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Rated: XGC · Book · Action/Adventure · #1033783
Part 1 10 chapters.
#391905 added January 2, 2006 at 10:14pm
Restrictions: None
Chapter 7
Kristen knocked on Jimmy’s hotel room door. The door opened and she watched Jimmy walk away in nothing but a pair of athletic shorts.
“Just set it on the table, I’ll be right out,” Jimmy called over his shoulder. She watched Jimmy’s butt as he disappeared into an adjoining room. Kristen moved to a chair beside the table and had a seat.
“That was fast, I wasn’t expecting you so soon.” Jimmy pulled a T-shirt over his head as he emerged from the room. Opening his wallet he pulled a couple of bills out. When he looked up, he stopped walking. After staring at Kristen for a moment, he cocked his head, smiled cheerfully, and threw a hand on his hip.
“Kristen,” the name bounced enthusiastically off his tongue with sassy energy. Jimmy threw a hand to his chest and continued, “you scared me half to death. I thought it was room service.”
Kristen sat with a dumb-founded expression of amazement. Sassy wasn’t all Jimmy had going on, she thought. She watched Jimmy almost prance through the room, going on about how he had ordered lunch for them and how she was almost an hour early. He moved over to the dining room table and picked up a stack of books and carried them to the coffee table. She watched with awe how positively light Jimmy moved. She laughed out loud at her absolute miss-read of Jimmy the previous evening. Jimmy ignored her giggle and placed two Champaign glasses on the table. Her head still was a little foggy from the night before and she was more than a little apprehensive when Jimmy opened two Champaign bottles. Finally he sat on the couch, crossed his legs in a most scandalously feminine manner, and patted the cusion next to his, “come have a seat, Sweetie.”
Kristen continued to sit and stare in amazement. Jimmy is gay, she thought. Then she wondered about how he came to know and gain the confidence of the most conservative people she knew.
“That’s a lovely blouse, sweetie, who makes that?” Jimmy raised his eyebrows in anticipation of her response.
Kristen was leaning forward, looking at Jimmy, when she snapped out of it. “Oh, well, I don’t know,” she was suddenly aware of how seductively low cut the blouse had to be to display her bosom. Now she felt quite foolish. “It was a gift,” she said, as if that explained her ignorance of the designer.
“Come over here, Sweetie, I promise I won’t bite.” Jimmy patted the cushion again.
Kristen moved over to the couch and sat down. She looked around the place. She did not notice Jimmy steal a glance at her breasts. Jimmy’s eyes opened noticeably in amazement and he redirected his attention. Reaching for the book on top of the stack, he said, “Well, let’s get to it.”
“This is really a nice place.” Kristen was looking about. “Much nicer than my hotel.”
Kristen had slept most of the way to Norfolk. She had fully recovered from the night before, but Sam and his wife, Leigh, had given her such pampering that she took advantage of the situation and dosed. Having the entire back seat to her self, Kristen rested easily. She was well rested and alert.
She had been so busy in the last couple of years that she hardly had time for a love life. Most of the men she had access to were young college students living for the moment, or lecherous cops. Meeting Jimmy had sparked hope deep inside her, and she wasn’t sure how to proceed. The full bosom trick got the attention of most men, and once you had them salivating, they would be eating out of your palm in no time. He was still a man and not to be trusted, but she sensed something special in him. He never patronized her the previous evening, and that seemed to set the tone for the entire meeting. She was being considered seriously, almost a peer to the other gentlemen. Kristen liked that special feeling, and she associated it with Jimmy. Now, however, Jimmy had just been something she wasn’t prepared for.
“Don’t you just love it?” Jimmy lightly patted her leg. “I’ll give you a tour later, but for now, let’s hit the books.”
Jimmy was explaining to Kristen the type of artwork she would be seeing that night. He jotted down a list of questions, and referenced other books as needed. At 1:00 o’clock their lunch arrived. It was large. They had Iced Tea with the meal and Sparkling wine afterward. Jimmy explained that they always had drinks and snacks at these functions, but only silly people went on an empty stomach. The show was designed to sell art. The patrons would be plied with food, drink, and compliments, then coerced into buying art, or suffer looking cheap and ignorant of artistic value.
Kristen easily became comfortable with Jimmy, and oddly, still felt attracted to him. They chatted like old friends. He explained her purpose as bait and warned her about finding herself alone with anyone, male or female. The Chief would be there if she felt threatened at any point and she should find him early in the evening.
They talked about her history: Her stint as an Army Nurse aspiring to be a Physicians Assistant. Her two-year relationship with a Doctor that ended very abruptly. Jimmy was very attentive as she told him about her true feelings about men and her biological time clock.
Jimmy felt the sadness in her soul, and thought he could never hurt someone so good hearted.
“Well, what did you expect from the relationship?”
“Well, we were both educated, successful, and we had fun together. Then out of nowhere he said, when I got out of the Army, I should marry him and start raising our children. At twenty-five, I wasn’t ready to raise his family. I want to make a difference in the world, and it’s quite difficult to be taken seriously if you have to interrupt your professional life to wipe a runny nose and change a diaper.”
Jimmy looked into her eyes, smiling slightly to ease her hostility.
“Men can be so unreasonable,” he said touching her hand lightly.
“Ain’t it the truth! He asked me for something I wasn’t ready to give. He didn’t want a partner, he wanted a trophy wife.”
“And it ended just like that?”
“No, he became distant. Every time we were together, we went to places where children gather. The romantic dinners ended. He pointed out children and how lovely they were. I told him, I wanted to be a mother one day, but not for about ten or more years. I wanted to live before I got tied down.”
“We live with much more social freedom than our parents enjoyed.” Jimmy added to enjoy her passion.
“That’s right, damn it!” Kristen squared off to face Jimmy. “Women have come a long way. If I’m going to be barefoot and pregnant, it will be when I’m damn well ready.”
“Good for you,” Jimmy said encouraging her anger.
“Yeah,” she became calm finding comfort in Jimmy’s support. “Then everything changed, overnight. He asked me to stop taking the pill, and then only had time for quickies. With-in one month, we were only seeing each other at work. Two months later I received his wedding invitation. He was to marry a twenty-one year old nurse.”
“You’re kidding me,” Jimmy said in mock shock.
“No, and she and I were neighbors. Not one of my friends gave me a heads-up. And she had everything I didn’t. Big boobs, that deer-in-the-headlights vacant stare, and very rich parents.” Kristen dropped back onto the couch, and looked at the ceiling, trying to hide her watering eyes. The grief was letting the anger ebb.
“He was my best friend in the world, my soul mate. I thought we had lived a life of adventure. I had his back and he had mine. Then he traded me in for some plaything.”
“Sounds like betrayal, to me,” Jimmy said seriously sympathetic.
The tears flowed freely now, and Jimmy retrieved a box of tissues. He sat down lightly and pressed a tissue in Kristen's hand. She took it and tried to gather herself.
Sitting up, she turned to Jimmy. “The worst part, I was going to go to his wedding. I was going to show him, I could be bigger than him, and wish them the best of luck. When I got dressed, I looked at myself in the mirror.” Her sobbing caught her breath regularly now making it difficult to talk, but she got through it. “I felt like a troll.”
The tears and sobs rolled freely and Jimmy got up to fetch her a glass of sparkling wine. When she composed herself, Kristen was apologetic. Jimmy assured her that there was no reason to be sorry or feel ashamed. It was the first she had really talked about it and she felt silly that it had been a full two years and she still harbored such strong feelings.
Kristen squared off to Jimmy again. “Please don’t tell anyone I came apart like this.” She wiped her eyes. “I’ve always been the strong, self confident, level headed…” Big Sister, she almost said. Looking into his eyes with mock sternness she said, "no one must know that Kryptonite is not my only weakness.”
They laughed and Jimmy showed her to the bathroom to freshen up.
When she came back, she went on about her educational aspirations. The last two years studying criminology had been the focus of her life and already she had no idea where she was going to find employment. Since medical terminology was the toughest aspect of anything she had studied, she was considering continued studies in forensic science. Jimmy hardly heard a word.
Jimmy was very taken with Kristen. Women in general had an emotional acuity that he was hard pressed to match. He especially enjoyed educated women and the perspective they brought to life. Her strength was quite apparent. Her vulnerability also appealed to him. His reverie was interrupted with her question.
“So, you’re a Private Investigator?” Since she had opened a window to her life, it was time to look into his.
“Yes, it’s excruciatingly boring, but from time to time you hook into something that really amazes you.” Kristen captivated him but he came to his senses when warning bells started ringing in his head. She’s bait, he thought, she will hate you before long.
“What’s the most fascinating case you’ve worked on?” Kristen thought she saw vulnerability in his eyes, and for some reason felt she may be a contributing factor.
Jimmy leaned back and averted his eyes, searching for something to tell her. “Well, I don’t think I have a favorite. A quick discovery is always best; most clues just don’t pan out. I think the cases I like the most are for great pieces of art that disappear. Someone buy’s something priceless and takes it out of circulation for some reason or another. Sometimes you have to take everyone in the auction house to dinner before you get consistent clues.” He locked eyes with Kristen, “that can be very expensive.”
“I’ll bet,” she watched him and could not help but feel that his professional life was very different from his personal life. She sympathized with the stress duality of lifestyles can bring. She had to keep up appearances in the Army. As an officer, Kristen had to be careful with whom she associated, an aspect of the military she definitely found reprehensible. To her, it was similar to her psychic dreams and everyone’s insistence that she keep it to herself.
Jimmy continued, “oh yes, when you get on the trail of the buyer, you have to find out where the art went. That’s especially tough since the buyer is often working for a client. Try getting information about someone's client list sometime. Then once you discover who the new owner is, you have to find out all you can. You have to get all this information without anyone remembering that you were asking about it at all.” He was enthusiastic about the latter aspect of an investigation.
“Why the secrecy? What does it matter once you find the art?” She thought it odd that secrecy would be needed.
“Well, once you have a good source in the community you’re checking out, you don’t want them figuring out the part they played. If they feel exploited, they will resent it and alienate you to compensate for their blunder.” Jimmy could see in her eyes he had said too much.
Suddenly on guard and feeling a bit foolish, she asked, “how will you be exploiting me, Jimmy?” She searched Jimmy’s face for a hint of deception.
Jimmy patted her leg; “you relax, Sweetie. If we find a clue as to who the killer is, it will be because you drew so much attention to yourself, and away from me.” Then he got a twinkle in his eye and added, “besides, if you don’t do so good, I’ll announce that you’re carrying my child and have decided to stay single. That should draw a nice crowd.” Jimmy sipped his wine through her laughter.
“I have arrangements to make tonight, so I won’t be joining you for dinner. Come over tomorrow for lunch and we’ll review.”
Kristen didn’t want to leave but felt Jimmy was politely telling her to come again when he had time. Jimmy noticed her reluctance to leave but did not want to keep up the charade. She thanked him for lunch and accepted the lunch date for the following day.
Jimmy wanted Kristen. She was a picture of health, adventurous, and passionately independent. He would never have to worry about leaving her to travel for work. He was ready for a woman in his life, and he did not need a plaything. He was sure she would hate him before their trip was over. Even if she did not, he had ethical considerations to uphold.
In a different world, he thought, we could have been a great team.

That evening Kristen had dinner with the Police chief and his wife, Dick and Ida James, and Mr. Robertson. They took their meal overlooking the Chesapeake Bay. Nearly everyone was showing signs of sunburn, which amused Kristen. Nothing says tourist like too much sun. They talked about her studies and her plans upon graduation. Very pleasant talk, then Ida dropped the bomb.
“So, how do you like our Mr. James, Dear,” Ida asked Kristen.
“We spent the afternoon together, and had lunch.” Kristen said between bites of her salad. “He’s easy to get along with.”
“And easy on the eyes, isn’t he, Dear,” Ida asked?
Kristen noticed everyone politely listening to her response. “Yes, he’s quite a handsome fellow.” A poorly hidden smile was mistaken by everyone at the table for blushing embarrassment. Kristen realized that no one knew Jimmy well enough to know he was a “Certified Bachelor.”
“And single,” Ida quickly added.
Kristen picked up her glass and sipped the wine slowly, while directing an absent gaze out the large window.
“Mr. Robertson and Jimmy traveled up together in a large van,” Leigh said. “They’ll be leaving tomorrow night after the premier, if you’d prefer to ride with them, I’m sure Stuart would be honored to enjoy your company.”
Stuart Robertson quickly finished chewing the bite of steak he had just popped into his mouth. Nodding, he said, “that’s right, Dear, I’m sure both Jimmy and I would enjoy your company. Unless you have plans to stay longer.”
“I’m not sure,” Kristen was quite amused by the encouragement. “I do appreciate the offer. I’ll let you know one way or the other by tomorrow evening.” Kristen enjoyed Jimmy’s company and felt relaxed by his enthusiastic acceptance of her. She could tell him anything, and trust his confidence. Though there was much more to him than met the eye, she felt strangely attracted to him. Kristen thought it would be scandalous, especially when Jimmy and she became a hot item for discussion. All the benefits of a trusty male companion without the threat of heartbreak.
There was always the possibility that her comfort in Jimmy came in part to his relationship to the world. He was a stranger, and as such, had no deep ties in her life, her family, or her hometown. Having to live a secretive life of at least a dual nature, he had confided in Kristen. Although one’s sexual orientation was one’s own business, people were generally prejudice about with whom they shared their time. She could keep his secret if he could keep hers.

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