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Rated: XGC · Book · Erotica · #1044659
OPP is the one thing we all want, even if for a little while.
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#391967 added September 13, 2006 at 8:34pm
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Chapter Seven
         Driving down to GA was relaxing. My reservation at the Super 8 was confirmed and I spent the weekend just puttering around the base and nearby hick towns. I thought about maybe even scooting down to Orlando to see Cary again but decided against it. St. Mary’s, Georgia was a very small, quaint, southern town with a small post office and one shopping center with mom and pop shops that preyed on unsuspecting newbies like me to keep their shops open and above water. They smelled us coming from miles away, our out of state license plates were a dead giveaway.
         Back on base I finally found the commissary, bowling alley, library, chapel and club. My eyeslids got heavy so I decided to just go check in and get it over with. It was a Sunday anyways so not much could be happening, right? Walking up the long pier from the parking lot with my duffel bag was hell on my shoulders. There had to be an easier way to do this. On both sides of the Tender, big, black submarines were connected to her with ropes and tubes, looked like they were being tube fed. From afar, the sailors working atop the submarines looked like little mechanical robots. I finally made it up to the Quarterdeck and the very handsome Officer of the Day (OOD) made my long walk along the pier well worthwhile.
         "How do you do, Lieutenant (LT)," I asked, as I licked my lips and handed him my reporting orders.
         As he read my orders, I read what his gig line was saying to me, loud and clear! His dick head squeezed against his pants.
         “Seaman Saxon, welcome aboard."
         Within five seconds of standing there, I already noticed his smooth face, beautiful small brown eyes, salt-n-pepper hair, thin mustache, pink lips and nice ass. I felt warm as he looked at my hard nipples from the chill along the pier.
         “Thank you, Sir.”
         “Seaman Johnson, call down to the Admin Office for Petty Officer Hodges to come for Seaman Saxon,” the LT ordered the deck hand on watch.
         As we walked through the passageway to my berthing compartment, Petty Officer Hodges directed my attention to various points of interest like the post office, store, cafeteria, weight room, and other areas. This fucking ship was huge, it was a small community of and in itself and there were people everywhere!
         “Who’s the OOD?” I asked.
         “Who, LT. White? He’s the Damage Control Officer (DCO). He’s a looker, isn’t he? Girl, don’t bother yourself with him, there’s more where that came from” Teresa said and grinned.
         “I see what you mean already, I said, as a cutie checked me out as he walked by us, but I’d sure like to control his fire,” I said referring back to the DCO.
         “I can tell already that you’re gonna fit in just fine around here, girl.”
         We got to the berthing compartment and the place was a fucking mess! Clothes were all over the place, the floor was wet from girls walking from the shower back to their racks, a million different perfumes reeked in the air, the TV was on but no one watched it, radios were blasting different stations, and I wanted to turn around and run back home to momma. Teresa saw the fright in my eyes.
         “Don’t let this scare you, by tomorrow morning, all of this will be gone.”
         My rack was near the middle of the compartment, on the bottom with two more above me; 3 left x 3 right, 6 racks to a cubicle, 108 bunks total in the compartment, 8 toilets, 8 sinks and 8 showers. Thankfully, the majority of the girls lived out in town and only stayed onboard on duty nights. This was just one of three female compartments onboard, I later learned from Ruth, a Store Keeper (SK) and thin as a twig.
         Teresa waited while I put my name on my rack and locker and then took me up to the Admin office to meet the rest of my fellow workmates on duty. Seaman Billy Brown was a young buck, nice looking but too young for my tastes. He appeared to be shy and quiet but I sensed there was more to him than meets the eye. His dungarees fit his body like a glove and I could tell he was heavy. Petty Officer Curt Taylor was tall and lanky, looked like a mouse but in a cute way and a toothpick hanged out of his mouth; COUNTRY! That's the first thought that came to my mind about Curt. Chief Raymond was well, Chief Raymond, nobody I’d be interested in. There were still a handful of other folks who didn’t have duty and I met them the following day.
         The first couple of weeks onboard were very hectic. I finally met everyone in the office, I got an official tour to meet and greet other sailors and officers who I worked closely with in other departments, there was paperwork and courses to complete, studying, duty sections, practice drills, musters, but when I considered all that was happening around me, and all the collateral duties that were assigned to me, I still could not stop thinking about Cary.
         I took a chance and Cary picked up on the second ring.
         “Hot Butter, where are you, Hot Butter?” Cary asked. I called the ship for you several times but they said you hadn't reported onboard yet."
         He seemed truly happy to hear from me. Tears swelled up in my eyes because I missed him so much. Was it really him I missed or was it the sadness I felt from knowing that he would never be mine?
         “Menard, what’s the matter?”
         Darn, he heard my sniffles.
         “How’s the ship, is everything going ok?”
         “Yes, the ship’s fine. I’m fine. It’s just…” “Oh Lord”, I prayed, “how do I bring myself to tell Cary how much I missed him and needed to see him? It was about a month since the last time we spoke, help me find the words, please.”
         “Cary, would you like some company this weekend?” It was all I could think of to say.
         “My orders came in, I’m leaving on Tuesday. I’ll be busy all weekend getting my things together, Menard."
         He paused and with each passing moment of silence the tears streamed down my face.
         “Lord, please don’t let it end this way,” I prayed again, and my head pounded from a slight headache.
         “But I’d love to see you before I leave, Hot Butter, you know that.”
“Cary, you are something special. Thank you.” I said, massaging my temples.
         Friday evening at 5:05 I headed down I-95 South to Orlando. You Are Always On My Mind played on the country station as I drove off base. “Pull yourself together,” I told myself just as a tear drop fell to the steering wheel. I knew this would be the last time I saw Cary. After this weekend he would go back to his life before we met. His wife would probably join him at his new duty station and he would forget about me all too soon. “Carpe Diem,” I reasoned with myself and sped on.
         “Can I get two coffees, please, black with honey?”
         I gave Cary his coffee and headed out towards the beach. Summer was coming to an end so there was a slight chill in the air. A full moon was out and we lied on our towels and reminisced about the good times we had earlier in the summer. After about an hour or so of talking and watching the waves come in, we packed up and found the nearest motel to get reacquainted.
         Earlier at dinner I couldn’t keep my eyes off of him. Since I left here, he must’ve been working out the entire time because his chest was ready to bust out of his shirt. We didn’t talk too much over dinner; I think we both anticipated the inevitable. I was in too deep and Cary knew it too.
         I brought enough clothes to last me through the weekend but as I put them away in the drawer and looked over into his sad eyes, I knew I couldn’t stay past morning.
         Well, after we got caught up on what we been doing for the last month, we tried to watch TV but lying next to him on the bed was just too much for me to handle.
         “Don’t look so sad, I know it’s over. Let's just be glad we had some time to spend together. Don't say a word about tomorrow, or forever, there'll be time enough for sadness. Will you hold me, please?” I asked.
         Cary held me in his arms for a long time. Whatever was on the TV was a blur.
         “Stiffen up, girl, I told myself, don’t you dare start crying now,” and I fought back the tears with everything I had.
         Cary’s body was warm and Drakkar Noir filled the air. I lifted his chin and softly kissed his lips. He hungrily accepted and sucked my tongue. I squeezed his shoulders and then let my hand rest on his hip and pulled him closer to me. He lied on his back with one leg propped up and he hugged me tight. His kisses were slow, long and passionate. When I needed air, I sucked his ear, kissed his neck, under his chin and then worked my way back to his sweet mouth. Cary moaned.
         He rolled over on top of me and felt great lying between my legs. His body fit mine perfectly. I hugged his ass and pressed his bulge into me. Cary showered me with butterfly kisses upon my forehead, my cheeks and the sides of my mouth. I reciprocated with wet kisses upon his chest. He unbuttoned my shirt and licked the salty sweat between my breasts, then softly sucked on my nipples.
         Cary rested his head upon my bosom and hugged me tight for a moment. Was it my imagination or did he just realize that he was also in too deep? Was that a tear running down the side of my breast or a dribble? And another?
         Cary lifted his head and looked at me through his teary eyes. My heart melted.
         "Mia, I..."
         "Shhhhhh, don't, I whispered, just hold me please."
         I wiped his tears away with my thumbs. Cary took a deep breath and swallowed hard but his tears kept falling.
         I awoke from the noise of the TV buzzing, the station had signed off. Cary slept like a baby, his head still upon my bosom and his arms still wrapped around me. I tried to reach for the remote but woke him instead.
         TV off, we kissed, he gave me his back and I cuddled up against him with my pussy against his ass, my breast pressed against his back, my hand in his rested against his heart and still fully clothed... we slept.
         Morning came much too soon and I was not looking forward to telling Cary good-bye. I didn’t sleep well because my mind was racing, pondering over what will happen after today. Cary woke up and turned towards me.
         “Good morning,” I said to him.
         Cary kissed me, then hugged me tight. He looked very handsome with the morning light on his face. It felt good hugging him close.
         “Good morning to you. What happened last night?” he asked after he saw we were still fully clothed.
         “Nothing, we fell asleep just holding each other.”
         I loved Cary so much. I ran my fingers through his hair and kissed him. He put his hands into my shirt and caressed my breasts. He rolled on top of me and we kissed wildly. He unbuttoned my shirt and sucked my nipples, I opened my legs wider to feel the bulge in his pants better. He rocked into me softly. Cary unzipped my pants, slipped his fingers into my wet pussy and softly squeezed my clit. I pulled his shirt out from inside his pants, and over his head. His bare chest was against my body now. He undid his belt then zipped his pants down and pulled his cock from out his underwear. He pulled my pants and panties down just far enough to slide his cock easily into me. Our kisses were passionate and slow, and we made sweet love to each other.
         He pulled out of my hungry pussy and we undressed completely. He pulled me down onto him and guided his cock into me again. He pressed me into him closer and we rocked gently. His hand in my hair, we kissed and rocked… and rocked… and rocked softly.
         Cary rolled us over, then he pulled out of me and kissed my neck, sucked my nipples, left a trail of kisses leading down to my stomach. He kissed the insides of my thighs, then slid his tongue into my pussy. He licked and sucked my juices, his tongue left no part of my pussy untouched. He slid a finger into me and finger fucked me while lapping up more juice. His fingers tickled my clit and made me shake with soft orgasms.
         “Cary, take me now,” I pleaded, and pulled him up to me.
         We kissed and I sucked my juices from his lips. Cary’s cock slid into me and he continued with the slow rocking. Cary was so attentive. His lovemaking was so delicate and zealous and I began to weep because there was just too much emotion being shared between us. I loved Cary and wanted to be with him forever.
         “Don’t cry, Menard,” he said, and wiped my tears away. He softly kissed my forehead and my cheeks.
         "Cary, I..."
         "Nooooo, baby, don't say it, he whispered, just let me make love to you now."
         He buried his face into my neck and fucked me harder and faster. My pussy was on fire. Cary fucked me as though he had something to prove, like he was trying to make a point or trying to send me a message. He lifted my ass up to meet his thrusts, and sucked my neck hard.
         “Cary, I love the way you love me. Strong and wild, slow and easy, heart and soul, so completely.” I whispered into his ear.
         Every thrust hit my clit and brought me to a mini orgasm. The veins in his neck popped out and he gritted his teeth. His cock was very hard and I knew he was ready to cum. I reached down and gently squeezed his balls.
         “Mia!” “Ohh, Mia!” Cary cried out.
         He thrusted his cock into my pussy, his balls hit my ass with each jab. He pulled my hair tight.
         “I’m cumming, Cary, I’m cumming! “AAAAHHHHH! Good Cary, fuck me Cary, fuck me harder Cary!”
         I grabbed his ass and pulled him deeper into me! Cary fucked me faster and harder!
         ”AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!” he yelled out and his cum shot into me like a lightning bolt!
         His body collapsed onto mine. We both needed a moment to catch our breaths. We kissed passionately and rocked slowly, his soft cock moving inside me felt wonderful. We lied quietly for a long time. Cary sniffed and wiped his eyes. He looked at me through teary eyes.
         “Mia, I have something to tell you.”
         Cary sat up in the bed with his knees and pillow up to his chest, and he tried to fight back the tears once again but they kept flowing.
         “Cary, what is it?”
         “My wife… she…” and he couldn’t finish the sentence. Instead he turned away from me and sat on the edge of the bed and put his head down into his hands. I got worried now.
         “Mia, remember I told you that my wife was sick all the time?”
         “Yes, is she doing better now? Is she excited about going to Hawaii with you to your new duty station?”
         Sobbing uncontrollably, Cary says, “Mia, my wife died giving birth to our daughter four weeks ago. Her body was too weak to complete the birth. Angelica is doing fine but, Mia, I lost my wife.”
         I couldn't believe what I had just heard. there was no way I could have prepared for this. The tears ran down both our faces. I knelt down in front of him and hugged him close. Cary cried on my shoulders. Oh my God, I had no idea! A rage of emotions swept over me! My heart was so heavy with compassion and sympathy for Cary and his baby girl.
         “Cary, I’m so sorry. I’m so terribly sorry. I didn’t know, I’m sorry.” I said.
         “I love my wife, Mia. After I buried her I tried calling you on the ship. I wanted you here with me, Mia! I needed you here to talk to me, Mia! When I couldn’t reach you on the ship, I didn’t know how else to contact you! I didn’t have anyone to talk to and I was going out of my mind, Mia! Why Mia, why did she have to die?”
         We cried together, and then I put his face in my hands and made him look at me.
         “Cary, now you listen to me. Did you hear what you just said? You have a beautiful baby girl now. You’re a new daddy and Angelica needs you more than ever. She will never know her mommy but don’t you dare deprive her of knowing her daddy too. Your wife has passed on but your love for her will never die. Yes, you’re wife’s life has ended but your daughter’s has just begun. Share with Angelica the love you have for your wife, and raise her the way you know your wife would raise her. You are a good man, Cary, you can’t check out now. You have so much to live for. If not for yourself, then be strong for Angelica.”
         Cary looked at me with a calm, peaceful look in his eyes. There were no more tears. He hugged me tight.
         “Oh, Mia. You are so special to me. When you called me the other day I realized how much I needed to see you. I don’t have anyone here to talk to so I took some pills and tried to kill myself because I felt all alone! I wanted to be with my wife, the mother of my child! You are my best friend, Mia. And you are right, I have to take care of Angelica now. She’s so pretty.”
         “You will be a great father, Cary, I know you will.”
         We had breakfast and Cary was still sad of course and a bit quiet. He didn’t have too much to say and I understood, he had a lot on his mind and had a lot of planning to do and decisions to make. But he wasn’t crying and that was a step in the right direction. After breakfast we played a couple games of bowling and I loved watching him bowl because he looked great in his tight jeans.
         We headed back to the motel room and I knew it was time to say good-bye. I packed my clothes back into my bag while Cary lied on the bed and watched.
         “I’m gonna miss you, girl.”
         “Oh, you're a silly man. Don't you know anything? We're gonna stay in touch, we'll give you all a ring. We'll get the pictures out, we'll pass them all around. Our fire on the beach, my goodness, you were brown. And they will live again, we'll make them live again for you. “You’ll be so busy with Angelica, you won’t have time to think about me.”

Stay tuned... this is a work in progress.

© Copyright 2006 Mia Saxon (UN: drod404 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
Mia Saxon has granted Writing.Com, its affiliates and its syndicates non-exclusive rights to display this work.
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