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First book in a series about 8 teens who find stones allowing them to control nature. |
Chapter 28 The Last Battle “Everyone done?” asked Bobby. He looked around at the rest of his group. It should’ve been eight of them, but they lost Jonathan and his stone to one of the demons. Stephanie stood up and wiping a tear away said, “Let’s get David. Enough is enough and now I know he deserves what we are about to give him.” “For Jonathan,” said Bobby looking out into the ocean. He climbed up the side of the boat and leaped into the sea. Stephanie nodded her head and jumped into the ocean already changing into a dolphin. Nick and Patty hopped in directly after them. “You should come with us to help us with the Bermuda Tablet after we beat David,” said Kemelly to Carla. Carla nodded her head and flew in after the others. Andrew turned to face Kemelly and said to her, “I just want to let you know that I will not let anything bad happen to you in there.” “Thanks, that makes me feel better,” said Kemelly smiling at Andrew as she dove into the water. “C’mon get a move on. I got a guy to kill,” said Jessica as she walked to the side of the boat. She turned, smiled at Andrew and said, “This should be fun.” She dove into the water and after a few moments, Andrew dove in as well. Kemelly had been waiting in the water and guided Andrew to the entrance of the temple. They swam into the opening and followed the steps. They got out of the water and into the long hallway before the main chamber of the temple. There stood all the others waiting. “Carla, has David left at all when we were gone or did you see anything strange going on?” asked Bobby. “Nothing. I ain’t seen nothing,” said Carla. “Good. Are you guys ready?” asked Bobby looking at each of his friends in the eye. Each one nodded but Jessica who said, “I have been waiting for a few days now.” “So I guess everyone is good to go. Let’s move on,” said Bobby beginning to walk towards the main chamber of the temple. The rest of the group followed him along the dark, cold, wet chamber. As the approached, they began to hear some kind of chanting and they could tell that something was moving inside of the chamber. They passed that same arch that led them to the main chamber and then stopped. “So, the demons were not enough to stop you I guess,” said David beginning to stand up, but not turning to face the others. “Well that is strange. I do not feel the same amount of energy as before. You lost someone didn’t you?” asked David still facing the opposite direction. “We’ll leave that to you to find out. Patty! Nick! Now!” said Bobby. Patty’s and Nick’s stones glowed and from the walls you could hear something growing. Whatever plant it was, it immediately burst into flames and now there were fires in each corner of the room lighting it up completely. Stephanie immediately began to morph into a grizzly bear. Brown fur covered her body and she bulked up a good thousand pounds. She grew to a staggering seven feet tall and had claws a good five inches long. She opened her large mouth and let out a roar. The seven of them spread out across the room surrounding David. “You really do not want to try anything,” said David turning his head and looking at the others. “Oh, trust me,” said Jessica, “I do.” She lifted her hands in front of her and from them came a shower of snow that began to gather at David’s feet. It rose up to his knee and held him in place. ~My turn,~ said Stephanie rearing up and charging in at David. She hunkered straight at him, but when she was supposed to hit him with her massive body, he simply disappeared. Stephanie stopped, turned her body around and stared at where David was, slightly confused. David reappeared in the same spot and asked, “Isn’t it amazing how much darkness there is around us?” “Oh crap,” said Kemelly looking at the others, “We got more than what we bargained for. Look at his stone. He has a charm too, and his isn’t exactly sharp either.” “Way to go Kemelly,” said David sarcastically, “You always were the smart one.” “Let’s see him try to avoid this,” said Nick throwing a ball of fire at him. He disappeared again but this time he did not reappear where he was standing. “Where did he go?” asked Patty now very confused. “I am right here baby,” said a voice coming from the ceiling. Patty looked up and saw David on the ceiling with bat wings much like the demons’ protruding from his back. In each of his hands, he held a black twisted dagger. “Everyone, get out of here!” shouted Bobby running towards the entrance to the chamber. He stood there and watched as everyone ran out. He grabbed Patty and stopped her. “I’ll hold him off, you make something that will slow him down,” instructed Bobby. “I’ll help,” said Jessica as she was about to pass by them both, “Good thing too, because I really did not want to leave that room without killing him first.” Bobby lifted his hands and created a strong, constant wind slowing David down, but not enough. Jessica lifted both her hands with their palms facing David. Her stone glowed and from both of her palms began to shoot icicles headed directly at David. David blocked them with the help of his daggers, but the immense wind and the icicles forced him to land. “How is that door coming along Patty?” asked Bobby beginning to get a bit worried. “It probably will not hold him long, especially if Jessica keeps shooting those icicles,” responded Patty. Jessica took the hint and stopped shooting icicles from her palm. Instead she began to build a wall of ice covering the doorway. Patty’s stone glowed and vines rose up from the ground, ceiling, and walls and began reinforcing the ice wall made by Jessica. “Now! Let’s get out of here and form some other kind of attack,” instructed Bobby. All three of them began to run to the end of the hallway and they were met by the others at the entrance to the temple. They were all standing there, not sure of what to do. “What are you guys doing?!?” shouted Bobby from the first instant he saw them just standing there, “Get out of here!” Immediately, they all jumped into the water and swam out of the temple. Bobby, Jessica, and Patty all jumped in. Bobby waited with Patty and Jessica as they each began to form barriers around the entrance in hopes of slowing David down more. As they swam up to the surface, Bobby saw a hammerhead shark swimming around. He began to swim faster when he heard Stephanie’s voice say, ~Me and Kemelly will get him as soon as he swims out of the temple. Nick and Andrew swam to the boat and Andrew should be cooking up a pretty big thunderstorm right now.~ Bobby turned and looked behind him at the entrance of the temple. Above the entrance he saw Kemelly with her sais ready to attack David when he came out. He nodded his head to Stephanie and swam on. He immediately jumped into the boat with Jessica and Patty. Andrew had been making quite a thunderstorm indeed. He kept throwing balls of lightning up into the sky. They began to pull the particles of water together forming large clouds which he began to fill with lightning. “Some harsh winds should help the storm,” said Bobby as his stone glowed and the boat began to move by the hurricane force winds Bobby had just created. “Patty, get your weapon out and get ready to beat the crap out of this guy. Nick, when David flies out of the water burn the living hell out of him,” instructed Jessica as her wings appeared as did her ice tipped spear. David lifted his daggers and with a few slices, he cut through both the layers of ice and plants barring him from reaching the hallway of the temple. He continued to walk slowly through the hallway when he reached the entrance and saw that it too had been blocked. He lifted his daggers and sliced right through them nearly as fast as he did to the ones that were supposed to be keeping him inside of the chamber. He dove into the water and opened his wings trying to fly for the surface. Immediately Kemelly dove at him with all her might. Her sais were outstretched and she began to fight him. His dagger and her sais hit each other. Kemelly would try to stab him, but he would block it with his dagger. She tried to slit his throat, but again, David blocked it. Without David knowing it, Stephanie as a hammerhead shark began to swim towards them. She opened her mouth and was about to tear off David’s leg, but it was too late. David saw her coming with the corner of his eye. He turned and cut Kemelly across the abdomen with his dagger. He lifted his other dagger and sliced at Stephanie. Stephanie’s body continued to move, but it smelled blood, a lot of blood. The shark within her went into a frenzy and began trying to find whatever was giving off the blood, but she could not move. Stephanie began to get light-headed when she realized that a good three feet of her tail had been cut off by David’s dagger and that the blood her shark body was smelling was that of Kemelly and her own body. Stephanie immediately began to change into her original human shape. As soon as she did, she swam over to Kemelly and began to swim towards the surface. They reached the boat. Stephanie called Patty over and Patty pulled up Kemelly’s body which was now bleeding profusely. Stephanie climbed up into the boat and asked, “Is there anything you can do to help her?” Patty opened her palm and inside her hand were several herbs. “These are some healing herbs. Put some on her stomach and they will close up the wound a bit. Have her eat the other and they will slow the bleeding down by a lot. She should be alright in a few minutes.” “I really hope we have that much time,” said Stephanie becoming worried. She then asked Nick, “Where’s David? Hasn’t he come up yet?” Nick turned to answer her when from the ocean David flew up and threw his daggers into the boat. The boat began to fill with water. Everyone’s but Kemelly’s wings appeared. Stephanie carried Kemelly in her arms and continued to try to get her to get better with the help of the herbs. “I’ll take care of him,” said Jessica raising her spear and flying at David. David touched his heart with the middle and index finger of both his hands and in them appeared two more daggers. Jessica lifted her spear and swiped at David in a swift downward motion. David blocked stopped it with his dagger, but Jessica breathed out slowly and a cool, icy mist came from her mouth. It hit David’s wings and they became heavy and he began to fall towards the water. Jessica flew down after him with her spear ready to drive it through his body. He smiled and his wings shook all the ice off just in time for him to move out of Jessica’s way. Jessica dove directly into the water and completely missed David. David began to fly at the others, but the strong winds and occasional lightning strikes slowed him down just enough for Nick, Bobby, and Andrew to summon their weapons. Andrew flew at David and attempted to strike him with his axe, but David dodged the blow and sliced the back of Andrew’s arm. Andrew let out a shout of pain and grabbed his arm as he fell to the water. Jessica leaped out of the water and caught Andrew before he hit the water and flew him over to where Patty was. Patty instantly put some herbs on Andrew’s arms. Stephanie let go of Kemelly who now was doing alright and was seemingly ready to fight. Her wings appeared and so did her sais. Kemelly dove into the water. Stephanie’s staff appeared and she began to fly at David. She lifted her staff and with it hit David across the face. “Well someone seems a bit angry,” said David trying to piss Stephanie off more. She opened her wings and flew increasingly higher into the air in a large circular pattern. Bobby saw what Stephanie was doing and sent her a large gust of wind to help her get higher into the sky faster. “Nick, heat the air a bit, it will make her rise faster,” commanded Bobby and Nick obeyed. Jessica turned her head and saw David standing there and no one doing anything. She did not realize what Stephanie was doing and was oblivious as to where Kemelly was. “What are you guys doing?!? We should have killed David by now! None of you guys are doing anything! Fine, I will just have to kill him without your help!” shouted Jessica with blood dripping down the side of her lip. She flapped her wings and flew towards David. She shot a stream of icicles at him, but he sliced them all with his dagger and they did not even mar his skin. A large column of water burst from the ocean and from that column shot Kemelly screaming like a mad woman. Stephanie saw this and immediately she stopped flying. Her body fell face first towards David. She curved her wings just right to give her the maximum speed. She kept her arms across her chest with her staff in between them. Bobby and Nick seized the opportunity and flew to opposite sides of David. Nick came around to where Jessica was and began to power his wings and fly at David. “Now you do something. Where were you five seconds ago?” asked Jessica. She caught up to Nick and hit his back with the butt of her spear. “If anyone is going to deliver the final blow, it is going to be me,” whispered Jessica as she watched Nick fall slightly and then recover. Nick flew off to Patty and Andrew to get their help. Jessica turned her head around and continued to fly at David. Kemelly swooped from below David and sliced him across the chest with her sais. She immediately moved out of the way as Stephanie came and hit David extremely hard on the shoulder with her staff knocking him out. Bobby flapped his wings and Jessica powered hers. Bobby pulled back his mace preparing to strike him and Jessica prepared her spear to stab him. Jessica’s spear pierced David’s flesh and almost immediately after, Bobby hit David’s back with his mace, forcing the body towards Jessica’s spear and causing her spear to pierce all the way through his body and almost hitting Bobby. “What are you doing?!?” shouted Bobby at Jessica. “I did it! You idiot, I was the one to strike the final blow! I don’t know why you were holding back because in reality, you or Kemelly could have killed him with your weapons if you just hit him right,” said Jessica. “No, you are the idiot Jessica! We were going to question him, if you can believe that and get a bit more information out of him before we killed him! If we even decided we were going to kill him!” shouted Bobby back at Jessica. Jessica just stared blankly at Bobby. Kemelly flew back with Andrew, Stephanie, Nick, and Patty. “Patty, you need to put some of those herbs in him to keep him from dying, but do not put too much, we need him weak,” said Bobby to Patty as she arrived. |