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First book in a series about 8 teens who find stones allowing them to control nature. |
Chapter 29 The End “Nick, Andrew, each of you grab one of David’s arms,” instructed Bobby, “We are taking him back into the temple.” Andrew and Nick flew over and each grabbed one of David’s arms. Bobby led the way back into the temple followed by Stephanie, then Patty, then Kemelly, then Nick and Andrew with David. Jessica remained outside for a few seconds. Jessica began talking to herself saying, “I did not do anything wrong. I just wanted to get it over with. There is nothing wrong with that. So what if I pushed Nick aside, he was not getting the job done fast enough. That is all that happened. I just wanted to get it over with.” Jessica decided to go down into the temple with the others but was fighting with herself inside unsure of why she acted the way she did. The seven of them entered the main chamber and gathered in the middle close to where the Bermuda Triangle Tablet was located. “Nick, Andrew, hold onto him in case he tries anything. Patty, get vines with thorns to hold him in place,” instructed Bobby. Andrew and Nick held David down while Patty had thorny vines grow from the ground and hold David in place. There were four of them, one around each arm and one around each leg. The vines held him up so that his body was facing the ceiling and was in the shape of an arch off of the ground. “Jessica, stand by his left leg, I will need you in order to get some information out of him. Andrew, I will need you to stand by his right leg. Nick, I will need you to by his left arm. Go stand by his right arm Stephanie. Kemelly, stand to the left of David and Patty stand to his right. I’ll ask the questions, you guys help get out the answers. The group waited there already positioned for several minutes until David began to stir. “Ahh, what is going on?” he asked in pain. Bobby looked at him straight in the eye and said, “We are going to ask you a few questions and then if you answer them, we will give you a chance to get out of here and survive.” “Well, in that case, just ask away,” responded David feeling a bit confused. “Why did you release the demons?” asked Bobby. “That is a stupid question,” said David stupidly. “Who cares if it is stupid, answer it!” said Nick burning David’s left arm with a flame. David squirmed in pain before he answered, “I released them to kill you all.” “Don’t you realize that the demons not only killed Jonathan, but they also killed hundreds of other innocent people? You could not have released them knowing that could you?” asked Stephanie hoping to find some good in him. “I knew that they wanted to destroy the world and everyone in it. I was perfectly aware of that. It just doesn’t matter to me. Let them do what they want as long as they kill you guys is good enough for me,” said David with a grin on his face. “Innocent people died. Don’t you realize that killing anyone, let alone an innocent person, is wrong?” asked Stephanie in disbelief. “Why is it wrong? Eventually they will die anyway. Letting them die is doing them a favor. They would die some other time. But them dying really does not affect me any way so why should I care?” asked David without any remorse. Stephanie walked over to David’s face and slapped it. “You have no right to decide when or where someone dies. That decision is not yours to make so there is no way that what you are saying can be right,” said Stephanie with her face becoming red with anger, “You know what, a person like you really does not deserve to live anymore, and I accept that fact.” “Ouch that hurts, especially since it is coming from the softy of the group,” said David mockingly. Stephanie ignored it and began to change into an anaconda. Jessica, however, did not ignore it. “You know what you good for nothing worthless piece of crap, you are going to feel a little cold right now because of what you just said to my very good friend Stephanie,” said Jessica grabbing onto David’s leg with both her hands. She squeezed slightly with her hands and from her hands a layer of ice began to form on David’s leg. She removed her hands and the ice continued to get increasingly thicker. “Yea, I did not like that comment too much either,” said Patty. She snapped her fingers and all the vines holding David began to tighten around his arms causing several puncture wounds. Now an anaconda, Stephanie slithered up David’s arm and began to wrap around it. ~I am going to make sure that you feel quite a bit of pain before you die David. Yea, you are definitely going to die,~ said Stephanie mercilessly as she began to squeeze, cutting off the circulation to David’s arm. “I hope you are a bit thirsty,” said Kemelly. She lifted her hand and from her finger tips, water began to flow into David’s mouth. He closed his mouth and instead, the water began to enter his body through his nose. “Now you will feel what I felt when your little demon friend Mark almost killed me,” said Kemelly. Immediately after she said this, all the water that had entered David’s body began to move in a continuous cycle up and down his throat. He could not breathe and began to panic. David’s body shook immensely trying to break free from the vines. Suddenly, he broke free from the vine Nick was at. “Oh no you don’t,” said Andrew grabbing onto David’s leg. He sent a shock throughout David’s body. He began to choke from the water, and his hair began to burn off from the electricity. “You know what? I’ve heard and seen enough of you. We’re done with you,” said Bobby raising his mace. He lifted it over his head and swung downward towards David’s head. The blow landed directly on David’s left cheek crushing it and his jaw as well as his nose. Jessica lifted her spear and sliced off David’s left leg. Andrew saw this and lifted his axe. He leveled it and made a clean slice through David’s right leg. Stephanie continued to squeeze around David’s arm, but Patty told her to move. Patty swung her whip at David’s body tearing off chunks of skin with it. David tried shouting in pain. The pain caused blood to shoot out of his mouth with each cry. Kemelly looked at Patty and signaled her to stop. She walked around to David’s head area and lined up her two sais on each side of his neck. There, she sliced downward tearing through muscles and arteries. Nick lifted his hammer and swung it at David’s left arm. He swung so hard that his arm was torn off nastily. Now David lay there, a pathetic mess. He was only handing by his right arm now and he knew he would not live. Bobby looked at him in the eye and said, “Now, realize what you have done and please realize that you must pay the price. Good-bye.” Bobby grabbed his mace with two hands and swung downward at David’s head. David began to bleed, but Bobby did not stop. He continued swinging over and over again. He would not stop. “Bobby what are you doing?!?” shouted Stephanie feeling as though she had lost the real Bobby. Jessica ran up to him and pushed him aside. “Leave the mass relentless killing to me. I will make sure he is dead,” said Jessica walking over to David’s body and with her spear, she expertly cut David’s body to football sized pieces. She began to push aside pieces and still around his neck, she found his stone. She lifted up her spear and struck it. She kept her spear in the stone for a few seconds. David’s stone began to slowly crack and suddenly, it burst into tiny particles. The particles began to buzz and fly around the chamber. Then the particles began to gather into the Bermuda Triangle Tablet. There, next to the dark stone which had reformed from the particles lay the light stone that had belonged to Melanie. “I guess we are supposed to put our stones into the tablet now,” suggested Kemelly. “No, it probably will not work. We are missing something. We are missing the earth stone,” said Bobby gravely. “Hey, Carla! Do you think that maybe you can help us here?” asked Patty of Carla. “Yo, I know nuthin bout this here stuff. But I can probably bring Mel back from da grave for a few secs,” said Carla. “Go for it,” said Bobby. Carla flew above the Bermuda Triangle Tablet and in mid-air began to dance. It was a mix between hip-hop dance as well as a tribal dance. Carla then began to chant in some unknown language and before long, the light stone started to glow. “Look, the light stone is glowing,” pointed out Nick to everyone. Soon, a bright light erupted from the stone. The light was so bright none of them could look at the stone anymore. “What is it you need?” asked a female soothing voice. “Melanie, is that you?” asked Stephanie. “Yes my child, now what is it you need to discuss with me?” asked Melanie. “Melanie, I think there is a problem and I think we will not be able to restore order to our world,” said Andrew. “You see, we lost one of the stones to a demon. We lost the earth stone and the person who was in charge of it,” said Bobby. “I see. Well then no, you will not be able to use the powers of the Bermuda Tablet, unless you find that stone and bring it back,” said Melanie. “What do you mean bring it back? Bring it back from where? The demon has it and she is gone. How are we supposed to get the stone back?” asked Bobby. “You will know what to do when the time comes,” said Patty calmly. Everyone turned and looked at her as if she were somewhat crazy. “She speaks the truth. All will become clear soon. Just rely on your stones. I hope you used my gifts well and I hope you will continue to use them,” said Melanie exhibiting the area where her eight wings used to be. Now, however, only one remained. Bobby nodded his head in understanding and turning to the entrance to the temple, he said, “Thank you Melanie and, good-bye.” “Carla, go accompany them,” instructed Melanie. Carla bowed her head and obeyed. As they reached the entrance, the light from the light stone had completely disappeared. They swam out, each with their stone around their necks and leaving behind in the Temple both the light and dark stones and the souls that lived with them. They all swam out back to the boat and sat there for a few moments reflecting. “You guys,” called Stephanie, “I never want to do that to anyone ever again. I can’t do it again, I just can’t.” Bobby walked over to her, and sat next to her. She leaned over and began to cry on his shoulder. Bobby put his arm around her and said, “I’ll pray that we never have to.” They sat there for several minutes, Stephanie crying and Bobby holding her while the others just looked on at them unsure of what to do. Bobby looked up at Nick and said, “I think it’s time for us to go home.” He nodded and soon enough they were on their way back home. Andrew walked over to Nick and said, “I bet you my mom is crying quite a bit right now. We have been gone for several days and have disappeared without a trace.” “Yea, it is a good thing we are coming back, but what are we going to tell our parents? I mean, we rent a boat, disappear for a few days, and come back with one less person. It just will not make sense,” said Nick. Kemelly overheard them and said, “Just leave the talking and explaining to me. You see, we got lost out at sea and we had a hell of a lot of engine trouble. As for Jonathan, we just tell them that he did not come with us. We also make absolutely no mention of David.” “Got it Kem,” said Andrew, “Now, go tell everyone else what to say so that all of our stories match alright?” Kemelly nodded and went off to explain it to Patty, Jessica, Bobby, and Stephanie. “What are you going to do about that fire?” asked Andrew. Nick turned to him and said, “I really had not thought about it for the last hour or so. Just too much has happened. We find out Jonathan is dead, we go and kill David who used to be a normal kid like us, if we can still even qualify for normal, and now we have to go back to our families who will have hundreds of questions to ask. Now that you mention it though, there is nothing I can do really. In the summer, I will try to help with rebuilding maybe, but it will be hard to go back. “Vanessa knows about us. Or should I say, she knows about me. She must have lost so many friends in that fire, it just is too much to even imagine. She fought hard and she almost died in the fire too. Luckily though, I was able to get her out in time, but she was about to pass out from the smoke.” Jessica walked over and said, “Yea, my mom knows about me too. She saw me kill Anthony, the demon. You see, these marks all over my body, they are not dirt. My mom saw me mutilate the creature and go crazy. My mom is cool though, I am sure she will not tell my dad. He would have a heart attack. These last year has just been pretty out of whack. What can I say?” “Land Ho!” shouted Patty. “Well that is not what I was thinking,” said Jessica. The three of them laughed, but it was a very brief and weak moment of laughter. Bobby and Stephanie stood up and moved to where everyone else was. “You guys know the lie?” asked Andrew. They both nodded and waited. The seven of them stood there staring out at the piece of land they all called home. They were back and ready to leave what just happened behind them, but little did they know, it was not over yet. |