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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/391563-A-Scary-World
by katsy
Rated: 13+ · Book · Activity · #1037161
humorous and serious observations of life
#391563 added December 9, 2005 at 12:40pm
Restrictions: None
A Scary World
I've been watching the news with trepidation for the last few days. I'm astonished that there are people in this country who think the war on terrorism is wrong, or not being fought right, or unnecessary. We've been attacked at least six times by Al Qaeda, two embassy bombings in Africa, the attack on the USS Cole which killed American sailors, two attacks on the world trade center, the last one bringing down the whole complex killing thousands, and the attack on the Pentagon, a symbol of America's military. The plane they commandeered to crash into the Capitol instead crashed into the Pennsylvania countryside, killing all aboard. How many people have to die before the dissenters realize that we are in a war for our very survival?

Instead of mouthing off like idiots in front of the cameras, why don't they all get their heads together and work with the current elected officials and try to stop the terrorism before more people are killed?

The idea that this can be solved through diplomacy is inaccurate. These people are not attacking the world because they have a legitimate grievance. They have started this intifada because they believe that it is now their time to rule the world. They are serious and they are determined. And, talking will not change them.

If you want to understand this better, read Raphael Patai's book "The Arab Mind". Nearly twenty years ago my husband was invited to lecture two years in a row at the National War College in Washington D.C. (This is where all the top military people go to learn about ongoing problems that they may have to deal with.) He was asked to speak about the problems in the Middle East. After his last lecture, outlining the possibility of an attack on America and why it was inevitable, he was told by the top man there that they were SURE it would never come to war. He was positive it could be solved through diplomacy. My husband suggested he read "The Arab Mind".

I don't know whether he read it or not. And, I guess it doesn't matter to the thousands who died on 9/11. But, if we don't stick together to solve this problem and defeat terrorism now, we will become the cliche, "those who ignore the past are destined to repeat it". (paraphrased)

I hate war. I hate to see our young men and women die. I hated it when the men, women and children died on those airplanes. But, we weren't fighting Al Qaeda then and they killed us anyway. It wasn't the people they wanted to kill. It was our way of life, our country and our freedoms.

They want to rule the world and the western world is in their way. Therefore, all of the western world is their target. They are in this fight for the long haul. If we are not, then we will be defeated.

The Japanese attacked us at Pearl Harbor because, and I quote, "the Americans are too materialistic and lazy to fight and it will be an easy victory". We weren't and we prevailed. But, today I see the liberal left as too materialistic and too lazy to fight. Or perhaps they are just too socialist in their thinking. But, this is not a socialist country. We are a democracy. And people flock from all over the world to this country because it offers them opportunity and freedom. I don't see them flocking to immigrate to Iran or Iraq or Syria or Saudi Arabia.

Pay attention, folks, or we may all be living under a dictatorship that shoots women in the street for allowing a bit of their hair to show, or kills men and children because they dare to voice a different opinion.

This is not a one hour show on TV. And this problem won't be solved quickly. But, it will eventually come to an end. What that end will be is up to us.

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