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Rated: 13+ · Book · Action/Adventure · #1016863
This is a story I'm attempting to write and all imput would be greatly appriciated!
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#395422 added January 15, 2007 at 3:41pm
Restrictions: None
Chpt. 2
Dead End Chapter Two
Hømuηcϋlύs = dwarves
Dõgמּ = orcs
Ëlvæd = elves
Humans = Humans

Tiesn was overcome by the scene before him. From the front gate the pathway wound down into a market place where the smells of spices and strawberries soared through the air. To the left the path led to a park that’s very trees seemed to dance to the beautiful sound of a single flute and harmonica. The right path led to a large wooden gate where many armored guards stood their posts and surveyed the crowds. Laughter floated through the air and the sun soared over head at a brilliant temperature. Vin stood aside to allow Tiesn to get a full view of the walled village. Tiesn just stood there letting the smile on his face widen all the larger.
“Ready to go?” asked Vinmere causally tossing the strap of a lute over his other shoulder.
“You don’t play an interment do you?” Vin asked as the began down the steps.
“I can play the violin!” said Tiesn spinning around to look the halted Vinmere in the eyes.
“I’ll be right back!” called Vinmere as he ran back up the steps and into the house. When he returned he bore in his arms a violin that surpassed the beauty of everything Tiesn had seen so far except the park to his right now. It looked to be made of white oak and bejeweled with rubies shaped like roses. Vin handed it to Tiesn and after he was sure Tiesn had a good hold on it handed him the bow which was made of the same white wood minus the ruby roses.
“This is a gift. From my family to yours; if you break it I’ll personally send its fragments through you got it?”
“This is magnificent! I’ll treat it like my brother!” whispered Tiesn completely in awed that this piece of art was his.
“Than it should be perfectly safe,” said Vin as he proceeded down the steps, “We’re meeting some friends of mine in the park. I’m sure they’ll be glad to meet you.”
“And the instruments?” asked Tiesn.
“Ha-ha… Well you’ll see.”
They walked in silence with Tiesn taking in the village and the ever growing beauty of the park as Vinmere tuned his lute. When the had walked quite a ways into the park Vin stopped.
“Please tune before we get there.”
“Huh? Why?” asked Tiesn.
“She’ll chew you out if you’re out of tune. She can’t stand it. And you really don’t want to make a bad first impression with her.”
“Ok…” said Tiesn not quite sure what he meant but Tiesn was willing to avoid unneeded fights and quite eager to make some friends now that Adam was afar. Once they were sure everything was tuned up nicely the two continued into a small grove in the center of the huge park. Sitting under an over handing were the flute player and a guy with a harmonica. The guy stuck out first because his fingers were a full inch longer than they should be and his long straight, black hair shot directly down in an unnatural sort of way. He wore silver metal armor that had dulled and tarnished. The rest of his suit was black. He continued to play not paying any attention to the two who had entered. The girl was a little less strange but just as remarkable in appearance. She had a big pink top hat and eerie, red roses rapped around her wrists. There were no thorns on the stems that traveled from the rings of flowers in spirals up her arms. She had on green pants and a green bikini top on under a slightly transparent pinkish robe. Her eyes were closed and the wind seemed to spiral around her with the sound of her flute. She was very pretty and played even more beautifully. As Tiesn as down next to Vin he noticed that the roses seemed to pulse open and closed on every other beat as the couple continued to play.
Vin joined in with the two players closing his eyes too and humming as he began to strum the lute. Each stroke added more and more color to the canvas that the three were painting with the unfamiliar tunes. Soon the power of the music was too great and Tiesn joined in with a faced paced movement that seemed to set right over the top of the melody brining the rest of the tune together. Two flower bulbs to the right of Tiesn began to grow rapidly as a blonde, fair haired boy in the same bright attire as Vinmere, laid his long halberd down behind Tiesn, Vinmere, and himself. He sat as the bulbs flattened out and joined into the melody with a soft, gentle beat on the tops of the now drum-like bulbs. As the five players flowed seamlessly though melodies a crowd began to gather around grove. Some hummed along but most just stared at the group. Most smiled but a few looked weary. Even Tiesn smiled more broadly as they quickened the tempo and began what Tiesn felt must be the final song. As they came to a close the wind seemed to float off of the girl and the first boy seemed to sink back into the light, finally completely distinguishable from the shadows.
They whole group except for Tiesn, who had never closed his eyes, opened their eyes together ad a group and smiled from one another, finally acknowledging the others’ existence. The first two and the fifth boy who had come in late all looked at Tiesn inquiringly not paying any attention to the crowd that was now dispersing. The girl looked away from Tiesn for a moment and flicked her flute at the high hedges on either side of the coves entrance. Instantly the flute became a short narrow piece of wood with a black handle. The hedge reacted very differently. It grew at an alarming rate covering the space between and the sky above them. She and her companion dropped from their benches in the original canopy as it sank into the walls; where the center of the canopy had just been appeared a pool of slightly bubbling water. The girl removed the hat, transparent robe, and green pants and set them on a tree that looked remarkable like a rack of clothes hangers. In her light green bikini she sank down into the warm water with a slight splash. The first boy removed his armor and outer clothes to reveal black swim shorts and a knife tied to his leg. He sank down to the far left of the gorgeous girl. The fifth arrival only placed his shimmering shirt on the rack before sinking in to the far front of the girl. Vin then motioned for Tiesn to follow his lead and began removing his outer garments. Tiesn followed suite so as to not appear rude to the girl who had created the warm bubbling pool. He found that his black and brown pants served as a very effected bathing suit. Tiesn sank into the water last in between Vin and the girl. He suddenly felt very hot which had little to do with the rising temperature of the water. The odd looking original boy chuckled menacingly at something that apparently Tiesn had not seen. The girl waded over to Tiesn. Just before she came two feet from his face she vanished. Tiesn sat back with a start to have his head pushed under from above by the giggling girl. As he came up she jumped over him and swam back to hug him tightly. Tiesn could feel himself turning red as she held onto him. She smiled and released him. Swimming over to fit between Tiesn and Vin.
“Well… I’m Tori Lens, and you are?” said the girl who was apparently Tori.
“Tiesn Alenvick,” said Tiesn still trying to make his face return to its normal shade. The black figure grunted again.
“I’m Vanncuall Nostous Villiiaan Seymore the Third… Call me Vann please…” he said, actually smiling for once, harmonica, again in hand.
“Sigil Mayous Glamoriavorum. I go by Sig or Siggy or Sigil or Glamoriavorum… But mostly Sig.” said the boy who had played the flower bulbs.
“So Vin where’d your dad dig this one up? He’s the Alchemist right?” asked Vann.
“Well Tiesn knows better than I… It was around Zan but that’s all I’ve heard so far. Actually I’ve been hoping just as much to hear his story as you have,” said Vin.
“Yessssss… Well… I figured he’d be…” started Vann. Giggling, Tori broke in.
“Oh shut your face Vann. You’re just as interested as the rest of us!” said Tori bouncing up and down in the water, making her bikini all the more noticeable.
“I’ll even admit that I’m interested to hear from an Alchemist no matter what his age. Even if he wasn’t an Alchemist his hand and choice of clothing make him rather interesting,” said Sigil. Tiesn had forgotten about his hand since the healing of his brother. Now looking down at it he was quite embarrassed to have it seen by so many of his peers.
“Actually… The hand is a souvenir from my first try at Alchemy. Though I didn’t know what I was doing then, it was pretty disastrous,” said Tiesn as much to himself as the rest of them.
“STORY! STORY! STORY! STORY!” cried Tori, bouncing up and down again. She put her hand on Tiesn’s back and led him to the center of the pool. She pulled the black rod seemingly from nowhere and flicked it at Tiesn’s feet. He began rising on a podium of roots. Roses began sprouting from it but Tori seemed to think better of them and sent the petals flying skyward to come back down encircling her. Tiesn felt his face get hot again as she pushed herself back up onto the edge where she pulled her knees up to her chest, rested her head on them, and rapped her arms around her legs well prepared for a long story.
“Yes, please. As Tori said, let’s hear your story,” said Vin leaning back to support himself with his hands.
“Alright then,” said Tiesn, and he began his story, recounting every possible bit he could remember.

It took quite a while to recount all that had happened to him, with the crowd constantly commenting, and laughing, and Vann making more and more cracks at Tiesn. By the time he finished he was completely embarrassed and wished he had just refused to tell them.
“You really are quite clueless aren’t you?” said Vann readying his harmonica, eager to begin another recital.
“It is kind of remarkable that you can do Alchemy and not understand any of it. Really I’m quite impressed that you have made such an attempt to figure it all out. Shows some intelligence and inquisitiveness in my opinion,” said Vinmere grabbing up his lute.
“Yes. You wouldn’t be able to demonstrate it, would you? I mean if your healthy enough. You said it seemed to literally ‘come from you.’ Do you mean it takes your life or do you mean it seemed to be controlled by your heart?” asked Sig.
“Uhm… Both I guess… It did seem to take the power from my life force, or whatever it is, but it was also sort of controlled by my emotions,” said Tiesn to himself as much as Sig.
“Now that I think about it I’m not sure if I can call on it to do exactly what I want…” Tiesn continued, again as much to himself as the others.
“Well, why don’t ya give it a try then? If you get hurt it shouldn’t be hard for me to heal you. What do you say?” said Tori sliding back into the water in a manor that made Tiesn even redder. There was just something about Tori that Tiesn like. Something he sort of knew and yet couldn’t quite tell himself what it was.
“Uh… Yeah… sure, I’ll give it a shot,” Tiesn whispered. He forced his mind off how great Tori looked in her bikini and on to someway of working the Alchemy. He looked at the podium and began to feel angry with himself for yet again putting himself in another possibly disastrous position. On a whim he grabbed some dirt from the side of the pool. Holding it loosely in his hand he began to get even madder for taking the dirt and making himself look even more idiotic. Then without knowing why he blew the sand at the root podium.
“Fæla Saέβle…” he hissed. The sand turned transparent and red, the podium bursting into ashes sank to the bottom of the pool with a swishing sound as if blown away in the wind. The others just stared and Tori seemed to smile. Sig looked at Vann with a large grin. Tiesn was surprised when it took a while for a cut to open on his left thumb and was even more surprised when no other injuries befell him.
“That’s odd… I think I just figured out how it works. It’s sort of simple really but a little hard to see. The most complicated part is how I seem to know the words for what I want to do…” Tiesn said not really paying attention to the others as they looked between each other smiling. Tiesn was no longer angry or embarrassed. He was too involved in what he had figured out and trying to figure how to use the new knowledge. He sat there for quite a while, at least it seemed like quite a while to Tiesn, because the next thing he noticed was the chorus of some odd Arabian tune the others were now playing filling up the grove like a thick drink. Eager to join in Tiesn jumped out of the pool and tripped over Sig’s halberd. Tori let out a light squeak covering her mouth with the palm of her hand. She held her flute across her stomach and pulled her knees together still giggling as Tiesn, yet again red faced and embarrassed, got up and grabbed his beautiful violin. None of the others seemed to notice that Tiesn had tripped which was fine with him since he had endured more than his share of Vann’s torment during his time on the now incinerated podium. Tori shook her head smiling and sat down on the edge of the pool.
“Come on kid…” she said patting the ground between her and Vinmere, as she joined in the seemingly endless trance. Tiesn did as he was told, glad for any chance to get closer to this Tori girl. He could hear her playing but his eyes were closed trying to feel the music as much as possible, to allow him to join in without causing a disturbance to the wonderful bliss that seemed to embody the grove. He joined in and they went from tune to tune without intervals or words. Tiesn soon couldn’t tell if he was asleep or still awake… Eventually he forgot that he was playing the violin or that he was sitting between the most beautiful girl he had ever met and the closest thing he’d ever had to a best friend. He felt as if he was being carried away by the music and he loved it.
Eventually the music began to slow and Tiesn began to feel somewhat like himself. Back on his parents plantation he had never been expected to work. All he had to do was complete his daily studies and be polite to adults. So he had filled his time with learning to play the violin. It was his favorite pass time, besides wondering the woods with Adam. Tiesn was exceptionally good at the violin. He had spent nearly all of his free time playing out on the porch since there wasn’t much else to do in the little town. Tiesn felt the music shift to a slightly melancholy rift that reminded him forcefully of his parents. It suddenly came to Tiesn that they were dead. His eyes flashed open and he stood up and turned away from the group. He walked over to the bench he had sat on when first entering the grove and sat down gently crying. It wasn’t that he hadn’t known that his parents where dead it was that he had never realized exactly what their death really meant. Tiesn was ashamed of himself for never realizing that they were never coming back. The reality that they were never going to sit with him in the parlor and sing with him as he played the violin or that they were never going to be able to discuss politics around the fire during the summer as they roasted a Fidling. Adam had always been partially good at trapping Fidling. The large birds were dumb but fast but Adam could catch four in ten minutes with nothing but a rode and buck knife.
So Tiesn finally cried for his parents. Up till now he had cried for about everything that had gone wrong but his parents were a great loss. After all that Simon Graythrom and Uncle McGreen had said Tiesn felt he had barely even knew his parents, which made their deaths even worse for him to accept. In the end Tiesn knew he had to accept it because whether he did or not… they were still dead. He felt a hand on his shoulder. Tiesn was pulled back to reality by an unknown and caring hand. Tiesn turned to see the others staring at him and Vin’s hand resting on his shoulder.
“Sorry about that. It just sorta hit me there… the way the music was going and all… my parents are… well dead… They’re not coming back… and…” Tiesn stopped. For once Vann wasn’t reticulating him. He was staring with an almost caring look in his eyes. Sigil wasn’t looking at him. He was watching his drums sink back into the ground, with such a faraway expression plastered on his face that it seemed as if he himself was standing there dead. Tori was holding the short black stick again, directing the canopy from the walls back into the center of the grove, covering the bubbling pool. Vinmere smiled at him as he handed him his pants and shirt.
Everyone got dressed and the grove returned to the way it had been when he had arrived. They must have been playing for hours because by now the sun was setting and no one seemed to be in the park anymore. The group left the park together and traveled down the road. They stopped in front of Vinmere’s home and huddled into a loose circle allowing me a space between Vin and Tori.
“So I figure Tiesn here is in?” asked Sigil nodding towards me.
“Sure… I guess we can take him,” said Vann.
“I’m all for it,” Tori added.
“What do you all mean ‘I’m in’?” interrupted Tiesn.
“He’s a good guy. I say we take him,” said Vinmere who seemed to be somewhat of a leader for their band of misfits.
“What’s going on?” injected Tiesn; again to no avail.
“So it’s decided?” Vin asked with an air of finality in his voice.
“Yes,” they all said in unison.
“Hello?! What’s going on now?” asked Tiesn, tired of, again, not knowing what was going on.
“He really is inquisitive isn’t he?” said Vann with a smirk.
“You know what Vann…” Tori replied and made a slapping motion a few times in front of Vann’s face going “Pussshhhh Pussshhhh Pussshhhh.”
“What. The. Hell…?” said Tiesn, completely left out of whatever was going on.
“Oh Tiesn, you silly head, you’re part of our group now!” said Tori throwing her arms around him.
“How about you all come over to my place for dinner? My dad’s out and my mother always makes way too much even for the six of us,” said Vin.
“Yeh party at Vin’s!” said Tori making a dramatic thumbs up with her odd, black, handled stick stuck behind her ear.
“I’d love to Vinmere,” said Sigil slightly bowing his head sideways setting the butt of his halberd on the ground.
“Ha-ha… I figure I’m coming no matter what, so I might as well accept the invitation too,” Tiesn said. Vann seemed to give a slight grin, though ever since they left the clearing his mood seemed to get darker and darker and he smiled less and less often. Tiesn thought there was definitely something odd focused around him.
“Actually Vann I’d like it if you would stay for the night. I may need some help filling Tiesn in on some… things,” said Vin trying to seem matter of fact but it was obvious there was something behind all of this.
“Gotta see the Doc…” said Vann actually beginning to frown; his eye brows pulling faintly together.
“Tomorrow then?” Vin inquired. Vann gave a tiny nod and grunted.
“Poor Vanny…” said Tori flicking out the little stick. Vann almost looked scared for a second but Tori flicked the stick materializing a tiara on top of Vann’s head. Everyone laughed seeing Van in a sliver and pink tiara and Tori put her hands together and buckled her knees, looking sort of like a little girl caught doing something wrong. Everyone laughed more and even the now gloomy Vann seemed to give a small chuckle. Vann had an odd voice that seemed annoyed, deep, comforting, relaxed, anxious, adolescent, and scolding all at the same time. Like he was very old and care torn yet young and innocent. He was a complicated guy and seemed a great deal smarter than he let on. There was always something in his eyes that was calculating, whether he was being sarcastic, serious, or not saying or doing anything at all. Always he was inquiring with those deep black eyes.
When we got to the last couple of feet from the house everyone broke into a run and Tiesn was amazed at how fast Vann was. He was the last to start running but past them all in seconds. Tiesn continued walking till he too, was up the steps. They all walked inside together, all laughing and none quite sure why.
“Good afternoon mother,” said Vin as we came to the table.
“Oh Vinmere I see you brought company. Master McGreen has also invited someone. Good think I made plenty. You must be the Alchemist, Mr. Alenvick. I met your brother the day after they brought you here” said Vin’s mother.
“When did they bring me here mama?” asked Tiesn who had never quite been told how long he had been “dead.”
“Oh, I’d say around two weeks ago. Your brother left Thursday of last week. He was a wonderful help around here.”
“What is today then?” Tiesn inquired.
“Today is Saturday. Now all of you go around the corner and wash up for dinner. It will be ready soon!” said Vin’s mother.
“Yes mama,” said everyone but Vann who was just returning from the bathroom. He sat down at the far end of the table away from the kitchen and to the left of the head of the table.
“I thought you we’re going to see a doctor Vann?” inquired Tiesn.
“Best not to talk about things you don’t understand kid…” whispered Vann turning his head away, clearly not in the mood to talk.
“Vin what is your last name?” asked Tiesn, realizing he didn’t know what to call Vin’s mother.
“Well… It’s Ramulousgraniangaviolartusdavinian… Just call my mother Mrs. Amy. It’s easier that way,” replied Vinmere laughing lightly.
“Of course,” replied Tiesn, his smile, if possible, even broader than before. Walking by a rack near the door Vin set his quiver and bow on an arm and Sigil followed suit setting his halberd against the stand too.
“Just so you know if you’re carrying a large weapon such as a halberd or a bow or crossbow it’s polite to leave it on the welcoming rack showing your trust for the owner of the home. Your knife is small enough to be kept on you,” said Vin as he led us to the large down stairs bath room. The soap was white and strong smelling and the towels were fluffy and displayed what seemed to be the Ramulousgraniangaviolartusdavinian family crest. It contained three lions making a triangle with fragments of a circle connecting them all. When they were done washing they returned to the table Mrs. Amy was setting out the plates. Vinmere ran off to help her and Tiesn, Tori, and Sigil found their seats. Tiesn was across from Vann and to the left of Tori. Sigil was to Vann’s left directly across from Tori. Vin brought out the last of the plates and took the seat to Tiesn’s right. Tiesn seemed to always end up in between Tori and Vin. McGreen then walked in the front door followed by a limping stranger who seemed to stay upright only by the efforts of his walking stick. The two removed their traveling cloaks and McGreen unstrapped his sword and hung both on the rack next to Vin and Sigil’s weapons.
“Many apologies Amy, sorry we’re late we’ll be right there honestly!” called McGreen apparently very flustered.
“Quite alright Digmore, just don’t let it get cold,” called Mrs. Amy, sitting down to the left of the head of the table at the other end.
The meal was some sort of roasted pheasant, lightly seasoned and cooked medium well. It was delicious and reminded Tiesn just how long it had been since he had had a decent meal. Tiesn ate everything in reach from the pheasant to the odd cucumber like vegetables to some sort of odd but delectable meaty gelatin.
“So Vanncuall how has Spargus been treating you? Have you been having a pleasant holiday?” asked Mrs. Amy.
“Both fine…” said Vann stuffing his face with pheasant making it plain that he didn’t want to discuss either.
“Get around alright today Tiesn?” asked Uncle McGreen.
“Fairly,” said Tiesn smiling.
“So, Sigil how’s your schooling coming?” Mrs. Amy asked Sigil.
“Very well mama. I’m top of my class at the moment,”
“There’s only four in his class…” whispered Vann across the table.
“Oh quiet Vanncuall! Just because you flunked out doesn’t mean schooling is hopeless! I’m proud Sigil has stuck with it as long as he has. While the rest of your quit to follow other paths but Sigil sticks at it”
“Oh noble Sig… How we do adore your hard work and um… dedication…” said Vann smirking.
“You know what Vann? Shut it!” said Tori flicking her stick at the plant behind him. Its branches instantly reached around, rapping themselves around Vann’s mouth.
“Now now! If you’re going to fight please take it out side and please to leave my plants out of it,” said Mrs. Amy giving Tori a stern look.
“Yes mama…” said Tori rolling her eyes and giving the black stick another flick.
“What is that by the way?” asked Tiesn nodding at the little black stick.
“It’s my wand… duh… silly Tiesn,” said Tori shaking her head.
“By the way, who are you young man?” said McGreen’s friend.
“Me? Uh… I’m Tiesn Alenvick.”
“Alenvick?!” the man said, followed by a fit of coiffing.
“I told you we found my late sister’s son. He’s a natural Alchemist Class 5 with very little actual knowledge when it comes to magic in general but he shows promise. Smart kid really,” said McGreen.
“Wow, a Class 5? When’s he starting?” asked the man.
“Well, whenever Vinmere, Vanncuall, Tori, and Sigil feel up to starting the 432nd actually.”
“You mean no training? He’s that good?”
“We got the contract?! No way! Guys this rocks?!” said Vann, actually jumping out of his seat.
“We got the contract…?” asked Vinmere, not quite believing his ears.
“Oh yeah!” yelled Tori though a fit of giggles.
“Yes you’ve got the contract. The only thing keeping you from joining is you need to select a commander and four captains. Then get what ever troops have volunteered. The only catch is Tiesn must be your fourth captain,” said McGreen.
“Now wait a minute Digmore! This boy could be a great asset to our cause and your going to throw all that away by sending him with this lot?!” said the man standing up from the table.
“I’m going to write to Mayous right now and see if he can’t talk some sense into you! Really Digmore I would have thought you of all people would be able to see the seriousness of our current situation!” the man stood, walked to the welcome rack, picked up his staff and proceeded to walk out the door.
“Wait Madly, wait a second! Let me explain!” called McGreen, also getting up from the table.
“What do you mean with this lot…?!’ whisper Vann. His whisper covered every other sound in the room. “What do you mean by ‘sending him with this lot’?”
“Vanncuall Villiiaan Seymore you are a reckless fool who should not be allowed so much as to wash my socks. Hold your tongue and show some respect for once in your god-forsaken life,” replied Madly, scowling down his long nose at Vann.
“Bastard!” cried Vann throwing his knife straight for Madly’s heart. Madly thrust out his hand.
“MĦag Mĩп Мǎrїūǿs” he said, his eyes wide in terror. Tiesn felt a chill go down his back. Even with his little knowledge of Alchemy he knew it was not the knife Madly was scarred of. Before Tiesn knew he had even moved he found himself in font of Vann and the rest of his friends. Everything was in slow motion. The knife was hovering a couple feet out in front of Vanncuall’s hand glowing purple and green like Madly’s hand. Madly obviously was using Alchemy but Tiesn still wasn’t sure what the out come of his spell would be. The look in Madly’s eyes told him that no one would want to know. Tiesn knew he needed to counter act the spell.
“Щǎmæ” said Tiesn. Instantly time returned to normal and Vanncuall’s knife blew apart in a storm of purple light. Tiesn found himself gripping Vann tightly across the forearm as white light flowed from Tiesn’s hand. The reaction from Tiesn’s spell was a dramatic one. Vann cried out as his arm split open around Tiesn’s hand that was still gripping Vann’s arm. Madly on the other hand wasn’t nearly as lucky. It appeared as if his spell got stuck inside him half way through, like a garden hose with a carrot jammed in the nozzle. His arm pulsed and swelled and he hunched over like he was about to hurl. He suddenly lunged forward to fall flat on his face his back bulged and exploded showering intestines and blood all over the front door. A pool of blood began to spread out from under him. His body gave one last twitch before resting motionless on the ground. Tiesn felt something warm running down his hand. He looked back to see Vann’s eyes rolling back in his head and his arm pouring blood over everything. Tiesn immediately let go of Vann’s arm. Vann fell to his knees and began massaging his arm. Tiesn dropped down next to Vann.
“Vann are you ok!? Vann! Oh my god, Vann!? Can you hear me? Are you ok?” Tiesn asked grabbing Vann by the shoulders. Vann shook his head and stood up.
‘Wow… God… That was crazy… Please don’t ever do that again…” said Vann standing up and looking at his arm. There was blood everywhere. Vann shook his arm and watched as the gash closed up before their eyes.
“How did…?”
“Don’t worry about it… Wow, how’d… how’d you move so fast? And I thought you got hurt when you did Alchemy?” Vann cut in over Tiesn.
“No idea…” said Tiesn standing up to fall into the chair next to him. They all looked at each other none quite sure what to say or do next. At that moment Mrs. Amy passed out.

Fires come and fires go
In the end they all lie
Cold like Ash…
By the by we give up the light
For in the end
It all goes cold.
There is no passion without the pain.
No light comes without the flame
Without the flame there is no light
Without the instrument there is no song…
Without the song there is no life…
Without the life there is no flame…
Without the flame…
All is darkness…
With the darkness
There can be no song…

Vin turned to run to his mother’s but McGreen caught him by the arm before he’d taken a second step.
“What…?! Get off me! I’ve got to help her!” he screamed swinging his fits at McGreen’s chin.
“Now, now. I’ll look after your mother till Reg gets back, but for now you must lead 432nd. So hurry up and get your group together.
Tori here’s the contract, licenses for the five of you, and your orders from Mayous. You’re to inspect the death of our Head of Department in the Field Operations Siege Unit. I’d give your men a call and get started… from what I hear it’s a pretty messy job,” instructed McGreen.
“I can’t just leave my mother!” Vinmere yelled attempting to get back at his mother.
“Not now Vin… Come we need to get Lieutenant Tunnel. We’ve been waiting for years to get our contract! Now let’s go!”
“I must agree with Vann on this Commander,” said Sigil, as he finally got up from his place at the table, “Please let us proceed.”
‘Fine… Ok then! McGreen please keep my mother safe! Vann get the lieutenant, Tori report Madley’s death to the patrol, Sigil grab my ingredients, and Tiesn grab a couple swords from my father’s stores. I’m requiring all my commanding officers to carry one at all times.”
“Hey don’t I get a say in where I go or what I do?” said Tiesn, now becoming a little pissed that his life was being dictated to him.
“Actually no you don’t,” said McGreen, “Technically I’m your guardian now, since your parents are dead. So again, technically I’m in charge of you. You’re going to join the 432nd and you will follow Commander Vinmere’s orders got that…? Now be a good boy and run along… I’ve got a lot to clean up… I promise I’ll make all this up to you one day.”
“I’m only going because there my friends! Not because of you, got that?!”
“Fine by me, so long as you don’t let your friendship get in your way.”
“What…? What do you mean?”
“Just get out of here and make sure the next time I see you you’re an actual Alchemist.”
“No point fighting McGreen he’s just as manipulative and sickening as the rest of them… Keep it up and he’ll eventually force you into service. Let’s just go now while we actually have a choice in the matter,” said Vann, opening the front door. He took off at a startling speed in search of their lieutenant. Tiesn decided it was best not to argue and went to collect the weapons.
Tiesn went down the stairs slowly trying to piece together exactly how he had managed to get himself stuck in another situation in which he had no say so. Tiesn was hesitant to leave without Adam but he felt his brother could find him fairly easily when it was time. Though not quite sure when or what that time really was Tiesn decided it was best to head off with the 432nd and find Tiesn later, besides Tiesn didn’t trust Vanncuall and wasn’t about to let Tori go off unprotected with that lunatic. Tiesn continued down the stairs so caught up in Tori that he didn’t notice the man standing at the bottom of the stairs. He was hooded standing casually, slightly curious as to why the “Great South Fæs Federation Alchemist” hadn’t yet noticed him.
Tiesn continued to the bottom of the stairs, just starting to wonder how old Tori might be when he began to feel… odd. He was sure there was something wrong with the room but he wasn’t sure what. Everything was exactly the same as it had been since it had been in the morning, at least as far as Tiesn knew, but Tiesn scanned the room continuously unable to decide what was out of place, but since he had only visited it briefly that morning he was unable to tell what exactly had been where. Truthfully, there is no real shame in Tiesn’s quandary for only one thing had actually been moved... In essence this shows quite a precise level of observation. For as Tiesn may not have noticed the figure watching him from the shadows, learning his movements and laughing silently at the uncertainty of the Alchemist, Tiesn had detected a change in the room from the last time he was there. This change was most important, almost more important than the figure himself, for this item that was missing was a small but dangerous thing. This item was a relic of the Ramulousgraniangaviolartusdavinian family; and in this dagger that the figure was now raising as he moved towards Tiesn’s back, was a very potent thing.
Vinmere’s family tree goes back quite a ways; back to a land where kings were few and the world was still both new and old… At the base of the Ramulousgraniangaviolartusdavinian family tree, where the roots first grew so strong, was a blacksmith by the name of Gord Ramulousgraniangaviolartusdavinian. He was unique in his ability, both as strong as he was wise, and with this ability he bore forth a weapon made for princes. Gord formed a knife of magical breed, a first of it’s kind and so, like all foundations, stronger than those that followed, that did not bend, who’s children could not be healed, nor for that matter restored. It was a touchy little thing that did far worse to its victims than a knife of a normal barer.
Tiesn was sure something was missing, but of this thing he knew not the latent power, and it was by this power that all his wounds did bleed...

Some wounds come soft and shallow…
Some deep but draw no blood,
Others burn the barer,
Still others haunt us on…

They burn, they bite, they tingle,
They itch, they scream, they coon…
Soft like gentle laughter
Only to a lost buffoon.
By this stance not altered,
In light yet to be reflected
In unaltered song and story
Are heroes left dieing in the hall…
© Copyright 2007 Zade Spader (UN: darklordspader at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
Zade Spader has granted Writing.Com, its affiliates and its syndicates non-exclusive rights to display this work.
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