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Rated: 18+ · Book · Thriller/Suspense · #1021972
"The Jahorina papers" is a story about human trafic,violated rights and abuse of power.
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#394635 added May 7, 2008 at 9:50am
Restrictions: None
Part 2 -4: A bloody job
Part II: The Nocolata Mosanu story

Chapter 4: A bloody job

The office was a sparsely furnished room. On the left side stood a small ordinary table with two chairs, on the other side a shabby, dirty couch. Lots of obscene pictures covered the windowless walls while a closed door in the opposite wall seemed to give access to another room.
Nicoleta stand in front of the grinning boss, sitting on the other side of the table. She glanced shortly at Tania, sitting crosslegged on the coach with an anxious expression on her face. Obviously she didn't enjoy to be there. Nicoleta wasn't stupid and all her illusions had went up in smoke the moment she had entered the bar.

"You're new in the business", Tania translated Predrags conclusion.

"Sit down" It was an order but Nicolata refused to give up so easily and replied:

"No, thanks, I prefer to stay." She looked at Tania who reluctantly translated. She's afraid, concluded Mina.

"So, you're a hard head, aren't you?" Predrag seemed amused, but the eyes didn't show amusement. He stood up, came around the table and his right hand slapped hard in her face, producing an awfully crack tone. Her head swung away and tears appeared on her cheeks, but she didn't produce any noise. She turned back, looking in his cold eyes.
" Please obey and don't oppose to him...", explained Tania quickly but Nicoleta didn't listen and said with a throaty voice:

" You may beat me as much as you like, it doesn't impress me, I'm used to be beaten. I'm here and I have to stay, so tell me what I have to do and I'll do it. Anyway, I do not have any choice!..."
Tania translated and Predrag seemed surprised. Nicoleta was ready to take another blow but Predrag hesitated. He looked in her eyes and she withstood that sadistic look. He suddenly grinned and returned to his chair.

"How old are you?" he asked.

" Thirty"


"Yes, three"

'Hm.., so you're a woman and you know what men like to do with women, I guess?"

She confirmed.

"I guess you have already figured out what we'll expect ?"

"I'm a country woman, not stupid." she replied shortly.

"We'll find out. Take off you cloths"

Nicoleta didn't expect that kind of order and she looked at Tania, who remained motionless and simply translated the conversation.

"You can do it alone or I may give you a hand..." He continued impatiently.

She knew that there would be no way out and that it would be stupid to provoke him more. She undressed fast and mechanically, putting her cloths on the chair besides her. It toke her less than a minute to stand complete nude. He laughed satisfied when she revealed her muscled but slim body, accentuated by a couple of small, firm breasts. She didn't try to cover herself with her hands, which would have been ridiculous given the circumstances.

"Not so bad," he approved and stood up again, coming around, stopping in front of her. He put out his hands and enclosed the breasts. He squeezed them, toke the nipples between thumb and index, pinched hard, but Nicoleta didn't move. She instinctively felt that he just waited for an excuse in order to really get bad. He forced her body around while his hands slid downwards, discovering every part of her body even her most intimate parts. After a while, which seemed an eternity to her, he went back to his chair and said:

"You're not a young girl anymore, but you have a marvelous body and you'll satisfy a lot of men. Get dressed"

He waited until she's ready and he invited her again to sit down. She guessed that the worst part of the interview was over, so she accepted wordless.

"Now listen, we have a few rules here." Tania translated automatically.

"If rules are broken, punishment will follow!, not by me, but by my bodyguard and he's really bad. You'll meet him this evening" He lighted a cigarette, inhaled the smoke and continued.

"Tania is my right hand, who will bring you my orders. I do not want any opposition to her. She will be behind the bar and she's in charge to bring drinks to the tables. She also takes the money, not you or anybody else. Understood?"
She nodded.

"All the girls here are dancers and they have to perform the whole night, dancing by turns. You'll only be excused when you have a room client." He inhaled again.

"All girls have a place in the bar. They go to a client when invited and they remain as long as the client pay. You don't drink alcoholic beverages, only tea or juice cocktails. Time to stay for one drink is 15 minutes after which there'll be another order or you go back to your place with the other girls. You can follow?"
Nicoleta nodded again.

"Fine. You're here to earn money I guess, so as long you're here, you'll have to do the job. You get 50% of all earnings, but you'll have to pay for your room, working cloths and condoms. That will cost you about 2000 dollar a month. Going with a client to the room costs 50 dollar for 15 minutes, 100 for half an hour, 150 for one hour and so on. The client may wish to stay the whole night with you, which costs 400 dollars."
Another inhalation of nicotine in his longs and Predrag continued summarizing the internal rules.

"In the bar, you'll always be minimally dressed! Nudity will only be allowed in the upstairs rooms. You may be kissed, but not be touched in the bar. Tania will give you later on a private interview in order to go through the intimate details you'll need for the job.
This evening, you'll not dance, but you'll be with the other girls, so you can observe what you'll have to do starting ...tomorrow. Questions?"
Nicoleta didn't have questions. Anything was clear.

"Nobody will leave the bar with a client without my permission! During the day, you'll have to learn the local language, a little bit English and other things."
Predrag put out the cigarette in the ashtray and lighted immediately a new one.

"Most of our customers are foreigners, working for international organisations. There also international police officers, which will regularly control our bar, because they think that we are forcing young women! Never forget that you're free to leave, but we'll not pay you if you don't respect your contract. Do you want to leave?"
This was a stupid question because there was only one answer.


"Do you think you're forced to stay here?"


"Fine. So if someone asks you, tell him the truth. Otherwise ugly things may happen to you. We have our connections everywhere, so don't think you can fuck us!" He scowled at her, looking in her eyes.

"No problem."

Nicoleta knew she was a prisoner and that she would need money to escape. The only way to get money was accepting the immoral job.

"If a girl tells bull-shit about us or this bar, she may be killed. Don't forget, I'm just the manager here, but powerful people are controlling the business, so be careful and control your words.

More, if someone asks too many questions, inform Tania."

"As you seem to be intelligent, I ask you to look at your two friends in order to avoid that they do stupid things. Made I myself clear enough?"

The interview was finished. All by all, Nicoleta thought that she had escaped the worse, because she was convinced that her friends had been raped. But she knew that what didn't happen to her today, could happen tomorrow, or later...
She was taken back by Tania in the bar room who introduced her to the other six girls, who had finally come downstairs. They all originated from Moldavia. Melinda and Lilia were sitting together with two of them.

"Okay, girls, I'll call for food and in 1/2 hour we'll have diner." Tania disappeared and the girls made closer acquaintance.

They all had a similar story to tell. They had been looking for a job abroad and they got trapped by heartless traffickers.
The newcomers heard about a girl who was beaten to death because she had told international police officers that she had been forced into prostitution. She had made a testimony after which those police men left her on her own. She had joined the bar again, but Predrag's bodyguard had immediately separated her of her friends. She simply disappeared. A few days later, children had found her body in an empty completely wrecked house. It seems that she had been tortured, raped and finally beaten to death.

International police officers had made an inquiry, but they had concluded pretty fast that the girl had been victim of criminals.
This story was a clear warning to be careful. The girls told also that the bar seemed to facilitate Police protection, including International police. Anyway, the boss has always been informed of planned control patrols, so nothing suspicious could ever be found during their inspections.

Thirty minutes later, an old man entered the bar. He was a local farmer who brought in the food for the girls. They all followed him outside, where they gathered bread, cheese, milk, chicken. All had been stowed in a dirty trunk of his old car. Tania paid him off outside. He thanked, jumped back in his car and drove away, enveloped in a thick black mist, caused by the broken and noisy exhaust pipe.

They put the food on one of the bar tables, joined another table and they sat all together and started enjoying the meal. Tania stayed with them and Nicoleta felt that the other girls didn't like her so much, because no one said anything. They hadn't finished yet, when another visiter entered the bar room. He was tall, wearing a black leather jacket, jeans and black boots. Black sunglasses were hiding his eyes but the expressionless cold square face told enough about the man. Before Tania said anything, she guessed that the newcomer had to be Predrag's bodyguard.

The man came over and faced immediately the new girls while Tania introduced him.

"Slobodan Mesic, he's Predrag's right hand..." She switched language and told him who the three new girls were. The man nodded and turned around and disappeared in the staircase room. Tania followed him.

She was barely out of hear distance when one of the girls whispered:

"That's the man who killed Katja". Nicoleta heard this name for the first time, but she knew who was meant: that girl who had disappeared and had been found murdered.

"He's a sadist and a rapist. Take care and do not provoke him or you may enjoy his special treatment.", continued the girl, called Olga Lisnic. She was a good looking twenty years old black haired girl. As all the others, she was sparsely dressed in the typical short skirt, a short tee-shirt and white panties. On her feeds she wore brown high open heels. She was heavy breasted but obviously didn't wear a bra.

Tania came back but her face betrayed her. She brought bad news.

"Olga, Slobodan Mesic would like to see you...". Olga didn't protest, stood up and joined Tania. Both disappeared again.

"What's going on?" asked Nicoleta.

The girls looked to each other and finaly, after a short hesitating, a blond girl listening to the name Irina Marco explained:

"Slobodan can chose any of us and we're supposed to obey if we want to avoid his special treatment. Since Katja's death, we are verry carefull. He's a real beast. It seems that he once belonged to Milosovic body guards...." She stocked because Tania came back.

"Okay ladies, everybody finished? We should prepare for the evening.

This would be the first working day for the three newcomers. They started cleaning up and re arranging the tables when suddenly a blood-curdling cry immobilised them instantanteous. That awful sound had come from the staircase room. Nobody moved. Their was no other sound, but the previous one didn't predict any good. Finally Tania moved to the staircase house and Nicoleta followed her, without knowing why. The others seemed like marble statures. Tania opened the door and they reluctantly entered the room. The scene they discovered will probably be burned forever in their memories.

A body laid on the bottom with the chest on the floor and two strangely twisted legs covering the five first steps of the stair. The head laid in a dark red sticky mass which was blood. The head was twisted around and it was obvious that the neck was broken. Blood poured from the head caused by a gaping wound on the backside due a violent contact with the soil.

The poor victim was Olga and she must have been falling down the stair. But what had caused the accident?

Nicoleta looked upwards.

Slobodan Mesic stood straddle-legged and motionless at the head of the stairs.

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