!' Robin exclaimed. Superboy stared at him with a smile on his face. 'Would you like to go flying with me?' he asked playfully. 'Sure'' 'Okay, then' You lead the way. Just will us to fly to wherever you want us to go'' Luckily, the rooms in Wayne manor had high 30-foot ceilings, so the boys were able to circle around the bedroom without having to go outside in order to fly. After they circled the room three times, Robin slowed down and willed the two boys to land on the bedroom floor again. 'Holy flying men! That was incredible!' 'I bet you didn't know I could do that, huh?' Superboy shrugged. 'I've never felt anything like that before! Thank you so much for taking me flying, Superboy! That was awesome!' 'Oh, well, that won't be the last time we do that, trust me'' Superboy grinned. 'Your powers might just come in handy, at times, especially when we go to Carnaville tomorrow!' Robin explained. 'We'll need to find out what happened over there'' Superboy and Robin changed into their normal clothes, so they could join Bruce for dinner, while they were dressed up as Jamie and Dick. They talked and watched TV, before they headed for bed. The following day would become the first day of Jamie's training as a detective! * * * |