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Rated: 13+ · Book · Fanfiction · #1044998
The Las Vegas CSI team is on two separate cases, both proving to harder than they thought
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#392199 added December 12, 2005 at 9:02pm
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Chapter 1


It was a glorious day for the residence of Las Vegas, Nevada. The sun was out, not scorching hot, but keeping the temperature at a comfortable place. There was a slight fall breeze, but nothing the people couldn’t tolerate.
Robert and Beth Owen were taking full advantage of the lovely weather. The young couple loved to take walks away from the buzz of the strip, and the roar of tourists streaming in to the city of sin. Walking hand-in-hand through a nearby park, Robert, suddenly felt Beth’s hand tighten.
“What is it, babe?” He asked. Beth stood frozen in her tracks, staring at one spot between some rosebush hedges. There, clearly visible, was a mangled human body.
“Oh, god!” Robert said in disgust, turning away. “Call 9-1-1.”

CSI level three Nick Stokes crouched near the body snapping pictures at all angles. Nearby, his supervisor Gil Grissom looked around the scene.

“Okay David,” Nick called to the young assistant coroner. “He’s all yours.” David then proceeded to prep the body for transportation, while Nick stood up, casually wiping his brow with the back of his gloved hand.

“You find anything, Grissom?” Nick asked, standing next to his mentor. He received no answer, but as this was common, Nick continued without concern. “Don’t even have to I.D. the body. You did recognize him didn’t you?”

“I did, Nick.” Grissom responded monotonously.

“We’ve been chasing this guy for three weeks, while he had been gone on a killing spree, and all you have to say is ‘I did,’” Nick looked slightly dismayed at Grissom. Grissom then turned away from observing the scene and looked directly at Nick, who instantly knew he had gone too far.

“Does it matter that he’s a killer? Yes, we knew that he had killed all those men; we knew he was a dangerous serial, but does he look like he’s going to be killing anymore?” Grissom threw his thumb over his shoulder to where David was loading the body into a large white van.

“Er…no.” Nick stated, glancing away.

“It doesn’t matter if he was a murderer, he’s a victim now.” Grissom explained.
“But, I mean, come on Griss, one less killer on the streets. That serial got away with half a dozen snipings” Nick argued.

Grissom shook his head. “Nick, a murderer wasn’t taken off the streets…he was just replaced.” Grissom waited to see if Nick was to be bold enough to argue further. “Do I need to take you off the case?” He asked evenly.

“No, I’m sorry.”

“I need you to not be bias. That’s our job.”

“I know.” Nick said confidently. However, Grissom looked on doubtfully.

“Call Warrick.” He said finally. Nick hung his head.

“Did I blow it already?” Grissom tilted his head with a confused look.

“No, this is a high profile…we need his help, and Catherine and Sara are on a case already.”

Blushing, Nick gave a small smile. “You got it.”

Across town, the two women of the CSI night shift were hard at work with their own case.

“Marla Jennings, 34.” recited the police captain Jim Brass. “Police found her while patrolling. Saw that the railing had broke and found her mangled in the driver’s seat.”

“Could have been an accident,” the younger CSI Sara Sidle proposed looking down the long stretch of highway before them.

“Or murder,” Catherine Willows said hopefully.

“Always hoping for the worst,” Sara laughed. “Well, there hasn’t been rain in weeks, and there are no brake marks on the road where the car went off.”

“Suicide?” Brass quipped in.

“Doubt it,” Catherine called from inside the destroyed red mustang. “Of all the suicides I’ve worked, not one woman left by driving her car of the road.”

“Well, there’s a first time for everything.” Jim shrugged. “Anyway, you two have fun, I’ve got to roll.” With that, the captain left the scene. Sara turned to Catherine.

“So, if it wasn’t an accident, or suicide, it had to be murder. But if someone was trying to push you off the road, wouldn’t you break?”

“Maybe they took care of that.” Catherine responded.

“Implies premeditation.” she theorized. Before Catherine could respond again, her cell phone chirped out.

“Hang on…Willows…yes. What? Are you kidding?! No, I’ll be right there.” Catherine rubbed her temple as she shut the phone closed. “Um, I’ve got to run. Something with Lindsey…again.”

“Oh, is she okay?” Sara asked concerned. Catherine gave a wryly grin.

“Not after I’m through with her. I’ll see you at the lab.” Sara watched as she made her way to the issued Tahoe, the returned back to the scene.

“Okay then,”
© Copyright 2005 K. Acker (UN: kacker at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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