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Rated: 13+ · Book · Action/Adventure · #1043279
Macy returns to Peterborough to take down the big drug dealer.
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#391170 added December 8, 2005 at 9:45am
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Breaking The Bang
Breaking the Bang

Macy sat in the coffee shop sipping her coffee and reading the newspaper. She always gave herself time to finish both before heading off to her Joe Shmoe work. She worked part time there and part time for S.H. Specially Hired. Sometimes she would read about one of the Specially Hired missions in the newspapers, but it was rare. S.H. was used when regular under cover officers were under staffed, compromised and other reasons. They were also hired to do the leg work on run off, of their own, and sometimes they came across a mission on their own time.

While Macy relaxed with her coffee she started on the cross word from her finished paper. She usually sat in the back around the corner out of view where it was quiet. She looked up from the cross word at the sound of a voice she knew well, that ordered coffee. She couldn’t see the person, but she knew it had to be Raul, the head man at S.H. The last time she’d seen him was several weeks ago, just after her last return from Peterborough. They’d wrapped up at S.H. that evening, and had their cover stories set from the bust of Gumbo. Gumbo no longer was the major gun supplier in Peterborough; he currently was awaiting trial there.

Macy watched, as Raul appeared, coffee in one hand, his briefcase in the other. Sliding the finished newspaper over to the empty table next to her she mused, “I didn’t know you drank a dark roast coffee with hits of espresso?” Raul set the cup down and Macy asked, “Or is that for me?” Raul sat his briefcase on the floor and took a seat replying wearily, “Like you need the energy.” Macy shrugged, “Thought maybe I would need the extra boost to catch someone for you. Or perhaps Dennis is giving you a hard time, and you need me to straighten him out.” Raul opened the lid to his coffee replying, “Maybe I’ve been cleaning up for two weeks while gathering all the Intel for your assignment.” Macy watched him for a moment before asking, “Maybe that’s to give you the energy to deal with me.” Raul grinned, “You said it, I didn’t.”

Finished opening the tab on his lid and replacing it, he reached for his briefcase asking, “You know the cover for the last assignment?” Macy nodded, they spoke quietly, but she dropped her voice considerably, “Yeah, Jim’s turned blind by my tossing the money to Chris. It’s speculation on our part, but we’re getting heat for carrying weapons.” Setting his briefcase on the empty chair next to him, he opened it quietly as he replied, “Right, and Gumbo’s put away for a long time. You’re laying low, out on bail with Chris, and eager to earn that money you lost.” Macy watched as he pulled a folder from his briefcase and closed it as she asked, “I am? Well if Sandy or Dennis’s pay check was used to make up that money, I’m not.” Raul took a sip from his coffee and then handed over the file, “You are, and trying to lay low. I need you to make contact with some of the people here in Toronto you know. The major drug dealer here needs to hear it from your connections. You’re going to Peterborough with Chris again.” She didn’t mind working with Chris; he was cool. He also worked out regularly and was massively built.

Macy opened up the file and noted the assignments had already been handed out, she made note of who was doing leg work in Toronto. They were gunning for the major drug supplier in both Peterborough and Toronto this time. She mused, “Wow, I may need a sip of that judging by this.” Raul nodded, “I’ll get you one if you want before you go. Just tell me it’s okay and if it’s too much to hit all at once.” Macy looked at him replying, “It can be done, I can make rounds this afternoon, hook up with Chris, and we can head out to Peterborough.” Raul stated, “For the weekend.” Macy asked, “Why?” Raul replied, “You’ve got to look like you’re trying to lay low there while you make up that money.” Macy nodded and then guessed, “So we stay until I’m needed for my Joe job here?” Raul nodded, “Right, and Chris will stay during the time to make up appearances. I know you just glanced at that, but Vic’s going to work his charm here, and act as your orient connection. He’s never been made, and used before in the game so he’s perfect to cover this end for you.” Macy nodded, “That’s no problem, but I’d like to keep my contacts solo as usual.” Raul nodded, “Of course, it’s all your call on how your work. They’re your connections; I’m not compromising you in any way.” Macy nodded, she trusted Raul wouldn’t do that to her, but it didn’t hurt to be sure.

She let him drink his coffee while she looked through the file; she guessed Chris already has his Intel. They way Raul had designed the assignment was to take out the Peterborough dealer first. News from Toronto flew faster out than it would from Peterborough. She was to try to work the connection through the brother’s Grimm. She’d met them with Chris on her last assignment; they were minor dealers that had led them to Tommy Fox, a minor gun dealer in Peterborough.

Macy grinned as she recalled the long haired, skinny, arm waving man, she looked at Raul who asked in amusement, “What? Did Danny slip a caricature of me in there?” Although Danny did, amazing drawings at S.H. Macy shook her head replying, “As much as I do like his caricatures, no that’s not it. I was just wondering what happened to Tommy Fox.” Raul replied in thought, “He’s out on bail, if I recall, but he’s up for weapons. I’m guessing everyone in Peterborough, including Gumbo wants a piece of him.” Macy nodded, they’d set Tommy Fox up to take the rap for the cops busting them in the end.

She watched as Raul sipped from his coffee before she asked, “Has Chris mentioned much about Peterborough?” Raul replied, “Just the information we already know, the most they’ve talked about you is that wild dive you made through a hail of bullets. That’s what you really wanted to know right?” Macy nodded relieved, “Right.” She inwardly grinned; glad Chris had kept his word to keep quiet about their shared smooch to deter a jealous guy at a restaurant in Peterborough. It would’ve caused a lot of commotion at S.H. if the big body builder had said anything.

Raul glanced at his watch, “It’s almost time for you to go, any questions?” Macy shrugged, “Nothing for now, everything is straight forward. I am thinking that the Grimm brother’s may not know the big dealer. It would be faster to get that info from here; I may even get it from someone this afternoon. Benny ‘The Hammer’ is tight with me, so is Gotti. They’d know if I asked who to get supply from in Peterborough.” Raul nodded, “True, but play the cover close Macy.” She nodded and slipped the file away into her back pack adding, “What’s the status?” Raul replied, “I’ve got no cover for you in Peterborough. Here you’re fine; it’s still under investigation in Peterborough. Tip toe around out there, if you’re pulled in, it will be a while before you’re sprung.” Macy informed, “They have no reason besides carrying a fire arm to take me in. Chris does the deals for me, that’s my work.” Raul nodded, “I know, it’s the firearm I’m worried about, out there they don’t know you like Toronto does.” She shrugged, “It’s for looks, I could carry it unloaded with a permit and still not need it.” Raul agreed, “I don’t doubt that.” His cell phone rang, and Macy grinned slyly, “If it’s Dennis you’ll need another coffee, I don’t.” Slipping on her jacket and standing she grinned, “See you.” Picking up her back pack, she left Raul to his privacy as he answered his phone.

That afternoon after her Joe Shmoe job, Macy began her rounds in Toronto. Macy grinned at Moose outside of Benny’s club, “Hi Moose, what’s up?” Moose joked, “Mace! The hairs on the back of my neck now!” He opened the door for her adding, “Tell the boss that one, he’ll love it!” She nodded and grinned, rabbit punching his beefy arm as she stepped inside.

Finding Benny in his office, she addressed Nicky ‘The Knuckle’ first, “If I didn’t see you breathe I’d think you were a statue standing in that corner Nicky.” Nicky grinned, and Macy turned to Benny at his desk, “Hey Hammer, when Nicky gets offed, promise me you’ll have him stuffed and stand him there.” This brought a roar of laughter from both men, and Benny stood laughing as he came around his desk to greet her, “Mace, good to see you. I heard you got busted in Peterborough, what happened?” Macy allowed him a hug before giving him a friendly slap on the arm, “You know how it is outside your territory, Tommy Fox set us up. I’m out on bail on weapon’s charges; I took a piece out there with me. Should’ve brought knuckles right?” She winked at Nicky who grinned and Benny laughed, “Knowing you, they’d be steel, not brass!” She laughed and he gestured to a chair as he returned to his desk, “Sit, bring me up to speed.” She did as asked and added Moose’s request to repeat his witty remark. Benny laughed, and replied, “You see, he’s got some brains!” Macy nodded and then lowered her voice saying, “I figure with this coming down I shouldn’t be out here in Toronto doing any business. You understand Hammer?” Benny nodded, “I do, you gotta lay low. Where are you going?” Macy replied, “Back to Peterborough, I need to make up that attaché full of cash we lost. My buddy who was out there with me is going too.” Benny winced, “How much did the cops get?” Macy replied, “Fifteen grand, they got Gumbo’s weapons too. Then Fox ratted on his warehouse supply, and they got that too.”

Nicky spoke for the first time since her arrival, “Dirty rat!” Benny glanced at him before he looked at Macy asking, “You’re gunning for this Fox aren’t you? That’s why you’re laying low in Peterborough.” Macy turned grinning at Nicky who looked at her, she asked, “Want to bring your rat traps and come along Nicky?” Nicky grinned, “Yeah, I promise not to get my finger’s stuck in them.” Macy turned to Benny again saying, “I can’t get anything past you Hammer, you’re right. I can’t fix it from here, and I’m NOT letting this one go. I may even have a chat with Gumbo; we’ll be fighting over who puts the Fox in a hole.” Benny nodded, “A six foot deep hole, yeah, but I know you’ll work it out.” Macy nodded before she said, “My big hurdle is recovering some cash, and the Grimm brother’s just don’t have a good supply and enough for me to move it. I was wondering if you had a connection out there?” Benny grinned, “That I saw coming at the last second Mace!” He reached into his pocket and pulled out his cell phone, Macy knew he had a black book in his safe, but Benny kept all of his numbers in his phone too. She watched as he picked up a pen, and wrote a number down from off his phone.

Benny checked it saying, “He’s a small time distributor, but it’s a help. He may have some big dealers out there too, you can contact.” Handing the paper over Benny said, “He’s Frank ‘Night Owl’ Spagnolo.” Macy took the paper replying, “Thanks Hammer, I plan on checking with the others here in the city before I go. I have to bring them all up to speed anyway.” Benny nodded, “I hope they can give you some contacts too, you’ll be a while making up fifteen gee’s with just these guys. If I had contact with a big dealer I’d have given it to you.” Macy replied, “This is a good start Hammer. I appreciate it, and I wish I could make it up here. It’s just too risky.” She stood and Benny replied, “We’ll miss you too Mace.” She grinned and stuck out her fist to him, “Take care, say hi to your daughter for me.” Hammer rapped knuckles with her, “Will do.”

Macy turned to Nicky making the same gesture with her fist, before Nicky could meet her knuckles with his she pulled her hand back and caught him with a left handed rabbit punch to his shoulder grinning slyly, “Remember Nicky, you can’t make candles from ear wax.” He laughed and got the door for her, she stepped out. At the outer door, she gave Moose a rap with her knuckles saying, “Hammer laughed, take care Moose.” Moose grinned, “You too Mace.”

Macy headed to Diva next and she hadn’t a name for a big supplier, but gave her Aidan ‘Sonic Eye’ Curtis, another small time dealer. Gotti gave her the same name, and the others only knew the brother’s Grimm or Night Owl. Finished her rounds she headed home to pack for the weekend, along the way she called Chris with a time for pick up.

Her bag ready she headed down stairs and outside, a few seconds later Chris arrived in a Tahoe. Macy nearly snickered when she saw it, and as she hopped inside she asked, “What happened? You inflate your car?” Chris grinned as he replied, “Nope, mine’s in impound, this is a rental.” Macy quipped, “And unlike your tux, it actually fits you.” Chris teased, “Yeah, and it came with a free roll of breath mints.” He had his hand ready for her punch, she changed course at the last second and poked him under his massive arm. He jumped and discovering he was ticklish she grinned, “That’s a handy discovery!” He eyed her cautiously, “You don’t tell, I won’t tell. Truce on all of it. Deal?” She nodded, “Deal.”

She gave him an update as they head to Peterborough, fortunately, Raul had made their arrangements, so they just had to go to the motel and check in. From there Macy wanted to make contact with the Grimm brother’s and the other contacts she had. She decided to call from the motel when they got to Peterborough.

Inside the room, they surveyed the place and Chris tried to keep from laughing when he noticed one bed, “I swear Raul made this arrangement.” Macy warned, “I’ll arrange you if you break the truce.” He became serious, “Okay, I got my sleeping bag in the Tahoe, I’ll get it.” She shook her head as he left, picking up the phone she nearly dialled Raul. Instead, she called Night Owl’s number, unsure if it was Frank answering she asked for him by name. The person asked, “Who wants to know?” She replied, “Mace, Benny ‘The Hammer’s’ friend from Toronto.” The person asked her to hold on and a moment later Frank Spagnolo answered, “Night Owl here, you’re Macy? Benny tells me you’re a tough broad.” Macy replied, “To those I like, to those I don’t like I’m a lot worse.” He chuckled and then said, “He told me you’re laying low out here hoping to make up for some losses. I take it you want to meet, you got a time?” Macy replied, “Not really, we just got here. We being enforcer, and myself he was here with me a few weeks ago. We got some merchandise from the Grimm brother’s.” Night Owl replied, “That’s to be expected, I’m going to be at my club all night, you can drop by. Just tell anyone you encounter you’re ‘Benny’s Mace.’” Macy grinned at the name and replied, “Good one, I’ll have to tell him when I go back. Give me the address, and we’ll likely be there in a while. I just have to make a call to Sonic Eye.” He chuckled, “Him? Man you do need to put some goods out fast for money. Anyway, the club is Sparks on Simcoe Street. Do you know it?” Macy asked, “Past all the bus terminals?” He replied, “Yeah, that’s right. I’m looking forward to meeting you.” Macy replied, “Same here it’ll be good to get some business going. I’ll talk to you soon.”

She looked at Chris who had returned just after she hung up saying, “He’s on Simcoe Street. I’m going to call Sonic Eye next and find out where he is, and we’ll do a round.” Chris nodded, and waited, listening as she went through the same routine with Sonic Eye. He was located on the other side of Peterborough so they decided to make him the last of their visits.

Since she’d be seen by the Grimm brother’s with Chris, and known to the dealers from her connections in Toronto, they were both accepted easily. She didn’t outright ask for a bigger supplier, she simply asked for the largest quantity they could handle. They offered what she expected, and set up the deals. As for the Grimm brother’s they knew all their previous deals, but informed her they grew their own. She’d guessed that by looking at the product, but they did offer what they’d heard. Hiawatha was where the main dealer resided; they knew nothing more.

Macy decided they should check in with Gumbo’s people about Fox. They learned Gumbo had ordered a hit on Fox, and they tried to muscle in on the action. Not wanting to be caught together, they received word that the brother’s Grim would be the middle message man.

Done for the night, or what was left of it, they headed back to the motel. It was near crazy when they got up, Macy doing katas to warm up, and Chris exercising. They both didn’t bother each other, but decided to jog together. After they returned, showered, and were ready Chris mused, “I got to find a gym out here.” Trying not to laugh Macy grinned, “Best I can do is cause commotion and you can toss people around for exercise.” He grinned, and then they left to check out Hiawatha. Exploring it during the mid day to afternoon, they approached as many people they could. They discovered the big dealer was called ‘Bang’ and to be amusing; Macy and Chris called him by various other names while they discussed possibilities. It appeared that ‘Bang’ didn’t directly sell to anyone except to his dealers.

Back in Peterborough, Macy weighed the idea of talking about ‘Bang’ with Sonic Eye or Night Owl. She was sure ‘Bang’ was where they got their supply from. Finally, they agreed it was best to wait until after their transaction tonight before asking.

Finishing a deal with Sonic Eye first, Macy waited until everyone had put away their goods before she looked at Sonic Eye asking, “How come you never told me about ‘Bang’?” The dealer grinned, “Gotti told me you got into anything quick.” He shrugged and glanced at Chris adding, “’Bang’ doesn’t like to be mentioned, let’s just say he’s shy.” Macy asked, “He was busted before? Robbed?” The dealer replied, “He doesn’t trust anyone except who his supply hits, and even that is a stretch for him.” Chris replied evenly, “We could unload a lot for him, and he can ask around if he doesn’t believe it.” Sonic Eye nodded, “He could, and took me weeks before I got in. I was selling the Grimm brother’s junk before. His stuff is way better, and I know you know that. You just look at the comparison and know it.” Macy nodded, and then asked, “So how do we make ‘Bang’ overcome his shyness?” The dealer replied, “Through word, keep putting it about.” Macy replied, “I don’t need to remind you how many gee’s Fox caused us to lose right?” Sonic Eye nodded, “I know, and I bet ‘Bang’ knows. Put your word out; tell them I’m behind you.” He looked at Chris who shrugged, “One way or the other, Fox is dead, and we get our money. We should get it from him, but it’s all tied up in his bail bond.” Macy nodded as she looked at Sonic Eye, “Okay Aidan, we’ll go the snail route, but also let it be known we’ll get desperate and move elsewhere pretty fast.” The dealer nodded, “It’s been noted. I’ll be expecting your next call.”

Heading back to the Tahoe, Macy waited until she got inside before she said, “I say we cram on the deals with him and Night Owl. The more they go back to ask ‘Brat’ for more stash the more he’ll take interest in us.” Chris grinned as he started the Tahoe and headed to Night Owl’s club Sparks, “Yeah, with a lot of supply going out through them ‘Barf’ has to think about cutting us in.”

They got the same story from Night Owl, when they completed that transaction. It became evident they would need to get more cash and transfer the supply back to S.H. So they headed back to the motel after a purchase from the brother’s Grimm. They learned that Gumbo would contact them later on regarding the hit on Fox. For now, he was keeping clean while he was out on bail, apparently trying to make up for his own losses.

At the motel, while Chris called Raul, Macy waited wondering how they would safely take care of the big transaction back to Toronto. Currently they had nearly two grand worth of product with them. Chris hung up saying, “Jim’s coming out here with Vic, we just will see Vic. He’s taking the supply and giving us the cash. He’ll eventually meet up with Jim who takes it back.” Macy nodded and then said, “After, we’ll head back around Hiawatha and put out the word we got our dealer’s up and selling quick, and need some more product. Give the impression we’ll move into another area for a bigger supply if we don’t get more product quick.” Chris agreed, “’Butt’ will hear it fast in Hiawatha, but we should hit a few places here too. See if anyone knows anything about Gumbo’s hit.” Macy nodded, she liked that Chris got used to the underground life quickly.

Vic came and left within a half hour, he didn’t bother to check the bag Chris handed him that held the drugs. He trusted them both implacably. He gave the message that Raul would keep working things this way. Jim couldn’t get in trouble carrying the drugs because he was official with the police. They also learned Owen was doing some computer snooping for dealers in Hiawatha for them. Macy guessed the wizard would be hacking into every computer in the world to find out what they wanted.

As decided, they headed to Hiawatha and spread word; it seemed to raise the eyes with the drug users there. Early morning they were back in Peterborough doing the same while asking about Fox’s hit. They discovered Sonic Eye had gone to sleep, but Night Owl was still awake…hence the name.

Spagnolo allowed them into Sparks with surprise, “That was quick.” Macy nodded, “All of our dealers are selling, they gave us cash for more. I know you don’t have it, but we’re looking for any kind of product.” The dealer nodded and asked, “Where have you tried?” Macy reported, “Aidan went to sleep, the Grimm brother’s just don’t have that kind of product. We tried all over Hiawatha, what about other places near here?” Night Owl asked, “Nobody gave you a connection in Hiawatha?” Chris asked, “Would we be here if we got one?” Night Owl nodded, “Fair answer. I can’t direct you to ‘Bang’, he knows you want to meet him, but he said to keep mum. I can call him for more product; it won’t get here until the afternoon though.” Macy shrugged, “Okay, when you talk to him again for this new order, tell him if he doesn’t want to move big product with us we aren’t asking after this. We’re going elsewhere, but don’t worry we’ll sell what you got to offer too.” Night Owl nodded, “Deal, I can get you the same as before, maybe more. I have to talk to him first.” Chris suggested, “Tell him you need the extra for your other dealers and just sell it to us.” Night Owl looked at him, “’Bang’ will know. He’s seeing it all, trust me he knows you’re serious. He’ll know it’s you asking. I’ll do what I can.” Macy looked at Chris who gave her his cool stare, she nodded, “Give us a call when you got the product.” The dealer nodded, and the pair left the club.

Heading back to the motel to rest for the night, they decided to sleep before making any more decisions. Macy didn’t like the slow moving work, it was already early Sunday and she needed to be back in Toronto for Monday afternoon work. She hoped to rap this up as quick as they had before in Peterborough.

They went through the same routine as the previous morning, and when they were ready, Chris called in for any updates. Owen had discovered that although ‘Bang’ lived in Hiawatha he spent all his time in Peterborough snooping on his dealers. He also learned his name, Harley ‘Bang’ Taylor. It was all for the moment, but the break Macy needed.

She directed Chris to drive to Hiawatha first, and told every person they’d encountered with drugs that Harley Taylor’s supply would never be welcomed in Toronto if they don’t cut a deal with him by tonight. It raised many eyebrows, and when they continued in Peterborough; it raised a lot more.

They dropped in on Sonic Eye and Macy stated her message again, the dealer watched her in surprise and she said, “Call and tell Harley Taylor whatever you like, but if we don’t get a deal by tonight he won’t be able to push any product to Toronto. You call Diva and ask her if she thinks I mean business, she’ll tell it straight. So will Gotti, so will Hammer. We aren’t screwing around any longer.” Sonic Eye was surprised by the use of the big dealers name and he nodded, “Okay, it’s your call, I’ll tell him. I hope he does it; you’re cool. I know that.” Macy added quietly, “So should Harley, he’s been watching all of us here from whatever woodwork he’s hiding behind. If you ask me, a pantywaist like ‘Bang’ shouldn’t be a big time dealer if he can’t come out and meet valuable sellers.”

Sonic Eye looked around warning, “Hey man, keep cool. If he hears you he’s never going to strike a deal with you.” Chris looked at Macy who replied coldly, “I’m going to get another major dealer, and I’m going to put him out of business if he screws with me. I need to make up my money, I don’t have time.” Sonic Eye nodded, “Okay, I’ll call him; I’ll get back to you.”

They left and in the Tahoe Chris asked, “Do you think ‘Bonk’ has the place wired or something? Maybe an inside snitch?” Macy replied, “I don’t know, but if ‘Bark’ doesn’t cut our deal we move offence and do what I said.” Chris nodded and started the Tahoe, “Off to Sparks?” Macy nodded, “Yeah, then we sit and wait for calls to roll in.”

After making the same message to Night Owl, they headed back to the hotel. Macy wasn’t surprised when the phone rang within the hour. She nodded for Chris to get it, and he picked it up, “Hello?” A voice he didn’t recognise said quietly, “I want to talk to Mace.” Chris held the phone for her, and she took it speaking, “Mace here.” The person replied, “I hear you’ve been talking about me, you want to do a deal.” Macy asked coolly, “Are you Harley Taylor?” There was a pause before he replied, “Also known as ‘Bang’. I’m the one who supplies Night Owl, and Sonic Eye, they gave me your message. It didn’t sound very nice, but it was enough reason for me to contact you.” Macy retorted, “We don’t like being screwed around, I lost fifteen gee’s because of Tommy Fox. Gumbo is just as pissed while he tries to make up his own losses. We need to make up for that, and our bail fund. I don’t have time to play hide and go seek with a dealer, I want a large amount of goods to unload quick. Not what I’m getting now; and I’ve wasted the weekend.”

It was so silent on the other end, Macy thought the man had disconnected. Instead, he replied calmly, “I know where you’re staying, and I’ve been watching you since you met my dealers.”

Macy wondered if he knew about Vic and just how much of that Harley saw too. She played it cool while she snorted, “Oh, pardon me while I just step outside and moon you.” It brought a surprised grin to the face of Chris who listened to the one sided conversation. He moved though to try to listen in the ear piece while Macy did, Harley replied calmly, “There’s no need for that, it should be expected I’d be watching Mace. I can’t afford a risk like the one you took and lost with Gumbo. I had to be sure the police here weren’t watching you; I had to ensure your transactions were solid with my dealers. It’s only my meticulous approach to business.”

Macy retorted icily, “Thanks for the vote of confidence that I can’t do that myself. If you think you’re dealing with an idiot think again, we’ve been more than careful since our last major transaction here in Peterborough.” Harley replied, “Yes, and you check out well, so if we can arrange to meet, we can make a deal.” Macy quipped irritably, “Well you know where we are to drop off the treasure map to where you’ll be.” Harley replied, “You’ll be meeting Night Owl later, from there you’ll get directions.” Macy stated, “If we don’t see you before 9 o’clock tonight I’m delivering on my threat and guaranteeing your goods will never see Toronto again.” Harley said quickly, “Don’t be hasty; you’ll see me before that. If you want a deal, lose the hostility.” Macy would love to take the idiot out personally, she played it cool, “I’ll lose it if you lose the games we’re playing just to cut the damn deal.” Harley answered quietly, “There is no game, and I’m done checking you out. Meet with Night Owl, he will tell you where to meet me. I don’t give that information out over an un-secure phone line.” Macy answered, “Fine.” He disconnected, and she hung up.

Chris’s cell phone buzzed, and he answered, “Chris here.” He listened for a moment before he said to Macy, “It’s Raul, he says they got a lock on ‘Bust’, it’s via satellite.” He listened for a moment before he informed, “He said that they picked him up on the satellite following us earlier.” He listened again, Macy waited, and when Chris hung up, she asked, “Well?” Chris said, “They’re tracking him via the satellite, but can’t guarantee they’ll get any lock on him. It’s a black tinted window Cadillac they’ve been tracking from its GPS system. We can’t chase it with the Tahoe, but he said it’s moved off from here. That means he called from a cell phone.”

Macy moved to the window and mused, “I don’t think he knew Vic was giving the stash to Jim. He said we checked out.” Chris shrugged, “Where our dealer takes the money isn’t our business as long as we’re selling.” She nodded, “Right, so we’ll play it as though Vic sold it. If he sold it to a cop, the cop is dirty and selling in Toronto.” Chris nodded, and then asked, “So do we wait for the deal or try and surprise him?”

Macy replied, “Knowledge is power, we wait until it’s meeting time and go with what we’ve got. If he doesn’t deal, we may need to surprise him on our own later.” Chris nodded, and asked, “So what now?” Macy replied, “We take it easy, go get something to eat later, then meet with Night Owl.” Chris nodded, and decided more exercise was in order.

Nearly bored watching Chris exercise, Macy was glad when it was time to go get something to eat. Chris grinned as he passed the restaurant they’d used before, and Macy warned, “Watch it Hulk, I know your weakness.” Glancing at her he retorted, “I wish you had one.” Macy quipped, “I do, I can’t go without insulting Dennis at least once a day.” Chris grinned, and then found them a place to eat.

Chris tried not to grin or crack a joke while they dined; Macy purposely took her time to aggravate him. He sighed, “This is painful.” She asked coolly, “Don’t you mean ticklish?” He forgot about wanting to joke, and changed the subject asking, “What are you planning for Toronto when you get back?” Macy replied, “I think I’m going to try and find out more about Monty, I’ve heard he’s the big dealer there. I didn’t mention him to my connections, but if we get another run around from ‘Bitch’ today at our meeting I’m going to pull a Fox on him.” Chris asked, “Nail this Monty and blame it on ‘Boom’? Isn’t that risky pitting a big dealer against another?” Macy shook her head, “Not really if I play it right, and everyone in Toronto knows I’m good. When they hear about ‘Bail’ treating us the way he has it will fit perfect.” Chris grinned, “I can’t wait to meet him.”

At Sparks, they were allowed in right away, and met with Night Owl in his office. Neither bothered to sit, and both waited to hear what he had to say first. Frank said, “’Bang’ gave me instructions, he said to meet out behind a diner in Hiawatha at seven tonight. This is the directions, both of you are expected.” Chris reached for the paper Frank held and Macy watched silently.

Night Owl looked at them both again saying, “That’s all he said, but I’m going to give you some advice. If you want a big deal from him, play it his way. He’s testing the waters, so don’t be hostile or he won’t deal.” Macy looked at Chris who watched her for a moment before he looked at Night Owl replying, “We aren’t here to play, if we were we’d focus on Tommy Fox.” Night Owl nodded, “I know, and I told him. So did Sonic Eye, and Aidan is in tight with him. Just try and be cool.” Macy silently moved toward his desk, setting a hand on the edge she leaned close to say quietly, “It was nice to meet you Frank, I do hope we’ll see you again, but that all depends on Harley Taylor. So I hope this isn’t a final goodbye.” Night Owl nodded, “Me too.”

They left, and when they got back into the Tahoe, Chris glanced at his watch, “We got two hours, I know where this address is, it’s off the lake. Maybe forty minutes at the most from here. What’s the call?” Macy replied, “Back to the motel for my things, then the Greyhound terminal I want to pre-purchase a ticket for Toronto and check the schedule. It’ll be faster for me to get back on that than wait for someone, and you need to be here.” Chris nodded, and did as instructed, heading for the motel.

Macy left several items behind that she would need later, the rest she stuffed into her bag. She would leave that in the Tahoe while they met ‘Bang’. Ready, they headed to the bus terminal where Macy purchased an open one-way ticket back to Toronto on her credit card. They picked up a schedule that Macy checked over while they headed into Hiawatha.

At the designated meet, it was easy for them to be spotted by ‘Bang’ who sat at an empty picnic table near the children’s playground. He’d already seen them before, and knew who to look for. He stood when they parked and got out, watching as Chris looked around waiting for Macy before they approached.

Macy studied the wiry guy who reminded her of Fox minus the sun glasses and arm gestures. She noted Harley Taylor had longer hair that was drawn back in a ponytail; he also dressed better than Fox. Chris muttered under his breath to Macy as they neared, “Is he Tommy’s brother or something?” Looking for guards, Macy shrugged replying in a whisper, “I’m guessing cloning machine.” Chris grinned at that, but became serious as they stopped.

“I’m ‘Bang’”, he said as he extended a hand to Macy. She took it replying, “Mace.” Then nodded at Chris, “He’s Hulk.” Turning his attention to Chris, he nodded extending his hand to him, “So I see.” Chris resisted the temptation to crush the man’s hand as he took it silently.

Macy asked promptly, “Are your guards playing hide and seek, or following your orders to stay back?” Bang almost smiled as he replied, “Following orders, they’re also carrying supply. I’d like to discuss that, you’ve already sold the supply you purchased from both Night Owl and Sonic Eye.” Chris asked, “Is that a surprise?” Bang replied, “No, more of a statement. I understand you need a larger quantity, and neither of my dealers can offer it. They both need to keep supply for other sellers, so emptying their supply is impossible. Getting it from me...is. The question is; how much can I trust you with?”

Macy glanced at Chris asking, “Are you planning on not paying the man up front?” Chris looked at her replying, “No I figured I’d pay him in pesos or something instead.” He looked at Harley irritably snapping, “What the hell do you care about trust if we’re paying you right here and now?” Bang replied calmly, “Take it easy, I’m talking about a big transaction like the one you had with Gumbo. It means a very careful deal, one I think is safe. I don’t want to lose out like Gumbo did.” He looked at Macy adding, “Certainly you understand that.” Macy replied coldly, “I’ve got more to lose in it than you Taylor. I’m not going to be afraid of every little shadow I see, I’m going to take the risk and make up what I have to, one way or the other.”

Bang nodded, “Then you’re both very brave and careful, or extremely foolish. Either way, I’m willing a bigger deal. Double what you bought from Night Owl.” Macy snorted in laughter, “That’s the same thing as going to both Night Owl and Sonic Eye.” Bang shrugged, “You could still get that from them; essentially you’re doubling what you’re purchasing now anyway.”

Macy looked at Chris who muttered, “Peanuts.” Bang replied evenly, “Better than what you have now. In addition, if all goes well, it sets up for a larger transaction.” Macy looked at him bartering, “We purchase the same amount we get from Night Owl tonight and we’ll take your deal.”

Bang looked at them both, and then nodded, “Okay, and as a gesture of sympathy for your cause, I’ll inform you that by tomorrow night both my dealers will have been restocked. You’ll be able to resume purchase with them then.” She nodded, and then asked, “When does your deal go down?” Bang replied, “I can have it ready for Wednesday night. I don’t use the same time and place every time, I have to check out some areas. Check with my dealer’s tomorrow night, I’ll be in touch with them so I can give them instructions then.” Macy asked, “What if we don’t want them to know where it’s going to be?” Bang laughed, surprising them both, and Macy looked at Chris who shrugged indifferently.

Bang finally said, “I don’t want them to know either; I’ll leave them instructions on how you’ll get in touch with me for the information.” Macy nodded, and then said, “Okay it’s done, Hulk has the money for tonight’s deal.” Bang nodded, and then unclipped a cell phone from his pocket. He called someone and asked them to come over. A moment later they noticed a man coming with a bag, they watched as he approached. Chris moved to meet him at the picnic table where he set down the bag; Macy ignored them watching ‘Bang’. It was obvious he too didn’t directly deal with his transactions, but over saw them.

They simply eyed each other while Chris made the deal; Macy kept an eye for trouble. She watched the back of anyone she worked with, and during any of Chris’s business with the dealers she made sure nobody tried to kill him.

The deal done, Chris looked at Macy who said, “Our business here is finished.” She looked at ‘Bang’ adding, “I’m extending the time until Wednesday night before I do as I said I would.” Bang nodded, “Your deal will be ready, I assure you, you won’t need to go elsewhere.” He looked at Chris adding, “I know you’re desperate to regain the money you lost, you really can’t afford to snub any deals I offer.” Macy replied icily, “Maybe not here in Peterborough, or Hiawatha, but you’re not the only big time supplier in the game. You’re not even the biggest, and if I want to call in a ton of markers, I can find all the bigger dealers and snub you all I want. I just choose the path of least resistance, and the more you put up, the more I’m looking elsewhere.”

He watched in surprise, and she nodded before motioning for Chris to follow as she left. They were quiet until they got back into the Tahoe, Chris stuck the bag into the back before he mused, “You surprised him.” Macy replied, “He thinks I’m going to suck up to him just for petty deals he’s mistaken. When I get back tonight, I’m hooking up with Vic and we’re looking for Monty. ‘Bawl’ is going to have his balls in a tight sling.” Chris winced as he laughed, “Ouch.”

Starting the Tahoe, he headed back to Peterborough to get Macy on the bus. Along the way, she used her cell phone to call Vic and have him ready to pick her up in Scarborough at the bus terminal.

She got on the bus, just in time, and relaxed in her seat catching up on some sleep along the ride back to Toronto. She decided that Vic could drop her off again in Peterborough on her next trip out. Jim could follow so that they could make another trade of drugs and money.

She got off the bus, and spotted Vic waiting near by. He grinned as he offered a hand to take her bag, “Mace!” She grinned handing him the bag, “Vic, the most courteous guy at S.H.” He continued grinning as he took the bag and motioned with a free hand, “I’m parked over at the center.” Macy followed along and he asked, “How’d things go?” Macy replied cryptically, “As we expected.” It gave him an idea, and he nodded deciding to wait until they were in the car before continuing on the subject.

Inside the massive Scarborough Town Center, it was loud, and as they cut through to the parking lot Vic said, “It’s good to be working with you again, we should spar for warm up like the last time.” Macy grinned as she replied over the noise, “Trying to get the best of me again are you?” Vic gave her a smile, “I’m not like the others, and of all the people I’ve sparred with you’re the coolest.”

As they headed out the door to the parking lot, Macy followed Vic’s lead while she looked for his car. Of all the workers at S.H., her respect for Vic remained the highest due to his respect of the martial arts. Of Asian decent, Vic had studied many different forms of the arts. He also worked out regularly like the others, not as excessive as Chris did, but he had a well-defined physique. He rode his bike a lot too, and Macy knew it was for leg strengthening. Vic had several powerful kicks in his arsenal; he also mastered the art of staff fighting.

Getting into his car, Vic said, “I’ve been checking up on this guy Monty, he lives in the north area of the city, but deals all over. I know you’ve heard of him, Tec says you know everyone.” Macy nodded, and looked at Vic asking, “Do you have something planned?” Vic started his car replying, “One of his right hand men, Trapper is dealing in the Don Mills area. I thought you’d want to check on him.” Macy mused, “Trapper! I haven’t heard that name in a long while. He was inside.” Vic nodded, “He was, and he got out for good behaviour. Apparently some guy named Nikolai has been helping him.” Macy asked, “The supplier from Russia? That means Monty is dealing through him too.” Vic nodded, “The connection is bigger than I thought, are you surprised?” Macy shrugged, “Not really, once things die down for a while, they re-establish contacts again. I heard this Russian guy is tough; he’ll take out dealers and buyers here if he doesn’t trust them. People like Benny or Diva deal only with him. The Gold Dragons would too, but safety in powerful numbers.” Vic agreed; he focused on his driving.

Macy glanced at him, “Let’s talk to Trapper, I can get in after I do a round here. I want to make it look like Harley Taylor is toying around with us. Hopefully set him up for their fall. I’ll need to put that past Raul first, it changes his plan.” Vic nodded, “It does, but I can see why you’d do it. We got more on Monty here than we do on Taylor. I did hear that Owen may have a hit on Taylor’s home in Hiawatha.” Macy asked, “Do you think Raul will let us just make a hit on it though? He’s going to want us to set up a sting; I don’t think I can convince him that Taylor’s hiding from everyone.” Vic shrugged, “If you can’t, call up Raven.”

Macy thought about the big man that worked for S.H. A tall man that nobody dared face with piercing jade green eyes and red hair. Jack ‘Silent Raven’ Flint swooped down on his prey and destroyed them in the biggest and loudest manner than any operative. She had nick named him Silent Raven for his ability to stealthily sneak up on his opponents. It was rare a man that size could be so quiet and quick while he worked. She respected him for his perfectionism in his job, but she wasn’t sure she wanted him in on another take down.

Macy replied, “We’ll see how it plays out first, we may have to in the end. I want to get Monty pinned down now while I’m here.” Vic nodded, “Good idea, and whatever you decide, let me in on it. I’ll be along for the ride on it if you want. I don’t care what Raul wants, that Taylor sounds too sneaky for my liking.” Macy nodded, “Thanks Vic, I think I can speak for Chris in appreciating that.” Vic grinned joking, “Anyone can speak for Chris, he’s so damned laid back he’ll go along with the apocalypse if you ask.” Macy grinned; Vic and Chris were best friends.

Vic spotted Trapper in a restaurant parking lot hanging around with some guys at a car. He turned in quickly and Macy grinned, “Man you got sharp eyes, I noticed them when you did and I’m not even concentrating on driving!” Vic grinned, “I cheated, I guessed he may be there and anticipated it.”

Parking they got out and headed over, Macy didn’t know several of Trapper’s friends. They stared uneasily, but Trapper appeared to recognise them. Macy gave him a grin hoping to ease the others, “Hey Trapper! Long time no see.” Trapper looked from her to Vic asking, “What’s the name?” Macy laughed in surprise, “You forgot MACE?”

Trapper watched as they stopped in front of him, and then nodded slowly, “I guess so, but I’ve heard of you.” One guy looked at Vic, “I know you, you hang out with Tec, and the Gold Dragons.” Another stepped around to look at Macy, “Yeah, she’s Mace! Crap man, Tony the Toenail told me about her when I went to see him in the hospital.”

Trapper looked at them nodding more assuredly, “Yeah, that’s cool. I wish I remembered you though.” Macy mused, “The can erases a lot of memory, doesn’t it. Maybe this can refresh it; do you remember when you first arrived here?” Trapper recalled the event musing quietly, “I was staying with a buddy of mine, and pushing to earn some money.” Macy asked, “Remember who found out your buddy was pilfering from you?” Trapper recalled the event and said quickly, “Yeah! You found out the son of a bitch was robbing me. He was selling my stuff, and you noticed it. Now I remember; you kick ass!” She grinned, and winked at Vic, “It never takes long to remember me.” Vic grinned, and Trapper laughed, “Yeah, that’s for sure, you’re that moonlighter. Just drop in and do some deals and leave, and sometimes kick butt. Like that one in Regent Park, who was it that tried to take your cash during a deal?” Macy recalled the incident replying, “That would be the late Junkie, I had Hulk with me on that one. Remember him?”

Trapper tried to recall Chris while Macy described him, and when he started laughing she stopped. Trapper replied, “I remember, you brought him along for some of your deals.” Macy nodded, “He’s on out of town business now.” Trapper nodded and looked at Vic, “So you brought him, who are you again?” He looked at the guy who recognised him, and he informed, “He knows Tec, and the Gold Dragons. It’s Vic right?” Vic nodded, and replied, “That’s right; Mace uses me when Hulk isn’t around.”

Trapper laughed at the name, “Yeah he was a big dude.” Looking at Macy again he asked, “So what brings you by? You’re looking for a deal?” She looked at Vic unsure of how much cash he had on him if any, Vic nodded replying, “We’re hoping for a big deal, but if it can’t be done right away we’ll take whatever you want to sell.” Trapper nodded, and motioned them aside from the others.

Following they waited until Trapper said, “I can’t get you a big deal tonight, I have to set it up. We can arrange that now, and I can get in touch with Monty. Cool?” Macy nodded and then asked, “How long before we can trade?” Trapper shrugged, “I’d have to find out how Monty’s supply is first.” Macy asked, “What about through Nikolai?” Trapper looked at her asking, “Nikolai? You know about that?” Macy shrugged indifferently, “What I know doesn’t really matter; I’m just looking for the earliest deal I can get. I’m trying to make up for some lost cash.”

Trapper understood, he nodded, “I’ve been doing that myself since I got out, that whole thing cost me big time. I can make contact with both of them and find out who’s first. Out of protocol, I can’t hit them both up for big amounts without them putting some heat on me. What I can do is tell them I got someone else I need to supply to and ask for more for myself. Cool?” Macy grinned and nodded, “Very cool, so much better than Harley Taylor, that’s for sure.” Trapper asked, “Who’s that?” Macy replied, “’Bang’ from Peterborough, resides in Hiawatha.” Trapper shrugged, “Never heard of him, but we’ll help you make it up. Monty knows I’m trying to sell, so it won’t look obvious.”

Macy nodded again, “Good, completely fair. I’m hoping to take about five grand worth of product back out to Peterborough to sell. There are buyers all over the city and surrounding areas that I can sell it too. Harley Taylor could’ve made it easier by selling it to us there, but he’s only allowing us a couple hundred worth.” Trapper looked at her in surprise, but nodded, “That is a pain, five grand is a lot though. I’ll have to see what I can do, I may be able to get two from Nikolai, and make up the rest with Monty. It’ll be tricky, but if you got your money, I’ll get you what I can.” Macy nodded and looked at Vic who nodded, “We have no problem with the money, it’s the product we need.” Trapper could see that, “It’s plain obvious, okay, give me until tomorrow night. If I can’t get it all, I’ll have my dealers hold back on some to put in. Sales to you is money to me, I’ll do it. I’m not afraid of the heat; I’ve got them all carrying for me. They’re also carrying in quantities for a lighter rap if they’re caught.”

Macy understood; it was the way dealers worked. Trapper glanced at his buddies adding, “I’ll find out what they got, and give you a price.” They followed him back over to his friends, and waited.

Vic handled the transaction, in the mean time Trapper said to Macy, “Just to play it cool, I’ll be up near where I used to live with that room mate. Do you remember the seven eleven that used to be there?” Macy nodded, “They’re all out of business now, I know it.” He nodded, “I’ll be there this time tomorrow night. Just in case, if Monty wants to see you to check you out, are you cool?” Macy grinned, but not too victoriously, “Of course I am, if he wants to sell to me direct I’m definitely game.” Trapper nodded, and glanced at Vic before replying, “Okay, I’ll clear you both for it.”

The transaction over, they departed. Macy informed Vic of what Trapper had suggested. Vic grinned, “We’ll get a meeting, if not now, then soon. Where too?” Macy replied, “Let me try and score some deals from Benny and the others, bring them up to date on Harley’s heel dragging. Raul won’t mind that, and then after we can update him.”

Vic nodded, and followed her directions to the various dealers waiting for her in the car. They’d all been surprised by her return, but understood she needed the product. They knew from the dealers what was happening in Peterborough, and although they didn’t know Harley Taylor, they disliked his hesitance. They all did deals with her, setting up several buys for later in the week.

Raul nearly balked when he learned of the deals and cash needed, but understood they needed to make them in order to look like they wanted and needed more. He sat in his office listening to her report, and input from Vic before he finally nodded, “It’s definitely better to work in with Monty now, and this Nikolai. Maybe they can grease the wheels under Harley Taylor.” Macy shook her head, “He’s too scared to cut a big deal, he’s thinking this thing with Gumbo could be risky for him.” Raul sighed, “What else can we do? We want him busted.” Macy asked, “We as in who?” Raul looked at her replying, “We, as in the law in the city, you need to play it their way.”

Macy looked at Vic who remained silent, she looked at Raul asking, “What about setting up Harley Taylor on the busts here? Word will travel fast, we’ll need a strike out there just as fast. Can we do it?” Raul sighed, “I understand your situation, Toronto is moving faster than Peterborough and we want to do it the opposite way first. It’s guaranteed when Monty goes down, Harley Taylor will learn of it and scamper further off.” Macy asked, “And Nikolai? Are we doing Nikolai separate or taking him out with Monty?” Raul asked, “How are you going to get them both at the same time?” Macy replied, “Not necessarily the same time, just make a meet close to the first one. It doesn’t have to be done now anyway. You want Monty, and you want Harley Taylor.” Raul nodded, and Vic suggested, “What if we sit on Monty until Harley Taylor rolls?” Macy looked at Vic and replied, “It’ll cost us, we’ll be making more deals. The difference is the drugs we purchase won’t hit the streets. The beauty is; we look eager to make up the cash we lost.” She looked at Raul asking, “Can you afford it?” Raul nodded, “We can afford anything, and Jim will cover us on the payment of the drugs we take in from the force.” Vic looked at him replying, “Then we’ll need a couple more grand for this week, and I’m betting Chris is running low too.”

Raul looked at him, “He is, he called to tell me when Macy comes back to bring some extra cash during the transfer.” Turning back to Macy he said, “Play Taylor against the Toronto dealers, make it up big, and when the bust comes we’ll play it as Taylor was the snitch.” Macy smirked, “I could make it look like Taylor wants Monty’s job here if I like. He already looks bad to the dealers back in Peterborough, but they know he’s antsy. They don’t want to cross their main supplier, and he tried to pull that with me. Tell me that I need him, I made sure he knew I didn’t.” Raul guessed, “You don’t like him, and want to take him out completely?” Macy shrugged, “If the shoe fits, use the other to kick ass.” Vic chuckled, and Raul grinned as he sighed wearily and then he nodded, “Okay, play it here for now, and see what you get with Monty. Keep it open, make it look like Harley Taylor is untrustworthy, and we’ll convene at a later date to decide how to proceed.”

Macy nodded and checked her watch, “Okay, well I should head home, I need to be at my other work tomorrow morning. I’ll make another round tomorrow after I’m done” She stood and looked at Vic, “Ready when you are.” Vic stood and grinned at Raul, “Take it easy boss.” Raul nodded, “I won’t.”

Vic dropped Macy off, confirming a time to meet tomorrow afternoon. She went inside and got into bed wearily. The next day after her Joe job, she met with Vic for a few rounds, being in contact with some of Vic’s underground pals.

At the designated time and place, they met with Trapper in the back of the parking lot. He grinned when he saw them, “Man you make the news around town quick. Every one of my dealers has heard you’ve been buying up product.” Macy shrugged, “Fifteen grand is a lot to make up Trapper.” He balked, “Fifteen? Crap! Monty would have a fit on me if I lost that much in a deal!” Macy informed, “It was for weapons for some new dealers, Gumbo lost that, plus Tommy Fox ratted out his warehouse and he lost all that too.” Trapper raised his eyebrows, “Wow!”

Motioning her and Vic aside, he said quietly, “I talked to both Nikolai and Monty for some product. I got a grand from Nikolai, and I pushed for another four or five from Monty. He wanted to know why, so I decided to play it straight. I mean you’re known in town, so he’d trust you.” Macy waited and watched as Trapper glanced at Vic before continuing, “If you’re not busy I can introduce you tonight, and he’ll set up a deal. I told him about your purchase last night; and about you from before my stint in the can.” Macy nodded, “We’ll make the meet.” Trapper nodded and looked at Vic again before he asked, “Do you know where the restaurant is off the beach? Just down from the Olympic Pool?” Both of them nodded and Trapper continued, “Good, I’m going solo, and I won’t have to lead you. That’s where he’ll be now, so we can go now.” Macy nodded, and she looked at Vic who said, “We’ll follow you anyway.”

Trapper nodded, and then they separated, heading for the cars. Vic followed Trapper even though he knew where they were going. Nearing the beach, Macy looked around for enforcers in the area. Scanning meticulously as Vic followed Trapper into the parking lot she said quietly, “I don’t think we need to be cautious, but just in case you know I got your back.” Vic nodded, “Same here.”

Meeting with Trapper at his car, he said, “I’ll go get Monty and bring him here to meet you.” They nodded and waited, watching as Trapper headed off. Both of them inspected the area, noting it looked safe. When Trapper returned with the big dealer, they watched with interest.

Macy studied the man, Monty appeared to be in his thirties, and wore an expensive suit. He wore his dark hair short, and he appeared fit. Trapper spoke to him about something they couldn’t hear due to the distance and Monty nodded. They noted that there were no enforcers in the area.

Stopping in front of them Trapper introduced them both, after the official hand shake and greeting Trapper said to Monty, “Mace has been making deals since before I went inside.” He looked at Macy saying, “I’ve been working for Monty since I got out.” Monty nodded, “Yeah, and working hard to pay off the lawyer fees and what not.” He looked at Macy adding, “I hear you’re working to pay off losses too.” Macy nodded, “Tommy Fox soured a deal between Gumbo and I by calling the cops, we lost everything, and Gumbo lost his warehouse due to that snitch too.”

Monty thought for a moment before replying, “I don’t know those names.” Trapper informed, “Gun dealers from Peterborough.” Macy nodded, and Monty asked, “What brought you there?” Macy replied, “We heard Gumbo had a good deal on weapons, good quality ones with plenty of supply to sell to us. If not for Tommy Fox, we would’ve had our people well equipped and not be out fifteen gee’s.”

Monty coughed, “Fifteen? Man, that’s a loss; I can see why you’re here. I got no problem selling high quantity if I get my cash. Who’s this loser Trapper mentioned from Peterborough?” Macy replied, “Harley ‘Bang’ Taylor. A shifty guy who’s stringing us along, he has some supply making its way here. I don’t know why he won’t open it up more with us; I left a partner there to check him out.” Trapper grinned, “Hulk!” Macy nodded grinning, “That’s right, I checked in with him a while ago. He’s been keeping an eye on ‘Bang’ while we wait for a deal there. He says that Taylor’s been looking discreetly into the business here. I guess to find out if we can push his product here. We can push it anywhere, but some dealers like better quality stuff.”

Monty nodded; he thought for a moment before he asked, “Does he have a dealer named Aidan?” Macy nodded, “Aidan ‘Sonic Eye’ Curtis, and another named Frank ‘Night Owl’ Spagnolo. Benny ‘The Hammer’ Marrow gave me his name.” Monty nodded, “Yeah, I think I heard of that guy. He’s suspicious of everyone?” Macy nodded, “That’s him.”

Monty shook his head, “Idiot. Anyway you want five grand worth right?” Macy nodded, and he asked, “And you got the money?” Macy nodded again, “That’s right, the same thing we asked of ‘Bang’.” Monty repeated, “Idiot, it’s his loss. I’ll fix a deal, later tonight, near midnight. I do my big deals when it’s late. I got a car lot on Finch Avenue; I’ll have it arrive in a car where we pretend to be looking it over. Trapper knows where and the deal, you can ask him for details if you like. I’ll get you five grand worth, and after that transaction I’ll consider a bigger one for you if you want. How does that sound?” Macy nodded, “It sounds very good, it’ll be just us. Vic does the transaction, and once we get your product out we’ll contact you with another order.” Monty nodded, “Good, we’ll say between 11:30 to midnight tonight.” Macy nodded and looked at Vic who agreed, “Cool.” Monty shook hands with them again before he left.

Before they departed, Trapper gave them the address for the car lot. Macy thanked him before they left, and Vic waited until they were in his car again before asking, “Where too?” Macy snickered, “I’d love to shove this deal in the face of ‘Blah’, but we don’t have time to trek out to Peterborough. We should check in at S.H. and maybe a few people on the street.

They spoke to Raul again, and checked several people before Macy invited Vic back to her place for something to eat. Vic knew where she lived, having been there before and enjoyed being there. Macy lived above a bowling alley, her flat was sound proofed and had a recreation room and dojo. Vic loved the dojo, and he knew that if not for the pay check from S.H. she wouldn’t have been able to afford the place.

Purchasing it from the near bankrupt owner on the cheap, Macy had used her pay to bring the entire place up to code as she renovated her apartment. It took a lot of time and hard work, but the effort was well noticed.

After eating, they went into the dojo where Vic checked out all her martial arts equipment. He wasn’t a master of any of the stars or spikes that Macy threw with accuracy, but he liked to look at them. She also had combo throwers and various knives she could throw with the same accuracy.

To pass the rest of the time, they sparred. Then they left for the meet with Monty. Along the way, Macy took a call from Chris who was going stir crazy in Peterborough. She told him she was off on Wednesday and would be up there to pester him then.

The deal with Monty went off without a problem, and when it was finished, Macy made sure she dropped Harley Taylor’s name several times negatively. It appeared Monty didn’t care for him, so she had a start.

Dropping off the product at S.H. for Jim to pick up they talked briefly with Raul informing that they could pick off Monty any time. They agreed to keep purchasing from Monty while they put pressure on Harley Taylor.

Macy turned in for the night and went to her Joe job the next day, that afternoon she had Vic drive her out to Peterborough. It was time to make a few appearances and she was off the next day. Vic dropped her off at the motel, and picked up the supply from Chris before handing over more money. Chris had made transactions with the two dealers on his own, and more product; waiting to unload. Vic later met with Jim who took the supply back to Toronto.

Chris was glad for her company and they went around making appearances. They had until tomorrow night before they would meet with Harley Taylor. Macy used the time pondering with Chris over whether they should make the bust on Monty. Then come back and take out ‘Bang’ permanently. Chris agreed with Vic’s suggestion that Jack should be involved on it. Macy didn’t want a lot of attraction on the matter though.

They were still deliberating right up until the last few minutes of meeting with ‘Bang’ at the selected site. Chris didn’t like the way the guards paced nervously, and he stuck close to Macy who commented quietly, “Easy Hulk.”

Closing the distance between them, she stopped in front of Harley who smiled politely, “Good to see you again, and if the money is here, the product is yours.” Macy looked at Chris who didn’t let his edginess show. Macy replied, “The money is here, Hulk will trade.”

One of the guards holding the bag with the goods came forward slowly eyeing the area before he stopped at Chris who watched closely. He kept his eyes peeled for trouble, not looking as he un-zipped his fanny pack and pulled out a fat envelope.

Macy watched as they made the inspection and trade before she looked at ‘Bang’ again. He remained silent as he watched carefully, for someone so reluctant to sell he didn’t appear as nervous as his guards did. Most of them had their hands ready for weapons; Macy toyed with a throwing spike tucked into her sleeve. Silently daring one of them to try something, but they didn’t. With the deal done, Chris didn’t waste time moving near Macy again. Anything could still happen, he nearly expected them to cross them.

When ‘Bang’ motioned them aside they followed watching closely and waiting. Taylor said quietly, “I’ll be visiting Night Owl tomorrow evening around seven, be there and we can make another arrangement.” Macy nodded, then she motioned with her head to Chris, and they both left.

Inside the car she asked, “How much money do you have left?” Chris grinned, “Enough for some grenades to shove up his ass.” Macy returned the grin asking, “Can we stop at his dealers and make more buys?” Chris nodded, “Sure, let’s go.”

They made the buys, and then had Vic return for Macy using the same methods as before with Jim. She needed to be to work at her Joe job in the morning, but she could return to meet ‘Bang’ after she finished up in Toronto.

Macy made several visits on dealers in Toronto before meeting Vic and stopping by their connections. They visited Trapper mostly to update him and make another deal with Monty. Trapper scoffed at the buy they got from ‘Bang’ the previous night. Macy dropped the idea that Harley Taylor appeared to be interested in coming to Toronto to take their action. Trapper took interest in that, and they were sure he would pass the information back to Monty.

She called Raul when they were on their way back to Peterborough to update him. With more cash on hand, they would be able to make another big deal with ‘Bang’ if he agreed. Vic decided to stay in Peterborough at the motel this time because Macy needed to be in Toronto in the morning.

It wouldn’t look strange for him to be there because he was known to work with them, and take supply out from there. He waited for them while they went out to meet Harley Taylor at Night Owl’s club.

Macy didn’t like that they had to wait for ‘Bang’ to arrive, she looked at Night Owl complaining, “For every minute we waste here, we’re losing money.” Night Owl nodded, “I know, he’ll show. He’s probably just checking out the area.” Chris muttered under his breath to Macy, “My foot is going to be checking out his ass if he doesn’t hurry.” Macy glanced at him, “Easy Hulk.”

A moment later, Harley Taylor arrived; he asked that Frank leave them for a moment to talk. Night Owl watched them as he stood and left, Macy knew the look. He hoped they would be cool and not cause a disturbance in his office.

Harley didn’t bother to take the seat at the desk; he simply sat on the edge of it saying, “I understand you bought your usual quantities from my dealers after you left.” Macy nodded, she waited silently and he continued, “So you understand that it will be a day before they’ll be replenished.” Macy sighed, “I just finished selling a five grand deal from Monty in Toronto two hours ago. We got the cash for another big purchase, what can you offer?”

Harley’s eyes showed surprise at the news, and then interest. It appeared he had something in mind, but Macy could see it was trouble. She wasn’t sure what game ‘Bang’ had brewing, but she was certain it was going to end the opposite of Raul’s wishes.

Harley replied quietly, “I have to get my own supply back up, I’m doing that tonight. I know you know my dealers here are tapped; they can’t sell to you because they’ve got other smaller dealers to supply. What I can do, is get you set up with a dealer in Hiawatha. Maybe even tonight, I’d have to make a few calls.”

Chris sensed the same thing Macy did, he watched her for her decision. If there was one thing he knew about her, she backed down from nobody and tackled things fearlessly. She nodded without hesitation, “Set your time, and your place tonight, and we’ll be there. Hulk has the money, you know the deal.”

Harley Taylor nodded, he motioned with a hand to the office door suggesting, “Why don’t you enjoy Sparks for a while, I’ll come out when I’m done and have it all written down for you.” Macy nodded, and she followed Chris outside into the club.

Choosing a quiet corner to sit and wait, they ordered soft drinks before they talked quietly. Macy mused, “He’s got something up his sleeve, and I don’t like it.” Chris asked, “Want to call Vic for back up?” Macy shook her head, “No dice, ‘Blab’ will be onto him. He’s got a set up cooking, and this is going to go down all bad.” Chris replied quietly, “When it does, he’ll go into hiding.” Macy nodded, “And we need to get Monty, we’ll have to wait until this plays out. If this is a bad deal, I need to get back to Toronto and get Monty stung. You’ll have to sit on Harley Taylor, find out where he is.” Chris replied, “It’ll all have to be done tonight too.” Macy nodded, not relishing the idea of losing a night’s sleep to work.

They looked around the club and spotted their drinks arriving. When the waitress left, Macy said to Chris, “We’ll call Vic and update him anyway. Give him our drop location just in case.” Chris nodded and then smirked, “You mean protocol, not just in case.” She returned the grin, and then said, “I’ve got a knife on me, and a few throwing spikes. My combos and stars are at home, I wish I had one of those outfits on.”

Chris grinned wider, he knew about her outfits. She’d designed them to fit her comfortably and hold all her tools of trade. She even had one with harnesses for firepower too. He asked, “You’re carrying the High-Power Browning though aren’t you?” She nodded, “Yeah, but that’s protocol.”

They laughed before they noticed Night Owl approaching. He joined them saying, “I’m glad you’re keeping cool.” Macy nodded and then asked, “Who’s his dealer in Hiawatha he’s setting us up to meet tonight?” The blank look on the dealer’s face worried them, he shook his head, “I don’t know; I didn’t know there was any dealers of my status there. I thought ‘Bang’ did that with his own people. It could be one of them, but at least he’s offering product.” Macy nodded, and they made some small talk before Harley Taylor returned. Nodding at Night Owl, they watched as the dealer left.

Then ‘Bang’ handed a slip of paper to Macy, “It’s set, all there.” She took the paper and looked asking, “The place where we first met you?” He nodded, and she shrugged as she handed the paper to Chris. He looked at it and nodded, and they both stood. Macy looked at Harley Taylor asking curiously, “Will you be there?” Harley smiled at them, “I told you, I had other business.” She nodded, and motioned with Chris to leave.

Following him outside she waited until they were back in the Tahoe before she said, “We have time to go back to the motel, we can inform Vic before we head out.” Chris nodded, and started the vehicle, “I don’t like this at all, but I’m ready.” Macy nodded, “We’ve been in tight spots before together, we’ll be fine.”

Vic agreed when they informed him, he decided it best to let Raul know too. Macy checked her bag for any spare items and found one combo thrower. Sliding it into a spare pocket on her jacket she looked at Chris ready to go.

The ride to Hiawatha was silent, both of them mentally preparing for the trouble they expected. When they arrived, they surveyed the area in scrutiny. It appeared this time; the sentries were together at the picnic table Harley met them at before. Macy waited for Chris to double check his weapon before re-holstering it again.

He carried a Beretta 93R, and because of the size of him, he could handle the weapon with ease. She followed him down to the waiting dealers, and they made their approach carefully. They noted that these sentries didn’t appear as nervous as the previous ones, another bad sign. If anything, it meant they had no drugs to worry about losing or being busted with on their person.

As they stopped she counted five of them in total, if six or seven were there they hid very well. None of them looked like they were a dealer of any kind; they all appeared to be the same kind of goon. One stepped forward offering, “I’m Tom Booze.” Chris watched him cautiously, he knew the drill, “Yeah, and I’m Frosty the Hulk-man.” If not for the seriousness of the situation Macy would’ve laughed. Instead, she eyed one of the goons moving slightly apart from the others, “Easy Jack Daniels.” He stopped and looked at the others, and Macy looked at the first goon, “Are we here to deal or make up names?” Tom pointed to the bag one of them carried, “It’s all in there.”

He expected them to look away, but they kept their eyes trained on the goons. Chris ordered, “Open it.” The goon with the bag looked at the leader nervously; Macy readied her knife knowing what was coming.

Chris prepared for the action too; the nervous look only meant there were no drugs inside the bag to be purchased. If the goons knew they sensed a sting, they didn’t show it. They carried out the procedure, the goon with the bag taking his time opening it.

Macy knew Chris would leave that goon to strike last, unless he pulled out an Uzi from the bag his hands were busy. They kept their eyes on the other goon’s hands, ignoring the fumbling man.

Realising they weren’t watching him, the leader made the wanted distraction and looked at the goon with the bag, “What’s the matter with you, open it?” Macy watched as the others reached for their weapons and withdrew the knife to throw at one of them, at the last second she deemed the lead dealer a threat as he pulled a Walther P38 out aiming it close range at Chris. She unleashed the knife as Chris moved, and she dropped down to the ground along with Chris, listening as the bullets cut the air around them.

Rolling away she glimpsed two goons go down, and she pulled out two spikes as she came up behind the picnic table. Chris dropped Tom Booze with a tri-burst to the chest before zeroing in on the next threat. He didn’t hear or see the spikes, but he watched one guard grab at his hand while another went down. He took aim at the one grabbing at his hand and finished him off.

With Tom Booze and the two others out of the game, Macy looked to see the condition of Jack Daniels and the other goon. The other goon was down; Jack Daniels had her knife in his arm. While he tried to get away, Macy followed leaving Chris to check on the other goon.

Jack Daniels tried to aim his gun with his left hand; she took advantage of his clumsiness kicking the gun out of it before he could get it into play. Pleased his dominant arm was out of action she took his legs out from under him next. Once down he tried to take a wild swing at her, but she blocked it with an arm and used the other to smash him in the face with her elbow. With his lights out, she looked for Chris and found him with the other goon.

She headed over asking, “What’s with him?” Chris replied, “Gut shot, he’s in shock. He won’t make it.” Macy replied, “Jack Daniels is dream land, but he’s just got my knife in his shoulder.”

Chris looked at her, “That was kind of crazy; I half expected to be lying flat out.” She watched the goon slipping away from life and then checked the others. Aside from Jack Daniels, it appeared they wouldn’t be around tomorrow.

Chris checked the bag, and found it was filled with fake bags of drugs. Tossing it aside he said, “I’ll take Jack Daniels, we need to split.” She nodded, and then followed him back to the Tahoe musing, “Well, I got you a guy to toss around for exercise.”

Back at the motel, Jack was still out. They repaired his arm, and Macy checked her knife noticing the gouge in the handle. Vic peered over her shoulder at it, “Cool Mace.” Macy nodded, “It deflected the bullet sending both on a stray course.” Chris nodded, “It’ll be the talk of everyone at work.” Macy looked at him warning, “Don’t break our truce.” Chris corrected, “Vic and I will never tell.”

Macy looked at Vic who shrugged, “Tell what? I wasn’t there.” She nodded, and then said, “We need to get back to Toronto. Chris can sit on Jack Daniels; we may be able to get to ‘Blank’ through him.” Chris agreed, “It’s the best we can do now considering what we’ve got.”

Macy looked at Vic, “Let’s go, we need to take out Monty before he finds out about tonight.” Vic nodded, and they left Chris to watch their captured goon.

Calling Raul with an update during their return, Macy learned that several operatives were ready for a bust tonight. She needed to set up Monty, and make it look like Harley Taylor was the cause of it.

They found that Trapper had been looking for them, that Monty wanted to talk to her. They had Sam following them around; his role was to be one of Harley’s goons. Trapper didn’t notice, but one of his friends did. As soon as he mentioned Sam, Macy looked and then said to Trapper, “It’s a goon from Peterborough, he works for ‘Bang’.” Trapper took concern quickly, “We gotta make the meet with Monty. We need to lose that son of a bitch.”

He pulled out his cell phone to call Monty, who instructed them to meet at his car lot once they lost Sam. They left the area doing as instructed; Macy simply called Sam and told him to lose them, but gave him the lot address.

At the car lot, Macy and Vic met with Monty and Trapper, before conducting any conversation they spotted Sam again. Trapper looked at Monty asking, “What do we do?” Monty looked at Macy asking, “He was sent by ‘Bang’?” Macy nodded, “He wouldn’t let us have a deal tonight so we came back. He’s followed us I guess.” Monty mused, “I suppose to see who the big dealer is here.” Macy informed, “He tried to take my partner in Peterborough out tonight. I think he’s working his way up the food chain. We should try and take him out Monty.” Monty looked at her, and then said to Trapper, “You don’t need to be in on this. I’ll get my guys, and we’ll get this punk.”

Macy glanced at Vic who waited quietly to see what was next. Monty hadn’t heard about the action in Peterborough yet, they had time to set the sting up. Macy suggested, “Why don’t I try and reach ‘Bang’, and ask him to call off his goon here? Then make a meet with you somewhere here tonight?” Monty asked, “What are you going to ask him to meet for, and will he show?” Macy replied, “I don’t know I’ll make up something, like a big partnership or a huge deal or something.” Monty nodded, “Okay, better than us chasing them, set it up at the soccer field in Scarborough, the one off of Pharmacy.” Macy nodded asking, “Near midnight? It may take him time to get here if he’s not already.” Monty nodded, “Yeah, that’s good.”

Looking at Trapper he ordered, “If this guy keeps on you, then let me know. We’ll take him down quietly, before we get this ‘Bang’.” Trapper nodded, and Macy inwardly smiled, Sam wouldn’t be following anyone from here.

They split up again, and Macy called Sam to let him know everything worked and to disappear. Vic headed to S.H. to give Raul another update. Raul sat in his office a coffee cup on his desk steaming hot. Macy looked at it asking, “Double espresso shots in it?” Raul looked at her grimly, “This has been a hell of a week Macy.”

He picked up his phone, listened for a moment before he hung up, and said, “Jim with an update, he’s got Monty’s supply covered by the locals. He’ll be at the soccer field with our people, and call it in after you and Vic are out of there.” Macy asked, “Sam?” Raul replied, “He called in, said he’s driving around for a bit before he comes here. I have Danny ready with Peter; they’ll be with Sam as ‘Bang’s goons. Eric is acting as ‘Bang’.”

Vic snorted with laughter and Macy grinned asking, “Did you give him a speaking part?” Raul sighed, “Come on, it’s late, half these guys are pulling double shifts here to do this.” Vic asked, “How come you didn’t want the part boss, you’d make a cool big drug dealer.” Raul shot him a warning look before he gave it to Macy who asked seriously, “Okay, so why not Jack?” Raul replied, “I can’t reach him, he was my first choice. I don’t know what he’s up to, I heard from him this morning. Someone saw him at noon, and I’ve left a message. Besides, we needed someone that could resemble Harley Taylor; Jack’s too big. Eric fits the bill, if Monty ever sees him he won’t realise it wasn’t really Harley Taylor.”

Macy shrugged, “It doesn’t matter, Eric doesn’t need to do much. Just stand there and act suspicious.” Vic looked at her adding, “Essentially look normal.” She nodded, and Raul sighed, “Just take care of business so we can all go home.” Macy stood taking it as her cue to leave, Vic followed.

They didn’t need to meet up with the others; they knew the deal. All they had to do was wait a while before heading over to the field. They decided to stop for a light meal before heading over. Macy told Vic following the take down she wanted to stop at her place for gear before heading back to Peterborough. They took a call from Chris who informed them Jack Daniels had talked; he’d update them when they arrived.

At the field, Macy headed straight up to Monty and his gang to show a united front. It had been designed that Eric would arrive a few minutes later with the goons. Monty asked, “Is he coming?” Macy nodded, “He said he’d be here, he doesn’t want to deal with me. He wants you, and I don’t like what he’s up to.”

They turned and noticed Eric’s car pull up, when he stepped out Macy said, “That’s him.” Several of Monty’s men reached for weapons, but Monty ordered, “Wait, wait until he gets close.”

Macy could relax knowing Eric wouldn’t get close; Monty wouldn’t even be able to get a good look at them. She watched as the rest trooped out of the car. Danny and Peter looked like Harley Taylor’s goons, but knowing them as she did Macy nearly cracked up laughing at them. Sam played the same role as before watching them. Monty mused, “Take out that goon that’s been watching first when they stop here.”

Macy expected them to be surrounded, so she knew when the first police car pulled up, she wouldn’t have a place to run. She heard Eric shout, “That’s them officer!”

Curses went out before the bullets flew, and Macy ducked for cover with Vic out of the way. They didn’t have any time to react because the officers had them closed off immediately. Monty and his goons gave up, but they were fully aware of Eric and his goons. Monty watched as everyone was being processed, including Vic and Macy.

One of Jim’s friends cuffed Macy who asked, “What about ‘Bang’? He’s a known drug dealer in Peterborough.” Vic protested also, “All his dealers are with him.” Monty and his own men protested, but the officers didn’t go near Eric or the others who left in Eric’s car. They had to leave before Monty could see them up close; he’d be looking for ‘Bang’ for revenge later on.

When they were taken to the cars, Jim started to inform them that it wasn’t their jurisdiction. She knew that it would later be implied that ‘Bang’ cut a deal with them. They would also let hints drop that Harley Taylor was taking over from Monty now.

Macy and Vic rode in the back of the cruiser to S.H. Jim drove Vic’s car over behind them. With the bust made, they could continue on to Peterborough. Giving a report to Raul, they headed out. Stopping at Macy’s flat so she could get suited up for Peterborough.

On the drive back to Peterborough Vic grinned, “It would’ve been cooler to be busted by Jack.” Macy shrugged, “He’s MIA, so it’s his loss.” Vic glanced at her before he said quietly, “Actually, he’s not MIA.” Macy looked at him sharply; he expected it and offered a kind grin, “Well, I called him while I was waiting at the motel.” She waited, and he offered, “He just said he was going to check into Harley Taylor’s supplies, and see if he could find him if he runs.” Macy sighed loudly and stared at the road ahead, she didn’t like unexpected arrivals late in her game, but if Jack kept on ‘Bang’, it was helpful. She couldn’t knock that.

Vic asked, “You’re not sore are you? I figured maybe he’d take off and Jack could track him. He’s the best, I mean aside from you, and you were busy.” She nodded, and winced, “Okay, don’t rub it all in.” Vic smiled lightly, “Well anyway he’s out here somewhere. So don’t be surprised.”

At the motel, they interrupted Chris who flicked cards from a deck at Jack Daniels who sat tied to a chair. He grinned as he watched them enter, “Hey guys, watch, I can hit his eye now.” He flicked another card catching the captive on the bridge of his nose, due to his flinching. Chris ordered, “Quit your flinching.”

Macy watched as he tossed another, this time hitting the captive’s eyebrow. Vic closed the door behind him asking, “Is this what you’ve been doing while we were hard at work?” Chris nodded, “Yep, I got a call from ‘Bent’ though, something wild going down.” Macy looked at Vic, and asked, “Silent Raven wild?” Chris grinned, “Come to think of it, yeah. That’s what it sounded like; he was all freaked out, said stop with the hits.” Tossing another card at the captive he added, “I told him I had one of his playmates, and asked him how the others were.”

Macy guessed that Jack was busy making a lot of noise destroying all of Harley Taylor’s drug supplies and possessions. It was likely he was on a rampage and hit Sparks and Sonic Eye in the process.

Chris continued tossing cards as he finished, “He said he wanted the war to end, if we cool it we can meet for a big drug deal. I said if it was like the last one he’d be joining his dealers in Hiawatha.”

Macy asked, “Did he say where or when?” Chris shook his head, and Macy looked at the captive who tried not to wince at Chris’s card tossing game. She asked, “So Jack Daniels, where’s your boss running too?” Glancing at her, he flinched at another card before replying, “I don’t know.” Chris grinned, and paused from the tossing to say, “He just told me that it was a sting to take us out. They actually are interested in taking out Monty and being a big time dealer in Toronto picking up our connections.”

Macy moved to Chris’s side asking, “What else?” Chris added, “Their orders were to take us out, and take our money. They were to come back here grab anything else, and then they were to meet up with ‘Bake’, before heading into Toronto to claim we screwed them over to Monty. Then they were going to take him out, and recover the drug connections.”

Macy patted his huge shoulder, “Good work Hulk.” She plucked a card from the deck and looked at it, grinning as she noted it was the six of clubs. She continued to grin as she showed it to everyone before whipping it right at their captive’s mouth. A perfect six o’clock, clock in the face.

Wincing in surprise as it hit him he exclaimed, “Ow!” Macy asked, “It wasn’t a real club, but I can fix that.” Chris laughed, and Vic watched as she pulled the entire remainder of the deck from Chris’s hand and whipped it at the captive’s nose. On impact, the cards exploded around him while he grunted in pain again.

Macy asked again, “Where’s your boss hiding Jack Daniels?” The captive looked at her glaring, “You didn’t have to-.” In one long blur, she crossed the room cutting him off quick whipping out a spike and sticking it up under his throat, “I did, and I will, now talk.” Wincing, the captive replied, “Okay, he’s at a safe house just outside Peterborough!” Macy ordered, “Keep talking, give us the correct directions.”

Chris made note of the directions while their captive spoke, he was vaguely familiar with the area. It was decided the captive come with them, once they knew where the house was they would drop him off at the local cop shop before they made their strike.

Chris and Vic waited while Macy made a quiet reconnaissance of the area. Vic sat in the back watching the captive silently, while Chris checked out the area asking the captive, “Come here much Jack?” The captive replied, “No, but everyone knows that this is his safe house.” Chris mused, “You wouldn’t be lying to me would you? Because Mace hates liars.” The captive replied quickly, “I came here once after a bust on one of our members.” Vic grinned, and Chris smiled at the captive before he winked at Vic, “I guess we can believe him.” The captive looked at them, and then said, “Look you got what you want, now let me go.” Vic replied, “We have to wait for our boss.”

When Macy returned Chris waited for her to do up her seatbelt before he lied, “Jack Daniels said you could use some breath mints.” She knew he was lying, and looked at the captive who said, “Hey! I didn’t I swear!” Vic grinned, and Macy looked at Chris again, “You know where to take him.” He nodded, if they were letting him off at the local police station she’d made Harley at the safe house.

The captive asked, “Where are you taking me? Why don’t you just let me go?” Chris ignored him while he drove; Macy looked back at him asking, “Ever wonder how they got the term, ‘spiked tongue’?” She pulled out a spike while she waited for the answer; Vic tried not to laugh. The captive shrugged, and Macy replied, “Either do I, but every time I stick one of these through someone’s tongue, they say it.”

She gave him a cold look before turning in her seat again, and sliding away the spike. When he saw the police station, he swore under his breath. Vic escorted him out, and inside. He was back in a flash, and they returned to the safe house.

Along the way Macy gave them what she learned, “There’s sentries posted in the back, and one on the roof near the back. Harley Taylor is up in his room sound asleep, my guess is he’s likely got some goons set up to meet us for another attempted hit. He won’t be expecting us here tonight.” Chris glanced at her, “That’s kind of dumb, we had Jack Daniels didn’t he know that guy was going to talk?” Vic mused, “He said he stayed there when there was a bust, you’d think so.” Macy shrugged, “Maybe he hasn’t got the Intel on which guy we got.” Chris nodded, “As long as he’s there, but I wouldn’t expect him to be sleeping Mace.” Macy shrugged again, “Sleeping or pretending, he’s there. I can take out the three sentries at the back silently, and climb to the balcony. You guys can take the front, main floor.”

Chris asked, “Silent until noticed?” Macy nodded, and Vic asked, “Are you sure you want the back all to your lonesome?” Macy looked at him asking, “Do you have to ask? If I wasn’t sure you’d follow my instructions I’d tie you both up in here and clean up on my own.” Vic grinned, and Chris chuckled, she looked back out the front window. Noticing they were nearing he said, “Slow it down, I want to check if any new vehicles are around.”

Chris did as instructed before he parked several houses down from Harley Taylor’s safe house. They got out, and melted into the night. Macy stalked around the back again, pausing where she had before near the heat pump.

Peering around she got the feeling things had changed since her last visit. She noticed another presence around and tried to zero in on it. At the same time she noticed one of the sentries was missing, the other was inspecting something. As his gun came up training onto something obscure from her view, Macy unleashed a combo thrower and threw it catching the man on target in the neck.

She watched waiting as the sentry dropped his gun, and grabbed for his neck while the blood gurgled into his lungs and throat as he gasped. When he fell, and lay still she watched. She noticed the figure the guard had aimed at, and prepared another combo thrower, waiting as she silently shifted several paces from where she’d been.

She wasn’t certain she wanted to take out anyone approaching Harley Taylor’s men, but if they were untrustworthy, she wouldn’t hesitate. A sound from the roof alerted her now and when she looked, she noticed the sentry had his weapon aimed in her direction while he moved for a light.

With out hesitation she aimed the thrower at him, hearing a silent cough behind her. Pausing long enough to watch the sentry fall, she whipped out a spike near ready to release it at the person behind her.

When their eyes met, she held onto the spike at the last second exclaiming in a whisper, “Shit Raven, I nearly spiked you.” She noticed the silencer on his Beretta and he replied quietly, “I nearly put a tri-burst in your forehead, we’re even.”

Both dropping their weapons she asked, “What brought you here?” He replied, “Harley Taylor, I got the address from a dying drug mule at a warehouse about an hour ago.” Macy nodded, “So you are the person going wild on Taylor, well he’s in there. I checked a while ago, he’s upstairs sleeping, or pretending to be.” He nodded asking, “Chris?” Macy answered, “Taking the front with Vic, main floor, and with that silencer they have no way of knowing you’re here. If you don’t want friendly fire, you better stick with me.” He shrugged, “I just came in case he tried to get away.” She nodded and asked, “Can you climb to that balcony?” He gave her a ‘What do you think’ look. She motioned with a hand and they moved out.

Macy climbed up first, like a cat. She covered Jack who followed as silently and easily. Peering through the balcony door, he noticed it was the bedroom. Macy looked inside again, and this time ‘Bang’ wasn’t there. Under her breath she muttered, “Damn, he’s gone!” She peered at a partially opened door and somehow sensed Harley Taylor’s presence from the room.

Looking at Jack she whispered, “I’ll check the room, you watch the door.” He nodded, and she slid the door open silently. He followed her in, his Beretta ready as it tracked across the room in front of him before he moved to the door. Although surprised by the silencer, she guessed Jack assumed he would be alone and needed the silence for an advantage.

He glanced her way at the sound from the room, Macy paused, she still held the spike, but silently unsheathed a throwing star with her left hand. Glancing into the partly opened door, she noticed it appeared to be an office. She spotted books on a wall, and as she peered, further it continued along.

Jack left his spot from the door to cover her from a closer distance while he listened. She didn’t care, as long as he had the Beretta trained on the other door it didn’t matter.

She heard Harley Taylor’s voice, “Wiped out? You’re sure.” When she didn’t hear a reply she realised he’d awakened to take a call. She risked a glance into the room; he stood at a desk listening into a phone. She noted no other sentries around, and while he wasn’t paying attention to her at the door, she surveyed the room closer before drawing back.

It appeared there were no other exits and nobody else in the room. Jack stood near by and waited, she held up one finger. Then looked at the empty bed and motioned with her head. He nodded understanding it was just Harley Taylor in the room.

He could guess she was going to wait for him to return so she could take him by surprise. If all hell broke loose before that, she would strike. She listened as Harley ordered quietly, “Okay, get out then, tell everyone to split. I’m going too; I’ll get in contact with you later.”

She heard him put down the phone, and waited on the other side of the door for him to exit the room. As soon as he exited, she stepped up behind him shoving him hard to the floor saying quietly, “It’s your turn to beg for a deal.” He looked wildly at her and spotted Jack who kept his weapon trained on the door, but watched him wearily at the same time.

Looking at Macy, he spat, “I knew it.” Macy repeated, “I knew it, you wanted to take us out and take over. I just wanted to sell, we could’ve been cool.” She watched as he edged backward from his spot on the floor and stomped on his leg, “Move further or make a sound and you’ll be wearing a star necklace.” Flipping the throwing star across the fingers of her left hand expertly he watched before glancing at Jack again.

She could tell he was thinking about what to do, and remained close. Raul had wanted him alive and well, she had to follow orders. About to proceed with clearing him of weapons and binding him she heard a sound in the hall.

Knowing Jack had the door covered she kept her attention on ‘Bang’ as she listened to a hushed whisper near the door, “Boss there’s something going on here!” Harley Taylor tried to use his legs to trip her up, jumping them lightly she ignored the sentry entering the room.

Taylor hopped lightly to his feet and realised Macy hadn’t intended on killing him when she didn’t release the throwing star, or the spike in her other hand. Grinning he attempted a kick which she avoided, ignoring Jack who plugged the sentry as soon as he came into his sights.

Macy used the spike hand to follow Taylor’s kicking leg as it swung past her, and drove the spike into it. The spike pierced Taylor’s leg through the muscle in his calf, and he flinched unable to put weight on his leg. Staggering off balance, he grabbed for the bed behind him, landing half on it and the floor. Macy shook her head as she followed him, but started to move as she saw his hand removing a dark object from behind him off the bed.

Jack had the Beretta tracking him, but the star from her left hand flew faster than either weapon could be brought into play. Upon release of the throwing star, she dove to the ground hearing the crack of gunfire near where she previously was.

She hadn’t heard the Beretta’s silent cough over the sound of the shot, but when she stood, she could see Taylor had taken the tri-burst in the chest. The throwing star sat lodged into Taylor’s neck his blood already drained from the severed main artery.

They hadn’t time to inspect their handy work, with the shot heard silent time was over. She led the way out the door, “Come on Raven, this is your show now.” She knew he loved the crash bang action and that was what they were heading for next.

Hearing the sentries coming she warned, “Down.” Dive rolling down one end of the hall she didn’t have time to watch Jack who dove down the other side. Unleashing combo throwers as she stopped near an open doorway, she caught one sentry in the leg, the other in the shoulder. She hadn’t expected better throwing in a roll, and she examined the doorway quickly noting a surprised sentry right next to her.

Before the sentry could react to an intruder at his feet, Macy whipped out a spike and drove it down into his foot. Forgetting to shoot at her, he howled in pain as she continued with a kick to his groin. Shoving him down out of her way she ducked for cover inside the room.

Quickly glancing around her saw no other sentries and noticed the gunfire in the hallway. Taking care of business first, she drove an elbow straight down onto the face of the sentry writhing in pain on the floor. With him out of his misery she unsheathed two combo throwers just in time to release on the sentry she’d hit in the shoulder. He had made his way down the hall ready to fire on them, and she threw the deadly blade with accuracy hitting him directly in the throat. The other she released on the downed man at the end of the hall. Although he was down, he was still taking aim at Jack. The large missile struck the man in the heart sending him down hard.

Looking at Jack, she noticed he’d finished with his own sentries. Surveying the hall, he watched as she approached musing, “I thought something happened to you.” She replied quietly, “I got a little distracted, sorry.” He shrugged, “You got them out of the way long enough for me to take cover.” Macy looked around, “Sweep the floor?” Jack looked too, “I think it’s clean, but for sake of surprise we can inspect.”

They checked all the doors along the hall to be sure everyone had been taken out of play before she led the way down the stairs. Chris and Vic were literally having a blast; several sentries had taken a stand against them protecting the stairway.

Surveying the scene Jack touched Macy on the arm lightly, and she looked at him. He silently pulled a flash bang grenade from his web harness and she motioned with a hand in the direction of the sentries.

Preparing herself for the grenade, she waited until he let it cook off before tossing it and yelled, “HERE COMES FLASH!” Her ears already covered, she kept her mouth opened and her eyes closed as the explosion came. It rocked the area, with a loud blast and blinding light.

As she stood with Jack in the stairwell again she motioned with a hand for him to go ahead, “They know you’re here now.” He nearly grinned as he went ahead tracking with his weapon, taking out several stunned sentries.

Macy knew that Chris and Vic likely had the lower level clear; the battle likely had been over. Allowing Jack to clean up ahead of them, she spotted Vic on one side holding his fire when he noticed them. Chris came out from the other side calling, “Cool Jack flashed me.” Macy could grin now, and Jack finished checking the strewn sentries before he looked at Chris, “Is it clear here?” Chris nodded, and Vic joined them, “Some of them took off, but it’s clear. Harley Taylor?” Jack replied, “Bled to death by a star to the neck before the tri-burst to the chest could finish him.” Chris and Vic grinned at each other.

Macy waited for the dust to settle a bit more before approaching, and they stared at her as she stopped at them asking, “Which of you will be so kind as to let me ride with you back to Toronto?” Chris teased, “Vic’s got space in his trunk.” Vic joked, “She won’t want to ride in your inflatable car.”

While they bantered, Jack looked at them and then at Macy saying, “I’m parked two streets back.” She nodded, “I’ll be a second reclaiming my weapons, I’ll leave the way we came in and grab the ones outside too.”

As she headed back up the stairs he followed her leaving Chris and Vic asking, “What about the guy on the roof?” Macy shrugged, “One won’t matter, it’s the rest that will be a bit obvious.”

Helping her retrieve the combo throwers, spikes, and throwing stars, they left the way they came. She followed him through the safe houses back yard, over a fence and through another yard to the street in behind. They walked the block to the corner and turned in silence before Jack said quietly, “If I had known you’d be there I would’ve made contact. I thought you were in Toronto taking out Monty.” Macy replied, “We’d just wrapped him up and came back. Our captive talked, and showed us this place.”

Following him to a vehicle parked on the street she noted it was a rental, and looked over the 2004 Acura asking, “Is this from Toronto?” He nodded, “Scarborough rental.” Moving to the driver side and unlocking the door she waited on the other side for him to hit the automatic unlock button on his side.

Opening the door and getting in she asked, “How many of Harley Taylor’s places did you hit?” Jack replied, “About five or six, I started just after Vic called and told me about that bad deal.”

She remained quiet as he drove off, and she gave him points for allowing her to keep being in charge inside. She couldn’t be upset with his sudden arrival, and she knew he was respectful about it because he admitted he would have called. The bonus to his sudden arrival would be the flack would be deflected from her to Jack when Raul learned they’d taken out Harley Taylor. Breaking up ‘Bang’ and his operation had turned the way she wanted.

She grinned suddenly as she asked, “Ever hear of a Russian dealer named Nikolai?” Jack glanced at her shaking his head, “No, why?” She replied, “Well, he should be taken out, like we just did with Taylor.” Jack got where she was going with it asking, “Raul doesn’t want him taken out like that?” She nodded, and he shrugged, “So don’t tell him.” She grinned wider, and asked, “If I let you work the international end on Nikolai will you clean it up with Raul?”

Jack rarely grinned; he did as he replied, “Sure, and as a bonus I’ll fix this with Raul tonight when we get to S.H.” Macy continued to grin as she remarked, “We should bring him a coffee.” Jack didn’t get the inside joke, but he didn’t mind her company. Although he rarely worked with anyone, he found her to be as much a perfectionist as himself.

They made an unlikely duo, but somehow respected each other enough to get along. Still uncertain of each other, they had a lot of ground to cover, and many bad people to put away. It made for interesting times ahead of them, and Macy was sure it would be a wild ride.

Copyright © 2005 by Dèsirée Doucette

MACY and all related characters, names, and indicia are trademarks of Dèsirée Doucette © Copyright Dèsirée Doucette

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